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Combat: The battlefield skill of the Hylar is legendary. When they encounter an intelligent opponent, Hylar prefer to parley before combat. Opponents who surrender with grace are treated with dignity. Hylar wear chain mail and carry shields. Preferred weapons include hammers, spears, battle axes, and light crossbows. Habitat/Society: Hylar live in fabulous underground cities beneath immense mountain ranges. The most famous of all dwarven kingdoms is Thorbardin, a 300 square mile area in the Kharolis mountains. Mountain dwarves have little interest in the affairs of other races. In fact, most mountain dwarves have never seen a non-dwarf. They are not interested in helping others unless they can be shown that the matter affects them directly. A typical group of 100 Hylar includes 40 1st to 2nd level fighters, 15 3rd to 4th level fighters, ten 5th to 8th level fighters, 5 8th level or higher fighters, 25 level 0 workers and choldren, and five paladins, priests, and thieves of various levels. Two other dwarven races are closely associated with the Hylar and often live in the same cities. The Daewat, who are respected fighters, and deter to the Hylar's leadership. The Klar are hill dwarves who serve the wealthy Hylar in menial roles. Mountain dwarf leaders are called thanes. Each thane represents his folk to the Council of Thanes, an organizition founded for the purpose of settling disputes and promoting common interests. Seats on the Council are held by representatives of the Hylar, Theiwar, Daewar, Daergar, Neidar, Klar, and Aghar. The dwarves venerate their dead and consider the Kingdom of the Dead to be represented on the council. The High King is chosen by acclamation of the Council and must be ordained by the citizens. Most of the great dwarven kings have been Hylar. Ecology: Tension persists between the Hylar and the other dwarven races. They have reasonably good relations with the Qualinesti elves. Hylar enjoy roasted meats, boiled vegetables, and strong beer. They rarely trade with other races Class: Maximum Level: Warrior: Fighter Unlimited Ranger Not eligible Paladin 8th Solamnic Knight Not eligible Wizard: Mage (Renegade) Not eligible Illusionist (Renegade) Not eligible Wizard of High Sorcery Not eligible Priest: Cleric (Heathen) Not eligible Druid (Heathen) Not eligible Holy Order of the Stars 10th Rogue: Thief 8th Bard
Combat: Daergar are hot-tempered and brutal fighters. They are utterly without honor on the battlefield. Seldom encountered alone, Daergar usually fight in squads of 12 or more Group/Class: Maximum Level: Warrior: Fighter Unlimited Ranger Not eligible Paladin 8th Solamnic Knight Not eligible Wizard: Mage (Renegade) Not eligible Illusionist (Renegade) Not eligible Wizard of High Sorcery Not eligible Priest: Cleric (Heathen) Not eligible Druid (Heathen) Not eligible Holy Order of the Stars 10th Rogue: Thief 8th Bard Not eligible often accompanied by wind dogs, hell hounds, or similarly vicious creatures. Daergar carry shields, hammers, clubs, and battle axes. Habitat/Society: Daergar have established impressive strongholds in the caverns beneath the Kharolis Mountains. Outposts are also rumored to exist elsewhere on the continent. Daergar cities are dark and gloomy. A typical Daergar city is dominated by windowless prison modules and a huge arena where prisoners engage in bloody combat for the amusement of the citezens. About 40-50% of a group of Daergar are females and young. About 80% of adult males are 1st level fighters, 10% are 2nd or 3rd level fighters, 5% are 4th level or higher fighters, and 5% are priests and thieves of various levels. The Daergar leader is generally the most powerful warrior of the kingdom; rule passes on to the leader's eldest son when the leader dies. The leader represents the Daergar in the Council of Thanes (See the "Hylar" entry for more about the council). Among the most revered members of the Daergar society are the bonemasters. Bonemasters are elder Daergar who attend to the bone pits located on the village perimeters, designing weapons, tools, and armor made from the bones. Typically, there is one bonemaster for every 200 members of a society. Bonemasters also have the ability to animate bones, creating living skeletons to do the bonemaster's bidding. A bonemaster can animate humanoid and animal skeletons alike; a number of skeletons equal to the bonemaster's level can be animated at the same time. The animated skeletons cannot be of any class; they choose their successors, to whom they teach the bone-animating ability. Ecology: Daergar have little interest in the affairs of other races. They hate Neidar and have no particular affection for humans, elves, or kender.
