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Everything posted by Ykonis

  1. o sorry. ummm. ok i got one. name:stan age:15 height:4'10 weight:100 lbs eyes:green hair:red personality:rich's best friend. he's known rich for as long as he can remember. zoid info: zoid type:zero liger(all red) aka flame same weapons and money as rich
  2. ok. ill make some people for my team. here they are. Name: Kyle Age: 16 Height: 6' 0 Weight: 179 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: blonde Personality: rich's older brother. they are inseparable and love to pretend to fight. Name: Dale Age: 20 Height: 6' 0 Weight: 179 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: blonde Personality:kyle and rich's older brother. after their parents disappeared he became like a father figure and is very protective of them. Zoid info on kyle: Zoid type:sabre tiger (all black) aka shadow. same weapons and credits as rich Zoid info on dale: Zoid type:sabre tiger(all grey) aka smoke same weapons and credits as rich
  3. i guess i could make more people for my team if i need to. almighty jus tell me when u want me to make more people for my team and i will.
  4. I opened my eyes and saw that my master was not in the room. I stood up to stretch when my holobox beeped indicating i had a waiting message. I went over to the box and pressed play. My masters holo projection showed up. Yuu:Padawan. If you are seeing this it means that Master Skywalker has sent me on a mission. He and i both want you to go through the the trials so you can become a Jedi Knight. We need you. I'm sorry this is so short but i cannot have it long to be safe. I am on a dangerous mission.....I sense a disturbance in the force. I must go now. Good luck my Padawan! The hologram ended. I opened my door and ran to talk to Master Skywalker. This is an important matter, I thought to myself.
  5. name:lidon type:maverick hunter/raiden something(elven pmed me and mentioned something with raiden in it) woc:buster sword(upgradable) capsules: leg:speed break. allows an increase of speed for a temporary time arm:alpha buster sword. upgrades the buster sword. makes its atacks more powerful. head:titan helm. stong titanium alloy moxed with admanium in a helm-shape. body:raiden armor appearance:bright yellow legs,helm, and arms with dirty yellow body has red limb creases, black hair green eyes, a black diamond in the helm, is about 5'10". E-chips: grapple:allows lidon to climb walls with cracks or vines(netting etc.) jump:allows lidons jump to be higher and longer. wing chip:allows wings to form on lidons back and lets him fly for a certain time.(stays low because he doesnt know when it'll run out.) spike chip: allows lidon to walk on spikes. i think i did all this right. hope its a good character.
  6. i get it now maul. very funny...not. lol. ne ways i hoped whoever read it liked my story.
  7. yea i was talking about the movie boba fett. i think i locked myself in cuz the knob won't turn mr. maul. lol
  8. could you tell me some weapons, armor styles, e-chips, and capsules so i can make up a character and join?
  9. hey lauren i think that it would be over 9,300 that you spent on parts because diamond armor is 10,000 itself. i was just letting you know.
  10. I wonder where the padawan I was fighting with went to. She might need some medical attention. I was about to enter the temple when she ran up behind me. Kei:Hey. I just wanted to tell you thanks for helping me. D'Spyre:It was not a problem. I wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasn't for your excellent blaster shots. By the way, my name is D'Spyre. Kei:I'm Kei. I was looking for you out on the battle field when i saw you walking toward the temple so I ran here as fast as I could. Maybe we can go to the med center and get our cuts treated. D'Spyre:Sure. Have you seen Master Yuu though? I didn't see him on the field. I'm worried about him. He might be injured but i still sense his presence. Maybe he'll be at the med center. Kei:Well, let's go then! I walked toward the med center with Kei. When we arrived i saw that my master was not there. I became more worried. After our wounds were patched I told Kei that I was going to my quarters to meditate. She said that she didn't mind but we should talk later. I opened my door to find my master pacing the room. Yuu:My padawan. I was wondering where you had gotten to. A sense of relief passed over me to see my master. I felt calm now. D'Spyre:I was getting my wounds treated with the padawan i fought with at the med center. I came here to meditate so I could try and find the motive behind the Sith attack. Yuu:Well then, we shall meditate together. My master and I sat on the floor with our legs crossed. We went into the trance for meditation and we let ourselves flow with the force.
