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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. How many GITS fans are out there? Well, what would you say if I told you that Cartoon Network has aquired "Ghost in the Shell TV" for their Adult Swim Action (Saturday night line-up) block? I joke not. No date has been given, but there is a strong chance that it will air on Adult Swim. Also, Adult Swim has gotten ahold of new episodes of "Big O 2" for any Big O fans out there. And if you've ever seen "Inu-Yasha," then you should know that Adult Swim has gotten that anime as well. Sorry, but I don't know about any dates and times. They'll probably begin airing by the end of the year, or early next year.
  2. I like to listen to a little MoTown and classic R&B. A little Jackson 5, some Al Green, Ike & Tina Turner, and Marvin Gaye can do the trick.
  3. Puronga has always been more powerful than Shenlong. The second Puronga (passed on by Shouchiro/Guru) was more powerful than the first Puronga (when Shouchiro/Guru was alive.) One thing has always puzzled me... why did Kami's dragon balls disappear when he fused with Piccolo? Kami and Piccolo were practically the same person (okay, so Piccolo was more like his son. whatever). Couldn't Piccolo have just revived the balls like Dende did? He should know how, since he has all of Kami's knowledge and powers (and then some) after the fusion. And... let's not count the Black Star balls from DBGT. In my opinion, Grand Tour is nothing but "the ultimate Dragonball fan fiction."
  4. I think the first song by I ever heard produced by The Neptunes was "Caught Out There" by Kelis. Because I know [i]nobody[/i] knows that song by its title, it's the song that goes "I hate you so much right now. AHH!!"
  5. Well, I like the show. It's pretty funny. Cosmo and Wanda are too much. [i]Jorgen Von Strangle enters[/i] Cosmo: It's Jorgen Von Strangle! Wanda: He's the persecuter!? Timmy: Don't you mean PROsecuter? Wanda: No.
  6. [u]Strength[/u] 1. Friendly/Polite: someone once told me I was really polite for a straight guy... 2. Agreeable: I'm pretty good at compromising 3. Calm: It's very very difficult to get me angry. [u]Weakness[/u] 1. Submissive: I don't really give up much of a fight in an arguement. 2. Very Lazy: must... lose... weight... but... don't... feel... like... it... 3. Mood Swings: It's really hard to get me angry, but when it happens, you'll know. That's when I snap and turn into one of those "quiet ones" you hear about... only I'm not dangerous. I'll probably sneek up on you and squirt you with a water hose.
  7. I saw the series [i]twice[/i] and I still don't quite get the ending. Of course, it was still good. It reminds me of "Key: The Metal Idol." Lain's character was really complex. I sometimes wonder if Cyberia Cafe was supposed to be metaphorical for something.
  8. :laugh: I just saw an episode of season 2 DBZ on Cartoon Network and "Immortality Denied" was the title of one of the episodes. And here I thought my topic's title was original. I must have subconsiously remembered the name.
  9. It wasn't one of the best sci-fi/comedy anime I've ever seen, but it was still good. If you've never seen it (or paid attention to it), then it's about Justy Ueki Tylor, the captain of the space destroyer ship The Soyokaze. Tylor is very loose, laid back, irresponsible, and in his early 20's. His ship is full of a bunch of rejects and their assigned to the most dead, empty, and action-less part of space to defend any coming attacks from the Earth's enemy (whose name I can't remember right now). Tylor's crew always seems to get in danger and he always finds a way out of every situation with pure luck, and without even trying. It kinda reminds me of Sailormoon, only it's not as pretty. :rolleyes: Anyway, now that I've wasted your time telling you about a series some of you've already seen, what do you think of it?
  10. Back when I was taking Spanish classes, I used to watch the Spanish dub of DBZ on Telemundo. I never understood a word they said. I just know that I knew the Spanish words to "Zenkai Power" before I knew the Japanese lyrics.
  11. N.E.R.D. No one Ever Really Dies. It's pretty much the music producing team The Neptunes plus one other guy they got to help them produce the album. I like them. "Lapdance" was kinda good. I mean, it sounded like they saved the best music for themselves, but the verses of the song were kinda bad. The singer of the group, Pharell (the guy who sings in every song they produce) just didn't fit that song.