Draconians were created at end of the Age of Darkness to a serve as specialists and shock troops in the dragonarmies during the War of the Lance. They were created to provide the Dark Queen's generals with soldiers who were more predictable than humans and more tractable than the ogres and goblins that made up the bulk of the army. Although male and female draconians were created at the same time, the existence of the females was concealed for a long time. Draconians are the result of twisted and evil magic. Their race was created using the eggs of metallic dragons that had been stolen and secreted under a temple devoted to Takhisis in the city of Sanction. The stolen eggs were subjected to a special ceremony (called "the corruption ritual") performed by Dracart, a wizard of the Black Robes; WyrIlish, one of Takhisis's most powerful priests during the War of the Lance; and Harkiel, a dark-hearted red dragon. This ceremony corrupted the embryo within the eggs, causing it to split into dozens of humanoid creatures. Each breed of draconian draws its origin from a specific type of metallic dragon egg. Baaz were created from brass dragon eggs, Bozaks from bronze, Kapaks from copper, Sivaks from silver, and Auraks from gold. Until the time of the Chaos War, the world believed that draconians were sexless beings, unable to reproduce except through the corruption ceremony. The world was wrong. Dracart knew from the earliest experiments in creating draconians that female dragon embryos created female draconians while male embryos gave rise to males. As he watched the first generation of male draconians thrive and turn into fierce warriors, he feared that the draconians might become a threat to the other races of Krynn. The draconians were loyal to Takhisis and her priests now, but Dracart feared a future in which draconians might rebel a way to propagate except through the corruption ritual. Dracart wanted to destroy all female metallic dragon eggs in the possession of the dragonarmy, but Takhisis forbade it. Instead, she decreed that the eggs containing females be hidden in a different location than Sanction. The eggs that contained the females were not allowed to hatch. The Heart of Dracart. When the Whitestone Forces mounted a serious opposition to the dragonarmies, Takhisis decided that she need a more efficient method to ensure an ongoing supply of draconians than the corruption ritual. She ordered Dracart to create such a method, one that didn't depend on metallic dragon eggs or a union of powerfully evil beings. She was confident the draconians would remain loyal to her. Through means known only to him and the Dark Queen, Dracart created the crystal that he called the Heart of Dracart. This artifact creates hundreds of new draconians from an already existing one, shattering the spirit inhabiting the draconian and putting slivers of it into the copies. The process kills the donor draconian. The replicas are not as smart, powerful, or long-lived as the original, but they are docile, obedient. and able to fight. Maranta's Ambition: Dracart never used his artifact. As the Whitestone Forces searched the ruins of Neraka after the city fell, they found the infamous wizard dead with his throat slashed. The Heart of Dracart was not recovered. The Heart of Dracart was stolen by Maranta, an Aurak. He knew that any draconian created by the artifact would be little more than a mindless slave. He had every intention of destroying the artifact, but found he could not bring himself to do it. As time passed, draconians began to age and die. Their species truly became endangered, and the idea of creating an army of mindless slaves that would continue the species, at least somehow, began to appeal to Maranta. By about twenty years after the War of the Lance, Maranta had already built a base of power, and he hoped that the surviving draconians would gather under his leadership. Now, he also started to consider the possibility of becoming the savior of the draconian species. In truth he cared little for the draconians who served him and never hesitated to order his troops to defend him while he remained safe in his fortress. Kang's Discovery: During the Chaos War, another draconian leader, a Bozak engineer named Kang, discovered Dracart's hidden collection of female dragon eggs. After a conflict with the dwarves of Thorbardin, Kang secured the eggs and allowed them to hatch. Twenty female