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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Pike was the guy in the original Buffy movie. He was a completely normal person and he was all for helping Buffy slay. Sorta like Xander, only more of a wannabe rebel than an outsider.
  2. :( Well, its come to my attention that I am the [b]only[/b] Rhythm and Blues fan in all of OB. I've seen people who like Pop, Punk, Rap, Techno, Country, Classical, Rock, and a bunch of other stuff I can't even name right now. Likewise, I've seen people who hate Pop, Rock, Rap, Country ect. R&B has no lovers, likers, barely likers, dislikers, or even haters at this forum except for myself. I'm not mad at any of you. Everyone has their own opinion, and I guess the majority of OB just doesn't pay any attention to R&B. This thread could go absolutely nowhere over the next week, but I don't care. Somebody had to come out here and represent Rhythm and Blues, and I guess that had to be me. End Rant. Thoughts?
  3. Manic Webb


    Well I know you weren't yelling at [i]me[/i] when I said (in 3rd person, mind you) that punk fans don't like her because (in quotation marks) she's a "poser." I never said I didn't like her. I said her songs were catchy and I'm getting tired of "Sk8r Boi" and that I think she's all hype. I think Alicia Keys was all hype too, but I still think she had a good album. (oh, Alicia :tasty: ) Don't mix my opinion with my thoughts on someone else's opinion. Anyway, I read the rules and they say you should look over the first page for a similar topic before you start a thread. The other Avril-centered thread has been pushed back a page or more, so threads like this should be ok (although still kinda redundant) as long as the thread's starter didn't know there's a similar thread a few pages back. That's just my interpretation of the rules.
  4. This just in! The character Riley Finn from "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" now has his own spin-off series called "Riley" which takes place in New York with Oz and Faith. ;) Just kidding. I didn't really like Riley. He was somehow naive and cynical at the same time. He had a harder time grasping on the thought of demons than anyone else on the show. He was almost like a genetically engineered male Buffy, only without her personality and gender. Plus he didn't seem to trust anyone, or think anyone else but him knew what they were doing. He outstayed his usefullness when The Initiative left Sunnydale. I wanna know what happened to Pike. Not Spike. Pike. If he weren't played by whasisname from 90210, he'd have been a decent character to put in the show. Of course, who's to stop them from re-casting for a TV series?
  5. There's something I've been meaning to ask. When does Buffy die? I know she kills herself to save the world from Glory, blah blah blah. I want to know about her previous death(s). When did she die to trigger the 2 new slayers?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_monkey [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Will they still horribly dub DBGT as well?[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes. And soon. but think of it this way: they're going to subtitle it, too.
  7. Manic Webb


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1] I don't really think that much about her, but I love her songs for some odd reason. I don't have anything against her at all. I don't see the problem with her trying to act "punk". Is their a problem?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Before you get verbally assulted by PiroMunkie, I'll just sum everything up and say punk fans don't like her because she's a "poser." The way she acts like she's somebody else gets them frustrated. :nervous: *ducks blunt instruments being swung at him*
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kneeko Artilles [/i] [B]There's no way Turles could have been Goku's brother. And here's my explanation why:- Goku's Father was Bardock, and he had Raditz before Goku, making Raditz his forst born, the second born of all Saiyan's, looks almost identical to the Father. Raditz didn't because he was te first born. Also, any Saiyans born after the 2nd, are like the first, in that they don't look ilke their father. Female Saiyans look like their mother as opposed to their father. I can't remember where I found this, but it's apparently true. And since no-one has ever told me it isn't true before, I think that it is, any complains or corrections will be accepted, as I would like to know if it is true or not. [/B][/QUOTE] Sounds like a whole bunch of theory, to me. Then again, who am I to bash on a theory?
  9. I watched the show for its man-against-demon action, teenaged and often serious drama, spoken comedy, and hint of mthology. The sex-appeal is just a bonus :D
  10. I think it's whichever. I think Shenlong has more of a Chinese referral, which Shenron might be more Japanese. I'm not sure, though. In fact, I have no idea what I'm talking about :cross: I just know I like to call it Shenlong, which a lot of people call it, too. A lot of other people (even the dub) call him Shenron.
