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Everything posted by Manic Webb
I remember watching a little bit of the first season of Road Rules, and a little bit of Real World a few years back. That's really about it. I remember trying to watch the first Survivor, but I just couldn't get into it. Everything else just seemed too darn ridiculous to watch. All of the reality TV I used to watch (basically the Real World), I've gotten completely tired of. I just don't find reality TV appealing... at all. Although I did watch the first and last episodes of Joe Schmo, just to see how he'd react. I know exactly what Ed is talking about, with that one Geico commercial. Most reality television has gotten so ridiculous that not only did I think their "Small House" parody was real, but I thought it was premiering on FOX. The reality shows that really ride the line of stupity are the ones where you marry someone, and when you get a job. How many people honestly think the winners of The Apprentice actually get an important job working with Trump? And how many people married on television have gotten a divorce by now? It's insane, and pointless. It's not even entertaining. It's just the network's excuse to make a ton of money off of primetime programming that's cheap to make. The network gives the winner a million dollars in the end? That's nothing compared to what they pay a cast of professional actors for a full 22 episodes. Ray Romano alone makes more than that after filming a few episodes of his show.
Well, my hair is naturally a blackish shade of dark brown. I've never actually dyed it, but I have spray-colored my hair on occasion. A few years back, my Drama: Stage Craft class was covering how to apply stage make-up to make you look old. I washed the fake wrinkles off of my face, but kept the silver hairspray on for the rest of the day. Since then, one of my friends made my nickname Sisqo (the R&B singer who, for a time, dyed his hair silver). A few Halloweens back, I was dressed as Beast from the X-Men, which gave me the chance to color my hair blue. Once again, it was sprayed on, but it took me 3 days before it completely washed out. I think I've still got some left in the can around here. I promised myself long ago that I would never dye my hair blonde, as I just never thought black people looked right with blonde hair. Red, maybe. Blonde, no. I've been thinking about putting a grey streak diagonally across the top of my head. Not completely across, though. Like maybe starting in the middle up front, then veering off to the side for about an inch or two. If not grey, maybe dark blue or dark red.
[QUOTE=liam mc]One of my favourite episodes is when the group find a parrelel universe: Women are men and men are women. You have to see it to understand, plain hilarious.[/QUOTE] Ah, I remember that episode. The Series 2 finale, I think. It led to what I like to call Series 3's "Ultimate Star Wars-esque Opening Crawl of Death." You have to actually own the episode on DVD or VHS, and pause just to read it.
Writing Groovin with Chicken on Lazy Sunday Afternoons [PG-L]
Manic Webb replied to Brasil's topic in Creative Works
What about saying "the corporate office" instead of "Corporate"? Or perhaps "Corporate Headquarters." -
Welcome to the 'Where Can I Find...?' thread. Here, the goal is for members to aid other members in finding certain products, media resources, and rare items on the internet. For example, if one needs help finding [i]The White Album[/i] by the Beatles, then they can simply request it here, and another can respond with a reference to a helpful resource (ie. a link to [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000002UAX/ref=pd_sim_music_2/102-8711710-5833720?v=glance&s=music]Amazon.com's White Album page[/url]). This thread can also be used to provide links and/or references to song lyrics, preview/review-based websites (ie. [url=http://www.comingsoon.net/]ComingSoon.net[/url], [url=http://www.rottentomatoes.com/]Rotten Tomatoes[/url], ect.), or any other media-based aid. Plugs to personal webpages will not be tolerated. References to free or illegal P2P programs, torrents, or direct links to media files will also not be tolerated. Violations will result in deleted posts, warnings, or (in cases of repeat offenders) possible bannings. This inital list will be edited and added onto as this thread progresses. [u][b]Music / Movie Purchase:[/b][/u] [b][url=http://www.amazon.com]Amazon[/url]:[/b] Sells most commercial CDs, DVDs, tie-in products, movie tickets, and (in rare cases) VHS tapes and vinyl records. [New and Used]. [b][url=http://www.yesasia.com]YesAsia[/url]:[/b] Sells CD's, DVD's, VCD's, and other products related to modern Asian cultures (ie. J-Pop, Korean-Pop, ect). Alternative reading languages and currency listings (ie. Pounds, Euros, Dollars) also available. [New] [u][b]Second-Hand Purchases:[/b][/u] [b][url=http://www.ebay.com/]eBay[/url]:[/b] Specializes in second-hand purchases and online auctions. Can be used to find media products no longer being manufactured commercially. [Used].
