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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. Omar Harris

    Blade II

    Blade III is supposedly going to be set in the future, where the vampires have won and Blade must fight to overthrow them once and for all. Blade II was much better than the original as far as action and development are concerned. I laughed when the sidekick betrays Blade and get blown up. But how did Blade trick him the first time? Did the thing have a trigger or was it just a fake button pressing? Anyway, the wrestling move were actually kinda funny. I thought it was a bit predictable to have the Reaver as the king vampire's son. Was I the only person who noticed the resemblance before hand?:P
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]I hate to tell you this but Shun was a one time deal for the Street Fighter Zero aka Alpha OVA's. Personally I think its sad that Ryu meets and loses his brother in such a short time span but its realistic. Also keeping him alive would have probably warranted that he be a character in one of the Street Fighter Games. Personally my disappoint with the film lies in the ending where they tease you with Ryu vs. Gouki (Akuma) [/B][/QUOTE] Befroe I got the DVD, I kept thinking that this movie would focus on Ryu vs. Akuma (Gouki). Akuma has always been my favorite character in the Street Fighter series but I'm disappointed that only was there no Ryu vs. Akuma fight, that the audience got to see, but Akuma makes only a few guest appearences in the movie. I was waiting for him to attack Ryu with the incredible power of his and he just stands there and talks. :(
  3. One of the best Sopranos moments Jackie Jr. and Melody were playng Scrabble in her dormroom while she was sick. He put down "***" and said "When you gonna give me some." In a later part of the scene she puts "oblique" and he goes "Hey, no spanish. What is this Oblique (pronounced oblikay)?"
  4. Sorry about the double post. My part of the story was so long that if I wrote this there it would go over the max character length. Anyways, I have few things to say. [B]Group 1:[/B] Vikaralamon and Bukamon. They are going to the trench dwellers land which is under attack from Parallelmon who is recharging himself withte Trench Dwellers energy. (they're not dead. They're inside him). BE sure to note that Bukamon left something important on accident. What is it? Oh I don't know how about, the Ultimate Digimental. Also remember that Ghoulmon still has a tracer on Puppetmon's ship. That could be trouble Hint ,hint,;), ;) [B]Group 2:[/B]Takato, Guilmon, Sandiramon, and the surviving Wave Makers who are headed towards, low and behold, Trench Dweller Territory as well. I smell a reunion is the future. [B]Group 3:[/B] Masahiko and the Gatomons are still held captive by Machinedramon. [B]Group 4:[/B] Jeri and Lucemon. I was going to have them meet the Harmonious (the angel Digimon) but I had no room. Anyone can take those two if they want. They don't have to meet the angels, but anythings still up there. [B]Group 5:[/B] The ghouls, led by LadyDevimon and Phantomon, still in the abyss heading out, and have Mihiramon, Pajiramon, RedSinduramon, Makuramon, Majiramon, Chatsuramon and Kumbhiramon. As well as the YukimiBotamon that is Baihumon. Anyways, all these groups have potential for reunion. You can take them where you want but they have to get back together eventually for the final battle. [B]Group 6:[/B] Kenta, Alice, Henry, Tally, Devidramon, and Terriermon. ALice, Kenta, and Devidramon are captives of Metamormon and the other 3 are still at Kenta's castle. [B]Group 7:[/B] Everyone else. Kazu, Yamaki, Riley, Rika, Susie, Ai, Mako and their partners along with the MarineAngemons and Chibomon. They are at Piedmon's house where he is helping them in they potential attack against Metamormon and the Morpheus Throne. Also note that Hypnos is creating the monster Galactimon (the final boss of DW3) from a copy of Parallelmon's data to destroy the DW for them to prevent Milleniummon's return. Anyone can take any one of these plot in any direction they choose. Devidramon is working with Ryo. And we need more writers. So far we have me (occasionally), Devidramon, Sage, and Masterdramon. That's all. Hope to see what everyone else does with the story.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Ah yes they can't say Devil, God, or Kill on CN apparently. Its just like in GI Joe the Movie where Duke is clearly killed but they say he's fallen into a coma...ugh please :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] God and Devil, apparently no. Kill , yes. I saw DBZ yesterday, where Majin Buu swears off killing, and they said kill, unedited, several times. Plus, they said kill in todays episode of Justice League, and it is said in several other CN series. QA: Don't worry, La Blue Girl could never be seen on Adult Swi, no matter what. Even though CN has Adult Swim, there are still restraints placed on network TV. That's why a show like South Park, which is TVMA, still had f*** and s*** and nudity edited out.
