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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Manic Webb


    Maybe "Stan" was a tad egotistical, but the entire point of the song was not to act out the lyrics in any of his songs (kill your wife, put her in the trunk, drive off of bridge). I remember in an interview he said that he could say a hateful statement in his songs and then turn around and say "just kidding" a few seconds later and no one would care that he said "just kidding."
  2. "A man who represents himself in a court of law has a fool for a client and a jack-*** for an attorney." -I forgot who said that. It was either Abe Lincoln or Ben Franklin. "You are what you are and you act how you act. If you try to change that in any way, remember who you're changing yourself for. Is it for you or for everyone else?" -Me
  3. I actually met someone who thought that anime is mainstream once an American company gets ahold of it. They said once it was subtitled by some big company like Pioneer, ADVision, ect, it was mainstream. I disagreed. that's why I started this thread. I knew someone else who once said that mainstream anime (in the sense of it being on TV) was the goal of "veteran" anime fans. He said that eariler anime fans wanted everyone to watch anime on TV so it wouldn't be so underground and hard to find... eh, whatever.
  4. Manic Webb


    Eminem has hateful lyrics ect. ect. I don't agree with everything he says ect. ect. :rolleyes: Ok, anyway... Eminem is a good rapper. Sure his opinions may cause a little controversy, but at least he's honest. When you a look at a good number of rappers at his level of fame, all they have to rap about is money, loose women, or broke men (if the rapper is a woman). Eminem is kinda unique, plus his ability to actually rap is good. Rapping isn't as easy as some people make it look. Yeah, so one of my favorite Eminem songs would have to be "Stan." It's funny, has a serious message, and it helped Dido's singing career. :)
  5. First of all, President Bush says he has the full support of the American people (I've yet to meet one, personally. And I live in America). Maybe I'm just being cynical, but it almost seems like G.W. Bush's grudge against Iraq almost has something to do with his father's grudge against Iraq. Of course, maybe I'm just being cynical :rolleyes: [b]Anyway[/b], crime is a lot worse in some other countries than it is in the UK... I assume. I mean, there's some parts of the US I'd [i]never[/i] dare to venture into. I'm sure they're just as bad or maybe worse than the bad neighborhoods in the UK.
  6. Well, I'm very happy with the winner of the show. Okay, maybe not "very" happy, but I'm satisfied. Especially since the guy who got 2nd place wasn't even close to being the best singer on the show. Plus all the other people from the top 10 have a good start on their music careers, anyway.
  7. I'm sure many of you have noticed that Fox is pretty much abandoning the series Futurama (from the creator of The Simpsons). While Fox has the right to show or remove this series at their whimsy, creator Matt Groening has sold the cable television rights of Futurama to (you guessed it) Cartoon Network's Sunday night Adult Swim block. While they won't be showing any new episodes anytime soon, Adult Swim will feature all of the reruns that Fox has neglected to show over the summer, as well as the first seasons.
  8. Oh, I forgot to mention that I like the show, too. It's not "favorite anime" material, but it's still pretty. good.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]I dont not care. I spell the way I want to spell all right? Its not like im proving myself to be a mod or anything, got it? I spell the way that I want to spell, not the way some idiotic kid tells me too. So don't tell me again. [/B][/QUOTE] ... There were only correcting your spelling a little. It's not like it was a personal shot at your dignity... was it? No, really, was it? Anywho, just to stay on topic, I have this dream about showing off my yet-to-be-made luxurious house on MTV Cribs. Of course, the chances of that happening to a voice actor are pretty darn slim.
  10. Manic Webb