  11. Seeing as how I'm explaining stuff from passed seasons, I guess I can say what happened to Riley and The Trio. Riley left shortly after Dawn appeared. (It didn't have anything to do with Dawn, I was just giving the time he left) Anyway, the government showed up [i]again[/i] and ordered Riley to go on a new mission far away from Sunnydale (I forget where). Riley would have stayed in Sunnydale if Buffy had just asked him to, [b]but[/b] Buffy caught Riley going to vampire "orgies" (can I say that?) where vampires sucked on his blood, which he found felt pretty good. Buffy got upset at Riley and let him go. Riley came back the next season (last season) with his new wife. They showed up for one quick episode and left. Riley (and his wife) were never seen again. The Trio was started for no reason whatsoever. As far as I can tell, Warren was just psychotic. He gathered two other people who knew about Buffy and they just wanted to watch her in action. Some ish went down and Warren suddenly wanted to kill her. No personal vendetta, just a crazy guy and two followers who had no idea what they were doing. Johnathan surprised me, seeing as how Buffy personally saved his life 2 or 3 times.
  12. Ugh, spirit week and homecoming. I'm glad I graduated. I think I sat next to the loud speaker every year during the mandatory Homecoming Rally. I think my school had about 101 different spirit weeks throughout the school year. The only one I liked was "skit week" where each class puts on a 20 minute skit during lunch. I got to be in the senior skit "Thriller" as a grandfather, a demonic voice, and a dancing zombie. Would they let me be one of the dancing evil clowns? Noo...! "No one can be in both dances" they told me, while (let's call him "Rhoi") got to be in both dances, the evil gypsy tango scene, and got to sing at the end. All they had to say was "you can't dance" and I would've let rest, but did they? Noo....! :babble: *continues to ramble on for hours*
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]Actually, whether the dubs are usually almost alwaus edited whether they're aired on TV or not. I can't believe you just said that what DiC did to Sailor moon and R was good editing. They totally slaughtered those seasons. The voices....the scenes I(end episodes) they cut out, and the language that they changed to make the show more juvenile... It's just awful. There is no way that could be good editing. The later seasons weren't that bad once Pioneer took over. The subitled version is still much better, but hey, at least Pioneer left the original music unlike DiC who threw in some techno crap. [/B][/QUOTE] I honestly want to know your definition of "edited" and how many anime you've seen both dubbed and subbed that haven't been shown on TV. I have the second Tenchi Muyo movie on DVD and it doesn't exactly have any scenes taken out or black bars covering Mayuka's body or Ryoko's cleavage. Anyway, the Sailormoon dub [i]was[/i] really bad. To this day, I still laugh at the thought of Luna sounding like an old lady. Serena's first voice (from the first 3 episodes) was good, though. The second dubbing company (CWi) was almost as bad as DiC, though. Had to stop watching the dub altogether.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial] [B]5. Your least favorite singer:[/B] Aaron Carter (if you could even call him one), and A*Teens *gags....long and hard* and just about anything they'd play on Radio Disney [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] A*Teens...? *gags longer and harder, stops, then gags again*
  15. Manic Webb


    I don't care about what genre her music is or anything like that. If she makes a song I like, she makes a song I like. Her songs are really catchy, but I'm starting to get tired of MTV playing "Sk8r Boi" every half hour. I can understand why some people like her, but I honestly think she's [b]all[/b] hype, so I can understand why a lot of people hate her. Anyway, after this thread (aka, "the 417th Avril thread") is through, let's make it an unofficial rule to never talk about her on this board ever again. Who's with me?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon [/i] [B]1. Your favorite kind of music (rap, pop, etc.) 2. Your favorite singer/band/song group 3. Your favorite song 4. Your least favorite kind of music 5. Your least favorite singer 6. Your least favorite song 7. Any songs you wrote 8. What the name of your band will be if you answered #7 9. Would you rather be a singer or a songwriter? 10. Which songs are you the best at singing (excluding the songs you wrote, if any) [/B][/QUOTE] 1. R&B. Why am I the only person on this board who loves Rhythm & Blues? 2. I can't decide 3. At the moment, I like "Love of My Life (A Tribute To Hip-Hop" by Erykah Badu 4. Country 5. Cher :flaming: 6. "Believe" by Cher 7. "Story of My Life" and "The Grat" 8. If I go solo, I'd want to be called by my real name. If I'm in a band/group, I want us to be called Cure 2, Bolt 2, or Corruption! (with the exclaimation mark) 9. I'm too tone deft to be a singer, so I guess a songwriter 10. I can sing 3LW songs, except I have to do it in tenor or bass. And I can sing N.E.R.D. songs.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Foredaddy [/i] [B]Texas'll stomp that storm like a rattlesnake and then grind it into dust. :devil: [B]BOOYAH![/B] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow. I've never actually known somebody from Texas to turn a phrase like that. :) I heard about Hurricane Lili on CNN. I hear just about everybody is evacuating. I just want to wish you the best of luck and hope everyone you know comes out of this okay.
