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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. There's an Inu Yasha thread just a couple of posts down the line. Just a suggestion: look through the first page of threads on a forum before you start a topic. They don't like it when you post a thread that somebody's already talked about.
  2. I'm new to the Final Fantasy games. I played a demo of FF7 when it first came out, but I didn't see what all the hype was about. I had never even played an RPG before, so FF7 wasn't appealing to me. So, I never bought or really ever played FF7. A couple months ago, I decided to get Chrono Trigger. It was the first real RPG I'd ever played (well, that and Zelda). After I beat it, I started to wonder what some of Square's other games were like. I went and got FF6 last month. It's fun :) I never knew Final Fantasy games were this fun. I haven't even finished 6 yet, but I just got FF5, which is a huge step back from CT and FF6, but I like all the mages and jobs. I wish I'd known how fun RPGs were a couple years back, when FF games came out on Playstation 1 (I don't have 2 yet). Well, now that you've heard my life story, when was the first time you played a Final Fantasy game?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]maybe its jsut me but iv always thought there is no such thing as a htousand million. It goes to 999 million the goes to 1 billion :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] That's the difference between European Standard and American Standard. 1,000,000,000 is a thousand million in Europe and a billion in America. What's now called the American standard originated in France and has always been used through America. France switched to the European standard in the 1940s, leaving the Americas with what is now an American standard for counting numbers past a million. America doesn't have a "thousand million" like Europe does. There's also a huge difference between European and American trillions. This makes international trade tough among countries that use different counting standards. I may sound like a know-it-all, but I only just looked it up a couple days ago, when I read Kneeko say 1,000,000,000 was a thousand million. :babble:
  4. Look at that. Guess I'm not the only one who thought closing this thread was uncalled for. A lot of people seem to have Yu Yu Hakusho in English subtitles. Was there a company that had rights to it before FUNimation?
  5. Manic Webb


    They're using the excuse that Prue can't come back as a ghost just yet. In other words, no one in the casts want to bring back Shannen Doherty. I forgot why she left the show. I think she said something about the show being too childish and something about a grudge against Alysa Milano.
  6. What they did to Yamcha in DBZ was horrible. It was like the guy died everytime he put on his gi. Him being an active character in DB is a major plus.
  7. Too much love story? What love? If romance were fuel, DB wouldn't have enough to drive an ant's motorcycle around the outside of a penny. Episodes when Yamcha & Bulma are together or when ChiChi is with Goku have more of an innocent feeling that only lasts for about five minute at the most. Sometimes I wonder how the couples on that show have kids. You hardly saw Chi Chi and Goku shake hands, let alone... Romance is just something that barely makes its way into Dragonball. I guess that's a good thing.
  8. The villains in DB were a lot crazier and funnier than the villains of DBZ. [i]A lot[/b]. On an unrelated note: The creator of Powerpuff Girls didn't make Dexter's Lab. The creator of Dexter's Lab is just the director/art director of PPG. That's why they look so similar.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devon [/i] [B]i dont mean childish in a bad way. i just dont really like it greatly. and i must say...... hamtaro is the stupidist lamast excuse for an anime. o mean just look at the freakin thing. a bunch of retarted hampsters running around........ now thats childish! but back to the point. you still should watch it to get the roots of goku and friends. [/B][/QUOTE] You know good and well that if you were 4 years old, Hamtaro would be your favorite anime. :smirk:
  10. Today on Maury: "Sexy Femm or Actually Men?" Are Ranma Saotomoe, Kurama, Zoicite, and Haruka Tenou really women or men in disguise?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]This is the best dub Funimation has done yet(though still not on par with ADV), and I applaud them for that. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I haven't seen their renditions of Lupin III, Blue Gender, or Fruits Basket yet, but I'm hoping they end up better than Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball Z combined. Still, YYH is a lot better than DBZ is. Then again, I haven't seen FUNimation's subtitles yet. As for ADV, they blow FUNimation out of the water, over the mountains, across the plains, pass the desert, through the forest, and back into the water again. Repeat. :wigout:
  12. coughspygroovecough Yeah, 2Gether was funny. The reason MTV got rid of that show was because one of them died. The one who played QT (the sickly one who might die) actually died in real life of a certain illness. I forgot about No Doubt's fans. "Hey Baby" was a good song until every last person I passed by kept singing the chorus. And not even the entire chorus. They'd just say "Hey baby, hey baby, hey!" over and over and over! Doesn't anyone bother learning verses anymore?! AHH!! *ahem* So... yeah.
