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Everything posted by Manic Webb
Actually, I was a little confused as to why Helena was half-metahuman. In fact, I have little clue what a metahuman is, except that they remind me of mutants from Marvel comics. The question here is not which one of her parents was a metahuman, but how can she be only half? So every other metahuman on the show had two metahuman parents and Helena is the only half-breed on the show? Anyway, no, this show was definitely not made for comic book fans. In fact, I don't think there's such thing as a live action TV series made for comic book fanatics. I'm not even big on comics (I stopped reading them when I was 11. I recently started reading online synopses to catch up on my fave heros for the past 7 years), but Smallville bothers the heck out of me. I say the show is good if you're not too into Batman's comic book continuity and stuff.
I know I'm going to be scolded for this, but I'd rather link this page than [i]plagerise[/i] it when I'm trying to be helpful and informative. A list of Wendee Lee's vocal acting and directing credits... [url]http://www.voicechasers.org/Actors/W_Lee.html[/url]
I don't think Nightwing exists in that reality. I'm just guessing here, but I think all of the alternate realities collapsed into one reality [i]before[/i] the comic writers even made up Nightwing.
They way I see it, "normal" is a largely misunderstood term when used by some high schoolers. Just about everyone in high school is striving to be accepted as normal, and those are the weirdest people around (even if they don't know it). You want to be normal in high school? Stick to what you like and let the rest of the "normal" teens kick cake and eat rocks. Yes, I meant to say it in that order. If you aren't yourself in high school, who the heck are you when you graduate?
Yep, Suzuka's voice is done by Wendee Lee, also known as Faye Valentine from [i]Cowboy Bebop[/i]. (she's also Alpha from [i]Power Rangers[/i], Kiyone from [i]Tenchi Muyo[/i], Biyomon & Sora & TK from [i]Digimon[/i], and about 100 other voices you're probably familiar with) It's not surprising that she did both voices, even if the shows were released around the same time. Voice acting is a low-competition field. Actors easily have the ability to do more than one series at a time, even in dubs. She's a very talented voice actress, so I'm sure this is easy for her. Another example of a busy voice actor is Phil La Marr, who does the voices of Samurai Jack, Green Lantern from Justice League, Static Shock, Osmosis Jones (in the Ozzie & Drix TV series, not the movie) and Vamp from Metal Gear Solid 2. Another reason Wendee Lee does so many voices is because voice acting doesn't pay as much as screen acting. You gotta do a lot of roles just to make ends meet.
Considering "normalcy" was a word made up by one person less than 100 years ago, I'd say that normalcy doesn't even exist. :rolleyes: Seriously, normal is relative to the majority of a certain area. In my house, it's normal to eat dinner in our bedrooms, the living room, and rarely in the kitchen. In another house, eating dinner in your bedroom is probably considered to be taboo and just plain weird. It's all relative to where you're from; in this case, your own home. Strangely enough, I think the most normal people are the ones who don't try to be normal (confused yet?). If you've ever seen the movie [i]Pleasantville[/i] then you know just how disturbing and creepy a "normal" society can be. Nobody wants that. Life would be boring and creepy. Did I mention creepy? To me, the only people that are truly normal are the ones that try to be different. Death and taxes are the only constants in this universe. What is different will soon be normal and what is "strange" or "weird" will [i]always[/i] change.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Well he obviously loves her, she must be the only one that can push him around and not get blown up. [/B][/QUOTE] True. True. You know you love somebody when they're the only person you don't want to kill.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Waste of movie space. Especially for something as unoriginal as jackass. Only in America can a bunch of complete morons rip off British TV and make it into a movie. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sure as heck not arguing with that. Frankly, I wouldn't watch the British equivilant, either. Not all at once, anyway.
I like music as long as it's good. I don't really know any songs by Sting or Yanni, but I've heard of them. Sarah McLauchlan is okay. I've never gotten around to buying one of her songs or albums or anything, but I still listen to her on the radio and stuff. I've heard of Enya, but I never got around to hearing one of her songs. I have this problem with older Country songs (there's this instrument I can't name that drives me crazy!) but some of the more recent songs I've heard are okay. One band I like that no one seems to pay attention to is The Roots. It's not often you find a rap group that plays actual instruments [i]and[/i] has something to talk about.
Regular people didn't sense Goku's energy. Goku's power-up alone caused Earthquakes throughout the entire planet. Nobody "sensed" Super Saiya-Jin 3 Goku's power. They just felt the quakes that he caused.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kmjk [/i] [B]well, (insert appropriate word) this is gonna mess w/my 6.45 wake up :sleep: Endymion, you forgot ppl who work [/B][/QUOTE] People who work aren't part of the equation. Yes, there are people who work who have to go to bed early. There are also adults who are work at 12am. When you get down to it, there were people who work Saturdays from 11pm-2am. If Cartoon Network's goal was to put Adult Swim on at a time when every adult could see it, they'd have created an Adult Swim Channel that shows the exact same shows over and over 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Kids, on the other hand, are more likely to be alseep during that time than an adult.
