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Everything posted by Ykonis
Hello everyone... I am finally back. I apologize greatly for not being on...I was dealing with family problems that took up my time...I promise to try and post in the rpg's or battle threads I'm in if I can remember them...Once again I apologize -------Ricardo-----------------
My first name means "wise and noble ruler" in german, my middle is William and i dont know wut that means so if some1 could tell me..cool. My last name is german 2, i dunno wut it means,, it's Kress so if some1 could tell me that 1 as well i'd b grateful
DeMario had his pack slung over his shoulder. He couldn't believe the instructers got mad at that John guy for drinking...he was used to people drinking. Maybe it was against the Training policy or something. He sighed and looked at his katana. 'You need a good cleaning,' he thought. DeMario walked to the Weapons room and found the materials he needed. He started off by cleaning the handle...which was actual redwood with an oaken center wrapped in leather. When he was finished with that he took the mineral oil and scrubbed the leather clean. He continued until his katana shined like new. DeMario decided to practice on his skills. He took off his uniform and put on his ninja suit. He felt at ease in this. Bowing down he started to do some easy arcs until he was going at a blinding speed. Sweat dripping off his brow, DeMario decided to go take a shower. Now if he could only find it... --------------------------------------------------------------------- OOc: class is over...sorry
[COLOR=indigo]Ykonis exited his room to find the room with the other Silvanesti elf open. He walked in and spotted the dragon he saw in the glade.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"Your the..." he stopped not knowing what he was going to say. "You look familar. Have we met sometime?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]SK:No, I don't believe so. My name is Siren, the last of the SkyFire clan. And you are?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Y:I am Skytrykonis of the Silvanesti. You may call me Ykonis.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The others in the room looked and then decided to usher the two out of their room. When Ykonis and Siren were in the hallway Ykonis asked her "Are you sure we have not met?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]SK:Yes, I am quite positive. One like me rarely forgets things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Y:Yes, you seem to be a warrior yourself. I can tell by your air of confidence and the way you walk. also by the way your gaze is able to search for weapons while being subtle.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]SK:Very good, very good indeed. Are you done playing games now?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Y:I am truly sorry. I have not been with civilized people for quite some time now. It was a "game" I would do to not go crazy. I apologize if I have offended you in any way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]SK: Hahahahahahaha. Well, you truly have the mannerisms of an elf. But you have something else too. I can't quite place it. Ah, well, I am needing rest. I will see you on the morrow Ykonis.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Y:Farewell for now fair Siren.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]With that said Siren walked to her room and Ykonis to his.[/COLOR]
OOC: Mind if i type with the english thing? lol this has to be short i'm pressed for time...sorry Harry was thrilled when Hagrid picked him up from the Dursley's home. He so hated that bloody place! He was walking into Diagon Alley when Hagrid told him to go have some fun and shop. Harry walked into Diagon Alley to see destruction everywhere. All of a sudden his scar started to burn! "VOLDEMORT!" he said under his breath. He couldn't believe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would do something like this! He wanted to get even so bad! All of these innocent people! Hurt for no reason! NO BLOODY REASON! He ran to people to make sure they were ok. Most were just scared. He looked around when he saw Cho Chang and someone he didn't recognize a little battered up. He ranover to them. "Are you to ok? Do you need to be brought to a hospital?" inquired Harry. "No. We're fine-" Cho said and then she looked up. "HARRY! YOU ARE shopping still! Hahahaha. Did you see the new firebolt?! It looks amazing!" "I'm fine um Harry. My name is Ginyy Malloy by the way." ginny said. HP:"I'm Harry. Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you Ginny." GM:"You too." CC:"Everyone seems fine let's go check out the shops to make sure everyone is ok." GM & HP:"All right." With that Cho Chang, Ginny Malloy and Harry Potter started walking to shops to make sure the owners, patrons and items were all fine.