    I liked the singles from his last album (especially that one bodyrock song and the "south side" remix). I'm not so sure about his latest single, but I'll just have to wait to see if his next is good..
  11. Of all things, I want to be a voice actor. I mainly want to do the original voice of someone, but I'd be willing to do a dub-over, too. Of course, that would involve hiding my true identity from rabid elitist anime fans. :nervous:
  12. Spoofs/parodies are always great. One movie that did that to death was Weird Al's movie "UHF."
  13. I found the plot boring and predictable.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B][size=1][color=lightblue]I like Inuyasha. I watch it every Saturday. It's ok but the problem I have is that the voice of Inuyasha sounds like the US dub voice sounds like Duo from Gundam Wing...scary! [/B][/QUOTE] It's coincidense, really. Inuyasha's dub voice is done by Richard Cox (Quicksilver from X-Men Evolution and male Ranma). Duo's voice is done by Scott McNeil (first voice of Piccolo in DBZ, Wolverine from X-Men Evolution, and Proto Man from Mega Man).
  15. The secret is out, I'm a fan... I liked DS9 the best. It had a lot of drama, several side-stories, and the characters were developed a lot better than previous series'. I never finished watching it, though. I sorta lost interest when the switched Dax to some new counselor with maybe half the sex appeal of the first one.
  16. Curley and Shemp were my favorite stooges. Joe and Curley-Joe were just "substitute stooges" in my opinion.
  17. A dangerous substances that is dangerous to inhale and warps and individual's judgement. People smoke it everyday... But that's enough about cigarettes. We're hear to talk about marijuana. First of all, I'm against smoking marijuana. I'm also against smoking cigarettes. However, I think that if they're going to keep cigarettes legal, they might as well legalize marijuana, too. No one's really told it's more harmful to your lungs, just that it messes with your judgement (you know, because cigarettes and alcohol have no impact on your judgement whatsoever... sarcasm) So yeah. Besides, if it's legalized, the crime rate of Nevada would go down, as possessing it would no longer be a crime. Nevada: the state that makes California jealous.
  18. Ah, but if Eva went mainstream, wouldn't that compell more people to go out and buy it uncut? It's almost like old anime fans have no trust for new anime fans. Just because somebody saw an anime mainstream first, that doesn't mean they're going to invade as many chat rooms and forums as possible saying the most stupid, idiotic things they can think of. Sure, that's how a lot of people turn out, but that doesn't mean said "dub-watcher" will never go out and buy "random mainstream anime" uncut. I believe that's called growth.
  19. I love "Robin Hood: Men in Tights." In fact, Mel Brooks makes some of my favorite films. "Space Balls" being one of them. The only movie I like just as much as "Airplane" is "Airplane 2: The Sequal." And let's not forget about the "Hot Shots" films.
  20. I hope if they change her name, it's changed into some kind of a "heard it differently" name like Bura. Sure, everyone likes to go with "Bra," but "Bura" would be just as valid (especially considering Bulma's name used to be Buruma).
  21. I saw it and loved it! I was kinda surprised that Kirby didn't talk, though. And I wanted to see Kirby's sidekicks from "Kirby's Dreamland 3." You, those guys you join up with Kirby and that dark-colored Kirby with the tounge.
  22. Manic Webb

    The Tuxedo

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] That was her!? :wow:[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yep. I only remember because she was the only kid on the show who didn't use her real name. The opening credits said her name was "Love Hewitt" and everyone called her Robin. I remember some of the strangest things from when I was in 4th grade.
  23. Manic Webb


    She-Woman?! I think you're talking about He-Man's long lost twin sister She-Ra, Princess of Power. I thought Skeletor sounded like that in the original. I think his voice was always kinda high-pitched. And the show just wouldn't be He-Man if it wasn't still just a little corny. There, I'm done defending this show based off of a handful of episodes.
  24. Manic Webb

    The Tuxedo

    Seeing as how I liked every other Jackie Chan movie I've seen (except for Gorgeous. Man that was one asinine plot), I will definitely see this. I don't hate Jennifer Love Hewitt (or as I like to call her, J.Lo Hewitt. Ha!), I just don't find her entertaining. The only role I ever liked her in was "Robin" in [i]Kids Incorporated[/i].
  25. "Life is like a B2K song. It seems Immature, but it's not." -Me. (You have to listen to a lot of R&B to get this one) "Jane, you ignorant slut." -Don Ackroyd(sp?) "In your case, 'existensial' means 'pseudo-intellectual poser with accessories from the street fair.'" -Daria "Excuse my editorial laugh. Ha!" -Kent Brockman (Simpsons) "You're all heartless!" -Chibi-Usa "That smell. That smelly smell. The kind of smelly smell that smells... smelly." -Mr. Krabs "Your nickname was never 'Ace.' Maybe 'Ace-hole.'" -Lister (Red Dwarf)
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