draconians emerged from the eggs: one Aurak, two Sivaks, three Bozaks, four Kapaks and ten Baaz. With the knowledge that his race now would be able to reproduce naturally, Kang felt the need for a place where draconians could raise their young and that they could call their own. In the company of the females and the draconians who had been his companions since the War of the Lance, Kang set out to find such a home. Kang Against Maranta: Kang and his group eventually clashed with Maranta. Despite their shared desire to see the draconian species continue, Kang and Maranta were motivated by two very different ideals. Kang wanted to find a secure place where draconians could thrive, while Maranta was interested in ensuring his own continued power. Maranta saw Kang and the female draconians as a threat. He feared that Kang's talk of establishing a city of draconians would cause those who had been loyal to Mantra to shift allegiance to Kang. During a goblin attack upon Teyr, Maranta put his plan to save the draconians into action and used the Heart of Dracart. Appalled by Maranta's actions, Kang battled the Aurak, defeated him and destroyed the artifact. Draconians and the Nation of Teyr: With the defeat of Maranta, Kang became the leader of Teyr, a free nation inhabited by draconians. Most of the inferior draconians Maranta created were killed in the battle against the goblins, but a few survived. Kang took pity upon them and brought them with him to the new city he established. Unfortunately, these draconians were sterile. Maranta's dream of continuing the species could have actually ensured the end of it, since so few fertile draconians lived in Teyr that it would have been nearly impossible to sustain the species. What the future holds for Kang and the draconians has yet to be revealed. Draconians have short, stubby tails, lizard snouts, and scaly bodies. Their coloration serves as a dim reminder of the dragons from which they were spawned. Baaz scales have an unmistakably brassy coloration, Bozaks are the color of tarnished bronze, Kapaks are reddish with greenish tints like oxidized copper, Sivaks are a polished silver color. And Auraks are a deep golden hue. Female draconians tend to be shorter and more finely built than males, with female Bozaks being the only exception to this trend. While all draconians except Auraks have wings, only Sivaks can truly fly. Draconians move either by walking upright, gliding down from heights (for a distance four times greater than the height from which they launched), or running on all fours while flapping their wings. This latter form of movement is their fastest, and it kicks up an intimidating dust cloud on the battlefield. All winged draconians have the Run feat for free, allowing them a faster running speed while running on all fours and flapping their wings. Draconians are drawn to evil dragons and revere them. They serve dragons willingly and eagerly, while only reluctantly serving leaders of other species. Draconians have an unknown lifespan. Draconians are reptilian and reproduce as reptiles do. Female draconians lay 14 eggs per clutch. All draconians love ale and spirits. When draconians die, the magical energies that are inherent in their bodies are released in a death throe with spectacular and catastrophic effects. Draconians are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Disease Immunity (Ex): Draconians are immune to all natural diseases. Low Metabolism (Ex): Draconians can survive on one-tenth the food and water it takes to sustain a human.
There is going to be 7 different species you can be each havin at least 1 sub-species. I will post them as well and then the requirments for the rpg. For the sub-species of the Draconians, they are mentioned in the info about them, if you want to be a Draconian please read the info I post about them. also note that some sub-species have little info. if you want to know more pm with what species and sub-species and i will pm you the extra info needed. some of the species have many sub-species while others have none i.e. humans. they just have a "sub-rank" if you will. To know more pm me. some sub-species are not allowed magic. I might make some exceptions to this, I would also like some expierenced rpgers to join this because i dont want it to be thrown away after the time i have put in it. also 1d3 means 1 times 3 so if it confuses you just multiply the numbers together.