  13. This is some crazy ish. I heard it on CNN this morning. What's the point in all of these shootings? and DeathKnight... seek help. Seriously. Even if you weren't serious, that just wasn't very tactful, you low-lying sociopath you.
  14. If you want "too childish," watch Hamtaro. Dragonball is just general enough to appeal to children and adults (despite the pervertedness and Goku's frequent nudity). There's some parts of Dragonball I like more than Dragonball Z, and that includes the comedy. Likewise, DBZ improved some of DB's features. I rather like Dragonball. It's good to know how it all began, plus it's funny. (the animation's kinda hard to sit through after seeing The Buu Saga, though) Oh well, whatever. If you don't like the comedy, I guess you just don't like it...
  15. Slayers comes on Sunday nights at 8pm where I live (California). I hate getting torn between Slayers and The Simpsons...
  16. Does anybody here get the iChannel? It shows a lot of different programs in different languages, but one of the main reasons I watch it is unedited anime! (Well, that and Chinese martial arts movies) For starters, they show unedited Japanese Dragonball Z. There's no subtitles, though :( For a while, they aired The Irresponsible Captain Tylor in subtitles (it's now one of my favorite anime). I think they're current showing Slayers in subtitles every sunday night. I've been forgetting to watch it ever since they started airing Slayers Next. Recently I saw a little bit of El Hazard unedited dubbed. I don't knwo if they still show it or when it comes on. It seemed pretty interesting. Does anyone know of any other anime they show or have shown?
  17. I know exactly what you mean. That's why I listen to just regular blues sometimes, too. (well, that and the fact that my dad's in a blues band). And some of those old R&B songs were really good. Nobody is better than Stevie Wonder. Nobody. :cool: But like I said before, I listen to a lot of neo-soul, too. Artists like Raphael Saadiq will tell you about how he misses his girl, then turn around and tell a story about a blind man he met. Sometimes I like the "I just want to party" songs with hip-hop music, too. But that's just me. My mom raised me on hip-hop and my dad raised me on the blues.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kneeko Artilles [/i] [B]what site was it, the URL would help as well. And as you American's wouldn't know, that number IS 1 billion... 1,000,000,000 - One Thousand Million 1,000 - 1 Thousand x 1,000,000 - 1 Million = one thousand million 1,000,000,000,000 - 1 billion 1,000,000 - 1 million x 1,000,000 - 1 million = 1 billion Cause we all know 1 million is a thousand thousand, so naturally, a billion is a million million.a Trillion, is a billion billion - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, that number is [i]both[/i] a billion and a trillion. You're using the standard European high numbers, while Foredaddy is using the American standard. I really hate international numerical differences... 1,000,000,000,000 is called a billion in Europe and a trillion in America. This is why scientists use exponents, instead.
  19. I'd have to say all bands and all music artists would be good if they didn't have so many rabid fans. Even NSync would have been a decent group if it weren't for the rabid 12 year old fans they had, and if they weren't advertising sex to them all the time. 2Gether parodied that fact really well. But who would I say has the worst fans? The late Elvis Presley. The man released a few good songs and he was the most famous caucasian person to play Rock-n-Roll, but the sad truth is that he's dead. He's always been dead. Some of his fans had a hard time grasping that fact. Added to that, there's way too many people out there dressed as him. It's been going on for decades and it just doesn't make any sense. He had some good songs and he was a good musician. It's just some of his fans I don't like.
