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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. The trailer to [i]Serenity[/i] went online today... [url]http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/serenity/[/url] Based off of the cult TV series [i]Firefly[/i], [i]Serenity[/i] takes place 500 years in the future, where an Alliance of planets control everything. In a universe populated with nothing but humans, a small group of mercenaries live on the fringe of the galaxy-- making a living by whatever means they can find. But when the crew decides to taxi a mysterious passenger... Who else is looking forward to this movie? It's coming out September 30th after being pushed out of the April line-up of big movies, where it would no doubt be flooded out of the public eye by bigger blockbusters, ala Weird Al's [i]UHF[/i].
  2. Kakashi, you white devil! My people experienced hundreds of years of slavery and oppression! How dare you make such gross generalizations and stereotypes! Now if you'll excuse me, I want to finish drinking my grape soda before going outside and smoking my nickel of weed. I'm joking, of course. I just couldn't help but crack a joke about black people who like to overplay the Race Card. Although, truth be told, I [i]do[/i] like grape soda. ;) I was raised to never use my race/color as a crutch. I believe that any problems you run into are your own fault. I have an older brother in prison, and no one in my family shifted the blame to anyone else. My brother's a sheep who lets his friends drag him down, even though he's otherwise a very intelligent man. He's not in prison because he's black. He's in prison because he let himself become an accessory. Anyone who's familiar with the Chris Rock bit knows what he says about there being two kinds of black people. There are the normal kind who try to make it through life by working for what they want, and there are the n-words who expect everything to be handed to them, and ruin it for the rest of us. Kakashi, most of us are [i]not[/i] the second type. There is a [i]vast[/i] grey area between Bryant Gumble and (rest his soul) rapper Ol' Dirty Bas***d. If you meet a black person, don't assume they're going to play the Race Card, blame everything on white people, and call you prejudice just because you're white. If you do, you (ironically) really are being prejudiced. I myself have been known to dress in loose-fit pants and baggy shirts, wear a Kangol hat backward, and listen to Jay-Z. But (as I discovered while working for a marketing company) I apparently sound like "some white guy" over the phone. And I'm two days in direct sunlight away from Wesley Snipes. Make of that what you will.
  3. Right around the turn of the century, television took a turn toward realism. Reality TV was the new trend. Networks were constantly trying to one-up another by premiering tons of new shows featuring real people rather than trained actors. Scripted television was beginning to fade. Producers' shows weren't getting picked up. The Screenwriter's Guild was in upheaval. Now, only a few years later, it looks like scripted television is making a comeback. Networks are still making reality shows, but they're coming out less fequently. People are even watching reality television less, in favor of scripted TV. Some of the biggest and most acclaimed shows are now [i]Desperate Housewives[/i] and [i]House, MD[/i] (which, by the way, is airing on the same network that aired [i]My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance[/i]). It looks like fiction is coming back, and reality TV is diving from a driving force to "just another TV genre." Opinions? Thoughts?
  4. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Just out of curiosity, how many of the people that have posted, or will post, own and pay for their own cell phone without any kind of parental assitance? I'm just wondering. I'm 18. My parents haven't bought or payed for anything of mine in the last few years. I've been working since I was 15, and have never owned a cellphone. *GASP!!!1!11!* Not only am I unable to afford a cellphone, much less the ringtones, I don't want one. What is the appeal of being connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? If I'm sitting there in my room at midnight tryig to fall asleep, I would be downright pissed if someone tried to call me. Sure you can turn it off, but how many of you honestly do for fear of missing a call! I like my solitude. I don't want it to be inturrupted by some moronic sound or an idiot trying to get the latest information on a friends break-up in the middle of a bloody campground or park. Go out and enjoy nature. Leave the technology at home.[/size][/QUOTE] My phone was free. As long as you don't get anything stupid like a camera-phone (no offense to anyone who owns one), Cingular will give you a basic cellphone for free. My grandparents pay the bill, but that's because we're in a family share plan. Also, my phone is used for emergencies more than anything. I don't like people calling you to gossip in the middle of the night, either. That's why no one but my family calls me on my phone. When people need to know where I am, they want me to get something from the store, I'm driving to my dad's house 2 hours away and they're worried about whether I'm okay, I need directions, or I need to call AAA when my car breaks down (it's a 16 year old car), then that's what I have my phone for. If you look at my page of the phone bill, it consists of nothing but calls to family members and occasionally a friend or two (my friends aren't very gossipy). It's either I leave the technology at home, or I find a pay phone or one of those highway Call Boxes.