Age of Might 1000-0 P.C. Istar becomes the world's most powerful nation and the center for trade. The elves become increasingly isolationistic. Trade wars erupt between the kender and Istar. The Kendermeld exempts them from Istarian standards. Silvanesti ships blockade Istarian ports after the elven merchants are threatened. Peace is brokered by Solamnia. Barbarians raid Istarian trade caravans and are defeated by the Knights. A period of peace lasts for almost 200 years, as Istar becomes the cultural center of the continent. Istar declares itself the moral center of the world and installs the Kingpriest. After 100 years, the Kingpriest issues the Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, stating that any evil act is punishable by slavery or death. The extermination of entire 'evil' races is ordered. Mobs attack the Towers of High Sorcery, but are stopped by the Kingpriest when many are killed by the destruction of some of the Towers. The Edict of Thought control sparks a reign of terror as evil thoughts are declared criminal by the Kingpriest. In the final days, the Kingpriest finishes preparations for his ascent into godhood. On the Night of Doom, true clerics are taken from Krynn by their patron deities. The Cataclysm occurred on the twelfth day of Yule when the Kingpriest demanded that he be made a god. A fiery mountain is launched upon Istar, driving it to the depths of the newly-created Blood Sea. The Temple of Istar is transported to the Abyss. Ergoth is split from the main continent and into two islands; central Ansalon is flooded creating the New Sea; the seaport of Tarsis in the south is stranded in the center of what will become known as the Plains of Dust. Balifor is inundated with water, which recedes, creating a desert. Age of Mortals Dawning of a New Age 1-34 S.C. The Last Heroes' tomb is construced outside of Solace. The Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas is destroyed and the contents of the Library disappear. The red dragon Malystyrx comes to Krynn. Malys destroys the area around Balifor. Riverwind leads the kender against Malys and is slain in the attack. The Herald appears and the Dragon Purge begins. The Knights of Takhisis rebuild near Neraka and Sara Dunstan founds the Legion of Steel. Goldmoon discovers the power of Heart. Three more dragons, Khellendros, Onysablet and Pyrothraxus, claim territory. Palin Majere becomes head of the Conclave and the Citadel of Light is built by Goldmoon and Jasper. Silvanesti is enclosed within a magical barrier. Caramon and Tika Majere rebuild the Inn of the Last Home. During this time, nine more dragons (Gellidus, Stenndunuus, Iyesta, Fenalysten, Lorrinar, Mohrlex, Cryonisis, Frisindia and Beryllinthranox) conquer territory. By order of Solamnic High Command, the Desolation of Malys is explored. The Shadow Sorcerer emerges from the Desolation with magical powers. Qualinesti elves begin disappearing. The Orders of High Sorcery are in chaos as the wizards battle for power. Palin holds the Last Conclave and dissolves the Orders. The ability to feel magic rather than memorize it is demonstrated by the Shadow Sorcerer. Thorbardin is sealed by the dwarves, and some follow Severus Stonehand out of the mountain. He conquers Zhakar and founds a new nation. The Heroes of the Heart challenge the great dragons, and kill the sea dragon, Brine. Age of Despair The Time of Darkness 1-346 A.C. The Dark Ages of Krynn. The Knights are persecuted for not stopping the Cataclysm. The 'seeker' movement for new gods begins. Starving humans and hill dwarves demand entry to Thorbardin. The Dwarfgate War begins and ends when Fistandantilus casts four powerful spells, destroying both armies and the fortress of Zhaman. Takhisis awakens her chromatic dragons and sets the Foundation Stone of her temple in Neraka. The stone is discovered by Berem. The metallic dragon eggs are stolen by the chromatic dragons. The metallic dragons discover their missing eggs, and swear to stay out of the coming war to protect their unborn children. Evil creatures are drawn to Neraka; the Dragonarmies are formed and draconians are created. The War of the Lance & Second Cataclysm 346-383 A.C. The companions undertake journeys to assess the spread of evil in the world. The Dragonarmies invade Nordmaar and Balifor, then attack Silvanesti. The elves flee to Southern Ergoth. Speaker of the Stars Lorac Caladon uses a dragon orb to stop the invasion but instead creates the Nightmare. The invasion of Solamnia begins from the east. The Whitestone Council takes place and an alliance is formed to stop the Dragonarmies. The dragonlance is rediscovered and is used to stop the advance of the Blue Dragonarmy at the High Clerist Tower. Metallic dragons join the war. Highlord Ariakas is killed by Tanis Half-Elven. The War of the Lance ends, and the Dragonarimes are scattered across Ansalon. Whitestone forces eliminate the remainder of the armies. Gunthar