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Everything posted by Vegeta

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Oh, i didnt know ur not aloud to defend urself on Otaku? hmmm I guess i better go with the group and not be an individual? [/B][/QUOTE] If I am not mistaken your the one that started the fight, idiot.....
  2. Well, now I am at my grandmas, and my house is probably floating. One morning I woke up, and the whole house was soaked, I was up to my knees in water. When we left to stay somewhere dry our car stalled because of the water. We spent 4 hours in the rain waiting for a cab. When the cab came he took us to the airport where we spent uncountable hours waiting for a plane we didn't have tickets too yet. When we arrived at my grandmas we dryed off, and I got all my prized possesions out. My ps2 wont work and my computer was fryed...........bad times.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]It all has meaning. Whether humorous or significant. It's just a show. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean, whats the big deal, its a show.
  4. But, wouldn't the Dragon Radar, work as a map?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I get to bed at 4AM and wake up at 6AM lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I usually goto sleep at 4 too, but I wake up at 3. :p NOT 6. Anyway, well now I do have something to do, I am new here and I found this place looking for something to do. It's only 10:41 right now, but I'll still be on at 4. No I don't have a life. :p ;) :)
  6. Ok, what would I wish for if I assembled all 7 dragonballs?? Well, I would probably wish for the exact same thing as Piro, to be a God!!!! I would rule over all, everybody will bow to me!!!! *cough* sorry about that.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]He never became pure/good. but he started being 'good' I'd say around when he met bulma, and had trunks. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, Vegeta did become pure/good (or whatever) after he was possesed by Babi-di. It is then when Vegeta became truly good and pure. Or, at least those are my thoughts.
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