  11. sorry i forgot about my team info. here it is. Team name:Swiftcats Team emblem:a black panther head with fangs bared in a blue circle
  12. Name: Rich Kuston Age: 15 Height: 5'8" Weight: 123 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: black Personality: Rich is an easy-going person. his great-great-great-grandfather was on the blitz team so zoid battling is in his blood. :Zoid Info: Great Sabre-Tiger Type Zoid Name: Sabretiger Weapons: 1. Long Range Shell Cannon 2. Long Range Shell Cannon 3. MultiMissile Launcher 4. MultiMissile Launcher 5. MultiMissile Launcher 6. Shrapnel Cannon 7. Shrapnel Cannon 8. Wrap Cable Armor: Diamond :Financial Information: Current Balance: 30,900 Money Spent On Parts: 19,100
  13. i just had an idea about a new boba fett so i made a fanfic. there really isnt a purpose i was just bored.lol
  14. It was a small model, probably not meant to be used on ships, but Mereel didn't exactly have a choice. He tucked the charges into the pack and the small ion gun under his arm. He pumped the manual lever that would open the hatch. The hatch wouldn't close until the ship was powered up again, but it wouldn't matter. Once again, favoring the braced leg, Mereel propelled himself over the distance approximately a kilometer to the other ship. It took no time in the miniscule gravity since Mereel made the trip in great leaps. He only had to be careful not to exert enough force to break the gravity's pull. Beside the ship, Mereel dug into the rubble under the ship and planted the charges. He was about to set them off with his detonator when he suddenly wondered if perhaps there might not be survivors. True, the ship was old, but it wasn't THAT old. He'd seen older ships still in service actually. Mereel looked into the rent on the side of the ship. It looked as if it had torn into a service crawlway. He tried to fit through the jagged hole nearest him, knowing that if the metal even came close to tearing the atmosphere suit he'd forget the whole thing; chance survivors or no. Mereel looked over the smooth side of the roughly rectangular shaped ship and took in the battleship gray and the hunter's green. Muttering an oath that fogged the visor of his protective helmet he pushed himself inside. Mereel could see. The ship's ancient power systems still illuminated service panel lights. Jaster Mereel propelled himself using his arms along the horizontal space and nearly hit his head going around a corner. He cursed and climbed through a narrow hatch- -And fell into the cockpit. The atmosphere had escaped already. Mereel knew there was no chance of survivors now. He turned to climb to his feet and found himself face to face with a corpse. Mereel gave a start then ridiculed himself for being startled by a dead body. He knew better. One wasn't afraid of the dead when one had killed. A plassheet was clutched in the corpse's hand. Curiosity overcoming Mereel's need to act quickly; he pulled the sheet from death's grasp. I was the last. I ran instead of fighting alongside my brethren. Now I'll die alone in shame. I no longer deserve to wear the armor of the dead Mandalore. -Fett Mandalorian, Mereel mused. If the man had discarded the armor, then it must be somewhere in here. The Mandalore had been extinct for years and their armor was rare and valuable. Mereel glanced around the small room as he got ready to climb back out the way he'd come. It didn't matter how much it was worth, much longer and he wouldn?t be around at all. Mereel pulled the tracer from the sack and secured it under the console so it wouldn't be knocked loose when the ship was blown into orbit. He nearly kicked a gray mound out of his way when he saw a yellow piece of shoulder armor with glints of red. He bent and scooped the discarded body armor into the now emptied sack and climbed out of the ship with a growing sense of urgency. He cleared the distance to his ship in less time that he'd have thought possible with two good legs and dodged up into his ship while he activated the detonator. The blast rocked Luck's Last hand, and Mereel picked up the ion gun and slid cautiously outside. He put the gun to his shoulder, propped himself as best he could and waited, all the while keeping an eye on the ghost ship of the forgotten Mandalorian. Minutes passed, but they felt like an eternity. The old Mandalorian's ship slowly drifted across the 'sky', and Mereel worried that if the bounty hunters didn't show up soon, the decoy he'd placed would do him no good-except maybe if it drifted far enough that he could escape undetected. But Jaster Mereel didn't want to lose his pursuer. He wanted to kill them. Just for being stupid enough to come after him in the first place. Sound doesn't carry in space. Sound didn't carry in the thin atmosphere of the asteroid either. One of Mereel's old 'trooper instructors liked to say 'remember, in space no one can hear you scream' before he put the recruits through rigorous simulation flights. Not too original, but true none the less. Mereel couldn't hear the approaching hunters' ship, but he could see it's vague outline as it arched over the horizon. He checked his surroundings briefly. He was concealed well enough on the rocky surface in the gray atmosphere suit. The courier ship was hidden from the point of view of the cautiously moving ship as well. He propped the butt of the gun against his shoulder and trailed the ship. The asteroid was deep into the field, almost on the other side, and movement wasn't as frantic here. The bounty hunters would have lost most of their shielding coming through the field. They'd see the ship drifting on their sensors, and think that Mereel had either been hit