Uth Wistan becomes Grand Master of the Knights of Solamnia. Raistlin Majere enters the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas. The city is attacked by Kitiara Uth Matar and the remainder of Blue Dragonarmy. She is defeated, but destroys the city. Solamnic Knights release Lord Ariakan from captivity. He founds the Knights of Takhisis. Goldmoon and Riverwind rebuild Que-Shu and unite the plainsmen. Porthios Kanan and Alhana Starbreeze marry and unite the elven nations. Tanis Half-Elven and Caramon Majere journey to Storm's Keep and meet Steel Brightblade. They return and report the existence of the Knights of Takhisis. Porthios ends the Nightmare of Silvanesti, but he is deposed by the Qualinesti and flees with Alhana. Gilthas Kanan is placed on the throne. The Irda break the Graygem and release Chaos, who threatens the existence of the world. The Knights of Takhisis invade Ansalon, and capture much of the continent. Chaos's minions attack. Thorbardin is attacked from within; elves and ogres stand together to protect Blödehelm and Silvanesti. The Vingaard Mountains erupt. A rift opens in the Turbidus Ocean; minions of Chaos attack Nordmaar, Estwilde, the Northern Wastes and Solamnia. The ocean boils. The High Clerist's Tower is attacked; Knights of Takhisis astride Blue Dragons and Knights of Solamnia on Silver Dragons attack Chaos himself. Chaos is defeated. Paladine announces that the gods and magic will depart Krynn with Chaos, thus saving the world. Raistlin departs with them. Islands named the Teeth of Chaos have formed at the site of the Rift.
ok this rpg description is going to be long so it is going to take a few posts by me, and if you haven't read the books it's ok but if you don't want the whole story line told do not join this. --------------------------------------------- Age of Starbirth In the beginning, there was nothing. Then the Highgod came out of the Beyond, drew plans for a new world, and called into Chaos to summon lesser gods to create the world. Paladine and Takhisis were summoned, and were followed by Gilean who was given a book of the plans for the world, called the Toril. The three gods called again into Beyond for lesser gods to assist them in creating the world. Reorx was one of these and he shaped the world from Chaos. The gods then created life. Paladine and Takhisis asked Reorx to form children in their image, and so dragons were born. Takhisis coveted the dragons and corrupted them, and Paladine asked Reorx to create new children for him. Thus, the All-Dragons War began. At the end of the war, the gods withdrew to the planes and noticed the spirits living in the stars. The All-Saints War was fought over how these spirits should be ruled. The Highgod returned from Beyond and ended the war, and the spirits were given three gifts and left to rule Krynn. Ogres, elves and humans were created and the three moons were born as a pledge never to wage war on Krynn again. Age of Dreams The Foundation Time 9000-4000 P.C. The ogres, elves and humans choose homes. The elves take to the trees, the ogres to the mountains and the humans to the plains. Humans are quickly enslaved by the ogres. After two thousand years, during the Heresy of Igraine, the humans rebel against their ogre overlords and win their freedom. The Irda are created from the followers of Igraine. As the ogres decline into brutish savages, the elvish civilization develops in Silvanesti. The Time of Light 4000-2000 P.C. The elf leader Silvanos holds the first Sinthal-Elish and becomes ruler of many of the elves in the forests of Silvanesti. The wilder elves, or Kagonesti, instead follow another leader, Kagonos. Gnomes are created by Reorx. The chromatic dragons attack the Silvanesti, beginning the First Dragon War. The war ends when the gods of magic intercede to defeat the dragons by creating dragon stones to trap their essences. Magic is exiled. The Graystone is forged by Reorx and is hidden on Lunitari, but is discovered by gnomes. The stone returns to Krynn where it is captured by a human mage named Gargath. In a battle to recover the stone, the gnomes inadvertently release it, and the Graystone unleashes wild magic on Krynn, creating the lesser races. The dwarves delve their first home, Thorin, and uncover the dragon stones. The Second Dragon War begins when the stones are brought to the surface. Three mages and a Scion defeat the dragons, but the wild magic kills many. The mages are taken to the Lost Citadel by the gods of magic to learn the ways of magic. They will return to found the Orders of High Sorcery. The human barbarians organize under Ackal Ergot and the Ergothian empire is founded. The empire expands rapidly, and eventually reaches the border of Silvanesti. Sithel, the Speaker of the Stars, is killed by a human hunter and the Kinslayer War between the Ergothian empire and the Silvanesti begins. After forty years of fruitless war, a peace is negotiated and the