  6. Continued from the Parallelmon scene. Puppetmon depressed a button on the sub?s computer console. A large, crane-like arm projected and tried to reach for Parallelmon. ?With old PM on our side, we won?t need the Digimental now will we?? ?Are you sure about this?? said Ghoulmon ?Yes, yes, I?m sure. I have always been sure. Is that not why you are here on MY ship in the first place, following MY plan?? Parellelmon opened his eye to see the arm reaching for him. ?Absorbent Bang?. A beam of energy projected from his eye, shaped like a hand, and absorbed the hand. ?He?s awake!? cried Puppetmon. ?I told you stick to the plan.? ?Shut up.? Parellelmon fell from the remains of the shattered arm towards the trench below. Puppetmon strapped himself into a diver uniform and ejected into the water. ?You stay here. I?m going after him.? Ghoulmon simply stared at Puppetmon on the screen. ?That Digimental will be mine. You are a fool Puppetmon.? He said to himself. The Tamers continued their journey through the abyss. Gazimon looked around at everyone. Each of them seemed gloomy or were just plan shy altogether. ?Hey guys, why the long faces?? no one answered. ?Hey I know a way to turn that frown upside down.? Yamaki stared off into the other direction. He did not say that. He did not say that. He did not say that. ?How about a song?? said Gazimon. Yamaki continued to look off. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me. ?Hey Digimon, hey Digimon/ Ultimate friends to the boys and girls/ Hey Digimon, hey Digimon/ Champions of the Digital World.? Everyone continued to look away. Yamaki?s faced burned red with embarrassment. No, no, no. He thought to himself. ?What? Oh I see, you want something a little bit more modern. Are how do you kids say it these days? Hip-hop?? ?You mean hip?? said Rika, annoyed by his continuous talking. ?Yeah, yeah. That?s the word. I?ve mean to a few servers. I know how to be hip and down with the homies. You know what I?m saying.? He pulled out an electric guitar (where he got it from is far beyond the comprehension of his companions) and began to strum a few bars. ?Oh you ain?t nothing but a hound dog/Crying all the time/Well if you ain?t no man, then you ain?t no friend of mine. One more time.? ?Will you shut up.? Screamed Yamaki. ?What, I was just?? Gazimon looked into Yamaki?s face and could only see burning anger in the redness on his cheeks. ??shutting up.? Riley came to Gazimon?s defense. ?Did you?? ??have to be so hard on him? Yes.? ?Look Yamaki, we are all a little stressed out. But I don?t think it is right for you to take it out on your digimon.? Yamaki just stared off into space, as usual, not giving any answer back in return. ?Why you stubborn jack?.? A beam of light appeared before the group, interrupting Riley?s tirade against Yamaki. From out of the beam appeared what seemed to be an old, short man, wearing Henry?s clothes and carrying an old Terriermon in his hands. ?Henry?? Said Yamaki ?Guys. It?s Kenta. You?ve got to help us. Help us.? The beam disappeared as Yamaki reached towards it. ?HENRY.? And in another brilliant flash, Yamaki, Riley, Rika, Susie, Kazu, Ai, Mako and their partners were gone. ?Where did they go my love?? asked a perplexed Phantomon. ?I?m not sure. But I don?t like the looks of it.? Alice stood away from the others thinking to herself. He said Kenta. What?s wrong with Kenta. A voice called out to Alice in a pitch only audible to her ears. ?Alice?Alice.? ?Kenta.? And in one final beam of light, she too was gone. Vikaralamon swam through the ocean, heading aimlessly towards some non-destiny that seemed to await him. ?SUEY. SUEY.? He continued to call out. He stared out into the vast ocean, trying to find some place to go, when all of a sudden, he could hear the sound of seaweed rustiling behind him. He turned himself all the way around to see what was going on. A tiny voice could be heard in a barely-audible range from behind the weed. He swam towards it and began to rummage through the weeds with his snout. ?That?s tickle Mista.? ?Who are you?? he said. A tiny Bukamon swam out of the weeds. And planted a tiny kiss on Vikaralamon?s snout. ?Yuck. Disgusting.? ?You?re a funny piggy.? The Bukamon said. ?Look kid. I have no time for fun and games.? ?Piggy. Piggy. Piggy, piggy, piggy.? The Bukamon repeated, swimming around Vikaralamon in circles. ?STOP IT. Boar Bog.? He sprayed a layer of black gunk from his mouth and caught the little digimon. ?That oughta hold you.? The tiny Bukamon began to cry. ?Don?t cry. Shh.? ?Wawwwww.? ?Will you stop that?? ?Wawwww.? ?Fusion ball.? He fired a sphere of energy to dissipate the gunk and free the child. ?Thank mista.? ?It?s Vikaralamon.? ?Yeah, whatevew. Say Mista, can I wide with you? I need to get home and it far away.? ?Where are