I searched Google and found three songs used in that episode: The Answer - Brooke Ramel (Album: Tulips Bleed) Enchanted - Chasing Furies (Album: With Abandon) No Mercy - Khaleel (Album: People Watching) I also suggest checking out this webpage for other songs from Charmed... [url]http://charmed.kraftysworld.co.uk/music/season1.htm[/url]
Writing Groovin with Chicken on Lazy Sunday Afternoons [PG-L]
Manic Webb replied to Brasil's topic in Creative Works
Ah, Sunday mornings at Boston Market. Apparently, it [i]doesn't[/i] get any more boring than that. I've always felt sorry for the employees at Boston Market, because I could never quite tell if they were open-- due to the lack of customers. You really captured what it's like to work at a job where you have absolutely nothing to do. It's boring. The irony is that once a customer finally does show up, no one wants to serve them. -
At last, a story after my own heart. I've been scrambling my own eggs for breakfast for years, and I've yet to crack an egg without getting an ungodly amount of yoke on my hand. Overall, it was an amusing story. Very relatable, too.
Well color me entertained. That was one (surprisingly) damn good movie. I didn't have much hope for this movie at first, but I eventually got to the point where I actually anticipating it. To be different from most people, I actually avoided reading the Hellblazer comics. I didn't want to become acquainted with the John Constantine of the comics, then get bombarded with a completely different character in the movie. I knew that John was switched from English to American, and that was all I needed to know. I wanted to watch this movie as a general movie-goer, not a comic book reader searching for the inevitable changes they'd make to the characters. And as a general movie-goer, I think this was a good movie. I usually have my complaints about Keanu Reeves' acting, but it wasn't at all distracting in this movie. I can't tell if he's improving, or if the script fit well with his range. Either way, I thought he did a good job. I was a little bothered that I couldn't quite tell where the story was going for the most part, but then I realized that they were simply building up to the climax. It was just a constant build-up, and it prevented the movie from being too predictable. Some parts I saw coming ([spoiler]like Gabriel being behind the evil plan, and John committing a selfless act that would get him into heaven[/spoiler]), but a few twists caught me totally off guard ([spoiler]I didn't think they were actually gonna show Satan, or that Satan was gonna bring him back to life simply to keep him out of heaven[/spoiler]). I was also a little upset when [spoiler]Chas died, because I was looking forward to him being a growing source of trouble for the demon world in the future. He was so well-versed. It was nice that he became an angel, though-- even if it could mean causing a riff between him and John.[/spoiler]
What box sets of TV shows do you have, and why did you buy them?
Manic Webb replied to Morpheus's topic in Noosphere
I recently bought the complete series of [b]Cedric the Entertainer Presents[/b]. I remember catching the pilot episode when it first aired, and one other episode before Fox cancelled it during its first season. It was a very funny sketch comedy show, and it even had a chorus-line of dancing women to introduce it every episode. Who does that anymore? Apparently no one, because this show was cancelled. Some of the characters from this show are great, though. I love the hateful, insulting cafeteria lady; and Raj, the news reporter who's always dying of heat stroke. He even let a few comedians go in front of the audience and do their own original stand-up or sketch routines. -
[QUOTE=Rei_Man]Ah, what I would want is to be able to create/manipulate objects with the power of thought. For example; 1. It's a hot day, and you need something to cool yourself down. So you think about ice-cream and - [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Phwoosh![/I][/COLOR] - there it is. 2. You're stuck in a long boring battle with an evil super-villain. So you think about a 15-ton rock and - [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Phwoosh![/I][/COLOR] - bye-bye Mr. Evildude. 3. You're an evil villain, and you want to conquer the world, but then realise that it'd be much easier to just create your own world. So you think about an earth-like planet and - [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Phwoosh![/I][/COLOR] - you've got your own ickle world to rule. Rock on. But the question is, what to call the power? Psychogenesis sounds cool, but the word's already taken. Hmm........[/QUOTE] It's all fun and games until you send everyone you know into the cornfields.
If I could have the power of flight, I'd choose to fly like Cannonball from the X-Men. He generates a blast field that makes him invulnerable while in flight, so it doesn't really hurt when he accidentally (or purposely) slams into anything, and he doesn't have to worry about feeling the Gs of high speeds. Those trees, walls, and wind resistance are hell if you fly too fast. Have you ever stuck your head out a car window while in motion? That's tough. Anyway, a power I'd really want is the power to manipulate light. This means bending and redirecting light to make things invisible, moving light to make things darker or brighter, shifting the light spectrum to make things change color, shaping realistic illusions, ect. Maybe include the ability to see into the infared and ultra violet spectrums as well.