DeMario watched the two at the front of his class. 'So that's my romate eh?' he thoguht. He couldn't wait until something new was going to be taught. He knew all about fist fighting. He was getting bored so he started to make a design for a new katana. His was getting a little beat up. He hoped they had a black smith here. DeMario really started to concentrate on the drawing when Ariadne walked up behind him and said "What's this?" DeMario unvoluntarily jumped at the sound of her voice. He looked in her eyes and said "It's um...it's a new...design..for a katana I want to make...Sorry for not paying attention." A:"Don't worry Rev is going over the basics in case any of the other students don't know about them." DM:"Oh...Right. I just know about this stuff already...I know barely anything about the new technological weapons and such ya know? But I do know bout' hand-to-hand and weapons combat!" After he said that Ariadne smiled and walked back to the front of the classroom. It was going to take a little while to get used to...civilized people...but he could do it.
[COLOR=royalblue]Rich ducked behind a horse bucket. He looked up briefly to find that some of the krauts had their guns. ****! He looked to the left an saw a group of about 7 krauts form up. 'Ah-ah-ah boys,' he thought to himself,' Your not gonna do that!' Rich pulled out a grenade, yanked the pin free, held it for 2 seconds then let it land right in front of the group of Germans. They looked at him horrified, like he'd just comitted a sin. Rich smiled and waved back at them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Jim motioned to open cover fire for 2nd Platoon. Rich popped his head up, fired a couple of shots and then ducked back down. He popped about 3/4 of his shoulder up the second time and got hit.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"GODDAMNIT!!!!!" Rich yelled! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Rich jumped up into a crouch and started firing wildly before the medic pulled him down. She cut open his uniform, put sum ointment and gauze on his shoulder and started making her way to the others with more important injuries.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Rich was ready to move on Jims signal. That signal came and the kid right in front of him almost got nailed in the head with a piece of shrapnel! Rich ran crouched and made it to a house with Jim and John. Rich went into the main room and killed 2 krauts. He signaled for the kid, John, to check the next room. The house was clear.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Jim, John and Rich ran to a rubble pile. They could hear a panzer in the near distance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]'Aww !$*@%, I'm dead now!' Rich thought. He just kepp listening closely to Jim[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit: OOC: dang! I didn't even know you posted tiger. I got hit in the shoulder too, it was more like a graze but still... lol o well.
[COLOR=blue]Rich walked over to Jim and waited to be acknowledged.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]1st Srgt. Peters: Yes Private?[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Private Kress: Sir! May I be formal sir?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]1st Srgt. Peters: Go ahead then Private.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Private Kress: Sir, are we going to be able to take this city from the krauts? It looks like they're in deep sir. i may only be a Private, but I know a lot about war.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]1st Srgt. Peters: We'll do it soldier. Don't you worry. ATTENTION![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Rich snapped to attention with practiced ease. 1st Srgt. Peters looked Rich in the eyes and said "WHO are WE soldier?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Private Kress: Easy Company SIR! 1st Platoon SIR![/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]1st Srgt. Peters: Exactly soldier! Remember that! Now check your gear! We head out in 12 minutes![/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Private Kress: YES SIR! *salutes*[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Rich turned and marched to his pack to check that everything was in order. All looked good but to make sure he checked the pack 3 more times. When he was confident that everything was accounted for he sat down and began to meditate.[[/COLOR]
it'll be on the main adventure board. this is for sign ups only
DeMario rushed down the hallways with his little bag of belongings. All it held was some clothes and his katana that he stole from a curator at the Smithsonian. 'MAN! I'm always late fa this stuff!' he thought. He made a sharp turn in the hallway and dropped his stuff b the doorway before regaining his composure and walking in with his cocky persona. "Sorry I'm late. I had to hitch a ride from a cargo ship and they stopped at Pluto first. Tough break eh?" Everyone looked at him quizically, perplexed that a good-looking young man of Asian decent would have such a cocky attitude, no fashion taste, ANd a weird accent. He took his seat and stared at the floor embarassed at himself.
