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Everything posted by Manic Webb
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i] [B]Focusing would be good, since others dont do it. Stupid kids at my school drive with the windows down with blaring music and they do stupid things like not stopping at stop signs and going out of turn at 4 way stops. Hey, how much does your guys D.E. cost, mines 320$. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey! I drive with my windows down and the music blaring! (I'd go deft if the windows were up). :) I just got my license last month. The instructor at the DMV was nice when I took my test. I'm just glad they don't make us parallel park (I'm still scratching up the tires). My biggest issue is parking in general. I can't parallel park unless I'm on the corner and I'm too afraid to try to park between two cars in a parking lot. My biggest fear is running over a pedestrian. :nervous: The first time I took lessons, I over-shot the stop-sign and didn't come to a complete stop until I was half-way across the intersection. I haven't done that since, but sometimes it still scares.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Ah yes, Enya is beautiful. James Hetfield from Metallica is definately awesome as well. MICHAEL JACKSON can SING y'all. Sure he's got a really high range and a lot of people are turned away from him altogether because of tabloid propaganda (and I personally don't believe a word of it), but you have GOT to admit that he is one the most incredible artists of all time. Not only does he has magnificent energy in his voice but he can dance like no other. [/B][/QUOTE] Michael Jackson CAN sing, but he DOESN'T sing like he used to when he was younger.
I don't think they were ever fighting to save the Earth. I think they were fighting to save the entire Universe. Buu never intended to stop when he destroyed Earth. He was created to destroy all planets and all life in the Universe (I assume).
Actually, I thought Trunks' hair was grey for about 2 years. Most pictures I see of Chibi Trunks (to me) look like he has a bright silver-ish hair color. I think his hair is a light-greyish-purple. Future Trunks' hair looks very much purple, though. Lavender, even.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]Possibly Anthony Stewart Head . . . ooo, listen to the bass notes . . . [/B][/QUOTE] lol Yeah, the guy who plays Giles is a good singer. It's just funny that you mentioned him. I never really thought of him as a singer. Some people I think have good voices are Stevie Wonder, Barry White, Mariah Carey, and Michael Jackson when he was still in the Jackson 5.
must... stop... LAUGHING! LOL!! This is exactly why I would never enroll my children (assuming I ever have any) in Catholic school. This is just a stereotype I picked up, but I heard that kids in Catholic school try to act hard core just because they feel like they have to compete with public schools. Putting that aside, these kids are complete wannabes (unless they really have shot someone, which I doubt). All these kids need to clean up their act is to meet an actual gangsta or a black man who can pretend to be one.
Ghosts,UFOs,Demons,etc.: What do you believe?
Manic Webb replied to Kain's topic in General Discussion
I'm with madEE. I don't think it's an issue of someone else's soul flying through your body. It's more like you're the one jumping from body to body each lifetime. -
Anime will the sayain race be totaly gone after dbgt?
Manic Webb replied to Ya)\/(I-YuGI's topic in Otaku Central
...and this is assuming a random Saiyan never mated with someone on [i]another[/i] planet. Kakarrot was away from planet Vegeta when Freeza destroyed it... who's to say there weren't other baby Saiyans on other planets? And what about cloning? But I'm just "what if" ing. Memory of the Saiyan race might disappear, but the blood-line will still be there... barely. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I've had My December stuck in my head for the past couple of days for some reason.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Great. Now I have "My December" stuck in my head. It took me a full month to flood that song out. Now I have to listen to 3 straight hours of Janet Jackson's "Black Cat" to get it out :rolleyes: Anyway, some of my favorite songs were "One Step Closer," "My Decenber," and "A Place for My Head." I used to like "In The End," but it got played out [i]fast.[/i] Now I can't stand it.
Famous Quote of the Day: "Beauty is only skin deep... but ugly is to the bone!" I think inner beauty is more important, but that's something an ugly person would say, isn't it? Who wants to be around a person who is fugly on the inside? No one, unless they're too shallow or naive to see it. When someone is ugly on the inside, that means their personality is intolerable. This means that no matter how physically beautiful or ugly they are, their insides make your stomach churn. I'd drop all of my fantasies about Jennifer Lopez if I knew that she was dense and self-absorbed.
I own a PS1, N64, SNES, Genesis, NES, and an Atari. After spending money on my computer & accessories, my mom said she wasn't buying me anymore game systems. Luckily, my PS1 stopped working, so she's getting me a PS2 for Christmas because I told her it plays PS1 games. As soon as I get a job, I'll be buying my own games.
Piccolo is the tallest good guy in DBZ. Actually, I think ChiChi's dad might be taller, but Piccolo is still very tall. When we first meet Dende, he is very short. And why not? He was just a kid. But if you watch the final episode of DBZ, Dende should be an adult, but he still isn't anywhere near Piccolo's height. Nameks are asexual, right? And Guru (aka, Saichirou or whatever) is the father of all Nameks. Dende is one of Guru's kids. Piccolo is probably like one of Guru's grandchildren. Why are none of them the same height? If Nameks are asexual, that means they only have one parent. That means DNA doesn't get mixed. So all kids are virtually genetic clones of their parent, who are clones of their parent (which leads to my "No Eve" theory that all Nameks were spawned from one "Adam" figure, but I'll talk about that later). If all Nameks are Guru's kids, then shouldn't they all have his exact same DNA and they should all be the same height? I've been chewing on that thought for a while. I can't make sense of it.