I've had my own experiences with group projects. Some were good. Some were bad. One turned out so bad, I wanted to strangle someone for compromising my grade. During my junior year, my English class was reading [u]The Great Gatsby[/u] by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We were also covering a lot of stuff concerning the 1920s in general, just to get a feel of what kind of environment the book took place in. My teacher gave the class a project where we had to write a 12-article newspaper, separated in groups of 2 or 3 people. Each article would cover some major event that happened throughout the 1920s. I had only one partner-- a b***h named Marcela. The plan was simple. We picked out our 12 articles, and agreed to write 6 each. She gave me her email address so we could talk about it from home. When she stopped showing up for class the week before the project was due, I tried emailing her. She never answered. The due date came where we had to present our newspapers. She didn't show up. I had half a newspaper to give to the teacher. What's worse, is that I was the only person in the class without a complete project. And this project was worth a [i]very[/i] large percent of our grades. I was so upset, I gave her the "evil eye" when she finally showed up for class, later that week. That's okay, though. I got my revenge. I managed to convince the teacher to grade my 6 articles of the newspaper individually, which got me an A-, and her a flat F. She repeated Junior-level English the next year. Yes, I'm just that evil, but there was no way I was repeating English for her mistakes.
A friend of mine works for the local theatre, so I got coaxed into seeing Boogeyman simply because he got me in for free. Anyway... I was surprised at how the movie starts off with [spoiler]Tim's dad straight-up getting taken away by the boogeyman[/spoiler]. It made the movie feel straight-forward at first, but then we get to see what happens 15 years later. When he grows up, we get the impression that [spoiler]the boogeyman was all in his mind, and that the attack at the beginning of the movie was a scenario he created in his mind to cope with his father walking out on him.[/spoiler] So for a good portion of the movie, we're led to believe Tim's just crazy. And I liked that. In fact, [spoiler]I wish that were the case, because once we saw that there really was a boogeyman-- something they didn't exactly clarify until he saved his best friend-- the entire movie went downhill.[/spoiler] So now the boogeyman is [spoiler]leading Tim on a journey through time and space.[/spoiler] But why? There was no real motivation. There was no reason at all that Tim was being targetted. The audience is left to come up with that on their own. Was it because [spoiler]of the house? Because the boogeyman stopped tormenting him until he came back to the house. Was it the general area? Because a little girl and her dad from a nearby farm were also taken. Was it simply because he believed the boogeyman was real? Because his best friend grew up in the same area, and the boogeyman never bothered her.[/spoiler] But if it's the case of that last theory, then we're left with a crappy paradox. [spoiler]The boogeyman attacked him because he believed in him in the first place. But then, does that mean the boogeyman only exists because people believe in him? None of Tim's family members believed in him, but they were all his victims. But wouldn't that also mean the boogeyman would never cease to exist, because Tim [i]knew[/i] he existed when his dad got taken?[/spoiler] And let's not forget how it all ended. The boogeyman was [spoiler]killed by destroying him in effigy. But not just one effigy-- 3 of them. The 3 things that scared Tim the first night he appeared-- the action figure, birds, and sweater-- had to be destroyed to get rid of the boogeyman. This supports the idea that the boogeyman only exists because Tim believes he exists. Once he conquered his fears, the boogeyman ceased to be. But that doesn't make any sense. Now, more than ever, Tim knows that the boogeyman really exists, that it's taken children before him, and it might continue to take children (and adults, apparently) in the future.[/spoiler] And we're also left with one huge problem. The bodies. [spoiler]The boogeyman left behind no bodies or evidence. That's why everyone thought Tim's father simply ran off. But then we have to deal with the fact that Tim's uncle, girlfriend, and best friend's dad all disappeared with no evidence behind except for Tim's bloody fingerprints on the bathtub.[/spoiler] So even in the end, a guy who doesn't even exist still gets the last laugh because [spoiler]everyone is going to think Tim murdered all of those people, and disposed of the bodies god-knows-where[/spoiler]. And that's my problem with the movie. The boogeyman's nature is ill-defined. We don't know why he's there, why he's attacking, or if he'll even come back. Maybe I'm not looking deeply enough into the movie, but it felt incomplete to me.