  5. [quote name='Hells Fire']If you are ugly or unattractive, unless you are smart or funny you are going no where.[/quote] I'm sorry, but if you're ugly, dull, AND stupid, then you've really got nothing going for you in the first place. Really, you just said the exception right there: unless you are smart or funny. If you're smart and/or funny enough to make up for not being one of "the beautiful ones," then you've really got no problem. Some of the most powerful/popular/respected people on Earth aren't really that pretty. Just look at Bill Gates and Oprah. And have you stared directly into Donald Trump's hair? Have you? The man has huge towers with giant "T"s on them across the country, and marries beauty queens on a regular basis. And don't even get me started on the world leaders and national icons. Not after a certain wedding. Beautiful people don't rule the world. They just rule the social scene. It's who controls the social scene-- that's who you should be worried about.
  6. My ringtone is "ABC" by the Jackson 5. It was either that, or "Shotgun" by Jr. Walker and the All-Stars. It's a midi, not an audio wav. I think even I'd get tired of my ringtone if I used a wav. I don't think any ringtone I've heard is all that annoying. It's when they ring for too long that they get annoying. If your phone plays more than 2 bars of [i]any[/i] song while you're more than capable of answering it within the first 3 notes, I will smash it. If you're notwhere near your phone when it rings, then hey-- whatever. Not your fault.
  7. We don't allow the trading of copyrighted material here at OtakuBoards. [color=navy]Closed[/color]
  8. The Monster, do you mind giving to credit to the website you apparently copied that from? It took me a while to figure out why there were question marks at the end of each sentence, but then I realized they had to be on a list that probably started with a phrase like "Did you know..." So it's obvious you didn't write that yourself, unless it's from your own website.
  9. Manic Webb


    Amongst ABC's sea of hit shows (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy, Alias... pretty much anything that isn't a sitcom), it's easy to miss a new show called [i]Eyes[/i]. It stars Tim Daly, who many of you might remember as the guy from [i]Wings[/i] who wasn't in [i]Sideways[/i], and the animated voice of Superman up until [i]Justice League[/i]. [i]Eyes[/i] is about a private investigator named Harlan Judd, and his crack PI agency. Week after week, Harlan and his associates put their detective and spying skills to the test by solving problems for anyone willing to pay a hefty price for top-notch service. In addition to helping clients, the characters sometimes find themselves using their skills and company resources to work through the problems in their own private lives. It's not the most original show to ever hit the airwaves, but that doesn't stop it from being entertaining. It's not really an action show, but it's not exactly a mystery show either. It's really more of a suspense/drama, but they toned it down just enough for you to relax while watching it. It won't have you on the edge of your seat, like [i]House[/i] or one of the [i]Law & Orders[/i], but it's a fun thing to watch during the tail-end of your Wednesday nights.
  10. I never skipped school in high school. College, yes. High school, never. Okay, there was Senior Cut Day, but that was different. We scheduled our Cut Day at the end of Standardized Testing Week, on the one day nobody in the Senior class had to take any tests. The school set up the auditorium to keep us Seniors busy by watching a few movies for that day. I cut. Everyone cut. I came from a graduating class of 900 students, and I hear only 50 people showed up that day. Other than that, I cut one of my English classes (I had 3. A Humanities course, Creative Writing, and English-4) that same year. Once. The student body at my high school was so large, we had two lunch periods; half took lunch 5th period, and half took lunch 6th period. All but one of my friends had lunch during 6th, and my and his lunch was during 5th. So one day, we both decided to skip our 6th period class, and "double-lunch." I made the mistake of bumping into one of my classmates between periods, on my way in the opposite direction of the classroom. He asked me where I was going, and I stuttered a little (actually, not one complete word left my mouth) and pointed at the office. My friend got caught and received Saturday School for "double-lunching." I don't know what that one classmate of mine thought I was doing (going to see a principal? I don't know), but I'm guessing he told the teacher I had an excuse, because I never got caught. I never double-lunched again, though.