[b]-GIVE MERCY to "PURE" evil beings who only enjoy destruction!![/b] You mean like Piccolo and Vegeta? Those were good choices he made. [b]-Why did he give a senzu bean to CELL for!![/b] Um... ok, that was stupid. [b]-why Didnt HE kill BUU WEN HE COULD HAVE!![/b] Goku was already dead. He wasn't even supposed to be on Earth when Buu attacked. It wasn't his place to decide the fate of the Earth. [b]-WHY DOSN'T HE WISH ETERNAL LIFE!!! WHY![/b] It's like I always say "Immortality is all fun and games until the world comes to an end." Besides, he had already died before and he didn't seem to mind it too much. For all we know, he could be having a ball in the other world. :cool: What I want to know is why he likes to show-boat when the fate of the world is in the balance. If I were as strong as he is, I'd kill the bad guy as quickly as possible and go out with my friends to eat.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]All the other rappers hated him before he died because he was so into rock.[/B][/QUOTE] Actually, Run DMC and Jam Master Jay were highly respected among most rappers. They were pioneers. They helped put Rap on the Billboard charts. I'm guessing that Jay's murder was a random killing. :(
Nah. Power Rangers is based off of about 20 different shows that just look alike. Everytime the Power Rangers change costumes/titles, they got those costumes and zords from a completely different Japanese show, bring it to America, and call it "Power Rangers Blah Blah." Same can be said for Masked Rider, Beetle Borgs, and VR Troopers.
I'm kinda happy that Fox brought back a new Ultraman series from Japan, but... the dubbing...? I've watched the show a couple of times and I swear the company that dubbed that show makes the dialogue stupid and corny on purpose. I don't even laugh at the jokes. I laugh at the pure craziness of it all. Some of the voices are so badly matched and given stupid lines, I can't help but watch. It's sorta like going to nascar just to see a crash. That's not what you're supposed to be there for, but it's just as entertaining.
I'd tell you my first and middle name, but my first name is boring and my middle name is completely made-up. My last name is Webb Webb is an Old English name that means "weaver" as in someone who weaves basket, webs, lies, clothing, and such. In my 9th grade science class, the teacher called me by my last name and everyone in the class thought my first name was Webb. A few people even called me "Webster" which I really don't mind.
ssshhaaahhh, you know what? Nuh-uh. Otakuboards doesn't allow advertising of other sites.
Ghosts,UFOs,Demons,etc.: What do you believe?
Manic Webb replied to Kain's topic in General Discussion
I believe in ghosts and an afterlife and heaven and reincarnation. I'm pretty open-minded about different religions, so I believe different souls go through a lot of different journies after death. I believe in life on other planets, but I seriously doubt any has reached here. I mean, how come nobody ever saw strange flying crafts before Flash Gordon, War of the Worlds, Buck Rogers, ect. became popular? I believe in UFOs, meaning that I believe that there are objects that fly that I cannot identify. (certain types of insects, for example) I'm actually a pretty supersticious person, but I don't go for all that "black cat, broken mirror, step on a crack" jazz. I don't think you should arrouse/upset ghosts and I'd never want someone to put a hex/curse on me. -
I have some experience in this field... what? No, people! NO! I've [i]never[/i] smoked weed! I can't even stand cigareetes. Besides, I have asthma. I knew quite a few people who smoked weed, but I never let that affect my association with them. I never preached about how it was wrong (as if they'd listen) and I never let myself be around them if they decided to smoke in public. That's it. If you see your friend light up and you're afraid he'll get caught, then it's your job to make sure you're nowhere near him when it happens (and to warn him, of course). And even though preaching about how wrong it is to smoke won't work, it never hurts to make a few references to how much money they're wasting on it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rancid [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]By changing your sound. If you play rock n roll then all of a sudden a huge record deal comes along but you have to change your sound to country. I know I wouldn't listen to you.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] You mean people actually do that? I thought they just did that in the movies and real people had more integrity than that. Curse my faith in humanity...
Hm... maybe I'll sing "Ready For Love" by India.Arie (the most disturbingly Earthy woman on... uh... Earth)
Look at TLC. They sold over 10,000,000 records with their album "Crazy Sexy Cool" and filed bankrupcy. I believe each member of the group was left with [i]barely[/i] enough money to buy a car for each of them. By the way, how exactly do you turn your back on your old fans? Do you stop writing them...?
"Who else want a piece of Uncle?" Gotta love that show! Uncle is the best. Every fight he gets in, he either out does his opponent with a chi-spell, or knocks them out with one touch. Plus the way he treats everyone is hysterical. I like how Jade and that one boy argue over who is greater: Jackie or El Toro.
Goku has died, been presumed dead, and died again. And ChiChi worries about Gohan's well-being. Let's be honest. You can count the number of affectionate/passionate moments in DBZ with one hand. And that doesn't count the times when somebody cries because someone died. Goten cried when his mom died, but that doesn't mean he had romantic feelings for her. (eww)