  18. Seth Green played Oz. As you should know, he was a werewolf. He almost ran off with a female werewolf who was making him embrace the evil wolf in him too much. He didn't leave with her, but he decided to go off on his own anyway because he left he was too dangerous to be around Willow. He left Willow in tears as he packed up and disappeared into the night. He came back during one of the "Riley and the government" episodes to tell Willow and the gang that he found a "cure." In fact, he showed up at Willow's place during a full moon just to prove he won't transform into the wolf anymore. Unfortunately, Willow had already gotten with Tara by the time he came back. Oz found this out for himself when some kind of irregular moon cycle caused him to transform into the werewolf in the middle of the day and he smelled Willow's sent all over Tara. Willow decided she loved Tara more than Oz. Oz left heartbroken and never came back. I still think Willow and Oz were a better couple than Willow and Tara. It's not because Tara is homosexual. I just think her character is made entirely out the small annoying part of Willow's personality.
  19. Serial Experiments Lain, Slayers, and El Hazard.
  20. Hey! I like Dawn and Anya! Now that Anya has her demon powers back, she's going to kick some major :butthead: It's obvious she still loves Xander, but I seriously doubt they'll get back together, despite what happens between them. The writers admitted they liked to crush the characters as soon as they get just a little joy in their lives. And Dawn... um... ok, maybe the show doesn't need her. I was hoping she'd develope some kind of dimension-warping power as time went by, but sadly she's just there for the "Buffy has family ties" factor. I actually want them to bring Faith back. I liked her more than Buffy when she was good, and she went through a lot of change when she came out of her coma (ok, so she changed into Buffy. Her personality changed, too.) I wonder what's going to happen to Spike. He didn't exactly keep the secret of his soul secret for very long. And what's up with that chip in his head? Then there's Tara. I don't miss her. She was a weaker witch than Willow and had one-tenth of Oz's personality.
  21. In theory it could, but I'm guessing it would wear off eventually. Besides, if Piccolo wanted a clone of himself, he could just give birth whenever he wanted.
  22. I know someone who said they didn't like Shinji's original voice... something about it lacking emotion and getting annoying. I can't hear emotions in spoken Japanese language, so I wouldn't know.
  23. Yes, I admit that there is one boyband that I love. They first came out years ago and their career had a very long run. Every song they sang was popular. Some people complained that their voices were annoying, but I think that's what made them so popular. They were so famous, they had their own animated series and dated the members of a popular girl group. I first listened to them years ago and they will forever be one of my all-time favorite musical acts. What? You don't like [b]The Chipmunks[/b]? :p Did anyone here used to watch "Alvin and The Chipmunks" when they were younger?
  24. I knew I was forgetting a major Phil Lamarr voice. I think SNL and MadTV are funny in two completely different ways. MadTV depends mostly on its slap-stick and physical jokes, while Saturday Night Live has a lot of verbal humor. That's why there's so many mixed opinions about both. SNL is so verbal a blind person can enjoy it. MadTV's dialogue doesn't mean a thing unless you get the visual effect.
  25. Eh. I have mixed views about Justin's solo career. On one hand, he has a high vocal range and The Neptunes (my favorite hip-hip/R&B producers) will probably do most of his songs. So far, he seems to show a keen interest in R&B, which is probably good, since I'm a big R&B fan. On the other hand, it's Justin Timberlake. He acts like he should be the next Michael Jackson and although he can sing pretty high, something about his voice is annoying. It's almost like he sings from his throat and sounds horse, but can still sing loudly (which is weird). He got a lot of solos in N Sync, but he wasn't that good of a singer. JC would've had a better solo album. He sings much better and everybody seemed to like him in that song with Blaque. Plus he doesn't come off so fake.
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