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Everything posted by Eagle
[I]Then everyone burst out laughing, but this was no time to laugh because the seagulls were still above them!!![/I] [B]D.D.[/B]: Ummm... guys look up. [B]Everyone but D.D.[/B]: Huh?... [I]Everyone looks up to see the gulls still circling ready to bomb them. Just then D.D. pulls out his trusty orange cannon and fires multilpe oranges...[/I] [B]D.D.[/B]: YES!!! Got 'em!
OOC:I know Storm. He met her while she was on her way to see the prince. Like I said before in my entry he was being "pulled to the city". I can't post to the story A.T.M. because I am getting ready to leave the state for a few days:( , just thought I might see how u guys were doing.
[I]Drex Dragoen(D.D.) wakes up at the Inn in Yipe! to find he overslept ... again![/I] [B]D.D.[/B]: Crap!!! I did it again! [I]Then he runs downstairs and out the door as fast as he could and down the same path everyone else took and found the golden fishand he kept running till he bumped into PBBB and Illy.[/I] [B]D.D.[/B] Hey guys whats up where you headed??
I am speaking on behalf of Kouberei here.:bluesweat He PMed me to say we are still taking profiles just the start of the RPG is going to be postponed due to a family crissis.:worried: Sorry guys and girls... wait a sec. Are there even any girls posting here???:confused: Oh well, I am sorry for the postpone but, actually we dont have enough people yet anyway. And once again I must say I am sorry about this.:( Oh and before I forget pyro_kai my guy has already been dubed the second fastest and the strongest and angel_sepiroth has been dubed the fastest and 2nd strongest. Unless you mean fastest of the Metal's that is...:naughty:
OOC: I shall now post my guy into the story.:) I screwed up on the first one. :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Drex wakes up to find nothing unusual, just the same old boring, blank celing. But something is different tonight he has an urge to go to the city[/I] [B]Drex[/B]: Being undead sucks... oh, well time to go to the city. [I]Drex then opens the door to his shack and transforms into a wolf. After about ten minutes of running he sees a large rabbit.[/I] [B]Drex[/B]: Ah! The first victom of the night. [I]Then before the rabbit sees him he already has transformed to his natural form and grabbed it. then he sinks his fangs into it's midsection not far enough to kill it but just enough to draw blood from it. Then he continues on his way to the city. After about an hour he reaches the edge of the city and he transforms to bat form and takes off. He is flying around randomly untill he sees a woman and a man walking down the street then he lands in an alley a few blocks down and starts to transform back to his human form but, before he could stop himself from transforming the man and the woman walk by and the woman looks into the alley to see Drex transform from a bat to a human and she freezes.[/I] [B]Woman[/B]: Wha...What the... Wh...Who are you?!?! [B]Drex[/B]: I am Drex Balron, ... and whom might you be M'Lady? [B]Skye[/B]: I am Skye, Skye Endawi. [B]Drex[/B]: Wow! I found you already. I must speak with you... --------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Someone else can pick it up from here just to make it suspenseful.:p
I will join if I can be Zecks Marcis (the guy with the mask an pilots the Tallgeese) or Quatre (I am not good at anime name spellings). I would much rather be Duo, but someone took him already.:bawl:
Why has no one posted lately? I did not post or check this forum for 5 days. Where is everyone are they dead? ???
Sign Up Vampire: the Masquerade RPG. WARNING! Not for the faint of heart!
Eagle replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
Hey, I got a few questions. Can we as Vampires use weapons? What is our weakness/how can we die? I have read of thousands of ways to kill a vampire (I am a supernatural freak). -
This sounds really funny & fun. --------------------------------------- Name: Drex Dragoen (pronounced Dr*ex Drago*en) Equipment Orange cannon(yes it fires oranges, it is also the color orange:D), Orange construction jumpsuit, Orange work Gloves Bio: Loves the color, food, and flavor orange:D. Was created and raised by his mother and father. Not much else to say. Oh he is a kind hearted generous person. His favorite drink is Orange Soda!;) I have not plaayed one of the series but you souldn't boot me because I can be very funny at times, yet I also can be serious and if needed I can keep the story on track ................ sorta. :p Also I shall worship you If you don't boot me.
Sign Up Vampire: the Masquerade RPG. WARNING! Not for the faint of heart!