by an asteroid or was trying to trick them by lying in wait. Therefore they'd divert all the power left in the shielding to the front as they cleared the smaller asteroid between them and their prey. Mereel figured he had a five-second window. His trigger finger twitched. Now. Mereel fired the ion gun and watched the ball of energy hit home. The force drove him backward onto the rocky surface and he was briefly winded. As he pushed himself up cautiously he became aware of a dull ache in his side. Probably a bruised rib, Mereel rationalized and dragged himself aboard. He looked to the ship in the sky and was relieved to see the external light had gone out and it was free floating. Up the cargo lift and to the cockpit Mereel staggered, holding his side. Perhaps it was a bit more serious than a bruise. He collapsed into the pilot's chair and rapidly punched in commands on the console. Luck's Last Hand hummed to life. The ship vibrated as the ramp was lifted and sealed into place. Mereel didn't route precious energy from the engines to begin life support again; the suit would suffice until the matter at hand was dealt with. Luck rose steadily out of the gravitational pull of the asteroid and Mereel even managed a small satisfied smile when he loosed Luck's arsenal against the dead ship. The ship blew apart in a spectacular display. The brief fire in space was a beautiful spectacle so alien to that of fire on a planet the things might not even be considered the same. Mereel powered up the life support systems of the ship and navigated his way cautiously through the remainder of the asteroid field. Mereel's brow furrowed briefly. "Yes, that's exactly what I need, but how much will it cost?" "About fifty thou," the alien replied calmly. No, Mereel thought resigned, it was by far more than he could afford. He sighed and nodded to the alien specialist before he rose from the seat he'd been occupying across from it. "Sorry, that's beyond my means currently. Thanks for your time." The alien nodded to Mereel as he left. He paused and turned around. "What about the ID? Without the retinal scrambling?" "Much less. Say 2,500. But much more easily traced, all someone needs to do is run a match for all corresponding retinal patterns." "Is there a way I could get a slicer to delete all public files of the old identity?" Mereel asked curiously. "No. Well, it is possible, but private organizations, Old bank records, hundreds of databases would have the information. It would be useless." The Violet furred alien spread it's two pairs of arms to emphasize the hopelessness. "I understand. I'll think about that," Mereel replied, and left the store that had been closed for hours. The store whose main source of income did not come from the trinkets it sold to tourists. Mereel walked out into the deserted marketplace of Nar Makaan. The streetlights attached to the outside walls of the cylindrical buildings glowed green and cast eerie shadows across the roads. He had to find a way to escape the bounty hunters. The price on his head was high enough to make him a popular quarry for the less specialized hunters. Not enough for the elite, like the woman he'd talked to on Concord Dawn when he was just a kid. She'd crash landed in the middle of a desert and shot the two short-range fighters out of the sky with some weapon he hadn't seen before or since. The black haired human woman seemed frail at first glance but had an aura of danger about her. Mereel had a feeling if she'd come after him instead of the team of hunters that had (and any of the ones he'd killed recently) he would probably be long dead. He'd seen her again after he'd been banished and they'd talked for a short while about Bounty Hunting. The memory was fuzzy; he wasn't in the best mental shape right after he'd been banished. He remembered her making a comment about a creed when he had asked her if the ship's she'd shot out of the sky had been other hunters after one of her bounties. She'd laughed and said something like' oh, no, those were pirates. Bounty Hunters have a creed; one hunter is not allowed to hunt another unless they are competing on the same contract.' Mereel stiffened and paused in his walk back to the seedy place he was staying in. If he became a bounty hunter, he wouldn't have to worry about someone after him all the time. Mereel resumed his walk, but his pace quickened; the only outward sign of his excitement. I'd be able to choose my targets. I wouldn't have to worry about someone else's ideals interfering with my work, he thought. He ducked through the doorway of the 'hotel' (that was a joke) he was staying at. The purple furred inhabitants of Nar Makaan were decidedly shorter than the average human, and Mereel was above average height. He pressed his identification chip against the door panel of his room and the door slid open with a hiss. Mereel didn't bother to turn the lights on as he crossed the room and sat down on the bed. The door closed itself a second after Mereel pulled off his boots and lay back silently on the mattress. He had a few thousand credits in his account, a little over ten. He had Luck's Last Hand. The ship wasn't much, especially if he wanted to do anything more with it than haul cargo. But he could trade it in for a smaller ship with better capabilities, Mereel decided. He could also get weapons and systems upgrades if he took the ship to Zaith. Nalty would be glad to try out some of his more unconventional prototypes with Mereel. He could get all the necessary upgrades etc. to a ship then fake his own death, then get a new identity. Bounty Hunting wasn't so different, he decided as he let himself fall into a light sleep, as what