  20. Well, I'm happy to know there's some people here who like old R&B. Yep, there's nothing like sleeping to a Boys II Men ballad, El Debarge making your ears bleed with his high voice, and Ike smacking Tina Turner while she's singing "Proud Mary." :D There's a few good R&B acts now, but they're mostly calling themselves "Neo-Soul" artists. These are people like Angie Stone, Jill Scott, D'Angelo, Maxwell, and Raphael Saadiq (from Tony Toni Tone and Lucy Pearl). Just about any other R&B artist has become pop-like or Hip-Hop-like (which isn't that bad, at times). I miss those 3-girl R&B acts. SWV just disappeared, 702 changed members and faded away, TLC lost Left-Eye. Even the new groups like Blaque and 3LW can't keep it together and some of them are just plain boring.
  21. I have a friend who told me about the dub he used to watch in the Philippines when he was younger. I think he said that after walking miles home from school in the dark every day, all the kids he knew used to watch a show called "Ghost Fighters." The main character was Eugene (not Yusuke) and Kurama was a girl. I think he said Genkai was a man and Koenma was just called "Junior" or something like that. I think I started to fall in love with Adult Swim and FUNimation's Yu Yu Hakusho after he told me about that. :love: I've gotten over the luster of FUNimation making a dub better than someone and now I think the show is ok. I mean, it's good, but it's not the best. One thing I like about it better than DBZ is the fact that Yusuke doesn't take 18 minutes out of a 30 minute episode having a flashback 3 episodes in a row, like Goku does. I swear DBZ should have only been 100 episodes long instead of darn-near 300.
  22. I'll admit that the movie was pretty campy and cheesy. I saw a "making of" thing on A&E and the director kept being told by FOX and Buffy's creator to make it scarrier over and over. She thought it was scarry enough already. The director was an old lady. I like the movie, though. It was just plain ridiculous. Paul Ruben's death was my favorite part. (Ooo, Oh! Ah! Ugh! Eee! Oh! Ack! Oooooh!) Buffy slaying that one lead vampire was a little anti-climactic, though.
  23. Manic Webb


    It's official now. I could give a flying flock of birds about Avril and I could certainly give a care about whether or not she plays punk music. (That's all just my opinion) I'm sorry that one person with one album offends you all so much because of her music. I mean, I could understand if she vocally took a shot at punk music, but you're treating her like the punk rock anti-christ because she doesn't understand what kind of music she's making. This is my current opinion on this whole situation. If you don't like Avril Lavigne, then you don't like Avril Lavigne. If you like her, then you like her. It's just music. She's not going out there and taking a shot at your style, religion, or way of life. She's just someone doing what she wants to do. She might be doing it wrong, but that's her problem. Maybe someday, if you should ever run into her, you'll tell her your honest opinion about her music and inform her that she's going about her image all wrong. And what does it matter to you what people think of punk music because of her? P. Diddy passes himself off as rap, but I'm not offended because he's wrong. I know the truth that he simply cannot rap, regardless of how many misinformed people think he can. By the way, as far as we know, she could have been a "skater" where she comes from or simply used to hang out with them.
  24. Manic Webb

    Blade II

    I didn't like the melodrama (and then lack of drama) toward some of the death scenes in the end. And yeah, I think the CG fights were horrible, too. It looked more like they were making the CG look like claymation, than real people.
  25. I obviously meant to mislead you all when I first started the topic, so let me be sorta serious this time... I liked watching The Chipmunks when I was younger. "The Chipmunk Adventure" movie was good, but the rest of them (the werewolf one, the Frankenstein one, Batmunk) were kinda bad. I always liked the show and the fact that they sang a bunch of other peoples' songs in their high-pitched voices. I wondered who did their voices all my life (turns out it was two people who recorded their voices at normal speed, cut the tape speed in half, and then sped it back up to normal. Tempo stayed the same, but the voices were warped to a high pitch). I think Alvin and Simon always had the same voice actor as Dave, and Theodore had the Chipettes' voice actress. It was fun to watch when I was younger. When I look back, the shows were "okay." It's been a while since I've seen the 1960s "The Alvin Show."
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