  12. A couple weeks ago, my grandmother was sick and out on work disability, so my grandfather gave me lessons in her car with the automatic shift. Now she's all better and going back to work, taking the car with her. My grandfather's van has too many blindspots for me to drive and my mom's car is a manuel/stick-shift. I can't stand stick-shifts in heavy traffic. It's like "okay, 1st gear, second gear, stop, first gear, go, second gear, stop, first gear, go, second gear, stop, first gear, stop, first gear, stop..." and that's the first 45 seconds of driving.
  13. Okay, this is what I heard about dreaming of apples... Um... how can I phrase this so that I don't violate any profanity rules? They say that if you dream of a person holding an apple or near apples, it represents... um... :smooch: intimate intercourse :smooch: with someone else, so you might want to pay attention to the other person in the dream. I also heard that dreaming of fish means birth, and that someone you know will be having a baby soon. :angel:
  14. I remember very few dreams vidily, but I know OF many of them. My earliest dream would have to be when I was 3. I remember looking up in my bed and Ronald McDonald (yes, the fast food mascott) was trying to attack me while he was standing on my headboard. The dream I remember most vividly is a bad dream, but not exactly a bone-chilling nightmare. In real life, I live with my grandparents because the schools are better where they live than they are where my mom lives. So my mom sent me to live with them during the school year. They only lived about a 1/2 half away. Anyway, in my dream, I remember driving my grandfather's van when I was only about 10 or 12 and visiting my mom. I kept knocking on the door and no one answered. I looked to the driveway and my mom's car was still there, but an asian lady (in an all-black neighborhood) climbed in my mother's car and started to drive off. I started to yell and everyone around me started to act like they'd never heard of my mother. I ran into the house and none of my stuff was in my room. The rest of the house was the exact same. I was suddenly outside and the woman was still driving away. I ran after her, but I couldn't catch her. I wanted to know where my mother was. I woke up that morning slowly, quietly, and with tears in my eyes. I realized it was all a dream and went back to sleep. :( Later on, I might tell you about my funny dream about money and what I heard about dreaming of apples... ;)
  15. Well, I'd be 35. If I only have 17 more years left, I guess I'd take a crack at everything I've ever wanted to do, especially acting. I ought to spend these years of my life following my dreams, while living up to my potential. I'd want to stay out of jail, so (and I'm completely serious) I'd probably (or not) smoke pot right before the comet hits. I'd also promote peace and diplomacy wherever I went and hope that I'm making the world better, even in the smallest ways. About having kids... I don't know. It'd seem really cruel to have kids if I [i]knew[/i] the world would be destroyed in only 17 years. It's like I wouldn't be giving my kids a chance, especially since I plan to have kids when I'm in my late 20s. You know, this topic reminds me of a theory I heard about Planet X (aka Niburu/Nibiru). X will be passing through our solar system in an orbit around 2 or 3 different suns (including our sun) next spring or summer. It'll only be in our solar system for a few hours. Some people (and by "some" I mean "2") think that in the one hour it'll pass by Earth, it's gravity will cause disasters and tital waves and volcanic eruptions. It got me think about what I could do with my life in the next year. Of course, the whole crock about Niburu is a bunch of paranoia with nothing to back it up, so I'm not too worried about "death from above" until I'm in my mid-30s.
  16. Ah, Daria! That was one of my favorite shows! I realized I was watching too much of it when one of my friends said I acted like a male Daria. I like the way it ended with "Is It College Yet?"
  17. Well, Ginga Giri Giri closed down some time ago, so it wasn't them. Your best bet is to check the History of everything you look at that day. Maybe one of the URLs might look familiar to you. Or you can retrace your steps and go on Google and search for the exact same phrase you did the first time. Or you can do it the HARD way! Looked at the file names for the manga you downloaded, pick one, go to the Start menu (if you're using Windows) and go to Find. Your computer should find the exact same file in your Temporary Internet Files. Look for different Temporary Internet Files like that one and you might just be able to find out the name of the website you got the manga from. Of course, this is very hard, takes too long, and you'd be better off searching Google or checking your History.