he'd been doing since he was 16: enforcing the law. Jaster Mereel woke to the sound of muffled voices. The sounds were faint, but Mereel was a light sleeper when he wanted to be. He'd even learned to sleep with his eyes open if needed (it came in handy when he'd been assigned to TIE fighter guard duty for days on end) and the barely audible sound of low voices outside his door was enough. Mereel groaned. More hunters. He cursed himself for not leaving two ways out of his room. There was no window, and the walls were impermeable to any type of armament he had with him now. Mereel sized up his options. All the things he owned were either with him or in Luck's Last Hand. He had his blaster rifle, but he was at a decided disadvantage since he had to be the one to open the door if he wanted out. Damn. He had the Mandalorian armor with him. He had a change of clothes. He had some money. Mereel let his mind wander back to the Mandalorian armor again. It had weapons built into it. If he could put it on it would lend a good cover story. Mereel grinned and pulled the pieces of armor out of his carry sack. First he put on the suit that the metal armor attached to. It fit well thankfully. Mereel didn't have much time. There was the sound of someone getting blasted outside in the hallway. Mereel pulled the wrist gauntlets on finally and the T-shaped visor helmet over his head. If felt odd. He assumed a threatening pose and picked up his blaster rifle. The armor would deflect most shots that came his way- if he was lucky and played his role right, none would. Mereel punched the panel that opened the door and stalked out of the room. A Rodian hunter brought his blaster up at Mereel as he came out. "Who are you?" the Rodian lisped in fairly good Basic. "Name's Fett, now get out of my way, I'm on a hunt," Mereel growled at the shorter Rodian. He heard the roughness in his own voice and thought this was one of those occasions when his harsh-sounding voice was more an asset than a boon. "Sso am I," the Rodian hissed. "My quarry goes by Jaster Mereel. This is his room." "Mereel is gone." Mereel said simply, and walked off, presumably to continue his hunt. He gave no explanations; he didn't think a bounty hunter would need to. He was amused that the Rodian seemed slightly intimidated by the armor. It had proved to be handier than a way to get credits. Mereel decided that perhaps bounty hunting was what his future held after all.
  15. It had happened again. No, to give the current circumstances their due, it hadn't. This was completely new, totally different, in time, place, and perhaps most importantly, conditions. The young man groaned. The first time it had hurt- the first time he had cared, but now it was just annoying, playing back through his mind at odd times even now, several months after the fact. A wanted man, not an uncommon occurrence in this day, but with all the smuggling and piracy going on, having the crime 'treason' attached to one's identity was not helpful. Nor was the 'kill on sight' command that came with that attachment. It was unfair; that at least was plain, but the rough looking young man accepted that. He'd learned that almost before he'd learned to crawl. He accepted it, but he did not like it. Familiar rage began to rise again, and he didn't suppress it. It was like a calming friend now; the only one he had it seemed. He looked around at the buildings on the street trying to get his bearings. Yes, he was going in the right direction. He turned left down a dead-ended alley and thumped on the heavy durasteel door. He heard faint sounds of movement inside, then a crash followed by profuse cursing. He smiled grimly, mood slightly improving at the few seconds of chaos. Finally the door opened a crack. "Mereel, you're early," the ragged ogre of a human growled at him, obviously venting on the first possible victim. The young man wasn't that easy though, and growled right back at him through the odd grin that he still wore in harsh accented tones. Obviously, Basic was not his primary language. "Locaster you idiot, look at your chrono. How would Zaith feel if he knew you'd fallen asleep during your guard?" he asked and shoved his way inside. The only light source was a dim blue glow coming from a corridor on the other side of the garage littered with bits and pieces from scores of machines, most of which would never find any use. Not wanting to make the same blundering mistake as Locaster, Jaster Mereel, (ex Journeyman Protector and more recently ex Stormtrooper and Imperial Fighter Pilot) waited a few seconds for his vision to adjust enough to the dimness to make his way across the wreak of a hall without any messy mishaps. The larger man fell into step behind him silently. Locaster was big, and he could break any average man in half, but was really just an average street thug. A follower really, who did not have the type of mental strength or intelligence needed to take on Mereel, especially not while the latter was in such a dark mood. Safely across the minefield of parts, Mereel strode confidently down the bare walled round hallway. Down and over several twists and bends with only dim glowing blue lights embedded into the walls at irregular intervals for light. Mereel moved with such certainty that it was obvious he'd been down this passageway enough to have no need of even the faint blue glow-panels. The dull battleship-gray steel walls ended abruptly with another heavy durasteel door, a retinal scanner and a punch-code box. Mereel had to bend slightly to get his right eye parallel to the scanner as he punched in the code deftly with his left hand, never needing to check the numbers he was putting