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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. I loved Disney movies, especially animated. However, after the Lion (my favorite of the bunch) and not counting their Pixar collaborations, Disney hasn't done much of anything that has caught my interest (save for Mulan). I'd love to see Disney regain the fire it once had, when it was the innovator, not another follower (as it did when it jumped on the anime bandwagon to produce "Atlantis" and "Treasur Planet") Some may not like it, but dang it, I want my cute, singing animals back.lol.
  2. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']That's from 2003, although I won't argue that it's great. Kanye West definitely deserves a mention, though.[/quote] Oh, I thought it was '04. I lost a lot of interest in today's music, so I couldn't come up with a good album. Eminem's "Encore" is pretty cool though, but I fear Slim is repeating himself with that album (probably why Encore is such an appropriate title). D12's "D12 World" (Was that 04) wasn't bad, much better than that awful "Devil's Night". And can't forget Nelly's "Suit" and "Sweat" (I'd never thought I'd see Nelly team with Tim McGraw and now I can't get that song out of my head, it's just that cool), Ray Charles' "Genius Loves Company" Gretchen Wilson's album, and Big and Rich. Big and Rich and Gretchen Wilson have sealed the deal for me and gotten me into Country music, can you believe that?
  3. My favorite albums of 2004 are Outkast's "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below"- Innovative, with fresh music that transcends genres and exposes the true talents of both members of the group. Undoubtably my favorite song on the album(s) is Andre 3000's "Hey Ya" with "Roses" coming in a close second. Also, I love the Andre 3000/Fonzworth Bentley interlude. Kanye West's "The College Dropout"-Proves that a great producer can also be a great artist. Of course, the obvious choice for top song is "Jesus Walks".
  4. I've only heard a few Japanese songs, few to none of them being outside of the anime theme song genre. The ones I really like are "The Real Folk Blues", the ending theme to Yu Yu Hakusho (the one that plays during the Sensui storyarc), the second ending theme to Inu-Yasha, and "Simple and Clean" by Hikari Utada
  5. I almost forgot to mention another great cover "Knockin on Heaven's Door"- Bob Dylan/Guns n Roses. I didn't even know this was a cover until I heard it on "Be Cool" yesterday. Also "Baby I love your ways"-remade several times, most recently by UB40, and UB40's cover of "I can't help falling in love with you" by Elvis Presley is a decent song. Can't Take My Eyes off you-Lauren Hill (that's for you Juuthena) Sweet Dreams-Eurythmics/Marilyn Manson (Manson's version is so deliciously creepy. I just want to make a horror movie and play that in the background all day) P Diddy using "I'm Coming Out", "I got five on it" and "Every Breathe you Take" for "Mo Money Mo Problems", "Satisfy you" and "I'll be missing you", respectively. Probably the only good remakes Diddy made in his "let's sample everything" days Will Smith using "Forget me nots" to make "Men in Black" The Fugees take on "Killing me Softly" Tupac using "Sadie" to make "Dear Mama". Two great songs made from the same beat Tainted Love-Marilyn Manson again. I think I heard Nas remake "Everybody wants to rule the world" and Phil Collins "In the Air tonight". Anyone else know? If so, are they any good?