Swordsheath Scroll is signed. Progressive elves secede from Silvanesti to form a new elven nation in the west. Led by Kith-Kanan, these elves become the Qualinesti. The dwarves dig a new home and call it Thorbardin, or 'best new hope'. Their old home, Thoradin, is lost. The Time of Knights 2000-1000 P.C. The fortress of Pax Tharkas is built as a symbol of peace among nations. The Ergothian Emperor is replaced in a military coup, and the northern and eastern provinces revolt. Vinas Solamnus is promoted to commander of the armies and is sent to crush the rebellion. After a year of fighting, Solamnus joins the rebels and marches on Daltigoth. The provinces are granted independence and the nations of Solamnia, Sancrist and Istar are formed. The minotaur nation is created in northeast Ansalon. Solamnus founds the Knights of Solamnia. Dragon eggs are planted in Thorbardin, where they are unearthed by the dwarves. Chromatic dragons are born and the Third Dragon War begins. The Knights of Solamnia halt the advance of the dragon hordes outside Vingaard Keep. A young knight, Huma, and his dragon, Heart, discover the dragonlances and defeat Takhisis in single combat. She and her armies withdraw.
Can i join this even if i don't know about the book? If i can here's my sign up. _____________________________________________________________________ Name:Rastuno Color:Black with paws white and lower jaw white Has the Sight?:Yes Bird Companion:Red-tailed Hawk Bio:Rastuno aka Rast is well tempered yet able to defend himself when needed. He found out he has the Sight and will stop at nothing to make sure the future is safe for all pups. He has no pack so he travels alone and is normally quiet.
Vortex walked out into the woods to explore and see if he could find anything to use to make some statues. It was one of his hobbies he learned when he was younger. As he rounded a bend in the trees he saw a man with white hair and some cybertronics on his face. Not knowing if the man intended harm he hid in the trees hoping the man didn't have a heat sensor. In case he did he put minature white holes near other trees to make it look like more people were there. When the srtanger jsut looked up and smiled Vortex knew, for some reason, that he meant no harm. Vortex jumped down and continued his search of the woods.
OOC: ok sorry i was trying to think of something good in 15 minutes...i was in school but ill fix that IC: Vortex had thought the black holes were controlled but found out from a bad expierience that he was wrong. A little TOO wrong. When he tried practicing it he almost died. He figured it was a fluke...but it still pissed him off. As he began his nightly work out he heard a noise near the practice door. When he opened it up he discovered nothing but an empty bottle with a note inside. It was to Nate so he ran to the conference room and found Nate inside. Vortex handed him the bottle and said "I found this outside the Practice Room wiht your name on it." "OK. Thanks, but can I read this alone?" Nate asked. "Yea sorry to interupt." With that said Vortex went back to the Practice Room an tried to figure out how to control the black hole move until the crack of dawn... OOC: an yea i should have thought about the black hole thing before i posted it...Once again, sorry
Vortex finally got the nerve up to go look for Gravitonne. When he found him in the Conference Room he stopped. "Hmm..Um...Gravitonne? Are you busy?" Votex asked apprehensivly. "Not at the moment Vortex. What's the problem?" inquired Gravitonne. "I was just wondering if you guys had room for one more mutant. I know I'm young an.." Vortex was interupted. "Of course you can join... We need all the help we can get. I know your young too, but you can still be a great asset to the team, I just need to be alone at the moment. And let me be the first to say Welcome to the X-Men Vortex," said Gravitonne. "ALL RIGHT!" yelled Vortex enthusiastically. Vortex jumped in the air, made a white hole and reappeared behind Grav. Vortex was a litle too excited and Gravitonne could tell. All of a sudden Nathan walked in. "I think I'll go now so you two can talk. And I promise to train hard night and day to help the X-Men defeat the Herald," Vortex was saying as he walked out of the room. In the Training Room Vortex was practicing his skills that he knew when all of a sudden he got an idea. "What if I make a white hole with a 6 foot diameter and shot a 3 foot diameter black hole into it?" he thought aloud. He made the white hole with the 6 foot diameter and shot the black hole into it. All of a sudden he felt the tug of the black hole behind him. He closed both the holes and exclaimed "NO WAY! This is soo cool! I hope this isn't a fluke, he thought to himself. But when he tried it again it didn't work. "DAMNIT!" Vortex yelled! He got so angry he almost broke the machines in the Room. Deciding to go to bed he left to ponder about what he had done only once.