in; Mereel was not short by human standards, that illusion was created from being dwarfed by the bulky giant behind him. The processor blipped in recognition and the portal slid open silently. "Kid's here," Locaster announced, turned and left the way they'd just come. Mereel wondered once again why he needed an escort and announcer while dually being outraged over being called 'kid'. He silently crossed the threshold and the door whooshed shut behind him. "Hey Mereel," someone greeted. Jaster Mereel turned in that direction to see whom it was since the speaker was behind him and to his left, well out of his peripheral vision. He took in the usual sites of scruffy looking humans and aliens working together or separately in different parts of the huge underground 'stadium' on various forms of illegal weaponry. Some of it made to order for some of the more prestigious (if there were such a thing) outlaws, and other personae as could not buy these types of weaponry through the usual channels. The unseen speaker turned out to be Nalty, one of the older humans who specialized in taking outdated or abandoned technology and restoring or improving on it for more modern times. Mereel's curiosity was piqued and he made his way over. The lean human showed Mereel a mass of circuits exposed on what looked like an old personal jetpack from back in the Clone War days when the technology had been abandoned when so many of the users proved unable to control the mechanisms. "I'm almost done with this piece," he explained. "We lost another one of our testers when he tried the other one I'd repaired. Moved his legs wrong and ended up smashing into a wall. Quite a mess; his head exploded like a melon. Pity," he mumbled and fused a few severed wires together with other spliced pieces. "Yeah, I bet it was a waste of a good jetpack," Mereel commented. Nalty laughed. "My thoughts exactly rookie. Wanna give it a try?" he offered, closing up the panel that exposed the circuitry and offering the jetpack to Mereel. Jaster Mereel backed wisely away. "Hey, I'm not a tester anymore," he protested defensively. "Come on Mereel, you've got a natural instinct for this stuff. You have the reflexes, agility and experience as a fighter pilot. I tell you what, if you can do it she's yours." "Yeah, and if I can't I end up a mess on the wall and you'll have to find yourself another courier," Mereel countered, but he had to admit he was tempted. "Look, you can have it anyway. After the tester I realized why these things were abandoned in the first place. I just hated leaving this one unfinished when I'd spent so much time on it. Maybe you'll change your mind and it'll come in handy sometime." He shrugged and pushed it across his workstation where Mereel would be able to take it, then bent down and searched a drawer. He produced a package after a few minutes-minutes Mereel had been staring at the jetpack-and handed the courier a package in a carry sack and a blaster. "Second moon, Hav't City, third district marketplace, shop called the Treasure Hunter. Ask for The Minx. They might need a demo," Nalty instructed as he handed the items over. Mereel nodded, memorizing the directions and started away, then on an impulse grabbed one of the straps of the jetpack. Twenty-six hours later. As Mereel left the Treasure Hunter, another courier job successfully carried out; he had the most peculiar sensation. Suddenly, Mereel had a very bad feeling. In his time as a Protector, he'd had such feelings and on occasion they'd saved his life. On instinct, Mereel shoved his way through casual shoppers in the busy marketplace and made for his ship. Not a moment too soon apparently, a blaster bolt hissed past him and he could smell singed hair. It hit a shopper square in the shoulder and downed her. Mereel decided to take an indirect route. He dodged into an alley and down a side street after that. Through an abandoned building and a crowded cantina, another alley, always going in the direction of the spaceport. He hoped to either lose his pursuers or at least draw them into a more open area so he wouldn't be distracted by the slight chance he'd hit a civilian. He'd spent too many years as a protector not to feel that compulsion. Just before the cantina one had gotten close enough for Mereel to actually see him. Luckily not long enough for Mereel to get shot in the back before he'd put enough distance between himself and his pursuers. The one Jaster Mereel had glimpsed had set off alarms in the back of his mind. As he gained still more space behind him by causing a riot in the cantina while he went through- firing off a few random blasts and shoving into people, he remembered the face. The man was a bounty hunter. Mereel had thought the hunter was carrying too much equipment for an enforcer, even if the enforcer in question worked for some other competition in the illegal arms business. Mereel wished he'd read the imperial bulletin with the bounty hunter in it instead of just glancing over it. Now, if his memory and sense of direction remained true, the spaceport would be just down the street he'd turn right onto at the end of the alleyway he was in now. Mereel burst into the wide-open space and began to arc across the quiet roadway. He dodged back over to the right side and stayed against the wall. He'd realized how easy it would be for someone on the same side of the street he'd come onto to be hiding in a doorway with a blaster the same instant he saw a vague shadow in a corner just outside the spaceport entrance. One of the hunters following him came out behind him and brought his blaster up to fire, but Mereel was fast. He already had his own rifle at the ready and