  6. Good ones Word Up- Cameo/Korn (I never expected Korn to remake this Hip Hop classic) Time after time- Cindi Lauper/INOJ Love Song- The Cure/311 (I know a lot of people don't like 311's version, but I think its pretty cool) I can see clearly now-Johnny Nash. I don't know how many people have remade it, but it's a great song every time Boys of Summer-The Eagles/Bryan Adams/The Ataris (I like Bryan Adams the most) Smooth Criminal-Michael Jackson/Alien Ant Farm (though Jackson's is always better) Fly Like an Eagle-???/Seal American Woman-???/Lennie Kravitz Lately-Divine/Samantha Mamba Some that should have left well alone Britney Spears remake of "Can't get no satisfaction" Master P's remake of "Time after Time" Bone Thugs N Harmony's remake of "War" on the "Toy Soldiers" soundtrack Will Smith sampling "Rock the Casbah" to make "Willenium" Britney Spear's "My Perogative" Lil Kim, Missy Elliot, Da Brat, Angie Martinez "Ladies Night"
  7. Yeah, the Danger storyline looks pretty weird, and I'll admit that I'm probably the only X-Fan who wanted Colossus to stay dead, and now Marvel's ruined that for me. But his dialogue is spot-on (did you expect anything less from the creator of Buffy? =)
  8. For most of the late 90s there was a constant shuffle between directors, and story details for the film. The biggest rumor was that Nic Cage would be Superman, and the story would loosely revolve around 1993's "Death of Superman" storyline with Superman battling Doomsday (in this story, a creation of Brainiac) and being killed and ressurected. Others were that Superman would die and be replaced by his and Lois Lane's son. I would have liked to see Doomsday in the film as Superman's enemy. My idea would be that we do a "Batman Begins" tell Superman's origins, but more in-depth, with Lex Luthor creating Doomsday from Superman's DNA. But I'm looking forward to what we've got already. Other notes: Tom Cruise is currently attached to the Iron Man film which will be written by the creators of "Smallville". Marvel's "Man Thing" movie is being reduced to a straight-to-video feature. Not a good sign. Man Thing is Marvel's answer to DC's Swamp Thing, about a man who is turned into a sentient, swamp-dwelling, plant monster. The diffference is that a.) Man Thing is mute, and not all too bright, having lost much of his human IQ, and b.) Man Thing is empathic, his touch having the ability to burn people who are fearful, or sinister. The film was originally slated as Marvel's first horror film. No new director attached to X-Men 3, though we do know that Joss Whedon, who writes the "Astonishing X-Men" comic book, possibly the only decent X-Book on the market right now, will NOT be involved as most fans would hope and rumor.
  9. Long time no see, everybody. Anyways, I'm a big Superman fan (I don't care how one-dimensional anybody may think he is), so I just had to make a thread. Well, after what, almost 2 decades, Superman 5 is finally on the way. The film will be much along the same lines as Batman Begins, i.e. the early adventures of the Man of Steel. Though I'd prefer a straight-up sequel, I'm glad that this project is finally off the ground. Other news is that it will be directed by Bryan Singer, who left X-Men 3 to do this project, which is a bad sign for the X movie franchise. Remember the last comic book movie franchise that changed directors for hte 3rd film (yes, I'm looking at you Batman). Like Christopher Reeves, a complete unknown, soap-opera star Brandon Routh, will take the role of everyone's favorite Last Son of Krypton, with Singer stalworth Kevin Spacey as a certain bald megalomaniac. (SWEET!) Anyways, this is a thread for your opinions, or for Superman or comic book movie stuff period. Have fun
  10. I would take the easy way out and say "ALL REALITY SHOWS", but then again I have an unexplained love for Fear Factor, Court Shows (Judge Mathis and the People's Court, especially), game shows, and a few talk shows, so I'll hold my tongue. I do, however, dislike The Bachelor and all of its ilk. I don't care if I can't find a girl, I'm not going on a TV series, where the beautiful women are almost always either golddiggers or filthy rich, just to find a date that might not even last one month. (thank God for Joe Millionaire, huh?)
  11. [quote name='M.Ali][font=trebuchet ms]There's also another Comic Book movie that's coming to theaters pretty soon.[b] Constantine[/b], an old DC classic. A friend of mine told me about it, I didn't believe him at first, until I saw the commercial, and I have to say, it looks like it's pretty good. Staring in the movie is everyone's favorite reality bending Matrix man,[b] Mr. Keanu Reeves[/b], and it's also being directed by music video director:[b] Francis Lawrence[/b']. It seems as if DC is giving Marvel a run for their money, and who knows, maybe CrossGen or Image will join in the fun...[/font][/quote] Crossgens out of business. It may be possible that Mark Alessi could sell the rights to some of his company's creations for movie deals, but I'm not sure. Now Image is a good contender. Their Top Cow line is making a movie based on two properties, the Darkness (about a hitman possessed by a demonic power), and Inferno (about a group of convicts who must go into Hell to find the key needed to close the gates of Hell). There's been talks for awhile aobut a movie based on Fathom and a second Spawn film, but neither has materialized. Oh, for those who don't know, Constantine (out next Friday) is based on the series, Hellblazer, a spin-off of Swamp Thing. John Constantine will be American (he's British in the comics), black-haired (he's blonde), and living in L.A. (most of his adventures take place in England in the comics). And already being previewed in theatres is the Fantastic Four, though sadly it won't be out until July 4th.