There's a lot of relationships like that in real life. Some people treat each other like crap in public, but let it all hang out when they go home at night. Bulma and Vegeta act like perfect strangers when they're around they're friends, but nobody knows what might go on once the light go out. Then again, it could have just been a classic case of "wham, bam, thank you ma'am." Twice. Then again, it could just be bad writing. I mean, how anybody on that show had kids is beyond me. Nobody can picture Bulma & Vegeta or Goku & ChiChi shaking hands, let alone making babies. My main guess is that romance is the kryptonite of Akira Toriyama's writing.
I think it's a decent show, but has some really big shoes to fill. The original Transformers (although incredibly cheesy) is regarded as the only "real" transformers by some people, so most people refuse to give any of these new Transformer series a chance. When you get right down to it, the new Transformers series is a good show. So is Armada (which I think might be better)
Has anyone seen MTV's new sketch comedy show called "Scratch & Burn"? It's a lot like MTV's old "Lyricist Lounge Show" in the sense that half of the sketches are incredibly stupid rap songs. Some of them make fun of different music videos and cliches. I like it and some of the songs are funny and catchy. "Did you ever know a guy who banged your ex-girlfriend? And made you wanna say 'don't bang my ex-girlfriend' And then you wonder why he banged your ex-girlfriend. So this is for the guys who banged my ex-girl..." I doubt it'll be on the air for very long, though. MTV has a long history of sketch comedy shows that don't last more than one season (Lyricist Lounge Show, Jenny McCarthy Show, ect.)
(Get this!) I have a sixth sense with the lotto, but I've never played or won it before :D Every now and then, I catch the lotto on TV when I'm channel surfing. I stop and say two numbers (like 3 and 4) and then the winning numbers turn out to be stuff like 13, 14, 7 (3+4), 12 (3x4), ect. It's kinda weird. I should play the lottery some time, huh? :D I can also predict the winners of Grammy awards once I know the nominees. But I think everyone can do that...
Egh. To tell the truth, I could never stand the TV show, let alone sit through the "movie." Anyway, I might get around to renting it or movie-hopping over to it for a few minutes.
Of all of you that have complained about not being able to stay up to watch Adult Swim anymore, how many of you are kids with school in the morning and/or bedtimes? Rooting out kids was the entire point of the move. I'm not saying I fully support it, but I believe stopping that demographic from watching will be achived to some degree when they move the shows next year. And I think they'll probably bring back Yu Yu Hakusho when FUNimation is ready to let them air new episodes.
What I don't like is how Helena takes no effort into hiding her secret identity. As Helena, she was court-ordered into taking therapy. As The Huntress, she is in constant contact with a police officer who could easily recognize her face if he should stumble across Helena's record. Then again, if Clark Kent's glasses have taught us anything, it's that people in a comic book universe are seeing impared. :eek: And [i]Birds of Prey[/i] doesn't seem like it's copying [i]Smallville[/i]'s idea. [i]Smallville[/i] pre-dates the days of Superman, while [i]Birds of Prey[/i] takes place [i]after[/i] Batman. Also, "Clark Kent's Creek" is more of a drama and "Birds" is more centered around the action. If you're looking for a rip-off of [i]Smallville[/i], get ready for the Aquaman series they're getting ready to make.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]People aren't born with an awesome body. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, yes some people are. Well, the genetics for an awesome body, anyway. Christina doesn't work out half as much as some other people (Britney Spears works out constantly) and eats a lot of junk food. She genetically has a thin frame (which will turn against her like a rabid wolverine in a couple of years)
Well the Joker paralized Batgirl in the show, too (she's several years old and in a wheel chair.) She sorta works like Bruce does in Batman Beyond. She sits at homebase, with a communicator in Helena's ear. The show doesn't call people "mutants." I think they call them "meta-humans." Helena is half-meta and animal-like in her movements. The show isn't like Smallville (aka Clark Kent's Creek). Dinah is the only teen on the show. So far, the conflict in each episode is that there's some kind of a homocide that The Huntress has to solve, with Barbara as Oracle monitoring police activity and Dinah training training.
Madonna and the Die Another Day (next James Bond movie) theme song
Manic Webb replied to BondFanatic's topic in Noosphere
Yeah, Garbage's theme is one of the better Bond themes. Madonna's is really weird, but still kinda good. [b]Spoiler??[/b] [color=silver]I heard that this was going to be the LAST Bond film. Don't know why, though[/color] -
So far I'd have to say I like it. I looked up on who The Huntress is (because the curiousity was killing me) and stumbled on the fact that the show takes place in an alternate reality. Who knew? Anyway, it seems like a good show and I want to see how it progresses. [b]Spoiler[/b] [color=silver]I also read somewhere that Dinah is a superhero called The Canary or something[/color]
Timmy: (about Cosmo) He seems brainless-- Cosmo: Mindless! Timmy: --mindless. It's one of my favorite Nick Toons. Ranks right up there with Rugrats and reruns of Rocko.
Personally, I liked "Genie in a Bottle" before I even saw Christina. My cousin was going to buy her CD anyway, and I was going to borrow it from her anyway. I always liked Christina for her voice, with her looks (up until "Lady Marmalade" anyway) were just a bonus. As long as somebody out there actually likes Christina for her music, that's all that matters. Her career can't be [i]purely[/i] based on her sex-appeal. If it was, then why would so many heterosexual girls listen to her?