  11. Rhythm & Blues isn't listed, so I'll just count that as Blues. I like the Blues, too, so it all works out. I also enjoy a little bit of Smooth Jazz. I was pretty much raised on rap. I listen to a few forms of Rock, but don't ask me which sun-genres they are. I started to appreciate Country music once I realized Toby Keith was the 50 Cent of Country; overrated and not that damn creative. I understand the importance of Classical music (also Romantic, Boroque, and everything else that gets clumped in with Classical), but I'm not one to listen to it that often.
  12. This is a little "short" about a team of superheroes I made up (they currently occupy a story I've been trying to write for the past few years). This story takes place during one of their moments of "downtime." This is partially based on a true story that happened to me and a few other people one night. [center][b][u]CHARACTERS[/u][/b][/center] [b]CYRUS JAZZ / THE PALADIN[/b] A half-human/half-alien with empathic and telekinetic powers. Currently dating Angie Martin. [b]ANGIE MARTIN / LADY MAGE[/b] A budding sorceress and current leader of the team. Also dating longtime friend, Cyrus. [b]IAN CHAN[/b] Journalist. Retired superhero, master martial artist, and beginner sorcerer. Former leader of the team. Currently engaged to Andie. [b]ANDRALYN "ANDIE" LEE[/b] Professional comic book artist. Expectant mother, and Ian's fiance. [b]AARON[/b] Professional demon hunter. Erin's twin brother. [b]ERIN[/b] Professional demon hunter and avid gamer. Aaron's twin sister. [b]S.I.D.[/b] An android molded to look and act completely human. Owned by Cyrus. ----------------------------------------- [size=1][b][center]Monopoly[/center][/b] [i]The team enters Cyrus and Angie's apartment after battling a fierce foe. Hearing the commotion, Andie and Ian exit their apartment upstairs, and join the rest of the team just before they close the door. 6:21pm.[/i] [b]Ian:[/b] So how was the battle against the rogue wizard? [b]Aaron:[/b] Tedious. [b]Erin:[/b] Annoying. [b]Angie:[/b] Total wimp. [b]SID:[/b] Certain varieties of magic no longer intrigue me. [b]Cyrus:[/b] Someone remind me to never read any books on scrying and casting all of my spells by drawing large symbols on the ground. [b]SID:[/b] Affirmative. [b]Ian:[/b] We went to a prenatal class. [b]Cyrus:[/b] And suddenly my day doesn't sound so bad. [b]Andie:[/b] The classes aren't that bad. [b]Ian:[/b] ...said the pregnant one. [i]Andie nudges Ian with her elbow.[/i] [b]Angie:[/b] I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm looking to kick off my shoes-- [b]Cyrus:[/b] --I'll get the air freshener-- [b]Angie:[/b] --and catch up on some quality time with my first love. [b]Cyrus:[/b] Me? [b]Angie:[/b] Primetime television. [b]Erin:[/b] No! Come on! Let's do something. We never hang out together. [b]Aaron:[/b] That's because we have better things to do. [b]Erin:[/b] No we don't. [b]Aaron:[/b] Yes we do. [b]Cyrus:[/b] No you don't. ([i]Aaron turns to Cyrus[/i]) I'm a freaking psychic. I know the only reason you ever bolt after a fight is 'cause you're afraid we'll find out you don't have a personality. [b]SID:[/b] Aaron's lack of sociable traits is common knowledge. ([i]everyone turns to SID[/i]) I've been practicing humor at the expense of others. [b]Erin:[/b] Right. You guys got any board games? [b]Angie:[/b] I think we've got Monopoly in the closet. Rus? [b]Cyrus:[/b] ([i]concentrating[/i]) It's on its way to the kitchen table. [b]Angie:[/b] And the kitchen table? [b]Cyrus:[/b] Already being unfolded. ([i]to the others[/i]) It's a collapsible. [i]Everyone walks over to the table, which is being moved out of the kitchen and into the living room for more space.