you going?? ?To the twenches. That?s where we Twench Dwellews wive.? Vikaralamon thought that the voice sounded vaguely familiar for some reason but then thought nothing of it. He opened his mouth and sucked the kid in. ?ARGH. You ate me.? The kid screamed. ?You?ll live.? And Vikaralamon continued his trek towards the trench, not noticing the gold egg treasure that Bukamon had left behind. Alice opened her eyes to find herself lying on a bed; a rather comfortable bed at that. She looked up to find a warm pair of glasses wielding eyes staring down at her. ?Kenta.? ?You better believe it.? He said. The two of them stood up, only for Alice to notice that they were both clad in togas. ?What is this place? Why are we dressed like this?? she asked. ?This is the Mold. It is a separate part of the Digi-World. Here, dreams literally shape reality. We can do whatever we want here.? ?How did we get here?? she said. ?That doesn?t matter, just so long as we are together. SERVANT.? Henry walked into the room, however he looked different. He was old and skinny, wearing a dirty white toga. ?Yes, Master.? ?Bring me some wine.? Alice looked into Henry?s eyes and could only see pain where there was once an inquisitive soul. ?Is that?? ?Henry. Of course. But he?s my slave now. Tally, Devidramon, Terriermon; Their all here as well.? ?But where?? Kenta went to the window and opened the curtain to reveal Terriermon, and Tally, both of them as old and weak as Henry, picking away at the fruits, while Devidramon, also an old geezer, stomped them into wine (non-alcoholic of course.) Alice gasped at the site, only to feel old, wrinkled hands, her old and wrinkled hands, touch her cheek. ?Oh dear. We can?t have that.? Kenta felt into his pocket and pulled out a medallion placing it on Alice?s neck. Her hand became that of a young girl?s again. ?Here in the Mold, time passes faster. That?s why they?re all old fogeys. That?s what they get.? ?But how are you?? ?Young?? ?Do you always have to interrupt?? ?Sorry. It?s the medallion. I have one two, see.? He pulled his out of his toga for Alice to see. ?Where did you get these from?? ?Let?s just say, a new friend.? Yamaki, Riley, and Hi-Andromon stared out into the distance looking for something that seemed the least bit familiar. The other kids and Digimon stood by their stoods. Boogeymon saw what appeared to be a house and pointed outward. ?There?s something over there.? Ai looked at his hand and saw a few wrinkles that shouldn?t have been there. ?Boogeymon, your hand.? ?Huh.? He looked at it to see it slowly growing more wrinkled. ?What?s wrong wit me? What did Devimon do ta me?? ?Be calm,? said Yamaki, ?We?ll find help for you at that house. Let?s go.? The gang ran down the hill. After ten minutes, Ranamon noticed something strange. ?Hey guys. How long have we been running?? ?About ten minutes.? Said Renamon. ?Oh that?s what I thought. Have you noticed we haven?t been going anywhere?? she asked. ?I?ve noticed that too.? Said Lopmon. They continued to run when all of a sudden Yamaki stopped and grabbed at his hip. ?You ok Yamaki?? Said Rika. ?I don?t know.? He answered in a slightly older voice. ?What the heck!? Kazu looked at Rika. ?Rika, you?ve, uh, grown.? ?What?!? she cried, noticing his red, blush. ?You perv.? She slapped him, only to notice that she had to swing downward to do it. ?What is happening? We?re all growing.? Said Riley in a grandmother like voice. Far off in the distance, a dark digimon stared through a looking glass. ?Lord Metamormon,? said the Digimon, Bakamon, ?We have visitors. And they?re not the only ones. There is a girl with our new ally.? ?Excellent,? he said back, ?More youth to feed the Mold. Soon, we Shifters will be immortal, just as we were meant to be.? At Kenta?s castle, Alice snuck out of the front door, while Kenta slept. She went into the cellar, where Kenta kept his slaves, to find Henry, Tally and their Digimon, chained to the wall. ?Oh my. What has he done to you?? ?Alice,? said Henry, ?Help us.? ?No Alice.? Said another voice. ?Don?t do it? ?Lucemon?? she said. The people in front of Alice disappeared and in their place was a Soulmon (A Bakamon but with a black, witches? hat.) ?Hello, Alice. Welcome to the mold.? ?What do you want with me?? the Soulmon disappeared and in his place appeared Lucemon. ?To love you again.? ?No. You?re not.? ?Yes I am Alice. Come with me. Be with me, forever.? He held out his hands and she took them. The two then disappeared in another flash of light, only to leave behind Alice?s medallion in the process. Agent Noriyaga looked at his computer screen, to see a tracer like item moving around. The tracer stopped and Noriyaga released a brief ?Yes? as he did so. He picked up his cell phone and pressed a few buttons. ?Agent Haroko, We have Parallelmon. Once