  18. You know, the best places to drive when you're first starting out are empty lots and the streets of an industrial parkway (trucking zones) on a Sunday. There's never any cars in an industrial zone on a Sunday where I live.
  19. Let's see... why did I use the name Endymion? Well, in the anime Sailormoon, Tuxedo Mask used to be a prince in another life time. His name was Endymion. I first started using the name Endymion a couple years ago, but stopped using it because I don't like Sailormoon as much anymore. I started the name Endymion again because I read about the Greek myth of Endymion. Endymion was one of many sons of Zeus. His good looks were compared to Adonis and Narcissus and he fell in love with the Moon goddess Selene (you can tell where Sailormoon's names came from). Together, the two of them had 50 daughters. He later wished to sleep forever so he would never die and Selene could watch over his body. I like that myth :D My avatar is Tenchi Masaki. Tenchi Muyo! is one of my all-time favorite anime. The banner in my signature is a picture of Tenchi Masaki I colored over to make him look darker. The quote comes from a British comedy I like called Red Dwarf. This one guy named Ace Rimmer always said that. I never understood it, but it's funny.
  20. You mean like Classical music? My cousin (she's 19) used to study listening to a Classical music station. She owns a Beethoven (or however it's spelled) symphany on CD and told me who Yo-Yo Ma was. Plus her little brother likes Vanessa Mae. (if you know who any of these people are, good for you) Anyway, maybe pop music [i]will[/i] fade out (take that, N SYNC's song!). It'll probably fade into 2 different directions: toward rock and toward hip-hop.
  21. *goes into [color=red]H[/color][color=orange]i[/color][color=yellow]p[/color][color=green]p[/color][color=blue]i[/color][color=indigo]e[/color] mode* :excited: Wow! Kool, man! I gotta find some more of these...
  22. Well... I don't hate it. I mean, the plot had its plus sides, but I agree that the animation was horrible. Nobuyuki (Tenchi's dad) was the only one who looked the same. Some things confused me, like what I call "Mecha Ryo-ohki" (when Ryo-ohki turns into a pink robot). Where did that come from? I think it/she only turned into a space ship [i]once.[/i] And I don't believe that out of all the girls that love Tenchi, he would actually pick one (Sakuya) and ignore the rest. Plus, Yugi reminds me too much of Mayuka from the second movie. I did like the way they did Ryoko's character. Of all the aliens in love with him, she was the only one who actually asked him out on a proper date. While Ayeka was frantically trying to get to Tokyo, Ryoko was in no rush because her love for Tenchi was so strong, she didn't need to be near him all the time. I like Ryoko :D However, there is no forgiveness for the way they animated my Kiyone. People will pay! :flaming:
  23. I hate the fact that I'm a delayed driver. I didn't get my permit until I was 17 1/2 and now I'm 18 and still don't have my license. According to my state's law, I could've had my license in April. I think one of the major hazards of driving is people who don't know how to cross the street. I'm getting tired of passing old people who are stuck in the middle of the road because they j-walked into heavy traffic.
  24. Okay, time to give my opinion... Personally, I like the blend. One of the things I didn't like about pop songs was the way the beats were arranged and the bassline was almost absent. Pop songs with hip-hop music makes pop songs sound better. On the other hand, pop stars in hip-hop songs sound weird. I remember when Blaque released the single "Bring It All To Me" with that guy from N SYNC in it. I think I went a full month thinking the guy in that song was black... On the OTHER other hand (you know, the third hand), some pop stars don't really sound like they should be singing pop music. There's a few out there with voices meant for neo-soul music or R&B. Yet they ruin their talent with the instrumental sound pop music has to offer. (the music itself is my main gripe with pop music) I think I laughed out loud the first time I actually sat down and noticed that the styles were mixing. I had this one funny daydream about Britney Spears insulting Eminem on her next album with hip-hop music in the background :laugh:
  25. I didn't like the movie. It was nothing like the videogame, it was nothing like the cartoon. It seems like it should have had a completely different title, like it was a whole 'nother movie. I suppose that if it weren't based off of a videogame, it'd be a pretty good movie. Out of the worst "based off of the popular" movies I've seen, it ranks at #3.
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