[quote name='Syk3][i]What?![/i'] Do you even know what you're saying anymore? lol Just quitting nicotine really isn't that easy; your body comes to depend on it, which is why people have so much trouble getting off cigarettes and have to resort to patches. o_O You can try to quit, sure, but you'll go through physical withdrawal of the substance, and to tell people to just suck it up shows how uninformed you really are.[/quote] Actually, quitting really is that simple. It's not easy, but it's simple. Just put down the cigarette and never pick it up again. Have you ever heard the phrase "I can quit whenever I want"? The reason most people don't stop smoking cigarettes is because they simply don't [i]want[/i] to, even though they know it'll give them cancer. Problem is, a risk or chance of danger usually isn't enough to motivate people. Imminent danger usually can, though. My grandmother tried to quit for years. The gum, the patch, smoking less, ect, and it never worked. When her doctor told her that she [i]will[/i] die unless she quit smoking, she quit cold turkey that day. That was 4 years ago, and she hasn't smoked since. She quit, and she "sucked it up." Tobacco will put you through major withdrawls, sure, but it is possible to quit cold turkey. Pregnant women quit cold turkey. Heck, Morpheus just said that his grandfather's sisters quit cold turkey. No one said it would be easy. It's just simple.
Welcome to OtakuBoards. If you'd like to talk about Stargate, I'd suggest doing so at the following thread: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44154[/url] Also, you might want to read our rules of conduct here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?[/url]
I'm going to skip over the typical equality issues, and get right into the issue of money. In today's society, you cannot simply have a bread-winning husband and a stay-at-home wife. Why? Because unless the husband has a [i]really[/i] high paying job, there's no way one income can support a whole family without budgeting issues. My grandparents got together in the late 1950s, and my grandmother has had a career the whole time (even to this day, she refuses to retire). Gender roles of who has to stay at home weren't an issue because both of my grandparents needed to work to support themselves and my mom. My grandfather (note: obviously a man) has been cooking meals for the whole family since the 1960s. If my grandparents had followed the idea that women should stay at home, they'd have never survived the 60s. Moving on, I also grew up in a household with a single mom. When you're dealing with a single parent, that one parent has to take on the "roles" of both genders. My mom worked, cooked, cleaned, paid the bills, handled any school problems me or my brother had, fixed her own car ect. My brother and I eventually had to start opening all of the pickle jars and reaching things on high shelves, but that's only because my mom is a tiny, 5' tall woman. The only reason my single parent could financially support two kids on her own was because she was getting (what else?) the child support checks from my dad, and had back-up from my grandparents mentioned earlier.
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']You know what, I'm going to make the world come to a crashing halt and agree with what Siren said[/color][/quote] ... :eek: ... *cough* Moving on... Let me just get away from the long-term physical effects of Marie-Janelle that everyone's been talking about for a while, and get back into the short-term effects. So you've got distorted perception, decreased short-term memory, altered motor skills, and an increased heart rate. Now, for some people, (like Zeta, apparently) this doesn't inhibit driving ability or school performance. However, let's keep in mind that some other people who get high only do so in private places such as home, or the bathroom in high school. There are many people who just aren't cut out to do [i]anything[/i] while high. There are people who can drink and drive without accident, but that doesn't mean everyone should be allowed to. You, Zeta, might be an exception. Drinking is legal recreationally, but that doesn't mean you can drink anywhere/time you want. You're not allowed to drink in public, be drunk in public, drive in public, or even have an open bottle of alcohol in your car (even if you're not the one drinking it). Is getting stoned less effective to your motor skills than getting drunk? That's debatable, and I'm not even going to get into that. It's beside the point. Let's look at Amsterdam, where [insert colorful marijuana euphemism here] is legal. You're not allowed to get stoned in public. Like drinking, you have to do so either at a bar/pub, or within the privacy of your own home (or some other private venue). It [i]does[/i] affect your judgement while in use, and it would be madness to allow some people to operate heavy machinery while on the mary-joo-wanna. I don't support the recreational use of marijuana. I'm for medicinal uses, but that's about it. I honestly don't see a reason people should be allowed to smoke hempweed freely in public, but then I'm not a big fan of cigarettes or hard liquor, either. However, if we're talking about recreational 'whenever minutes' here, then I think public stoned-ness should be against the law in the same way public drunkeness is. Get high if you want to, but I don't want to have to deal with you when I'm walking to the store.
