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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. I've always watched anime before I even knew it was anime. But when I first figured I was watching anime, well... I was in the 5th grade when Sailormoon first aired on American television. It came on at 2:30pm, right when I got out of school. It was the only afternoon cartoon on, so I ended up watching it everyday. Eventually, I saw somewhere in the closing credits that it was based off of a Japanese comic book. This was the first time I realized that there are Japanese cartoons. Then when I was in 6th grade, Dragonball Z started to air on network television. (this was all before Toonami started to air it). I had only seen about two episodes of Dragonball prior, so I barely recognized the main characters. While watching DBZ, I knew it was a Japanese cartoon. It just didn't look like it was animated in an American style. I started to see a few commercials for Akira on TV. The commercials sad it was an "anime" from Japan. Bingo, the Japanese style of animation has a name-o. I really got into anime when I noticed a local PBS affiliate station was airing uncut anime on Sunday nights. I remember then airing Tenchi Universe unct, Key: The Metal Idol, Urusei Yatsura (my favorite anime), Please Save My Earth, a Ranma movie, and a few others. The station stopped airing anime earlier this year, after they ran through some Catgirl Nuku-Nuku show and Dirty Pair Flash. Now I watch anime on the International Channel. It's funny, because I got into anime without spending a dime. Most of the anime I've seen was paid for by viewers like me. :) I've bought a few movies, but that's about it. I might actually buy Fruits Basket and Slayers/Next/Try, though. time will tell.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morph [/i] [B]But I guess people couldn't give a flip about the unity between the Pilgrims and the Indians.[/B][/QUOTE] Unity between the Pilgrims and Indians, slaughtering of the Indians by the Pilgrims. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. What's the difference? The holiday is founded on the idea of the early American settlers surviving a harsh winter, reminding Americans to give thanks for the things they have. I'm all for giving thanks to what I have. That's why I celebrate the holiday. While the more popular version of the story says that the Native Americans and the settlers shared a big turkey dinner together, there's another version of the story that says the early settlers killed the natives and pretty much pillaged them. I'm part native american, so sometimes I feel like I shouldn't celebrate the holiday because of the [i]other story[/i]. So I just use Thanksgiving as an excuse to gain weight and thank my deity of choice that I have what I have.
  3. Evangelion is not only one of my favorite anime, it's one of the most confusing anime I've ever seen. At least I [i]understood[/i] Key: The Metal Idol and Serial Experiments Lain after I saw them the third time. No matter how many times I watch Eva, I still pull the same thing from the series: Angels attack Tokyo-3, children are chosen to pilot the EVA units, and all of the main characters are trying to come to terms with their lives and learning why they can't but should accept their lives the way they are. The origin of the EVAs and Angels are revealed bit by bit, but I still don't understand how everything happened. Even the website's I've found are confusing. Of course, maybe if I actually watched an Evangelion movie, I'd probably know what's going on. One of the strangest things I found about the series is Gendo's attitude toward his family; how he behaves when around Shinji and Rei. Rei is nothing but an empty shell. She knows she's an empty shell, but Gendo treats her like a real person. However, Shinji begs for his father to treat him as anything but a perfect stranger. Shinji appears to be treated like the empty shell, while he's actually a real person. In a way, Shinji actually hallows himself out, making himself an empty shell (rather than his father doing it, as he thinks). Unlike Shinji, Rei is aware of herself. Does this make her more of a person? Less of a person? Maybe your humanity has nothing to do with the school you go to or your career; maybe, just maybe it has to do with how you think. My (rhetorical) question is: What is Rei?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Okay before this turns into a huge flamming contest lets just agree that all of the above named anime fit into the Mech Anime catagory and let it be at that. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks. That's all I was trying to say when I named them. That's the last time I mention the name of a different mech anime from the thread's topic.
  5. I think Dragonball is much better than DBZ. It's nowhere near as predictable and the action (although far-fetched) is a bit more realistic. DB has a lot more physical comedy, too.
  6. Manic Webb

    Sean Paul

    I'd probably like him if I could understand one word he says. I know some of what he's saying is in English, but I still don't get it.