Eagle replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
It can start when i make my char :D I am not the greatest at making historys and mental discriptions so bear with me here. :( --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Drex Balron Age: 5 years as a vampire and appears 18 so a total of 23 years on the planet. Gender: Male Clan: Gangrel (Inconnu) Physical Description: He is 6'7'' he has messy brown hair he wears raggy clothing except when he goes to the city, then he wears some baggy Kacky (excuse the spelling) pants and a baggy usually black shirt. He has green/gray eyes, semi-pale skin, and a large scar on his chest from when he first became a vampire and was in a wolf form(more on that in history). Mentle Description: He is a natural kind, leader type perso...er...thing. Although he is not very strong or charming physically he is very intelectual. He usualy feeds on animal blood insted of human unless he finds a human wandering in the woods. His outlook on his undead life is to be able to shapeshift into almost any form he chooses. He also wants to meet a kind female vampire. Since he is a hemit (for the time being until he meets the other vampires) he talks to him self........... alot! History: He was born in a very small town just outside of the big city and he was a kind and generous person he was a very curios boy and that is how he had become a vampire his lesson learned is not to be so curious. When he was turned into a vampire He left his home and ran to the woods. All he has done since becoming a vampire is to practice transforming and trying to change into forms other than a wolf and a bat. One day while he was running around in wolf form he found a hunter... well actually the hunter found him and the hunter took out a large knife and tried to slash Drex and connected and made a large gash across his chest, but then Drex's animal instincts took over and put him into a rage and tore the hunter apart then he blacked out. When he awoke he saw the dismembered hunter and almost blacked out again and he vowed to never let that happen again so he trained his mind more than his body so he could control the animal instincts. He is also the youngest of the vampires (reffering to the time spent as a vampire). Physical: 2 Mental: 3 Social: 1 (he is a hermit what do you expect) Psychic: 4 --------------------------------------------------------- This is my profile as of now... if I can join -
If I Don't post for a few days (like 3 or 4) don't worry Kuoberei just e-mail me before you start for I will probly be playing EverQuest and eating and sleeping and playing my SNES roms.
What is this superslick thing do and what are the Gyshall Pickels for, and yes Desbreko the merchant can be found in Lindblum in the business/merchant (I don't remember the name) go to the center square and the pickel merchant will be on the bottom left.
I have updated my guys profile 100% it is the first reply after Koub's Initial post.
In my game Yuffe skipped from the first one on lvl 1 to the 1st one on LVL 3!! and I did not have her in my party until like the middle of the 3rd disk and i got her as soon as you can right after you pass the Midgar Zoolom and go through the cave and go to Fort Condor.
Click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/images/avatars/Dragon.jpg]here[/URL] to see the pic. It's not a very big pic but it's better than nothing. Imagine that head on a 7' tall human covered in scales with a tail and wings that are usually folded against his back also the color green. Also I have an update on my char. again. ;) His agility is second only to Yugo Kalpadare but Drex is much stronger than Yugo. He is so agile because he was sent to live with the animals animals in th forest/woods near where he was created and he had leaned to communicate, control, and move like the animals.
I am unsure Angel we need 1 more Anthrobot, 3 more siblings, and I have no clue how many Metal Dream Officers but we need at the least 1
I am going to change my description on Drex K. to Dragon :devil: man instead of Lizard man. So he now has the head and wings of a dragon:naughty: with a humanoid body/bone structure. The dragon head is made like that of the European dragon not the Asian. Ok? I will try to find a picture of the basic idea for head of my char A.S.A.P.
Ok Kouberei I will drop the hair. Also BTW if you have ever played EverQuest or have EverQuest look at the male Iksar that is basicaly what my char looks like. :idea: Also you should have what gendre appears to be but it can also be unknown ( or both :eek: ) if they want it to.:D
This sounds cool I'll join you!! :) Name: Drex Kalpadare Age: ?? Gender: Apears male Description: Dragon man race anthrobot w/ green/gray slit eyes (like a cats) that turn blood red when he is angry. He is almost always hungry. He is 7' tall with a tail and wings that are usually folded against his back. He is colored Green to match the trees he had to live in (camoflage). His agility is second only to Yugo Kalpadare but Drex is much stronger than Yugo. He is so agile because he was sent to live with the animals animals in th forest/woods near where he was created and he had leaned to communicate, control, move like the animals, and tend to their wounds. He also learned how to make potions and how to harness the power of nature to damage enemies, control plants and animals, and to heal, strengthen, and sheild allies. Personality: A brave, cautious,(but not a caution freak, will take some risks) kind, leader type guy. Was created to help animals. Uses the skills of Animal Empathy, Natural Healing, Animal healing, and the power to understand Animal Speech. He also regenerates (restores health and can regrow arms, legs, tail, and wings).
I think the best RPGs are [list] [*]all final fantasys [*]all Dragon Warriors [*]Xenogears [*]EverQuest [*]and more [/list] What are your favorite RPGs?
I like the songs from 08th MS Team but where can i download them form?
I named mine their type unles it was a wonderful or special. wonderful - Wondy blue - Surfer green - Climbr black - Blacky gold - Ultros (yes from FFVI):(
I have beaten that game only once and i donot remember how I killed him if I had my memory cards i could tellyou after I killed him again... also I did it without Omnislash, KOTR, 4xcut, or any other flashy materia, just unlimited Megalixers (item duplication) and hero drinks... or whichever one boosts your attack and defense, I think wall, umm... ultima, everyone's best weapons, i think everyone was at like lvl 60 or ^,umm... i can't remember anyting else i used except for... Brute force. Oh and that was to kill safer F.Y.I. I also have a question what does the sheild materia do?