  12. There is a movie based on the Watchmen already in the works with a potential 2006 release date. I think either Darren Aronofsky (Pi and Requiem for a Dream) is directing or he just stepped off to do other projects (I can't remember, must get my facts straight). David Hayter (X-Men) is writing. Read Dreamwatch and Starlog magazines if you don't believe me. I would personally like to see a Green Lantern film with Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner. An idea I've been kicking around in my head for another project would be a two or three part series with the rise and fall of Hal and Kyle eventually having to take him down and redeem him in the end. (as for GL's powers, GL's ring can basically do anything, as long as he has a strong enough will. I'd take it down to such light constructs, no yellow weakness). A JLA movie has been in my thoughts for a while (though a project like that would be way too big to pull off, for now, and it took a lot of legal red tape to get through for Wonder Woman to be in the cartoon, so a movie may be tough). I'd also like to see the Legion of Superheroes, with themes similar to what Mark Waid is doing in his current comics, that is, make them an all-kids superhero team fighting for a world that is boringly utopian. Jack Kirby's Fourth World/New Gods saga is just begging for the big screen treatment, but my biggest hopes would be films based on Supreme Power (I won't say Rising Stars since that already in the works), Cyborg 009 (please do not answer telling me there a difference between comics and manga), a proper Guyver live film, possibly an American remake (or dub) of Battle Royale (but that one's a stretch), a proper Swamp Thing, Firestorm, or Adam Warlock (my personal favorite). I would mention some independent stuff like Walking Dead, but that one's been done to death (no pun intended), by George Romero (who has a 4th Living Dead film coming out that sounds awesome) and why mess with the formula. I would like to see Zero Girl or the Maxx (though both are very, possibly even too, surreal), or Brian Micheal Bendis "Powers".
  13. Omar Harris

    Pulp Fiction

    Long film, but awesome nonetheless. It has QT's trademark back and forth timelines, and some awesome dialogue, that, like a Seinfield episode just has characters talk about what comes naturally, instead of forced philosophical nonsense like some movies tend to use. I love the scene where Vincent accidentally blows up Marvin's head,and the opening hit scene with Jules and Vincent is freakin' hilarious. By the way, off topic, Ichi the Killer, where can I find that movie (Ichi the Killer, legally. PM me if you know where I can find Japanese imports period.)
  14. Friends is overrated, which seems to be the general consensus here, because as previously stated, the show is just unfunny. All reality shows are just moronic and designed to show how far some people will stoop for money. Ridiculous! While I love Chappelle Show to death, I'm annoyed by how big it got so quickly, to the point where, during my brief time in teh military, I couldn't go anywhere without hearing someone say "Yeeeahhh!" "What?" "OK" or "I'm Rick James, *****", ruining some of the shows funniest moments. I might put this up as a later topic, but is Dave Chappelle really funny enough to have a million dollar contract to do more shows? I'm not really sure myself, I've seen funnier. Also overrated is the Tom Green Show. Yes, I know its old, but I hated it. Tom Green is undoubtedly the most overrated, idiotically unfunny comedian I've ever seen, and how anyone could have made his show popular, much less stand more than five minutes of him, is beyond me.