  7. I've been planning to buy the manga. Maybe I'll get it the next time I find myself at Borders.
  8. Truth is stranger than fiction. I guess people watch the show because it's a lot more entertaining to watch a real-life oddball family instead of a fictional oddball family. I've never really been a fan of the show. I've watched it a couiple of times, but I could never sit through an entire episode. Nothing against the show, but I just don't like it that much. I might watch a little bit of the new season, but I'm not exactly waiting in anticip ation.
  9. I'm not going to pretend I'm still not confused, but I was wondering why the three of you all don't hang out together. I don't know the whole story, so I'm not going to tell you to drop Friend A.
  10. I like Daft Punk. Their videos (weren't they by Toei?) were kool. I just wish I knew where the story goes after "Harder, Better, Fast Stronger." Speaking of, I had that song stuck in my head forever. I liked Moby's previous album, but I haven't really heard anything from his more recent album. His music is catchy 'cause you can't watch television without hearing one of his songs in a commercial. I gradually became one of his fans.
  11. Manic Webb


    Xander (short for Alexander) saing the Earth from Willow's wrath was kinda anti-climactic, but then they had already crossed that line several times. Buffy was going to save the Earth; she failed. Giles was going to save everyone; he failed. By the time Xander stopped Willow, he was the only one left to do anything. It's a shame the show is on its last season, but then it's really been going downhill lately.
  12. I don't get it when people say that. To me, Pilot Candidate and Evangelion are nothing alike. Plus I think Eva is a lot better. --EDIT-- Sure, they both use giant robots, but that also describes Voltron, Gundam, Teknoman, and an entire sub-genre of anime.
  13. For me, it ranks right under Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and just over Birds of Prey. (That's good) I like the show. I was disappointed when Prue died (mostly because I missed that episode) but Paige makes a good addition to the show.
  14. Well, if kids can watch X-Men Evolution on a Saturday Morning, then this show might have a chance for a second season. I heard about the new Turtles movie. I think it'd be kool if it's actually made...
  15. What I don't understand is why you don't make friends with your friend's new friend. (wait... did that make sense?) Get to know this new person your friend is hanging out with (There. That sounds much better.) I don't see why you can't at least try to all hang out together. There shouldn't be a problem unless the two of you (you and the new friend) instantly hate eachother.
  16. The site says April starts off as Baxter's lab assisstant and (rather quickly) gets another job. My guess is that she plays the exact same role she's always played, only without Erma and a camera behind her. Again, the site says she doesn't [i]start[/i] as a reporter, so there's no clue where her career goes to. From what I read, the Turtles will be battling organized crime (instead of maniacal brain and his band of mutants) in the new series. A wealthy Japanese businessman named Saki secretly moonlights as The Shredder, the leader of the ruthless gang called The Foot. The Foot will be a well-organized circuit, ranging from dangerous ninjas (real people, not robots) to shady businessmen. I like the new direction it's taking. I think the series would be great if it were showing anywhere else but FoxBox.
  17. I heard about the new Ninja turtles series a while back. I heard this show is going to start all over from the beginning and re-create the Ninja Turtles (some parts will be the same, but some parts of the show will be completely different). That's just what I heard, though. I wouldn't say April looks "thuggish" but she does look a little too casual to be a news reporter in those street clothes. Let's just hope those are her "after hours" clothes. I'm going to watch it. I was a huge Ninja Turtles fan back when the old cartoon was on the air, and I can't wait to see an up-to-date version of the show. Hopefully they aren't still saying "cowabunga." That's just not cool anymore. --EDIT-- Well look at that. If you look around the website, it says that April won't even start the series out as a reporter. How about that for a new twist?
