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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. *looks at his CD collection* I still regret buying that Ricky Martin CD. Hey! Don't laugh! "Livin' La Vida Loca" was a catchy song! How was I to know the only other good song on that CD was the Spanish version of the same song?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]The main problem with stereotypes is they create a group of holier-than-thou people who go around playing cop with everyone else. Example: "So, yesterday I went to a Mexican restaurant..." "Excuse me, you went [i]where[/i]?" "A Mexican restaurant." "You incosiderate a-hole, it's [i]Spanish-American[/i] restaurant."[/B][/QUOTE] Example #2: This thread.
  3. Go easy on him. After all, the only stupid question is the one never asked.
  4. Manic Webb

    Sell Out!

    There's one phrase I really don't like to hear when it comes to music. Certain artists are labeled "sell-out" as soon as they do something that no other artist in that genre thought of. And as soon as their career dies, all of the people who called them sell-outs start to do the exact same thing. (hypocrisy, anyone?) MC Hammer was called a sell-out for doing television commercials. Now every rapper does it. Santana was called a sell-out for bringing new/recent artists into his "Supernatural" album. Now what's this I hear about Willie Nelson doing a song with a rapper? Limp Bizkit was called a sell-out group as soon as they took over MTV's TRL. Nelly furtado said "you liked me til you heard my s**t on the radio." These are my questions: Do you believe an artist can sell-out? If yes, who are some sell-outs you can name? Why are they sell-outs?
  5. I don't remember many LP threads, but I didn't browse this forum much until September. Yeah, I like Linkin Park. They're one of the bands that are slowly pulling me into the world of rock music, with their heavily-bassed (bass as in the instrument, not the fish) rapping and electric guitar.
  6. I think the real problem here is the quest for the ideal mate, not the perfect mate. Perfect is flawless. Ideal means they have all the right faults.
  7. I'm confused. I thought mod went out with the 1960s.
  8. It's already been said, but I have my own meaning behind it... There is no perfect mate. If you ever met the perfect, they'd be missing one thing... a flaw. As said by several people, a flawless person would be just plain annoying. What kind of a person is never wrong?! What's really confusing is that a perfect person can never annoy you, so that means that a perfect person can't be perfect. ;)
  9. I'm not one for fights. I'm a very non-confrontational person. I'm more passive-aggressive than agressive. It's never happened before (because I have no enemies), but I'd be willing to go Cyrano DeBergerac(sp?) on somebody! That means insulting and beating somebody at the same time ;) Anyway, I avoid fights at all times, but that doesn't mean all people should avoid fights. Sometimes you just gotta back-up your friends when somebody is trying to make trouble, like you did.
  10. Let me talk about the three parents. [b]Parent #1[/b] is mother/father/legal guardian. This parent should watch over the child and keep Parent #2 in check. [b]Parent #2[/b] is television, music, and all other forms of mainstream entertainment (including toys). This parent's job is to occupy the child when the child can think for itself and Parent #1 decides to throw a personal life into the balance along with their child. [b]Parent #3[/b] is censorship. This parent's job is to keep Parent #2 in check, even though Parent #1 already has that job. While Parent #1 is finding child-appropriate material, Parent #3 is forcing adult material to be child-appropriate. Parent #3's intentions are good, but they don't care what this next person thinks... [b]Non-Parent[/b] is an adult with no child to take care of. While they might have left the home of Parent #1 when they got older, they still like to spend time with Parent #2. The problem is that Parent #3 [i]still[/i] insists on censoring Parent #2. Non-Parent doesn't want or need Parent #3, so they have to go through extra lengths to get rid of them. What's my point? That censorship sounds like a good idea, but it's job should be handled by Parent #1. There should be no parent #3.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Did they ever actually get married? You never hear anything about it...or maybe it was in the 7 years between the Cell thing and the Buu thing[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I doubt they ever got married (or that it was even mentioned). Vegeta doesn't seem like the marrying type. Plus he probably would've signed up for the tournament using Bulma's last name (or not. There's no telling).
  12. Yeah, I read about it last night. It's sad. I never thought anyone would attack Jam Master Jay of all people. I mean, who would shoot at the DJ for Run DMC? I wish the best for Run and DMC and my sympathy goes out to Jay's family.
  13. I'm planning to dress in all black, strap on a cape, color my face a shade lighter, darken my eyes, and... Pass out candy to trick-or-treaters. :( I really miss dressing up and trick-or-treating for Halloween. Sadly, I'm too old and (at the same time) not old enough to go trick-or-treating. I wish I had children, just so I had an excuse to go out tonight. Oh well. Maybe I'll just watch the "Buffy" marathon and catch a few scary movies.
  14. Goku is that guy with the hair that points in several directions. He wears an orange gi and looks like Goten (if you've seen him). For a full explaination, check out [url]http://www.theotaku.com/[/url]
  15. You guys have a good point, though. I've never seen MKR, FY, or half the anime that quiz talked about, but I still like anime. And considering that "otaku" is supposed to be a big insult, I'm rather happy I'm not an Otaku God.
  16. I took it twice. The first time, I got a 12. The second time, I got a 10. My badge says... "[size=1]You are...[/size] [size=4]Otaku Friend[/size] Hey! I'm not a geek!" Thankfully, I can count the number of anime I've seen with one hand. :)
  17. Well, Madonna cleaned up her act (okay she switched from sex to graphic violence, but still...) so I guess there's a light at the end of the tunnel for some of you.
  18. Manic Webb