[/i] [b]Ian:[/b] I call the car. [b]Cyrus:[/b] I get the hat. [b]Angie:[/b] Man on the horse. [b]Andie:[/b] Thimble. [b]SID:[/b] I'd prefer to have the iron. [b]Erin:[/b] Gimme the shoe. [b]Aaron:[/b] I guess I'll use the dog, then. [b]Erin:[/b] Who gets to be the banker? [b]SID:[/b] I am programmed to calculate the speed and velocity necessary for a standard space shuttle to exit the atmospheres and gravitational pulls of 2,462 known planets in the galaxy using a minimal amount of fuel. I will be the banker. [i]Everyone sits down[/i] [b]Angie:[/b] Okay, I'm sure we all know the rules, but we have a few custom rules of our own. First of all, we have the Free Parking rule. [b]Erin:[/b] What's that? [b]Ian:[/b] Basically, whenever you pay taxes, you place the money under the Free Parking square. Whoever lands there first gets to keep the money for themself. [b]Angie:[/b] It's good for getting the near-bankrupt out of a tight spot. [b]Erin:[/b] What are the rest of your rules? [b]Angie:[/b] We can make any bargains or deals we want. [b]SID:[/b] I will retrieve the psionic inhibitor. [b]Cyrus:[/b] Hey! [i]6:33pm[/i] [b]Cyrus:[/b] I already have Boardwalk. Please! Please! Let me buy Park Place! [b]Andie:[/b] No, I think I'll be taking it for my own. [b]Cyrus:[/b] No!! [b]Andie:[/b] Of course, I could sell it to you... [b]Cyrus:[/b] How much? [b]Andie:[/b] Three times the mortgage rate. [b]Cyrus:[/b] Screw you. [b]Ian:[/b] Too late. [i]Ian and Andie laugh.[/i] [i]8:05pm[/i] [b]Angie:[/b] Well well well. Look who just landed on Baltic Ave. Pay up, robot boy. [b]SID:[/b] It seems I have insuffient funds. [b]Angie:[/b] You could sell me one of your utilities. [b]SID:[/b] That would be an uneven exchange. I am willing to give you temporary co-ownership of Water Works if you waive my fee. [b]Angie:[/b] Deal. [i]10:45[/i] [b]Ian:[/b] Honey, it's getting a little late. In your condition, you really should get some rest. [b]Andie:[/b] What's the matter, hon? Tired me kicking everybody's ass? [b]Ian:[/b] Just go to bed. [b]Andie:[/b] I'll go to bed when I own every thin dime in this game. [i]12:01am[/i] [b]Aaron:[/b] Don't some of you guys have jobs to go to in the morning? [b]Angie:[/b] I'll call in sick. [b]Ian:[/b] I'll drink a lot of coffee when I get there. [b]Andie:[/b] I'll tell them it's a pregnancy thing. [b]Cyrus:[/b] I'll telepathically slip into a form of conscious sleep when I get there. [i]2:17am[/i] [b]Erin:[/b] I swear to god, Andie, I will whip every last dime out of your hand like a Belmont, and turn every piece of property in your hands to dust like Buffy. [b]Aaron:[/b] Oh God! Erin, you need sleep. You're comparing yourself to fictional vampire killers. [b]Erin:[/b] Your bank account will be blacker than Wesley Snipes in Blade! In Blade!! [i]2:55am[/i] [b]SID:[/b] I require no sleep, yet I am still at a disadvantage. [i]3:52am[/i] [b]Ian:[/b] Oh, come on! I'm your husband! Can't you loan me a cool fifty until someone lands on my piece of property? [b]Andie:[/b] You mean the only property left that you haven't sold? [b]Ian:[/b] Yeah, that one. [b]Andie:[/b] I will do this thing you ask, but one day I may ask a favor of you. [i]4:15am[/i] [b]Angie:[/b] Okay, I just passed Go. Who do I still owe money to? [b]Andie:[/b] One hundred, right here. [b]Cyrus:[/b] Fifty. [b]SID:[/b] Twenty-five dollars. [b]Aaron:[/b] Twenty-five here, too. [b]Angie:[/b] Damnit. [i]4:44am[/i] [b]Cyrus:[/b] Free Parking! I'd dance in celebration, but I lost feeling in my ass hours ago. Andie, I'd like to buy back Boardwalk. [b]Andie:[/b] I'm feeling generous, so I'll let you have it back for the base mortgage price... plus an additional ten percent. [b]Cyrus:[/b] Bitch. [i]5:03am[/i] [b]Erin:[/b] Van Helsing! ([i]falls asleep[/i]) [b]Aaron:[/b] ([i]poking Erin[/i]) I call her property. I'm her next of kin; I'm pretty sure I can do that sort of thing. [i]6:21am[/i] [b]SID:[/b] Query: Is anyone still awake? [i]Everyone is sound asleep, with the exception of Andie, who can barely keep her eyes open.[/i] [b]Andie:[/b] As the only one awake with a lot of money, I... declare myself... uh... stuff. ([i]falls asleep[/i]) [b]SID:[/b] This victory would be 'sweet' if I was programmed to display pride. ([i]shuts down[/i])[/size]