the tracer has a bit of his data, Operation Galactimon will begin.? **** Edit: Part 2 ?Seeker Activate.? Said the voice. A red platform floated through the water, releasing a small red bird. The bird looked forward, 0s and 1s appearing in its eyes, in the place of everything in his line of site. It found a specific code within a small crevice in its path and floated towards it. ?Target Acquired.? Lucemon flew towards a pair of apples in the top of the tree. He picked the two of them and flew back down towards Jeri sitting indian style on the ground. ?Here you go.? ?Lucemon?? ?Yes?? ?Will you ever become Calumon again?? ?Wow! I?m here only a few days and you are trying to get rid of me already?? he laughed. ?It?s not that. It?s just?? ?Jeri, I am the strongest rookie there is. You are my friend and together, we can do anything. Whatever is going on, we will stop it together.? ?Lucemon, I?m scared by your power. I lost my partner, my first partner, because I wasn?t strong enough.? ?Jeri,? he placed his fingers under her chin and tilted her gaze towards his own, ?you are an angel, with the heart of a lion.? As soon as he said ?heart of a lion?, a second, familiar voice could be heard coming from his mouth, and for a brief moment, Jeri thought she saw Leomon again.. ?Leomon.? She said. And the image soon disappeared, leaving only the rather handsome, yet young, visage of Lucemon. She smiled as she gazed into his eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. ?Oh?? was all he could say. Kenta tore throught the castle furiously searching for his beloved Alice. ?Devidramon!? he cried. He ran into a room down the hall from his own. There, Tally, Henry and their partners sat on their beds, Devidramon lay on the floor trying to pull himself up. ?Get up you lazy Digimon. We?ve got work to do!? ?He can?t move.? Said Tally. ?We?ve all been overworked past the limits of these old bodies.? ?SHUT UP!? he said, making a data whip with his D-Power. ?Stop it, Kenta.? Said old Henry as he grabbed at the whip. Kenta shot a tiny blast of energy from his finger tips at Henry?s chest, enough to knock him down. Tally ran to his side as fast as she could. Kenta turned his gaze back towards Devidramon. ?Get up.? He said. Devidramon pulled himself up slowly, pulling Kenta onto his back with his claws. ?I know who has her. Let?s go to Metamormon?s place, now.? ?Alice. Alice. Wake up, Alice.? Lucemon?s voice rang over and over again in Alice?s head. ?Wake up, Alice.? Alice opened her eyes to see the image of Lucemon?s face, slowly fading into her line of vision. ?Welcome back Alice.? ?Welcome back yourself, Lucemon, but you?re?? ?Dead?? ?Why does everyone have to interrupt my train of thought?? ?Alice, I need something every importanta from you.? ?What is it? I?ll do anything for you.? ?That?s what I was hoping.? He smiled with a twinkle in his eye. He closed his eyes, as did she, and placed a long, soft kiss on her lips. The two separated. Alice continued to stare into his eyes until she felt something happen to herself. Her skin began to wrinkle and her hair turned to grey. ?What have you done to me?? ?Nothing my dear.? He said. He disappeared and in his place appeared Soulmon. ?Your youthful energy feeds the Mold. Soon we, the Shifters will be immortal, as promised by our lord and master, Metamormon.? I?ll find my Alice, and make Metamormon pay for betraying me, thought Kenta. Devidramon flew as fast as he could, but in a world where he aged so fast, he could not travel as rapidly as Kenta would have hoped for. ?Well, my ally.? Said Metamormon. ?Where?s the fire? I know what I will do. Bakamon, bring him to me. I want him alive.? The three Bakamon changed their forms into those of three Aquilamon and flew off to find Kenta and Devidramon. Knock, knock knock. An old Digimon opened the door of his home to find an assorted group of humans and Digimon standing before him. The old Digimon, a Fuugamon, looked down at his watch. ?Twenty-five minutes, with a broken hip. Amazing. I didn?t know you it would affect you so fast.? ?What are you talking about?? Yamaki said with little energy left in him. ?Come in, take your time.? He laughed. ?Oh you find this amusing huh? Hi-Andromon.? Said Kazu. Hi-Adromon postioned himself in front of the old Fuugamon, threatening to unleash an atomic ray, if Fuugamon?s joke-a-minute-marathon didn?t end. Fuugamon grabbed the injured Yamakiand helped pull the gang into his house. ?Where are we?? asked Rika. ?This is the Mold. A dream world, for lack of a better term, this is home to the Shifters.? ?The Shifters?? she replied. ?Shapeshifting Digimon. They are led by the monster called Metamormon, who has the ability to copy the physical form of any Digimon whose data he stores in his body.? ?GreAt. