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About Saturn_Healer

  • Birthday 07/04/1987

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    Saturn Healer

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  1. Hey, I am going to post if other people post. ^-^ ok? Cause well it would be nice for it to kinda come back.
  2. Final Flash can you do me a favor? Where are you downloading G gundam?! What URL were?!
  3. Ok my opinion. IT SUCKs! I fell asleep durning the first volumn! BORING! I swear I love Gundam, but oh my god someone help the person thought of that gundam up. Advice, I would never rent another tape again of that series. Sorry Turn A gundam fans If there are any....
  4. Angel: I hope they found warlock there because I am finding nothing, this place looks bueatiful but nothing lives here, that is what is weird about it, not animal life or anything. Weird......I hope those guyswill be able to get here, cause i have a bad fe * she steps onto loose ground which collapses in. she falls down into a large room landing on her butt * Angel: THAT HURT! * Rubbs her butt while she stands * Angel: Well I guess that I found the hinding area Voice: never thought you would be in this part of the galaxy Angel: That sounds familer, wait a second your Voice: Yes, and how could i forget those eyes of your, determined and stubborn, too bad you didn't come Angel: I thought Voice: They blockd part of your memory, smart of your fater, too bad he is dead Angel: How did you Voice; Well I was the one who sent those people to earth to kill your family Angel: You bastard, after all this time thinking it was the zagar that killed my family or some affiliate of them, it was you, that is why they weren't brought back when we wished all that the zagar killed brought back to life. Alex why? Alex: becauseI hated your family, I only spared you because we had something, and hat dumb brother of yours Angel: So who are you workig with. Alex: A combination, a lost race rebeling saiya jins killed, a couple of saiya jins remaining after it was destroyed, and even some of those other people we are threatening, what are you going to do about it? Angel: Well fight of course Alex: remember what I didn't to you last time, you could barely take a single breath let alone move, what makes you think you could be stronger then me know Angel: Well, I am the most strongest and most bueatiful women in this galixy, I will manage to pull it off with one shot Alex: I let you have the first hit Angel: have it your way, this ends know, Darkness beyond the twilight Alex: a dragon slave wont beat me, even you shoud know that * she smirks * Angel: Crimson beyond the blood that flows, buried in the flowof time is where my power grows Alex: don't tell me that you were Angel: I swear myself to my own darknes, let the fool that stand before me be destroyed the power I and i alone posses! Dragu Sl * before she could finish Alex had blasted a large ki blast at her knocking her back and loosing her concentration as she skided on the ground * Angel: I thought you would let me get the first hit Alex; I didn't know that you summoned Lady Choas Angel: Even beter Alex: wa? * angel stands up * Angel: I am lady chaos, and I am going to show you pain like you shows my family as you sent your henchmen to killl them! ** stop point ** Someone fix my post, I didn't do a good job bye.
  5. If you want my list of stuff here it is Kenshin ( including samarai X ) Evangelion Dangaizer Cowboy Bebop Fushigi Yuugi ( is this whatever you guys call it? ) Gundam X Revolutionary girl utena ( the movie was just a tad weird. I was confused and well there certain parts of it that were just, but the series is awseom! Utena rocks! ) X 1999 ( I love this, and I love CLAMPs art. ) Things not to watch Turn a gundam! I watched this one volumn. ONE voulmn, I was falling out of my chair in bordom. sorry, but it got on my nerves, one of the first anime shows I disklike. And I love gundam, but what did they do to it! sorry/
  6. 1) favorite character? Here is the list! Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Galaxia Sailor Tin Nyanko Sailor Saturn Sailor Venus Celis, Heavy metal papilion , Lethe is pretty cool althoug she is in only one issue of the manga. Everyone in stars and super and supers in both Manga and Anime are awseom! 2)favorite season? Sailor MOon Stars ( Subed! AWSEOM! Manga awseom too! ) 3) least favorite character? I hate that Beryl B*** 4) Least favorite season? I loved them all! 5) Do you hate DIC and Cartoon Network for dubbing the show? YES ! They ruined it! I wish they dubed it uncut for TV. Oh well, I will stick with my subbies. 6) Have you seen the fifth season yet? YES! Stars RoCK on! I love it! Yaten-Kun is cool! All animamates are cool. Galaxia-sama is awseom. Everything is good. All good! If you guys didn't notice I am a Sailor MOon fan all the way! I love it! one of my fav. anime shows! If you hve any questions come to me.
  7. Devil Hunter Yoko is pretty kool actually. I have read up on it and I have seen A episode of it. I like it already. I think it is pretty cool.
  8. WHY ISN"T ANYONE POSTING?! POST> I can't post anything more till others post you know.!