  13. If you want to share original/parody lyrics, do so in the OB Anthology with all of the other literary works. Also make sure you give your thread a rating when you get there.
  14. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1]As per FOX ordering only a certain amount of episodes, you'd think the rate at which the quality of The Simpson's has been declining [their basically relying on guest celebrities for ratings for new episodes'] they'd be wary about cancelling a show that has the potential to go on and be exceptionally funny.[/SIZE][/quote] You seem to be forgetting that we're talking about FOX. This is the network that (9 out of 10 times) takes style over substance. Arrested Development is one of their most critically acclaimed, Emmy award winning shows, and they almost considered cancelling it this season.
  15. You've been here for at least 2 months. You should know by now that anime-related topics do not belong in Music, Movies & TV. I know this is about a fantasy soundtrack to a fan fiction, but it still seems odd. I'm not even entirely sure where you're going with this thread. Also, you just described every song ever used in a Dragonball Z AMV. I'll let this thread stay open, but only on a trial basis to see if it goes anywhere.
  16. I remember when I first started reading about socialism, I thought it didn't sound too bad. Then I realized that socialism is something that works better on paper than in practice. It operates under the assumption that the Proletariat couldn't possibly be more oppressive than the Bourgeois, which I don't agree with. I also have a problem with the State controlling all privately owned land, and seizing the inheritance of a family member. Any group that has ever tried to attain true socialism has only eurpted into communism, which really just screws over the very people they're supposed to be supporting. Marx had some pretty good ideas for creating a socio-economic paradise, but I've yet to see it play out that way in real life. Capitalism, however flawed it may be, has worked... more or less
  17. [quote name='Tigervx][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]One more thing, do Battlestars have Anti Fighters weapons such as the equivilent to an AA gun on a carrier? This puzzled me when the [spoiler] Cylon Raider earlier on tried to kamikaze the Battlestar. [/spoiler] Being the main ships against invaders such as the Cylons, why wouldn't they have some sort of defenses against fighters craft? Really on your fighter craft purely seems tactically unwise as if even one Raider got through the fighter blockade and hit the bridge, it would be the end.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] You didn't see the opening miniseries/4-hour long movie, so you probably wouldn't know. Here's why the Galactica doesn't have any anti-fighter weapons, plus a few more key moments in the movie... [spoiler]The war with the Cylons ended 40 years ago. The Cylons left when all of them still looked robotic. During those 40 years of peace, the Galactica saw no action. So finally, they decided to decommission the Galactica and turn it into a historic museum. They removed nearly all of its weapons, and the crew onboard was small. Then one day, just recently, the Cylons appeared out of nowhere and nuked all 12 planets the humans were living on. The 40,000 or so people who happened to be in space for whatever reasons (commercial flights to other planets, luxury resorts in space, shipping prisoners to other planets, mining ships, ect.) are the only survivors of the human race. When the Cylons attacked, everyone not on a planet banded together and ran. There was no time for the Galactica to register new weapons, and probably nowhere for them to get the weapons from. Really, they're lucky to still have Vipers/fighters. Also, the only reason Roslin became President, if you didn't know, was because she is the highest ranking government offical still alive. She was the Secretary of Education, which placed her as 43rd in line to become president. Everyone else died in the Cylon nuke attacks. She just happened to be at Galactica's museum opening when it happened.[/spoiler]