Vortex stood atop a wrecked building, his home. He heard a loud boom but then saw the X-Men go by so he figured it was them. "Maybe I should try and join them," he thought aloud. He figured what the he** and decided to go for it. He saw Gravitonne's anti-gravity bubble in the distance and decided to use a white hole to catch up to him. *zzzzzPFFT* Vortex reappeared not 5 feet behind Gravitonne. Vortex decided to follow on foot until they got to the base before bugging them. Vortex then broke into a jog/sprint behind Gravitonne's anti-gravity bubble.
Name: Devon Standkut Mutant Name:Vortex Age:15 Sex:m Mutant Ability:He can create "black" and "white" holes, he can also charge certain objects, like Gambit from the origanal X-Men. Bio: Devon never knew what a family was. He was in an orphanage when he was 4 years old. A rogue band of mutants took him and since then his powers grew. The band either disassembled or got killed. He does not know because he woke up 1 morning to find everything gone, including the rogues. Short Description: Vortex stands 5'6" and weighs 125 pounds. His hair is black on 1 side and white on the other. He has all his clothing matching his hair except for the fact that with his clothing the black is under the white and the white is under the black. Wears trenchcoat, sleeve-less shirt, skin tight spandex like material pants (the pants are genetically altered to him because they help control his powers) an mid-shin high boots.
I'm just going to guess. I have no clue what so ever. Hope I get at least 1 right. lol 1.14 2.16,000 3.All right! (dubbed version) 4.the Genki Dama (spirit bomb) 5.Gohan.
Name:Spyre Transull Age:19 Species:Human Squad:Grunts Weapons: Dartgun on right knee(shoots Kamino saberdarts), missle launcher on jet pack, flamethrower on right knee, on each wrist he has extracting vibro-blades that are custom made, a Subseven Blaster Rifle and a thermal detonater pocket on his chest. Description: Dark blue Mandalorian Armor with Blood Red Tribal markings, orange under suit with an ice blue jumpersuit. Bio:Spyre joined the Grunts only a couple of weeks ago. His family was close with Jangos. Jango doesn't know Spyre that well because Spyre was always out doing his personal business. In actuallity he was training. When Spyres suit is off he is around 5'11 143 lbs, has black hair an ice blue eyes. (hope this is good)
Name: Devin Dookin Codename: Mongoose Organization: FOXHOUND Weapon: Silenced GLock 325 with bigger clip Bio: Devin does not remember his past, he is believed to b around 17 or 18 years old. The Colonel found him in the jungle of the Amazon and decided to add him to the FOXHOUND organization. He has done every mission possible in VR, he also has done 3 solo missions that were "kid" missions. Personality: Almost always calm, he thinks out a situation unless action is needed right at the moment. He is extremely rational and does not question his orders. Description: Dark-brown hair in dreadlocks, bronze skin, wears a black spandex under suit with an all black combat suit. The strangest thing about Mongoose is that he has white iris' (color of eyes).
Name: D'Spyre Animal: Polar Bear Location: 8 is this gonna get started?
Lidono say Zero walk into the hallway and decided to talk with him. Lidono: Hey Zero. How's it hanging? Zero: I'm alright, pissy but alright. Lidono: I hear ya Zero. When am I gonna see some action. I'm getting bored staying here all the time. Zero: All in good time my friend, all in good time. Lidono: What was my grandfather like? I mean, I never knew him but my dad told me he served with you. Zero: ........He was a good warrior. Loyal. Honest and willing to do what it takes to reach the goal even if it meant life or death. Lidono:............Oh. Well, I'll see ya around Zero. Lidono ran to the training room and put his armor on. He needed to think about some things. He powered up his buster and got his beam-sabre out. He really needed to think about things.
hey ur other mm rpg didnt go to well so ill try this one Name:Lidono (reformed reploid of lidon my old char.) Age:17 Weapons:Beamsaber, buster, and electro-shock dart gun Appearance: Has armor that looks like quickmans except its is green and has a black gem in his fore head. He also has mechanical wings like bass. Bio:Lidono doesnt remember much about his past because he was attacked. He can only remember the attack and beyond. He learned that Zero was awakened and vowed to help him bring peace for reploids like his grandfather tried to do.