  18. I've been down that road before... a couple of times... and it hurts to look back at it. I remember this one girl from my Phys Ed class in 10th grade who liked me, but I didn't realize she liked me until much later, and I haven't seen her since. I should've gotten the hint when she asked if I was going to the Sadie's Dance. Nobody had ever asked me out before, so it took me a really really long time to get it. Of course, by then, she was gone. It'd make a nice love story if it didn't end so sadly... So yeah, follow the signs. They're there for a reason. Hesitate and you may just lose something and not realize it until a year later... I am so stupid. :(
  19. [dramatization] I believe the American holiday of Thanksgiving is a celebration of persecution and a sign of the coming hardships my people (the native americans) would be facing for years to come. [/dramatization] Seriously, I'm going to visit my aunt for Thanksgiving this year (I really do celebrate the holiday, but not for the history). She only lives about an hour away, so it's not like a real vacation. Then I'm going to celebrate Christmas at home and there's a very small, unlikely chance I'll go to Lake Tahoe this winter. I don't have a job and I don't start school until late January, so I'm not really taking a break from anything. Most of my holidays will just be me sleeping and eating and making a New Years resolution I'm going to eventually break.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]Yes. *solemn silence* I haven't seen the dubbed version yet, but I downloaded the voice clips for Kyo and Tohru, and I find them terrible. Kyo's is the worst... It sounds almost opposite his personality... T.T [/B][/QUOTE] Most people look at this as: "Oh no! FUNimation is doing the dubbing!" I prefer to think of this as: "I hope it's being subtitled!" I don't believe in buying fansubs and I don't download fansubs online and I don't live in Japan or understand Japanese, so my only hope is that FUNimation decides to subtitle their series' instead of only dubbing them. Has FUNimation already started selling the tapes/DVDs for this show?
  21. Tupac has released... what? 32 albums since his death? How many previously-recorded, unlreleased songs can the man have made. The album hasn't even been releaed yet, so how can you be sure all of the tracks you downloaded are authentic? They might be fake songs, made by people who can imitate Tupac's voice. And if they are real, consider this: How long has Trick Daddy been a rapper? Did he start rapping before Tupac's "death" and didn't become famous until afterward? And that quote from the Outro... remember that all tracks are supposedly taken from old recordings. "Expect me" could have meant something else entirely, before Tupac died. Now we're all ready to take it out of context because Tupac might've faked his death and we're all expecting him to come back. Think about Tupac's life [i]just[/i] before he died and listen to that again. You might just pull something else out of the meaning. I think Tupac might've faked his death (the Makaveli thing is just too much) but people have been talking about that for years. I just don't care as much anymore. I'd be happy if Tupac really did fake his death and came back, but I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if he didn't show up at all, next year. [color=blue]My 500th post! I'm a member![/color]
  22. It's times like this I'm glad to be out of high school. Only freshmen would get a piercing and say they did it first... because, you know, there isn't one rock star or celebrity who has a piercing anywhere on their face. All they're doing is being sheep. It's basically pointless to try to be original in high school. Either your originality is copied or mocked. Then you'll either be fighting over your originality or walking around embarrassed by it (unless you're the type of person who could give a care).
  23. I feel kinda guilty about posting in this thread, because when my mom used to drink, she became sleepy instead of spiteful. And I've never ever seen my parents fight... they divorced when I was two years old. I have no memory of my parents ever being together. My oldest brother, on the other hand, took the divorce pretty badly, and has been known to lash out at both of my parents and my step-mom... frequently. He's been known to come home at night from hanging out with his friends and getting in pointless fights with my mom. Stuff like "why did you do this?" and calling her certain names I can't repeat on these boards. My brother is quite a few years older than me, so while he was a up-and-about teenager, I was still a little kid... listen and watching everything that went on in our house. After my mother kicked him out, he went to move in with our dad and step-mom. He barely fought my dad (although he talked behind his back [i]a lot[/i]) but I remember hearing about one time when he got in a fight with my step-mom over a cereal bowl... a cereal bowl. Everyone tried to forgive my brother... frequently, but he had a hard time making peace with this family. In a way, I'm glad I'm not like him, but then I feel sorry for him because he had the hardest time (between him, my step-brother, and myself) dealing with my father re-marrying.
  24. I didn't even see that episode in Japanese and I knew that was supposed to be the Masenko. I find it strange that they screwed that up, since Gohan used it several times during the dub of the Garlic Jr. saga. btw, has Piccolo ever used the Masenko himself?
  25. Despite my shining, irresistable charm, I've never dated anyone. Yes, yes, I know. I'm just as surprised as you all are. :) I'm a "guy-friend." It's a lonely existance, but somebody has to live it. Anyway, I am fully willing to date any girl of any race. My family has a nice little history of interracial relationships, what with my cousins being partially Filipino and my baby half-sister is part black and part white. I think dating (and even marrying) people of a different culture is a good thing. Being around people of a different culture shows you just how alike all people are and helps you understand the differences.
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