  18. It's weird seeing someone use one of my old screen names. I used to be Endymion back in 2002 (then Manic from 2003-05), so seeing you with that name was a tad shocking. I'm also glad someone else decided to reply to this thread before I got desperate and double-posted. I was very shocked at how they concluded the first season, and how they totally shook up the status quo. Boomer's [spoiler]cover has been blown on both fronts. The sleeper aboard the Galactica got the answers she needed, but didn't necessarily want; she's a Cylon, and she's not exactly a unique model. When she shot Adama at the end of the episode, I was wondering if that was the mission Six was talking about with Baltar.[/spoiler] Then you've got the other [spoiler]Boomer on the planet Caprica with Helo. Notice that Helo has been going through the 5 stages of grief this whole time. When Sharon showed up to save him, instantly killed a blonde woman (Six) for no reason, survived a Cylon kidnapping, wasn't getting tired, and they spotted multiple copies of Six walking among the Cylons, Helo was in denial. The clues were right in front of him that Boomer knew something he didn't, but he wasn't seeing it. Then came anger, when he pretty much shot her. Bargaining came when he interrogated her about where the "real" Sharon was, even though she is the real one. I might've missed depression, but acceptance sure came when Helo defended Boomer from Starbuck.[/spoiler] Speaking of Starbuck, [spoiler]I wonder how she's going to handle the idea that Boomer, someone who she's been working with for months, has been a Cylon. On top of that, she's pregnant and apparently under Helo's protection. She has the arrow of Apollo, but will she take it back to Roslin? Will she even be able to get to Roslin? Will she take Helo and Boomer with her, or will she leave them behind so they can start a life together? And if she does bring them back, will she claim that the pregnant Boomer with her is a "real" human, and that the one who killed Adama was just a Cylon fake?[/spoiler] I could go on like this forever. This was a very compelling and addictive show (Columbian pure, just like I predicted), and I'm really looking forward to the next season starting this July.
  19. I'm looking forward to seeing [i]Sin City[/i], but I won't be contributing to the weekend boxoffice gross. Why not? Because I always see movies in the middle of the week, when the theatre is less crowded. Still, I've seen the trailers and a few clips on late night talk shows (the one night Conan isn't in reruns, we get a Sin City clip), and what I've seen looks excellent. I heard Quentin Tarantino directed roughly 5 minutes of the movie (which would probably be why he's only labeled as a "guest director"), so I'm going to try to make a game out of spotting which scene it is.
  20. [quote name='celestialcharm']My siblings and I decided that Barbies "sisters" are her kids. You never see her parents around unless they have kids and give them to her to raise.[/quote] That reminds me of a Saturday Night Live sketch from a few years back. Amy Pohler was Barbie, and host Britney Spears was Skipper. Barbie told Skipper her dark secret-- Skipper was really her daughter. Turns out that while GI Joe was in Vietnam and Ken was in Canada (ha!), Barbie had a secret affair with a Han Solo action figure. She was so ashamed, she told everyone Skipper was her little sister. All of the other little sisters? The result of a 3-way with some Power Rangers figures. Supporting all of those kids is why she took so many careers over the past 40-some odd years.