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.? Said Rika. ?So is this Metamormon guy evil?? ?Indeed he is. Metamormon is ruthless and uncaring, wanting only to be the most powerful Digimon of all. You see, the Mold can be used to power any Digimon who sits upon the Morpheus Throne. The Morpheus Throne is at the center of the Mold. So long as Metamormon sits upon that throne he can use the energies of others to empower him and possibly even become immortal.? ?Great. That?s all good and all but how does this have to do with our growing up so fast.? ?The Mold is shaped by dreams. Such dreams use a limited amount of energy from the host to control the mold. That is the energy that is being used for the Morpheus Throne. But such energy comes at the cost of one?s age.? ?So how do we counteract the process? And why are you not affected?? Fuugamon turned towards the others and began to contort his body in grotesque ways. In his place stood only a Piedmon. ?We Shifters are not affected, so long as one of our own sits on the Morpheus Throne.? ?So we have to make Metamormon get off the throne and take him out in order to stop him.? Said Yamaki. He held himself up, only to have his back go out. ?Oh that hurts.? Piedmon said, ?You?re in no shape to keep your back straight, much less kick the butt of the forces of evil. But I will help you, since you apparently need it.? Two Dolphmon swam through the halls of the Trench Dwellers main headquarters. ?Say D, do you think we are safe?? ?What do you mean, Zim? King Whamon will never let anything happen to us. And the Wave Makers will always help us with out alliance with them.? A flicker of light appeared outside of the glass. ?What is that, D?? ?Absorbent Bang!? cried Parallelmon. His blast grabbed and absorbed the body of a defenseless Dolphmon. He continued to fire his blast at all of the other Trench Dwelling Digimon. ?I need more energy. Give it to me. Absorbent Bang!? Parellelmon said in one of the few instances in which the creature actually spoke. Puppetmon stared at the incident from the side, unable to figure out whether to be cheering him on or frightened by Parallelmon power and anger. All the while, he was unaware of the mysterious metal particles which flew towards Parallelmon?s back. The particles implanted themselves in Parallelmon?s body, while a red bird floated in the distance watching the events from above. ?Our Searcher will copy the data that enables the creature to travel between worlds. With such data at our disposal, our manmade destroyer, Galactimon will be able to use such data to for himself. Galactimon will be our living failsafe against the Virus.? Said Noriyaga. ?And what if he goes crazy and turns against us?? said the Hypnos C.E.O ?We have installed a failsafe in Galactimon. He will self-destruct in the Digital World, when we deem it necessary for him to do so. Either way, we are safe.? ?Excellent work. Keep going.? Said the director, although still a bit uneased by Noriyaga?s proposal. ?Can?t you move any faster, Devidramon?? cried Kenta. ?We have to get to my Alice.? ?Damn backseat drivers.? Was all he replied. Kenta whipped Devidramon, who was in pain at such an old age. Devidramon landed, unable to continue any further. ?Mush you stupid dog. Mush.? ?That?s no way to treat your Digimon, esse.? Said an Aquilamon. ?Who are you, Metamormon?s cronies?? ?You could say that.? ?Well tell that cheater I want my Alice back.? ?No, no, no. Her youth will serve a great purpose for us. As will you.? ?What.? ?Blast Ring!? said the Aquilamon as they shot rings of energy from their mouths. Devidramon and Kenta were thrown around by the attack until both passed out. Kenta soon awoke to find himself in a dark room. A large yellowish Digimon, resembling a Gigadramon but with a mirror in the place of a belly, sat before them. ?Metamormon. I want my Alice back.? ?Oh you mean, her?? Metamormon said raising an elderly Alice in his hand. ?No!? ?Her youth will help to empower the Morpheus throne so that my Shifters will be immortal. Be glad that you will not suffer the same, my one-time ally.? ?You used me.? ?Gee, no kidding. And I?m using you now.? He held out his claw and blasted Kenta. The energy did not harm the boy however he did begin to float before Metamormon, glowing an ominous black tent. ?You will help me. With this energy, you may control any Digimon in this Mold to your liking. You are now a man-god, my dear boy. Now, let?s begin again shall we.? Kenta looked up. His glasses were gone, and his hair now hung to his shoulders. He had muscles where he was once scrawny and his eyes glowed yellow as the sun?s light. ?I will obey, my Master Metamormon.? ?Good. I?ve planted a few failsafes in you, so as not to harm myself. Let the chaos begin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA?