  15. [QUOTE]I am many things, half of which you cannot begin to understand. But for now, I shall play the role of your executioner. I final gift, my wayward son. A fast death, easily preferable to a life on Earth. There your legacy will be one of fear and loathing. A pariah, desperately seeking the favor of a world that has long since scorned your name.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Had I known that one human's death would affect you so, I would have killed more. And kill more I shall. Take that with you to your grave, Superman.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]I am many things, Kal-El. Here, I am God![/QUOTE] -Darkseid (Superman: The Animated Series) [QUOTE]Respect my authorita![/QUOTE] -Cartman (South Park) [QUOTE]Pvt. Pyle: Hi, Joker! Pvt. Joker: Is that a real bullet? Pyle: 762 mm. Full metal jacket. Joker: Leonard, if Hartman finds us in here, we are both going to be in a world of ****. Pyle: I AM IN A WORLD OF ****![/QUOTE] -Privates Pyle and Joker (Full Metal Jacket)
  16. Why did LP have to remake In the End twice? I love the song the first time around, and it took me awhile to warm up to the Reanimation version, but another remake is just weird. And played to Izzo? I do think that Dirt off Your Shoulders/Lying from You was an inspired combo, especially since they combine my favorite songs from either artist(s) with an awesome new beat. How did these two hook-up anyways? Jay-Z and Linkin Park were two names I never expected to hear in the same sentence much less the same CD.
  17. Honestly, I'm an LP nut and casual Jay-Z fan who thinks this should not have happened. What's the point? Get two big names like Jay-z and Linkin Park, have them play their beats to each other's songs for twenty some odd minutes (twenty minutes, not even the full half-hour like Hybrid Theory and Meteora had the decency to give us), and see how well it sells. No thank you. While the Encore/Numb fusion was pretty good, and I like some fusions, others just didn't sound right. I'd prefer if Shinoda and the gang just did original music instead of all the gimmick albums like Live in Texas and Reanimation (an album I loved but still see as a gimmick in some ways).
  18. Apparently I'm in the minority about this debate. Most of you guys who have answered despise or are not big fans of either, whereas I've been a big Creed fan since Human Clay, circa 2000. I've only heard "Open My Eyes", but from what I've heard, Alter Bridge may have what it takes to be Creed 2.0, or something more, inlcuding the reunion of all three of Creed's instrumentalist, and a lead singer with far greater range and depth than Scott Stapp (who has often been compared to a lite version of Pearl Jam's Eddie Veder). Without guitarist Brian Marshell, Creed's "Weathered" album, though having some good songs like the anti paparazzi hit "Bullets", was more like a bland rehash of "Human Clay", and now that he's back, Alter Bridge can do way better. From what it seems, if Alter Bridge is a superior band in every aspect, the idea of Creed having their own Greatest Hits album and Alter Bridge being relegated to one hit wonder status, would be a crime, so Mark Tremonti and the gang needs to get off their keisters and start kranking out tunes.
  19. [QUOTE=vicky][SIZE=1][B]You're supossed to use spoiler tags, Omar, and the Slade thing has already been mentioned once or twice by myself and a few other members. Slade isn't immortal at all. He can easily be killed but by age he might be possibly, I'm not too sure. Also the comic series wasn't just about those 5, you're forgetting the Tales of the New Teen Titans, which the series was based on more (Since Raven was in it, Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg and Starfire). I don't recall Green Arrow being the the New Teen Titans, unless I'm mistaken. Aqualad wasn't in it, either, though I'm not too sure. Also you do know they changed Beast Boy's name a lot? Changleing.... Beast Boy, then back to Changeling...[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] I didn't think spoiler tags were necessary for a 40+ year old comic that could be easily researched and bring up the exact same info I gave. Sorry anyways. Green Arrow wasn't a Titan, his sidekick Speedy was, and a founder at that. Green Lantern V/Kyle Rayner was during the mid-late 90s, Aqualad wasn't part of the New Teen Titans craze in the 80s, and I'm not sure if he rejoined anytime before his return in the late 90s (as Tempest) As mentioned before the New Teen Titans, orginally, were all five of the characters from the show, plus Kid Flash and Wonder Girl (Terra, a character named Kole, and Jericho, Deathstroke's youngest son, all joined later on, as did a few others I don't know). Yeah I know Beast Boy's name went back and fourth, but hey, why mess with perfection. Anyways, I love this cartoon, and can't wait to see what's in store for next season. Hopefully that Mad Monty/Mad Moddy, or however you say his name, won't be back (I can't stand his few appearances). Slade's coming back, I can smell it a mile away. Love Ron Perlman's voice for the character, as well as John DiMaggio's voice for Brother Blood (nice change of pace for Kim Possible's Dr. Drakken) I like Aqualad's costume and how the show incorporates his new Tempest powers from the comic, and I hope to see more Titans as well, most notably Jericho.