  21. I miss Fresh Gear and Call For Help so much... When I first heard about the G4/TechTV merger (which turned out to be a total acquisition on G4's part), I thought it'd be an okay change of pace. After all, neither network had that good of a line-up. TechTV had some good shows (X-Play, Future Fighting Machines, Fresh Gear, Call For Help, the original Screensavers), but they were too few to stretch for an entire day. Then G4 totally screwed TechTV over by canning all but a handful of their shows. They kept Robot Wars and Anime Unleashed simply because they had pre-established fanbases. Then they got rid of everything except for Screensavers, X-Play, and Unscrewed. Then when it became abundantly clear that Martin Sargeant didn't like games at all, he was canned. Screensavers was warped beyond recognition, until they just had to rename it Attack of the Show. And it's not like G4's original programming was [i]all that[/i] to begin with. Electric Playground and Judgement Day would be decent shows if Vic wasn't some frighteningly generic spikey-haired, goateed hipster tool (like Carson Daly with a melon-shaped head, basically), and Tommy didn't have his own head shoved half-way up his arse. Diane Mizota is hot and all, but Filter just feels like such a waste of time. Cheat has all the convenience of a strategy guide, with less than half of the usefulness. Arena? Sure, let's watch other people frag, rather than actually play the game ourselves. Icons is probably the only good show G4 had, as it's basically an in-depth history lesson in the world of videogames. In the end, the G4-TechTV "merger" turned into G4 with anime and X-Play. And really, that's all I watch. I never got to watch Extended Play (I didn't get TechTV until after they had just changed the name), so I can't comment on that. I do like that Adam is such a huge nerd, and Morgan is presently the only intelligent woman on the entire G4 network. Plus Morgan has my last name. You can't go wrong there. Their reviews tend to be a bit iffy (although I've always considered a 3/5 rating or higher basically meaning it's a good game), but I tend to agree with them on most games. It's also a fun show to watch. My only gripe is that G4 has been influencing their schedule by forcing them to dedicate entire episodes to [i]pre[/i]views of recently released "big name" games, like Half-Life 2. I get it; it's a good game. Do I have to watch a full half-hour of them hyping it up before they've actually reviewed it?
  22. Some old threads are okay to resurrect, but this one is near 3 years old and pointless. [color=navy]Closed[/color]
  23. Looking members of the audience in the eyes will do one of two things: allow you to conquer your fears, or scare the living crap out of you. Personally, I never look anyone in the eye. To simulate it, though, I like to look directly over everyone's heads. The walls in the back never judge me.
  24. Kirk may have gambled his way into stopping a madman from destroying the known galaxy, but [i]who[/i] justified human existance to a race of god-like beings? On several occasions? In fact, if memory serves, Picard prevented the human race from disappearing in the cracks of time.
  25. Before replying to this thread, I decided to do a little searching on Google for crime statistics in the US. What I found was that, over the past few decades, violent crimes have gone up and down almost randomly. Things aren't getting better, but they're not going totally down the toilet either. Assault and murder crimes only seem to rise as the population increases. I live in California. Here, the number of assault crimes more than doubled from 1965 to 2000. However, the general population also more than doubled from 1965 to 2000. The population to crime ratio only differed by a few points. Statistically, we're damn-near static. Also, as Godelsensei said before, this stuff is being covered on the news a lot more these days than it used to be. That shows that we care more about what's happening in society, not that we're more apathetic. The people who move on and say "that's the way it is" are the same people who, in a different time, would've expressed outrage and still done nothing about it. And you can't say that nobody "does anything about it," because there are new organizations popping up everywhere for certain causes. elfpirate. If you have a problem with crime increasing, what are you doing about it? What are you going to do about it? This isn't a challenge or a setup for a debate. I'm saying that if you truly care enough about the well-being of society to complain about it this much, you should be contributing (for the better) somehow. People who complain and walk away aren't much better than people who ignore and walk away. If you [i]are[/i] contributing to society, then good for you. How about telling us all how we can also help.
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