in an instant he jigged to the side and dropped to his knee as he spun around and shot the bounty hunter square in the chest. The man made an odd gurgling noise as he fell forward. Mereel backed into the nearest doorway. Unfortunately it was boarded up so there was no chance he'd be able to make a break for it. He held his blaster up to his chest and breathed deeply. There was at least one more behind him, and now he could hear the bastard's footsteps several yards from his temporary safe haven. Another was under cover down near the entrance. Even if he got the other one behind him he'd never make it into his ship's hangar alive. Calming himself, Mereel surmised his options. He didn't have the sample weaponry he'd couried, it had already been delivered although it would have been very handy at the moment. Mereel's brow creased for a moment and he was momentarily at a loss for what else it was he carried in the one-strapped bag across his back. The jetpack..! Mereel thought it rather ironic as he snapped on the metallic harness in the few seconds he had. He'd planned to sell off the pack to some idiot, but here he was, 'testing' it. Well, Mereel reasoned, if I don't manage it, I'm dead, and if I stay here I'm deader. At least those nerf herders won't have the satisfaction of getting me themselves. Mereel held his breath as he pushed the switch on the side. The acceleration forces were horrible, if Mereel had been less experienced in this type of thing and had his head positioned slightly more over to the side the g-forces would have snapped his neck as the jet pack's rockets propelled him skyward in a burst of flame and sound. Mereel kept his wits and arched his body slightly sideways (not back, he reminded himself, or you'll burn your legs off) and twisted over the side of the deserted building in whose door way he'd just taken brief refuge. Blaster bolts burned and streaked around him leaving the scent of ozone. Mereel grinned despite himself and ducked his head forward. It was almost his last move; he'd over compensated the dive and when he pulled himself back into a more parallel trajectory he felt the pain of a slight scorching across his calves. In seconds he was above the docking yards and his courier ship faced with another very serious problem: How was he supposed to stop the damned thing? If Mereel had retained any part of his religious upbringing, he'd have prayed at that moment, but he hadn't. Swearing profusely he dived towards the ground; nearly singed himself again as he began to arc up at a much more severe angle, and turned off the pack. Mereel slowed as his own air resistance and weight kept him from flying higher and he began to fall rapidly back down to the ground. Mereel clenched his teeth and rapidly switched the pack on and off again once to cut his velocity, then braced himself as he hit the plascrete floor of the open air landing pad about ten yards from the courier ship. One of the ligaments in his right knee was either strained or ripped and he could hear the wet snap in his left shin as one of the bones in the lower leg fractured under the stress. He forced himself up on his feet with agonizing pain throbbing it's own pulse. He staggered over to the gangplank of his ship and nearly blacked out from the pressure that seemed to be building in his head. Despite the pounding in his ears he could hear another sound that had at first been far off, but was getting closer with every breath he took. Mereel collapsed into the pilot's chair of the small nondescript ship he'd been given for his travelling needs under the organization and began punching buttons rapidly. A cold sweat coated him now and he felt the pressure as the ships own burners ignited and sent it through the atmosphere of the small moon. He ignored the trajectory requests from the control tower and punched in the command for the computer to make a jump into the nearest asteroid field. Jaster Mereel was a good pilot and convinced he'd be able to hide on one of the larger asteroids while he used the ship's medkit to do what he could for his legs and to regroup. He may have lost the bounty hunters, but it was very possible he hadn't. A sigh of intense relief escaped Mereel as the hyperspace tunnel formed around the ship. He suddenly remembered what its name was- Luck's Last Hand. It was so suitable at the moment it was eerie. Mereel shrugged mentally and turned off the ship's artificial gravity. Suddenly the pain on his legs was eased off even though it was still intense enough to incapacitate the average person. Floating up out of his chair, Mereel used his arms to push himself along the walls to where the small food synthesizer and medkit were kept. He jerked open the compartment panel and had to use his teeth to rip open the package that contained the nerve blocking agents while he kept the box of various sedatives shut with one hand to keep them from floating off. He sprayed the locals liberally across his right knee and over everything below his left mid thigh. The sudden relief was incredible. He shoved the sedative box back into the wall compartment and pulled out the single limb brace. He bit his lip as he configured it to his Left shin and found an attachable foot piece that would take all strain off the break. The brace would in effect, act as support until the bone healed (even though he would be walking quite stiff-legged). He rummaged through the rest of the compartment and pulled out several bacta compresses. He strapped these to his right knee and padded the inside of the leg brace with the remainder. He didn't know if it would do much good, but it couldn't hurt. Mereel propelled himself back into the cockpit. He