  20. Yes, TT is American, created by the same folks behind Justice League, Batman (not that POS "The Batman" but the one that spun-off into Justice League), Superman, Static Shock, Batman Beyond and The Zeta Project. Its based on the comic which originally focused on 5 kid sidekicks (Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Aqualad, and Speedy, Gree Arrows sidekick) who formed a Jr. Justice League of sorts. Simply put, the book didn't do all too well until the team of writer Marv Wolfman and artist George Perez came along in the 80s with New Teen Titans. That series introduced Raven, the half-human daughter of a demon lord named Trigon (who appears in the episode where Beast Boy and Cyborg go into Raven subconscious, though not mentioned by name in the episode). Robin, Kid Flash, and Wonder Girl reunite and with Raven, Cyborg, and Changeling (Beast Boy as he was called then), defeat Trigon and remain as a team. At this point the book took off, and matched the success of 80s era X-Men (the biggest title at the time) on a regular basis. Oh, little sidenotes: 1. Kid Flash and Wonder Girl are not in the series, because according to Murakami, they wanted to go with Batman centric characters, since fans were already familiar with the WB/Bruce Timm Batman universe with Batman and Batman Beyond. 2. Slade is not Batman. He's Slade Wilson a.k.a Deathstroke the Terminator, a top mercenary who is both immortal and able to use 90% of his brain. These facts have made him one of DCs most overlooked villains (he was the mastermind behind a plot that nearly killed Superman with Kryptonite Cancer, and recently beat the crap out of the combined efforts of Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Elongated Man, Hawkman and Zatanna, a feat that few supervillains, even those with god-like powers, have been able to accomplish). Deathstroke is also the father of a former Titan, Jericho, who is a mute with the ability to temporarily possess anyone he makes direct eye-to-eye contact with. And have you ever noticed his mask has only one eye? That's because, in the comics he got shot in one eye by his own wife after she decided to go the straight-and-narrow path. he wears an eyepatch under his mask. His name was changed for obvious reason (possible legal action for "The Terminator", and death, in a cartoon? For shame) Sorry to burst your bubbles (and besides Murakami has stated that no grown-up DC heroes will be showing up anytime soon). 3. Of course there are more Titans, as, like any superhero team, they have a very long rich history of adding and subtracting members. Aqualad was a founder, almost every character from the tournament of champions episode (Speedy, Wildebeest, and Hotstreak, who's called Joto in the series), Bumblebee, and Terra (who's story in the show is almost an exact adaptation of the greatest Titan comic story every written "The Judas Contract", in which she joins the team simply as a spy for Deathstroke and nearly helps kill them all), were all members in the comic along with countless other teen characters, even Supergirl and the new Green Lantern. Also, for the comment about the anime writing style and how no American toons set up ongoing plots, this was actually done quite a lot in American action cartoons, namely the other DC toons that Bruce Timm produced. Batman set up a subplot about the villain Ra's al Ghul, Superman had a subplot about Darkseid that spilled over into JL, and speaking of JL, it is setting up a subplot about a government conspiracy against the League. But good observation
  21. The number of episodes is a moot point. In 2002, when Spider-Man the movie debut, the comic had already gone through 40+ years of monthly comics (closing in on the 500th issue), plus, in those 40+ years, there were at least ten otehr Spider-Man spinoff and side comics. Then you have properties like the Flinstones and Josie and the Pussycats, which were long shows, with a new storyline in each individual episode Basically, making a movie based on a show is accomplished by compressing the show, and leaving only the general plotline, and all the elements/characters that made the show popular, then winging it from there. Most adaptations rehash the general plotline and then make everything else up as the story goes along, which is an ideal way of compressing so much continuity into one 2-hour long movie. The only time an adaptation with a new plot and new characters would work would be for something like Digimon, in which the Digimon are the stars and each years features a new cast in a new universe, with new concepts and plot points. Since there are new human characters every year, making up new characters for that movie would work, unless the studio wanted to use a specific cast. Otherwise, the old characters in new takes of their storylines would do just fine.