  9. Angel: They just left me, oh well, I have a good guess were these people are and they are not on this planet, probably on a neiboring planet, hey, some one bring me a map of this sytstem please * Angel takes a seat at the emtpy table know alone in the room * Angel: they coulnd't possibly be on this planet these people are magic users also and would be powerless almost here, they must have opened the astral plane from were they are to transport here to go quickly from their planet to the next * Two People bring a large map and lay it out for here, they point were they are * Angel: so this planet has 20 moons, lets see * She mooves her hand across the map and stops on the smallest moon * Angel: What is the history of this satalite Advisor: That is the small satalite that waged war against us many years ago, most of the satalite was blown off and that is all the remains Angel: So they are magic users, do any of the other satalites use magic? Advisor: no that is the only one, although it is beleived to be uninhabited know Angel: The perfect place, can someone provide me a ship so I can travel there Advisor: Afraid not, nothing can leave this planet unless you have a great magical capacity to Angel: thats it! * Angel opens the book she was given and seraches it, finding a certain spell that would tear open the plane * Angel: everyone move back * Angel steps to the middle of the room and a magical circle appears under her as she lets teh book float infront of her * Angel: I am command you of mysterious monsters, give you powerful hands, to destroy the link between here and and were ever I wish to go, Astral Tear! * it was like a black hole was created over her head as it begins to crackle with energy * Angel: Ja! * Angel Jumps through with the book and the hole stays open for someone to follow* Angel: know I am on that satalite they were talking about lets see if my magic will work, Oh, source of all power, light which burns beyond crimson, let thy power gather in my hand. FIREBALL... * Angel creates a firball in her hand and she shakes her hand as it disapears * Angel: Know, I guess I can rest and read for a while * Angel takes a seat on the ground, it was padded wtih soft green grass *} Angel: this is sure a pretty place for being uninhabited * Angel begins to look through the book she was given to find any useful spells * Angel: Well one thing is for sure, no one can come to me
  10. Quatre does look rather girly usually but Duo can look girly too. Wufei looks funny and Heero looks scary.
  11. Gaurd: Miss woudl you like some more food? Angel: FOOD?! SEND it IN! Outlaw: Can someone explain why you two are being treated with lots of food? Angel: easy I agreed for us to kill off a small group of people so that they can let down the seal which is enhanced by the darkdragon balls energy which means we get the dragon ball DBZman: You what?! Angel: I have been thinking though, I should go alone and kill all of them myself, all I have to do is kill its main leaders and then the rest will loose hope and then I will eventually kill them later on, trust me I understand these kind of things, I was planing to leave soon too, I am just trying to figure out how to get there if I dont' have a way to go there and were they are. ^_^;; Outlaw: We aren't going to let you go alone it is way to dangerous Angel: I can take care of myself thank you very much, I am a warrior jsut as strong as all of you others, I WILL go by myself DBZman: what if they are located on this planet Angel. >.< WELL then I should go by myself then, or better I dea, we all go at different times, so one of us attacks they won't be suspecting others to come to! ^-^ Outlaw; Make up your mind please Angel; Going at different times willl be good and I go first by myself and if I fail then you guys will have to come in DBzman: I don't feel like fighting with you today so I guess that is a good plan ~~This is way confusing, hope it is good enough to put up though ^-^~~
  12. I use that have that picture! It made me laugh! I am writing a picture based on it.
  13. Angel: I think i am finished No Hime: You ate everything!!!! * No HIme looks up and down the large table, it is filled with the remains of some scraps and bones * No Hime: you are a pig angel Angel: you better mean that in a good way No Hime: how can it be meant in a good way? Angel: well if there is an eating contest ever I know I will win! No hime: -.-;; You are seriously troubled, you are going to be fat one day if you keep on eating like that Angel: No I am not! no Hime: YEs YOU ARE Angel: NOT No Hime: YES! Angel: NOT NO Hime: YES! Angel: NOT No Hime: NOT Angel: YES! AH CRAP! you tricked me No Hime: i confused you not tricking, hehe Angel: WEll if I stop fighting I will be fat and I dont' plan on stoping anytime soon NoHime: angel? angel: what No Hime: what are you going to do when you get back to earth after you revive your family? Angel: I don't really know.....What about you? No hime: i plan to have a nice cosy little family with Gochan. ^-^ Angel:I cant imagine what gochan's kids are going to look like, probably even stupider then he is NoHime: They will be smart kids, not stupid like their father Angel: so you admit he is stupid NOHime: Well any idiot would notice he is stupid, but he is so cutye and cudly like a teddy bear Angel: you sicken me sometimes no hime No Hime: Well are you planing a family?! Angel: me a family of my own, kids?! No Hime: no i mean getting a puppy dog, yes I am kids Angel: i don't really know, I never really thought about it No HIme: every normal little girl thinkgs about marriage and having kids of their own Angel: so I am not normal know?! NO HIme: well you are kinda strange Angel: Thats it, FIre Ball! * small poof of smoke * Angel: i hate this seal No Hime: anyways shouldn't you be worried about the others? Angel: shouldn't you? No Hime: I am worried about my little gochan! Angel: he isn't THAT little No hime: so your point Angel: I hate it when I dont' have a good come back! no Hime: I win! Angel: oh shut up Narrator: Angel and No Hime continue to verbally fight with no hime winning at the moment, one second serious and the next a full blown B*tch fight, what will happen next? YOu will find out on Angel: OH SHUT UP! * angel punches out the narrator * Angel: can't stand those narrators!
  14. I can always dream can't I? Anyways, if slayers couldn't get on I doubt those other shows would get on either. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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