Duh! All you can have is your main weapon! :mad: you get extra things as default!!!!:mad: OMG! :mad: It's Matts RPG therefor he makes the rules!:flaming: If you don't like them don't join! I hate people who try to run things that they didn't start! If you have a problem with it maybe you and Matt could make a comprise!!! Don't demand things or whine
Just curious about something, Harry is already an Animagus, he turns into a stag just like his father did, would i still have to put that down as a misc or subject mastered??
Hmm...Did you not say that no one else could be in the 1st Platoon? lmao Oh well.
WOW! That is really emotional dude! I am begging you to write more! I can really relate to that story and it kind of helps me to know that others feel what i feel... ne wayz, plz plz plz write more!
Name:Harry Potter House:Gryffindor Year of School:5 Personality:Loyal, genuine and caring Appearance:gangly, messy hair, and a scar Type of wand:14 inches phoenix feather and it's made of cedar or oak can't remember right now Subject Mastered:hasn't mastered one yet Misc:excellent quidditch seeker
maybe we could have one or two of the characters get exhiled from their planet or go on a trip or something
Name: Rich Kress Platoon: 1st Rank: Private(I wanna see if I can get promoted in the RPG lol) Weapon: M1 Carbine with extra ammo on belt pack
Ykonis walked nto the town of Solace with Rowan heeled at his side. He strided over to the Inn Of The Last Home and opened the door. As it opened he saw the carcass of a Drider on the floor. "Arr?" Rowan implied. "I don't know buddy," Ykonis said to Rowan. He turned to the barkeep. "What happened here my friend?" "That thing-it came up in here- skewered an elf-and another elf killed it-and now I don't know what to do," the BarKeep said in a hurry. "Do not worry I shall dispose of the body." With that said Ykonis started making symbols in the air and said an ancient language and the body levitated off the ground, sailed out the door, and landed on the outskirts of town. Ykonis slumped. "Are you ok friend? the BarKeep asked. "I-I will be. Thank you for your concern. I would like to rent a room in advance if you don't mind." BK:"No problem." Ykonis:"Here is a gold piece for the room in advanced" Ykonis hands him a gold piece "And here are 5 more for my meal and board." Ykonis then handed 5 more gold pieces to the Bar Keep. BK:"Thank you kind sir! If you need anything you just ask me!" Ykonis laughed merrily. "I'll be sure to." Rowan wagged his tail playfully at Ykonis. "Let's go for a walk boy...What do you say, huh?" "Ruff!" "HAHAHAHAAHA! All right then." Rowan and Ykonis ran out of the Inn Of The Last Home and started into the woods when the saw a female in a clearing in front of them. She was changing shape! "Rrr-" "Shh. Be quiet boy!" Ykonis whispered. The beautiful female turned into a dragon! A silver dragon to be exact! It stretched its' wings and yawned. Ykonis walked up from behind the magnificent beast and coughed. The dragon whirled around. "OH NO! YOU SAW ME CHANGE!" "Do not be alarmed! I mean you no harm! I did not know that any metallic dragons survived all the wars!" "Well some did. I'm going now!" After that said the dragon flew off into the twilight sky.
Ykonis woke up extremely late for his usual waking up. It was already close to noon. He looked over and say that the half-wolf was better and moving around like nothing happened. Hmm, Ykonis thought with a smile, I guess miracles do come true. Ykonis stood and said "I'm going to have to give you a name boy. What should I call you?" The half-wolf looked like it smirked and ran to a rowan tree and began barking. "Rowan huh?" "RUFF!" "Hahahahaahhaha! Rowan it is. Well, let us move along Rowan. We have a long journey ahead of us if we want to reach Solace." With that said, Ykonis and Rowan began marching at a brisk from the camping area. Ykonis had no valueables there since he used tree foliage for a tent.