Name: Stykbacca Age: 35 Race: Wookie Ship: sky-hopper cockpit, x- wing s foils and a-wing sublight drives Description: 7'5", 329 lbs (he's a wookie!) black and brown hair with a blonde stripe going from his forehead to his chin Bio: Styk has been known to assemble different parts of droids or ships and make things. His star-fighter is custom built by him. He has the normal wookie traits except his loyalty to the "rebellion" is far greater than normal.
Rich sat in his Zoid doing diagnostics checks. He also had a screen up to watch the match between the Igniters and the Mirage.
49 minutes late where i live. Almighty lets get this started!!!!!!!
ooc: i am such a stupid dumb@$$! i didn't even know the rpg started. i hope i can make sense of this. ic: Lidon was running down halls trying to find the other members of Zero Unit. As he turned a corner he saw Mavericks everywhere in the command center. Lidon:Zero! Sorry I'm late but Dr.Light was upgrading me. Did I miss the fun? Zero: It's about damn time you showed up Lidon! We could have used you earlier! Oh well. Better late than never. The fun is just begining. Let's bring it to 'em! Lidon: All right sh**heads! I'm pissed and your in MY territory now! Rex Mantis: OOOO! A big shot rookie huh? Well you can taste some Dino mines!!! Lidon: Listen Barney boy! I am not in a good mood right now and your gonna get your a** kicked! Lidon opened his arm panel and put in his Fly E-chip and his alpha buster E-chip. They were almost completed when Rex Mantis charged. Rex Mantis: I'll give you a Barney boy you incompetent fool!!!!! Lidon jumped in the air just as his wings activated. Lidon: Hey! Shouldn't you be purple and saying nice things like you love me or somethin'? Rex Mantis: Get down here you little bastard! Lidon: And here I thought you were supposed to be a star of a kids show! Man, it's no wonder they took you off of the air! Lidon activated the power-up to his buster sword and dived at Rex Mantis. He jabbed down, slashed left, then right. Rex Mantis: AAARRRGGGHHHH! You'll pa- All of a sudden Rex blew to pieces. Lidon: Whoa! Dr.Lights up grade to my buster sword kicks a**!!! Lidon turned on his comm. unit. Zero: You paged Lidon?(sounds of battle in the background) Lidon: Yea. Rex Mantis is done for. You gotta check out my new upgrade later! It kicks some major a**! Zero: Well*grunt* I'm kinda busy at the moment so we'll chat later. Zero out! Lidon: Ok. Lidon out! Lidon ran down some more halls to try to find an isolated Maverick.
Sign Up Vampire: the Masquerade RPG. WARNING! Not for the faint of heart!
Ykonis replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
Name: Anatony Korffe -Age:26(appears to be 16) -Gender: Male -Clan: Gangrel(Inconnu) -Physical Description: Anatony is 5'11", 150 lbs, blue hair, green eyes and has scras on his legs and back. -Mentle Description: Anatony is a "ragaholic". When he gets mad he cannot control himself. He loves fighting and anything else violent. He listens to the Camirilla but does not agree with their way of life. -History: He cannot remember anything before his embrace. He also remembers how he got his scars. On the night of his embrace, he was jumped and during the fight was burned in a burn barrel by getting held on top of it. -Physical: 4 -Mental: 1(he loves violence, what would you expect from a half-insane blood-thirsty vampyre!?!) -Social: 3 -Psychic:2 (i hope this is good enough. can i post a sprite of what my character looks like?) -
hey would it be alright if i posted a sprite of my character here? its not the good and the colors are a little screwed up cuz i only have ms paint but it was one of my first ones.