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Impact Player

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Everything posted by Impact Player

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B][color=hotpink][font=arial][size=1][b] Eariler this summer, I tried to transfer to another school in my district before I started my Freshman year in high school so I could take a course that my current school does not offer me-Japanese. I went everywhere from the superintendent to the principals, but they all denied me because of where I lived. My parents even offered to drive me to the school with the Japanese course. Currently, I am taking Spanish as my language alternative, mainly becasue it's so easy and I really need it living in Texas! ^^;; (hey, but knowing another language is always a good thing!) So anyway, after being denied an opportunity to learn something really worthwhile, I have decided to form a Japanese club at my school. My parents tell me it will look good on my record and maybe if I get enough people to join and there is a lot of demand, I can get my school to teach Japanese here! I already have a lot of friends that think it's a good idea. I've talked to my counceler, but all she said was, "I don't know, talk to someone else..." She was a lot of help....but now I probably have to talk to my principal or something. My question to you is, dear reader, what should I DO in Japanese Club? Tell me if my ideas sound ok: -Make lesson plans since there are no teachers yet (meaning that I could take all my Japanese books and set up vocabulary for my club members to do, etc. We all will need to know a little something to begin with. Doing this can not only help me learn the language really well, but at the same time others are learning even without a teacher! Good...?) -Set up get-together dates -Have meetings at someone's house (maybe not good...) Etc, you understand where I'm coming from. If you were going to be in my club, I just want to know what you would like to do in it or what you would like to learn. Being how my life has been since the start of school, I have been in tennis tournments and band practices until 10 o'clock at night and I haven't had time for ANYTHING! Marching season is over in band and I'm in off-season tennis now so I finally have time to form this club. I just wish I had some idea what to do in it...and if all goes well, we should have either a teacher teaching Japanese by my Junior year if the demand is good, or I'll just have something else to go on my college application. My life goal at this point is to learn the languages of the world, and I want to be a linguist when I have to get a job. But anyway, to get back on topic, what do you think would look good in a Japanese club? Do you think I should include reading manga or watching anime or anything like that? Give me ideas!!! Oh yeah, and thanks. You must be really bored now after reading all this-or maybe you just skipped down to the bottom like I sometimes do...[/color][/font][/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Jesus christ, how come you don't tell me none of this!! I would be glad to help you out and stuff. I wanted to take Japanese but unfortunatly, they only had French, German, and Spanish so I decided to take Spanish NS since it would be easier for me. But yeah, when ever you need help with that, tell me and I'll give you ideas and stuff like that to help you around. You already know were to find me in the mornings so just walk up and tell me.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B][font=arial][color=hotpink][size=1][b] Wow, our marching season ends at almost the same time! UIL marching contest is this Tuesday. We're all pretty nervous, but we're confident that we'll make a first division again this year. It's too bad that marching season is over though-now it's just inside playing and practicing for All-Region tryouts. Our homecoming is this week. Anyway, good luck everyone! ^.^[/font][/color][/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Congratulations Lauren, it's interesting that we got first place in the UIL, I remember last year we didn't even get in 3rd place.:)
  3. So let me get this straight. If somebody gets shot on an episode of Cops is ok? And if somebody get's shot in an episode of some anime that passes on Adult Swim it's not ok? Stupid Americans...:-\
  4. My friends have been calling me Impact Player, so I adobted the name.
  5. Most of the forums I go to I'm known as Impact Player. I've been usuing this name for almost 5 years.
  6. I won't be going, I don't have any money.
  7. Thanks for the tune, now I gotta save it just incase my little brother screws around with the bulletin board again.
  8. Argh, it's some what confusing. If you go to [url]www.animal-crossing.com[/url] and go to K.K.'s Melody Match(I think, can you place it there and then e-mail it to me to [email]Trincon01@aol.com[/email]. Thanks.
  9. To the people who have the game, My little brother screwed around with the Bulletin Board by the post office and now I don't have the default tuen for the town, so I was wondering if anybody who had the game, would you please post the default tune so I can post it on the bulletin board again. Thanks. P.S. Since you mods love to close pointless topics, close this after I get the tune.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]They do already, they don't have many though. I saw them at the suncoast at the mall. If you can't find them there or any other movie place try waldenbooks. [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, thanks for the information. I'm not sure if they have a Waldenbooks over at the mall but if they do I'll make sure that I check there too.