Here's my stance: if tabacco is legal, and you can get a prescription for Valium with no problem, then marijuana should also be legal. Why? Because people typically smoke marijuana less frequently than cigarettes (still a risk for lung cancer, but a slightly smaller risk), and most people use it as a mood elevator in the same sense as valium or any other antidespressant. Simply put, I support [i]medicinal[/i] marijuana. Would people try to dupe their doctors into prescribing it for them so they can share it with their friends and get high? Most likely. But then people do that with legal antidepressants all the time. Anyone who says that marijuana has no negative effects isn't thinking realistically. Sure, it won't cause you to go completely wacko if you use it in moderation, but the same can be said for legal substances like alcohol, caffeine, or even sugar. Problem is, all of the above can be abused, and all can have [i]extremely[/i] negative effects on your health if used improperly. The difference is how much before "Use" becomes "abuse." However, if you [i]do[/i] use it properly (say, like a medical drug), then it's no different from Valium (with the added risk of lung cancer, like cigarettes). And not even Valium is harmless. Side-effects include confusion, blurred vision, slurred speech, dependance, and addiction... amongst other things. My point is that the difference between the pot-weed and any other antidepressant is that Sweet Lady MJ is uncontrolled, and the ones you can get at the pharmacy are controlled. I honestly think that if the government thought they could control the sales, use, trafficing, and production of hemp (and if they hadn't used so much money turning the general public against it for decades), then much like their synthetic drugs currently on the market, they would totally legalize it. After all, if Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft were illegal, we'd probably still be having this same conversation. Heck, there'd probably be very little argument to legalize them at all.
Someone once told me that the world would be a much better place if we all just mated until everyone on Earth was the same shade of brown. I'm just saying.
[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]As I said on GS, I think a lot of this show's problem is going to come from the idea of Seth McFarlane coming up with this idea when Family Guy was off the air and the thought of new ones seemed totally impossible. I heard of American Dad long before Fox ever asked for new Family Guy episodes. It would have been a good replacement, I think... but I don't know how well they'll do if they're running new episodes at the same time.[/QUOTE] That's pretty much how I feel. I'd be all behind this show if Family Guy weren't coming back. The sad truth is that he started working on American Dad before FOX offered to bring Family Guy back. This show was slated to be its "replacement," but now it has the added pressure of running back to back with its "big brother" series. Now there's the risk of McFarlane not being able to balance two similar shows without them fusing together. It'd be different if he had done like Matt Groening and made his new series entirely different from the previous one. Still, I thought it was a very funny episode; especially for a pilot. I've heard a lot of complaints here and there that the daughter and wife were terrible, but it [i]was[/i] the first episode. There wasn't nearly enough time for everyone to do something funny, especially in 30 minutes. There were a few choice moments: The newspaper that said the Democratic Party was presumed dead. God's phone call. The "terror alert" thermostat. That poor toaster. The teacher and the frog :eek: The alien saying the ET finger thing was a load of crap. The entire country of Iraq being furnished in Ikea.
*sigh* I thought the case of the insured cigarettes sounded familiar. Check out this [url=http://www.snopes.com/crime/clever/cigarson.asp][color=blue]Urban Legend[/color][/url] of a man who insured his cigars. [quote name='Snopes.com']This legend began its Internet life after it was posted to the newsgroup alt.smokers.cigars in early 1996, and it has continued to circulate as a "true story" in newsgroups and e-mail ever since, despite its having been identified as an "urban legend" when it was first posted. The version posted was, in fact, nearly identical to one that has been circulating since at least the mid-1960s[/quote]
In all fairness, the girls shouldn't have delivered the cookies at 9pm. It was dark, and that was really a bad time to pull this little stunt. No one expects to see baked goods at their doorstep at 10:30 at night. They should've done it during broad daylight... or at least waited at the door and handed her the cookies themselves. However, what caught me was how the [strike]old bitty[/strike] "victim" refused to accept their letter of apology, or their offer to pay for her hospital bills. Then when she won the lawsuit, she had the nerve to say she hoped the girls learned a lesson. It's like she missed the entire point of the cookies and the letter of apology. That, or she was trying to save face after the media confronted her about suing 2 teenaged girls for giving her cookies.
Can someone care to explain what exactly the Identity Crisis story was about, what happened, and how it ended? For what little I've found online, I think it has something to do with secret identities, and that it's some kind of big mystery. And after reading some of these spoilers, I'm curious as to how it affected the Bat-family. I actually liked Spoiler, especially after reading a trade paperback Batgirl.
[QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo] I was intrigued by this entry yesterday, and I was about to pull up some of his songs off the net when I flipped on VH1 purely by coincidence. Lo and behold, the video for "Ordinary People" was on. Your entry and the video definitely piqued my intrest and I think I'll probably pick up the album later today. Anyway, thanks for the recomendation.[/color][/QUOTE][quote name='Semjaza Azazel']I almost picked it up last night for my self. It's only $7.99 at Best Buy and Manic's description was pretty interesting.[/quote] Haha! Then my mission to spread [strike]evil[/strike] R&B music is working. Looking back, HC's description of Aeorsmith's album sounds pretty good. I also downloaded one of the songs, and it was most enjoyable. I was raised on the blues, so it's always nice to toss a little bit of it into my playlist every once in a while. I might swing by Best Buy and get it.