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Impact Player

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Everything posted by Impact Player

  1. ^ | | The boy named them all, you must love DBZ a whole lot.
  2. Interesting how this topic is still alive. Now onto another note, Youta Moteuchi that was funny poster, I never expected Cowboy Bebop to be mimic.:)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]Book an express flight to Japan friday night and watch DBZ every Saturday morning. It's so simple and inexpensive, I'd be a fool not to do it! :rolleyes: [/b][/QUOTE] Actually you'll have to book the flight on Thursday since you'll gain a day or lose a day depending which way you travel.
  4. In other words Gokou is better off fighting Buu in Other World.
  5. I use KaZaA to get the songs.
  6. I was thinking about Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Vegeta. One thing that was bothering was what ever happen to there tails? I know that Goku's was removed but Gohan's was pulled off by Piccolo and Vegeta's was cut by Yarirobi(sp?) and Goten's was..was..well I've never seen Goten's tail. So which comes to my question, What ever happen to there tails? Tony R.
  7. I haven't seen the movie but after seen a few reviews I think I'll be watching it.:)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]I caught a Lv. 50 Snorlax with a Poke'ball after using like 5 Great Balls. I think I saw somewhere that if you hold down a certain button combination you Poke'ball will become a Master Ball. [/B][/QUOTE] the A button make the Pokéball shut tighter and the for the Pokéball to turn into a Masterball you press Up and the B button while the Pokéball is in mid-air.
  9. True, the Namekian Dragon Balls are powerful and can restore life aslongest it's not a natrual cause(ex. Heart Attack, age, etc.). The Dragon Balls on earth were not that powerful, they could restore life only 2 time and must not be a natrual cause. Kami had the power to make the Dragon Balls but they weren't as strong as Guru, but when Kami and Piccolo fused together and brought Dende to be the new gardian he knew how to make the Dragon Balls more powerful becuase he spent sometime with Guru.
  10. The original Piccolo and not the one everybody knows.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FF7 Vincent [/i] [B]We shall name it Darichu. The evolution of Raichu. When this pokemon is in the dark, it uses its electricity to light itself up and make its way through caves and other dark places. Hehe I could write for the show. :D [/B][/QUOTE] It would be cool if they had Dark Stones which would make the Pokémon evil or something down the line.
  12. Crawking - Evolved form of Kingler, only that it has a shell on it's back which contains his oxygen to breath on land. Sandshlee - Evolved form of Sandslash, it's legs and arms are developed better which gives him the ability to run on land and fully punch, it sometimes struggles to stand on his legs.
  13. On Gold version I caught Entei, Raiku, Suicune, Lugia, and Ho-Oh just using Heavy Balls, Pokéballs, Great Balls. Just get there HP to yellow and use either Poison Powder, Paralize, Sleeping Powder.
  14. But it is intresting that all of the Saiya-jin that came in the Dragon Ball Z series there was not one single woman that was full blooded Sayia-jin.
  15. If you have AIM it would be better, becuase you could see who is online and from there you can start the chat.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]Lol u think thats bad? I am a member of 4 DBZ RPGS, and i am about 65% done my own (should be good, i am trying to combine the best features of all the ones i know of) I would be interested to know what RPGS u and others belong too. [/B][/QUOTE] That's crazy, right now I'm writing my version of the Dragon Ball series, I'm in the Piccolo Saga on Dragon Ball.
  17. I don't even know why there going to make a movie for DBZ if FUNimation already destroyed the series.
  18. DBZ in Japan adds the music when it's nessecery, but when you watch it in the American version they add music into every scene. On Cowboy Bebop, Anime will add music when there is going to be a chase, fight scene, or intresting moments.
  19. I do sometimes have dreams that I'm involve in the Super 17 Saga.
  20. Hyperjump offers 30000 MBs, image linking, and it's easy to upload beat that.;)
  21. You don't you try to upload on Hyperjump.net, it's the best server in the internet.:)
  22. 1. Impact Player 2. Spike 3. The Real Folk Blues Prt. 2 4. The Real Folk Blues
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