  11. I don't think that there will be anything related to Animé here in Texas. If you were to mention Animé to somebody here in Conroe, they would respond by saying that they only watched Dragon Ball Z.:-\ The only person that I know in these boards who lives in Conroe is a member by the name of Yu Yu Hakusho!
  12. In my opinion, this whole idea is pretty much pointless but if you people want to make this board a much better place, go ahead with the idea.
  13. Does anybody know when will Suncoast start selling Inu-Yasha dvd series?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i] [BOh, and for the record, I got into the MEXICAN version of Dragon Ball Z, which rules... not the one from FUNimation, which sucks.[/B][/QUOTE] Heh, yeah the Mexican version of Dragon Ball Z was great. I use to watch it everyday but then they took it off when Gohan was about to get ready to fight Cell, I was pretty pissed myself. Then I finally started watching Pokémon again and realised that the frawings were much like Dragon Ball Z and Ranma 1/2. So I did a few researches and found out about Animé.
  15. I'd think what is the plot to the serie then I would think about the characters, from there make up a good name for it, and finally start working on a good opening for the series and just let the story go on.
  16. I like Inu-Yasha, it keeps you interested for a few minutes especially the end of the episode. It has few great songs and great battle scenes.
  17. I started watching Dragon Bsall when I was 10. I didn't knew nothing about Anime since most of the ANime that I watched was in Spanish. Then I started to watch Ranma 1/2 that didn't last long though because they took it off the air. Dragon Ball soon left the air and Dragon Ball Z showed up and started to watch it till the Cell Saga then that show was taken off air. From there I didn't watch Anime any more until my friends told me that Dragon Ball Z was on Cartoon Network I was like "Wow I didn't knew Dragon Ball was in the US." From there I then realised different Animes and such that I begin searching on the internet for them and finally realised what Anime ment and were it originated from.
  18. Damn, I have forgotten all about OtakuBoards. Well if you wanted to know my AIM it's Imp4ctPl4y3r3000 and for AOL it's Trincon01.
  19. It's been a long time since I've watched Ranma 1/2. Last time I remebered watching Ranma was when I was 8, I think. I use to love triangle between Ranma, Akane, and Ryoga(I think). Plus I remember I rented the game Ranma 1/2 on Super Nintendo, ah the memory's.:)
  20. I only knew that the DBZ world was only made to look like Africa and Australia to be together with Euroasia.
  21. It wouldn't matter for me if they pushed Inuyasha to 11:00, I'll still watch the show.
  22. Screw it, I'll take it off, my PSP is screwed up for some reason so I can't resize it.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Impact Player, please stare at my banner and be hipnotized by it. If not, you may surely ruin this for the rest of us! [/B][/QUOTE] Since you know l33t and I haven't used it in a while since the good ol'days back at SWC I might as well type it for you to know. 7|-|3 |2450|\| 1'\/3 |7 7|-|15 |34|\||\|3|2 15 83
  24. *Both Roy and Marth get there swords ready and charge full ahead but miss when Mewtwo transports it's self to the other side. Then he shoots a Psychic Ball towards Marth and Roy sending them to the edge* Marth: Roy hang on. Roy: I don't think I can last much longer I'm loosing grip. Marth: Roy just start pulling yourself up. *Roy begins pulling himself up and eventually he's about to stand up again and helps Marth out* Roy: I got you Marth. Marth: Thanks. *Mewtwo shoots another Psychic Blast in which Marth looks over Roy's back* Marth: Roy watch out!! Roy: Huh?! *Marth pushes Roy towards the ground but Marth gets hit with the Psychic Blast sending Marth away* Roy: Marth!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rei [/i] [B]How does Goku get the people of earth to give him energy for the spirit bomb? [/B][/QUOTE] Goku get's the energy from trees, water, bugs, birds, another living organism out there on Earth. Yes there weren't a lot of people due to Buu killing them all with a single attack, but Goku was able to enery from Mr. Satan, Dende, Fat Buu, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Gohan, Mr. Popo, Tien, Chaoizu(sp?), and possibly Kid Buu himself.
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