  22. Kia Asimiya of Silent Mobius fame did 5 issues of Uncanny X-Men, and provided covers for Iron Man,the X-Men Evolution comic, and did a Batman manga called Child of Dreams (which I have among my collections). And Marvel did the manga thing four times, with a Spider-Man manga, X-Men manga, Marvel Mangaverse (in which the entire Marvel Universe became a manga universe with manga-like ideas), and Tsunami, a short lived line of comics done in a manga-esque style. Personally, I don't care whether the creators use anime/manga style or not so long as the content is good to read and/or look at. Every body gets influences from somewhere and if Americans want to use manga or Japanese want to use American style, then that's fine.
  23. Nope. Fox acuired the rights to film a DBZ movie, and for a time, there were a crapload of rumors about the film, including that it may be a trilogy in order to fit the whole story in. There has been no casting or casting rumors (though Beckett, the guys who make the DBZ magazine, got a poll for who fans would want to see in a DBZ movie, in which fans voted for Chan to be Goku and Jet Li to play Vegeta.) But there are rumors going around now that the film has been dropped altogether, and that there were no initial plans for it in the first place, but take that with a grain of salt for now. Chan is a huge DB/Z/GT fan (and Akira Toriyama is a fan of his as he named Master Roshi's alterego, Jackie Chun.) He's been wanting to do a DBZ film for years, and personally, if a DBZ movie is filmed, Chan might make an excellent choice for Goku, depending on whetheror not they want a no-named actor, a Japanese actor, or someone younger (Chan's is over forty, but Goku is about 47 when DBZ ended, so Chan could make it work if they go for having Goku that old). The problem with a DBZ film, honestly isn't special effects-related (read my posts in the Evangelion movie thread on the anime board to see why I think that), or character design related (not by much, as the only real problem that would need to be oversome would be Goku's hairstyle. Vegeta could do with just long, spiky hair sticking up as far as I'm concerned). Story is the big issue here, and cramming a story like that into a film wouldn't work unless a trilogy was scheduled. One would also have to overcome how seriously the story would need to be taken in order for it to work. The way I see, I think it should be a trilogy (if it came to pass, a trilogy would work for everyone, as the studio would have more movies to milk money from, naturally, and the fans would have enough DBZ to give them their fix.) I'd prefer Frieza as the villain, and hints provided from the beginning that he was there. Piccolo Damiou/King Piccolo would be the villain of the first film, and Jr. would already be around, growing under the watchful eyes of one of Damiou's other, jealous sons. Vegeta's development would begin in the second film, and Frieza's in the finale. Right now, I'm tired, so I'll probably write up a synopsis of how I would do it later.
  24. I will always be a big fan of their's until they get to a point where their songs really do sound exactly alike. It's agreed that they are redundant as far as material goes, but creative enough not to get at that point of "that's Crawling with a different beat" just yet. I haven't gotten Meteora yet, but I hope to, soon as I get my first check. I also would like to correct Manic, I too loved "Reanimation". I have "Its going down" with the X-Cutioners, an awesome song, and Reanimation gives some unique touches on their earlier works. I love the remixes of Papercut, One Step Closer, With You, Crawling, Caught in the Act, and Pushing Away far better than the originals, and My December is a great, heartfelt song. But I hate pointless interludes. Oh and by the way: High Voltage Man, I hate this song High Voltage Worse than an old man in a thong High Voltage What were they on the bong High Voltage During the making of this song? lol. I hate that song, barring the line "That's why I have to wear ruby quartz glasses" (an X-Men allusion for those who don't know.)
  25. I also love this movie (let's make the superhero fanboy mention 3 for 3). Samuel L. Jackson is awesome as Mr. Glass, a sympathetic, and yet seductively evil force all at the same time. The twist ending [SPOILER]With Mr. Glass being responsible for all the accidents that led the two characters to meet[/SPOILER] was a nice touch in portraying the characters states of mind.
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