had a few seconds before the hyperspace tunnel began to dissolve around Luck's Last Hand, and it came out of hyperspace completely a few hundred kilometers from an asteroid field. Mereel stretched out his fingers briefly and played them across Luck's controls. The ship flew between the rolling asteroids and he kept half an eye on his sensors, just waiting for the bounty hunters' ship to come out of hyperspace. Now Mereel had a few moments to contemplate why the bounty hunters were after him at all. The ship executed a tight roll and avoided getting sandwiched between two asteroids as they collided. Concord Dawn had exiled him, they'd never bother sending someone after him; as far as they were concerned, he didn't even exist anymore. All the better as far as he was concerned. Likely as well, he thought, that the Empire wouldn't have put out enough of a bounty for a 'trooper that had gone AWOL after killing another Stormtrooper. Ah, that corrupted bastard of an imperial commando, he thought, I remember now, I recall the rumors about his family's wealth. They must have posted a bounty big enough for that team of hunters to come after me. He groaned audibly, then sat up with a jerk as something blipped on the ship's sensor screen. There was a power source; Mereel dodged another chunk of debris, however faint, on a largish asteroid a couple dozen clicks away. He cautiously eased his ship in closer for a better reading. There were no strong power readings, only bare electronics working on a decaying level. Fett readied Luck's few defense systems and eased over the asteroid's horizon line. The ship was old, battleship gray and dark green in places. There was a huge long rent in the starboard side. Not potentially fatal to the passengers, but fatal to the ship. Mereel noticed a trashed communications satellite lying partially wedged in an outcropping at the base of a canyon a good distance from the dead ship. An idea began to form in Jaster Mereel's mind. If he could just plant charges beneath the ship... blow it into orbit; he could use it as bait for the bounty hunters when they came. And come they would, Mereel realized, as he noticed a subharmonics frequency being broadcast in a repeating frequency from his engines. A tracking device surely, disguised to look like normal engine's subharmonics, he rationalized, unless you notice that the pattern repeats. Mereel pushed himself up, wincing even in the slight gravity- not because it pained him, but because he knew what even the slight stress must have been doing to the damage in his right knee. Mereel snatched up the plain carry sack now having only his blaster in it. He'd discarded the jetpack when he'd dragged himself aboard. In rapid sequence Mereel keyed in the combination of commands that would shut down all systems on the ship. It would include the air supply, but what was already there would last until he had his atmosphere suit on. Everything was dark now. Mereel used his sense of touch to find and unclip the hand held light on the wall to the right of the pilot's chair. He flicked it on and hobbled down the short passageway to the cargo area. He didn't bother to reflect on the fact he looked like a lame water foul. Probably because he didn't care, definitely because if he didn't move as fast as possible, wreaked legs or no he wouldn't be around long enough for them to heal. Mereel didn't have to manually open the airlock to the cargo area; he hadn't had the time to close it before he'd made his escape on Luck's Last Hand. Once again the ship's name seemed like a cruel joke while he played the light beam over the wall that separated the ship's hold from the hyperdrive engines on the ship. Jaster Mereel hoped that this wasn't his last bit of luck. He wasn't afraid of dying, but he refused to die at the hand of some bounty hunter. There. Mereel peeled off a small transmitter that had been jammed into a crevice. It wasn't very big, but it was made to be reusable and easily concealed with a strip of strong adhesive on the back. He pressed the adhesive onto the inside of the carry sack and limped over to the storage closet for an atmosphere suit. Mereel was able to pull on the atmosphere suit and seal the helmet, but only barely. The leg brace and bacta pads protruded tightly beneath the protective covering. It worried him, but he didn't have much of a choice. Mereel sorted through the odds and ends secured under a cargo net on the wall of the cargo hold. Spare parts, fuses, a few handguns and blaster rifles weren't out of place in the hold of a weapons courier. What he really needed was an ion cannon and some charges. Jaster Mereel growled through the filtered air and pulled the edge of the netting free, letting the assortment spill slowly to the floor in the low gravity. Mereel pulled out four charges. He'd plant one under each corner of the old behemoth to make sure it would blow clear of the asteroid evenly. He searched through the rest of the motley pile as quickly as possible. Yes!
  16. hey its no problem crazy. i read it to myself like it is and i got confused.lol. i think i might combine them and just switch some of the words to make it better. thankz for the idea! i greatly appreciate everyones comments. and like always, keep the comments coming as long as they fit the otaku rules.
  17. hey what crazy said confused me because i wrote that there is more than one poem in my thread. There are three(3) poems separated by a space. soory if you didnt know.
  18. ok. well in that case go ahead and play to characters.
  19. i traded my growlithe on red version to my gold version and i got a grayish-sliver growlithe with purple stripes! it is so awesome!