  7. Oh, gee just rip on TN with your sarcasm why don'tcha.:laugh: Well everyone gave an answer to the question so I'm gone.
  8. Omar Harris

    The Ring

    Has anyone who watches Japanese movies, besides anime, seen this movie? If so, is it as scary as people say? And who here is going to see the American version that is on the way?
  9. If I may be so bold, since the dubbing is done by Bandai, wouldn't it be Bandai's decision for name changes and not Toonami's? They've did the same for Digimon, so Toonami had nothing to do with Devil and God Gundam's names, as far as I can tell. Or at least that's what I think about it. The Heaven, Hell, God, Devil thing seems to be some sort of grey area, obviously. I've heard Heaven and Hell mentioned in X-men and Johnny Quest before. And they are seen all the time in Looney Toons. It probably has to either be a goof or just different standards. I've heard that channels usually have standards on what scriptwriters can put into their shows. ABC had some kinda script "Bible" for Tales from the Cryptkeeper standards, to prevent gore, guns, knives and other such things, so I guess the same goes for all shows. I don't know.
  10. Depends on your definition of knock-off. Usually when I hear that word, it has the same conotation as rip-off: Plagiarising and putting little effort into changing the material into something compeltely ones own. There are a large number of resemblances, but both shows are so different as to stand on their own. Now a knock-off I hate is the Street Fighter movie. Bad comedy. M. Bison is supposed to be a tyrant and a man of mystery, not a joke-a-minute comedian. (Though I did like his conversation with Chun Li: "To you my dear, the day M. Bison graced your village was the greatest day of your life. To me, it was just Tuesday.") Guile was the hero, even though we all know that that's Ryu and Ken's job, and if the name Jean Claude Van Damme ever appears in the movie credits, you know first-hand that it is doomed from the getgo. I'm just sorry that poor Raul Julia's (M. Bison and Gomez in the Addams Family movie) last film was this piece of crap. I also agree with you Endymion. I used to foolishly believe that Guyver was an awesome movie until I realized how bad the dialogue is and the fight scenes sucked. What was up with Guyver throwing pieces of wood at the Caine in Guyver 2. Because of this I have little faith in any other Hollywood made anime movie that is destined to appear (especially DBZ, which I had little faith in from the getgo.) Now, Akira, hopefully will do it some justice. If not, I'll just have to grit my teeth and stay away from a theatre for a while.
  11. Well maybe not a knock-off. That would imply that Disney put no effort into changing the original material into something their own (they do it with every movie. Look at the true Cinderella story to see what I mean). But similarities can be found between the Lion King and Kimba the White Lion Kimba-Simba They look similar, except Kimba is ...well white. That all I know. I haven't seen that show in a good while. Other similarites in anime and american tv I found: Big O and Batman, Goku (from DBZ) and Superman. There are others I can't think of. I really haven't seen anything in America that is a complete knock-off of anime so I might be off-topic with this post.
  12. This is a story I had to write for my college creative writing course. Enjoy: Mike Green sat on his bed, holding his cell phone to his ear. His friend, James was on the other line chatting away. ?So have you thought about it yet?? said James. ?Thought about what?? Mike replied back. ?You and Maria.? Mike stopped for a moment to think. For the last few weeks of the school year he had been trying to ask out Maria Gomez, the daughter of the owner of the local convenience store. She was everything Mike wanted in a girl; beautiful, smart, and wit a great personality. Her black hair was as dark as the flowing river of space itself, and her brown eyes looked as if some higher power had planted the finest stones within her head. ?I have, I guess.? He finally replied. ?You guess!? You guess!? Geez man, what are we gonna do with you? Remember what she said after the game last week? And I quote ?You looked great out on the floor. I?ve never seen some one as impressive as you.? Take it from me: She?s interested.? ?This coming from the raging homosexual of Lincoln High.? ?Whatever do you mean?? said James with an obvious hint of sarcasm in his voice. ?Hey at least I have someone for the Homecoming. Can?t say the same about a certain someone.? The Mike let out a small laugh, nothing hearty, but merely playful at most. As he and James went silent, he heard the sound of a car pulling out of the family driveway. He looked out the window to see his father, dressed in full mechanic gear, heading off to wherever it is where guys go to work on car, drink themselves dead and escape the ?women folk.? ?The enemy is officially out of range.? He said softly. ?What?? replied James. ?Nothing. My dad?s just left, as usual. And today I am officially bored with life.? ?Well find something to do. Damn, do I have to teach you everything? She?s at the store, working for her dad today. Hint, hint, wink, wink.? You don?t draw me a map. I?m going.? He wanted to lift himself off the bed, but