    How about that P[color=deeppink]![/color]nk? I really don't know what to think of her songs these days. On one hand, she's expressing a lot of deep hurting emotion in her song "Family Portrait," but on the other hand the songs are just a little boring. Plus there's the fact that she dyed her hair black [i]just[/i] so nobody compares her to Britney Spears. Because, you know, Britney Spears sang R&B on her first album and has pink hair (?!) So what do you think of P[color=deeppink]![/color]nk?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]What I ment was jsut because he doesn't know what it is doesn't mean it's an alien craft[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I was being somewhat sarcastic and using the literal meaning. If he saw an object that flew and he couldn't identify it, it was a UFO. I seriously doubt he saw anything other-worldly. That craft looked more fake than Cher's skin. On the other hand, there could be aliens from Planet X who ride around in plastic model rockets. :freak:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BondFanatic [/i] [B]Eh, the only good Clipse songs are 'When The Last Time...' and 'Grindin'. [/B][/QUOTE] Clipse don't exactly sound like they're the best rappers in the world, to tell the truth. I honestly think I wouldn't like those songs if Pharell and Chad hadn't produced them. Oh, and the main difference between Neptunes and NERD is that The Neptunes only consist of Pharell and Chad. NERD has a third member whose name nobody seems to know.
  21. I think NERD/The Neptunes (ha! I think of Jabberjaw everytime I say that) are very talented music producers, but frankly I'm a little tired of Pharell singing. Still, they're one of my favorite producing groups (right up there with Timbaland and Missy)
  22. I believe the guy really saw a UFO. I mean, if it was a flying object and he couldn't identify it...
  23. I can't see the snowflakes either, but I think that's because I'm using my Opera browser. I hope to have a job before Christmas, so I can buy gifts for everyone like I did last year. Last year was my first year buying gifts (my theme was "books." Novels, comics, and humor stuff). For myself, I want a Playstation 2 (my PS1 stopped working!) and a new monitor for my computer. My current monitor is so old, it won't allow my resolution to reach 800x600! Do you know what it's like constantly scrolling sideways on webpages and getting cut-off by some windows when you're looking at everything through 720x480 res? The PC game I got last christmas won't even work because of this stupid monitor!
  24. Okay, I've broken down normal into two things... [b]People Normal[/b] is the way we want/don't want things to be. It's what we've been talking about this whole time. Is normal the average? Is normal relative? Is it carved by society? That's what I call "people normal." [b]Law Normal[/b] is what [i]should[/i] be. The Earth takes 365 days (366 on leap years) to spin around the sun. If the Earth suddenly rotatated around the sun in only 10 days and spun on its own axis at half its normal speed (reducing everything's weight by one half), that wouldn't be normal. :) So there. There [b]is[/b] such thing as normal, it just exists on different terms.
  25. Rather than go on about how wrong I believe stereotypes are and talk about how I'm black and I can't play basketball or rap ect, I'll just leave you with two short statements... I think stereotypes are bad when used to offend someone, whether you meant to offend them or not. The world would be a much better place if we all just banged each other until we're all the same skin color. Thank you. P.S. I agree with Darkness about knowing the time and place to joke around. P.P.S. Excuse my pun, but the world isn't only in black and white. A person can support one point of view and still listen to what someone else's point of view is about.
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