  20. Love, what is it? Have you been shown it before? Do you know how it feels? Can you show me this "love"? For what I have been shown, I know now that love was not the word for it. Can you help me with something? I am wondering, Is there such a thing As a girl being true, honest, and faithful? Someone who is kind, affectionate, and beloved? For I think I have found someone That is like this, and to your surprise That person is you. As the sky cannot live without the sun As the stars can not live without the night As the land cannot live without the water As I cannot live without you. Raining, Raining in a small town. Raining at a small house. Raining the tears, From a sad soul. Raining from the heart, To the mind. Raining. Thinking aloud quietly, Almost murmuring. He transforms from the Childish ways of his life, And looks into the future As a grown man would. Not scared. Not nervous. But anxious to see what The cruel world of life Has to offer him. Looking in the glass mirror, Stands a confused mortal. Love isn't pure, Life misleads him And he takes it all in. Knowing that he can't back out, He starts to pout, As reality strikes another blow. please rate each poem a from1-10. thanks
  21. hey this is a reply to juus question about if she can have 2 characters. i'll let you if we dont get enough characters. if not many people sign up some people might have to play 2 characters. if i let you play 2 characters you CANNOT have dysen die. the 2 masters for the jedi and the sith cannot die. either can there padawans. this is 2 dark_apocalyps. im guessing you are choosing to be a sith master but i just want to be sure. just edit it into your post if your a master or padawan. also darth mauls race is the zabrak. and try to look a little different from darth maul. like if you have his tattoos make something besides red and black. thanks.
  22. ok people. this is my first rpg so bear with me if i make mistakes. I wanted a Stars Wars rpg that happened 30 years after the Yhuzan-Vong invasion so that will be the time setting for this rpg. what i need for characters are as follows: 3 non jedi characters, 4 jedi (2 masters and 2 padawans), 4 sith (2 masters and 2 sith padawan). ok. the rules are: NO GODDMODDING,STAR WARS WEAPONS ONLY!,I CHOSE WHETER OR NOT A CHARACTER DIES(IF YOU WANT YOUR CHARACTER TO DIE PM ME ABOUT IT). and no double posting or spamming! ok. the rules are stated. this is what u need for your character. Name: Race: Age(human years please): Class(jedi,sith,senator,smuggler, etc): weapon(s): Description: Personality: Brief Bio: ok. now i will not be i master. i am going to be a padawan just because i like to. first 2 people to choose themselves a master for jedi or sith are the masters and they choose their padawans from the padawans that are available in the posts. of course i hope to be in my rpg so whoever becomes a jedi master choose me! there is a 10 word minimum and 600 word maximum unless i give permission otherwise. I hope i'll get at least one or to expierienced rpgers in this to help. My Character: Name:Matt Skywalker Race:Human Age:14 Class:Jedi Padawan weapon(s):ice blue light saber Description:matt is 5'4", 129 lbs, dirty blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Personality:Matt is much like Luke Skywalker in the sense that he is calm, cool, and always tries not to fight unless it is needed. He is completly devoted to the Jedi Order. Brief Bio:Son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. He has an extremely high medi-chlorian count. The Order took him in when Luke and Mara died and started his training. The plot is that the Jedi Order have very little Jedi now because of the Yhuzan-Vong. The Council have seen a new Sith threat in the near future. They have selected 2 masters and their padawans to train hard to destroy this new Sith threat.
  23. Name: D'Spyre Osnato Age:14 Race:Human Class:Jedi Lightsabre Style:Style 2 Weapon(s):Ice-blue bladed lightsabre and The Force Bio: D'Spyre Osnato was found at what was considered an old age for a Jedi Padawan. He was taken off his home-planet at the age of 10. Because of his quick reflences and dextirity he chose lightsabre style 2. His master is Yuu Windu.(i'll change it because i dont think this is a real jedi. i just cant remember a real jedi during the Yhuzun-Vong saga so if you could tell me 1 i'd be grateful) D'Spyre, like most Corellian youngsters was a pick-pocket growing up. This helps him immensly in his training though. He is able to react and sort out the situation better than most other students. Description: D'Spyre is 5'4" tall, 119 lbs, he has jet black hair with ice-blue eyes(much like Luke Skywalkers). He wears an Ice-blue Padawan robe instead of the usual brown and has a belt made of yucca fiber to hold his lightsabre. Personality: D'Spyre is shy around other Jedi. He is normally a loner and is not good with people. The thing that means most to him is to become a Jedi Master so his Master will be proud of him. D'Spyre keeps to himself when training without his master and he likes to build gadgets. His quarters' are filled with projects, completed or unfinished.
  24. Name: D'Spyre Astunkano Age:17 Height:6'2" Weight:170 lbs Clan:Highlander Weapon/s:Black-bladed lightsaber and 2 kintanas Description:Shoulder length jetblack hair kept in dreads,wears a pair of combat boots with white fatigues and a white trenchcoat Presonality: D'Spyre is young but he has lots of potential,he likes to crack jokes to lighten the mood and is very good with his lightsaber and kintanas. he also has 2 homemade metal scabbards for his kintanas which are strapped to his back. Rank:weapons specialist Ship: The Condor(if its allright with you stormwing) Bio: D'Spyre does not remember his past because when he was brutally attacked by a group of Sealanders and cannot rememeber anything before the attack.
  25. hey i dont know the game but i was wondering if i could still join. am i supposed to make up a clan or can you tell me some names of clans if we have to use a real one. thankz.
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