Long ago in the history of a far away world, a dark Dragon Lord named Armageddon ravaged the lands, destroying many of the dragon races and dragon kin. Together, with five other dragons, Stryker was able to defeat the Dragon Lord and trapped him inside of a dormant volcano, Dragon Mountain. The prison held him for nearly 65 million years before an unknown force released him. The descendants of the original six dragons that defeated him the first time gathered to combat Armageddon. To help in their efforts, they organized a force of knights, known as the Dragon Knights, and made ready to attack the Dragon Lord. Unknown to all of them, Armageddon was not alone. Vertigo, his mate, had been waiting for the opportune time to release the Dragon Lord, and after millions of years of waiting, was not ready to be defeated as easily as Armageddon had once been. Together, the two Dark Dragons massed up a fighting force christened the Black Knights. They also convinced many of the dragons to ally with them, and with the strong numbers, waged war. The battle against the pair was costly, and seeing how the earth needed its own defense in case they were soon gone, the Guardians solidified the newly forged Dragon Knights. With their help, the knighthood soon became recognized as the new peace keeping force and enforcer throughout the lands. All this while, Armageddon was brewing plans of revenge. He gathered together a force of the most feared thieves, assassins, and the remaining survivors of the Black Knighthood, and readied for a new war. This second war swept throughout the lands, bringing to the surface every conflict that had ever arisen between species, races, and kingdoms. The wars were violent and brought new forms of combat and wizardry to the battlefields. The great Noble Dragons and their allies were pitted against their evil brothers. Firedragons, Stardragons, Waterdragons, Winddragons, Snowdragons, and Earthdragons waged fierce battles in the skies. In an effort to gain a military edge over the forces of The Dragon Knights, the dark sorcerers conceived a new hybrid warrior. This warrior was formed from dragon eggs stolen from their nests. The end result was a dragon hybrid warrior known as the Draconian. Standing on average seven feet tall with the metallic skin of their unknown families, the Draconians soon became feared. They had the teeth, horns, wings, and a tail like a dragon, yet fought and spoke like a human. The tides of war changed. However, due to the clashing of various types and styles of magic used in the creation of these beasts, several variations, or "styles" of Draconians were formed. Some had the misfortune of turning to stone instantly upon death, silently disarming the victor, while others would explode, capturing all near them in a spectacular ball of fire that would kill all in it. Some would expel poisonous gasses while another would take the form of the one who killed him, often times causing confusion. The Draconians were a devoted warrior race and soon became feared by both their enemies and allies. They were often sent to do the most dangerous missions, tasks that were labeled impossible by many of the Generals in the Black Knights. Due to their skill and often times fanatical devotion to their allies, the Draconians would always leave a surprise, whether it was success, or in the rare instances of defeat, fighting to the last man and inflicting terrible damage to the other side. Despite this new weapon, the dark forces once more began to fall back in their attacks. The forces of The Knighthood were winning, and using newer methods of attack and defense to keep the Draconians at bay. In the end, all would go there own separate way. The Draconians became a new race in the world, and learned how to make more of their own kind from the dragon eggs. Their numbers would go on to grow near unchecked. During this second war a rumor spread, telling of unlikely warriors for the Dragon Knight forces. The rumor spread and became a popular tale long after the war's end. Very few, though, knew that the tale was true. ------------------------------------------------- Ykonis walked through the thick foliage of the outskirts of Solace, the once beautiful city in the trees. Now, after the wars, it was half destroyed suspended in the air. He shook his head sadly. He was about to turn when he heard a scream, like an animal in a death throe. He ran to investigate and found an evil looking man whipping a a half-canine half-wolf. "Stop that! What did this poor beast do to YOU?" Ykonis practically yelled. "I suggest you leave before trouble brews elven-scum," the unknown stranger said with a sneer. With that said Ykonis drew his sword and cleanly slashed the mans head of. He looked at the animal and saw many scars. He made camp right at that spot and started caring for the animal.
ok.. me and Raquel aka stormwing made a deal. she is going to be a silver dragon. and i'm starting this at 3:00 pm EST sharp so be ready.
ok. whenever your able to go ahead and post them. and remember 4 more days till i start this people!
yes htats fine. lol sorry for all the posts but i have limited time on my computer now i'll probably start this on saturday 3:00 ESt. watch for it!
oh, i know how siblings are, i hate mine sometimes. lol any way, yes, everything seems to be in order here. PM your buddies to try and get them to join.