lethargy had other plans. ?As soon?as I getup.? ?Lazy sack of?? ?Shut up.? Said Mike. ?I?ll get up; soon enough.? ?Yeah, whatever. You better hurry. She?s not going to wait on you forever.? ?How many times have I heard that? I?ll see you tomorrow. Five bucks says she on my arm by Friday?s game.? Said Mike, projecting his occasional flare of playful overconfidence. ?Chump change. Make it twenty.? Said James, projecting his own, reactionary arrogance. ?If, I had that much you think I?d waste it on you. I got to go.? ?Alright. See you tomorrow then.? Mike finally sat up, releasing a sigh of boredom. He stared into the mirror for some time. He was not handsome, but not exactly ugly, by definition anyway. He was a fair looking young man, semi-attractive in his appearance. If he paid closer attention to said appearance he would probably be the talk of all of Lincoln High School. He is African American, with the typical brown eyes, medium skin tone, and a limited amount of black hair atop his nearly skin-shaved head. On any other day, Mike would find something to do with his time. His parents rarely get along, especially due to his father?s own over-bearing, male chauvinistic attitude. ?I work all damn day; bring home enough to keep us going just for the month. The least you could do is having me a damn meal fixed.? His father would say. ?I don?t have time to worry about cleaning the house, doing the laundry and takin? care a you and the kids whenever you want me to.? His mother would reply back. Needless to say, they almost never talk or hung around each other, except for that one time three years ago? Crying could be heard downstairs. Mike?s three-year-old brother, Rob, had obviously gotten into something else. Mike wondered what it was this time: hand on the lit stove eyes, bitten by the sleeping and angry dog next door, stung by a bee. Trouble always had a companion in little Rob. As the smell of fried pork chops and collared greens floated to Mike?s nose, he decided to leave the house before it got too late to do anything of use. He walked out the door and descended down to the kitchen. ?Mom, I?m going out.? He said as he noticed his mother, in her usual jeans and t-shirt, trying to stop Robbie?s crying. Mike thought back to the invisible tally in his head. ?Stove top. Second time this month.? ?Where you going?? his mother asked him. ?Just for a walk.? ?Alright, be back before dark at least.? He left out of the house and traveled through his neighborhood, noticing such ?fine? details as the graphiti on the fences. He arrived at Martin Luther King Avenue, to find the ?Quick Stop? convenience store and went inside. As James had predicted, Maria was working behind the counter lovely as ever. He thought for a moment about what to say to her. First he thought about being cool, like the rappers on BET, but he knew she wasn?t into that type of guy. ?Hey Mike.? She said. He walked over to the counter and laid across it with his arms crossed in front of him. ?Hey, I was just?? ??gonna get off my counter. I just washed that.? ?Oh sorry.? He couldn?t help but stare at him and his mind began to wonder off again. Maria, will you go out with me. He thought to himself. Just as simple as that right? Right? He couldn?t help himself and just froze the entire moment. ?Were you gonna get something?? Maria said. ?oh, uh, yeah.? He went down the aisle, picking up a bag of BBQ chips and a cream soda and put them on the counter. ?This is all.? ?Lets see, fat, fat, fat and fat. Oh wait, lotsa calories, yum.? She said jokingly, looking at the labels. ?Lighten up. I?m just kidding. You need it to be a big stwong athlete right?? ?Uh.. yeah. I was thinking?uh?well.? ?What?? ?Never mind.? ?OK. Paper or plastic.? He walked out the store with his head held in utter shame. Never Mind!? Never mind!? You waited all day and all you could say was never mind!? He thought to himself. However, he in his self tirade he failed to notice another young black man, wearing his hair in dreadlock, walking in front of him. ?Man, watch where you going.? ?Sorry man.? The two walked off in their separate ways Late that night, Mike sat in his room, trying to practice what he would say to win Maria over. No matter what he did though, he doubted himself and tried to figure out some other way of accomplishing the task. It seemed everything was easier when it was said on TV. He sat on his bed and turned on the TV, deciding to have something to take his mind off his recent failures. As he flipped through channels he stopped to notice something that caught his eye. A news crew stood on what looked to be Martin Luther King Street. The reporter stood in front of the Quick Stop while the cameraman panned over the scenery to show a broken down door. On the corner of the building, Maria?s parents could be seen, her mother?s eyes full of tears, while Maria?s father comforted her. Out of the front door appeared a duo of police officers, straight faced as ever, carrying a man, the same man Mike ran into on the streets, in front of them in handcuffs. And following behind were a medical team, with a stretcher, covered by a blood drenched sheet. Mike dropped his remote and sat staring at the TV in awe and knew that he could try to make his pickup lines, but no matter what happened, Maria would never be seen again.
  13. I love the Sopranos. Tony is a complex an fascinating character. Its always interesting to get inside his head. I can relate to him very easily, except I'm not an Italian mob boss. I haven't seen the show since *Spoiler* Jackie Jr. got shot and Melody (can you say hot :flaming: ) went pretty crazy *End Spoiler*
  14. I haven't seen the show for some time, but I love it. My favorite character would probably be Dargo, mostly due to that wicked sword, his badass personality, and I love learning of his past. I don't know everything about the show but I did watch it from time to time. The last episode I remember is where Zhan brings Ayron back to life.
  15. DB is childish in the whole toilet humor department. I like DB but not better than DBZ. I didn't like the slow pacing of some of hte Pilaf saga, nor do I like Pilaf or his henchmen. Although I prefer the real villains like Frieza and Cell (before they turned into running jokes in the Majin Buu saga), I do like the storylines in DB, over the "put a 30 episodes of powering up and fighting together and call it a story" type episodes that appears in DBZ (no offense to you guys. I like this show but I don't "love" it as much anymore) Any ways, it is also great to see cool characters that actually have roles in the series alongside Goku. Yamcha, Tien, Krillen and Choatsu were actually enjoyable to watch. Now I cringe whenever I hear how much of a sniveling coward a grown man like Yamcha has become.
  16. I'm best with the quicker and smaller characters. Jin, Christie (that's the hot chick that does Eddy Gordo's moves right?), Yoshimitsu and Nina. I'll be the modest one here and mention that I'm obviously not the best at thsi game but I'm not pathetic either. I'd probably rate at 4.5 or a 5 at most. If you mean hardest as in most difficult to use, I'd say I suck with any body who is big, slow and powerful. Which is ironic because one of my all-time faves is Ogre, either form, and he is frickin huge. I've gotten used to his God form, but beast Ogre takes more time for me.
  17. On today's episode of Maury "Out of Control Guyvers". Zoinoids from all over have come today to confront their wild and out of control nemesis and put them back in line. Ok, its not very funny.:bawl:
  18. On the Ninja Storm site,it mentions that Zordon's wave not only wiped out all evil, but opened a gateway to Hell (obviously going to be censored to something else in America) and released the Demons who will fight the Rangers in that show. Looks like we haven't seen the last of its effects just yet.
  19. You've got to see it. I also agree that it could have been prolonged a bit but it was still a good episode. There were a lot of plot holes though: It is constantly mentioned that the Zeo rangers destroyed Mondo, when it was Zordon's wave that did so. How did everyone know everyone already, when there was no mention of it? Word of mouth probably? How did Tommy, Jason and TJ morph, when both Command Centers went sky high? And how'd Bulk get back to Earth? (We need more of him and Skull. That was a great touch to have them running a rec center this time.) And where's Rocky? He can't still be recuperating from a broken back after 5 years away. And if they could bring back The first 3 red's they could bring back red ninja ranger. Vengix was a cool villain. He reminded me of Chatsuramon and the Predacon version of Ravage from Beast Wars: All of them were ruthless, loyal to their master, and went down calling out their praises to their lords. (Zhuqioamon, the original Megatron, and Mondo respectively) *Spoiler for those you haven't seen it* I also like the quotes at then end: Cole: He really is the greatest ranger ever. (My sentiments exactly about Tommy) Everyone: lol TJ: I'm not so sure, after all I was the one who replaced him (Yeah for all of one season. It was great to have a change in status quo with a black leader, but I hate that it didn't last as long as all the other's time) Jason: And I was doing all the work while he was kissing Kimberly (Yeah and he always came and saved your butt in like every episode) Andros: I saved two worlds (Which ones? Didn't he save the universe?) Leo: I discovered a lost galaxy (No, Deviot sent you there; big difference) Eric: My Q-Rex'll eat his Dragonzord for breakfast (I agree there. Q-Rex kicked butt. Did you see that face Eric made? lol That was funny) Wes: I changed history (for the worst at first, that rhymes, but he did better.) TJ: Did I ever tell you how I got baked in a giant pizza (lol. Theodore J. Jarvis Johnson. lol. What Kinda name is that? ROTFL) And it was cool how some more personalities developed. Like when Jason kept calling Cole "rookie". I never knew he had that whole arrogant side to him. And Tommy was so mysterious, like some sort of FBI agent (MIB Agent T anyone?) And I like Aurico's playfulness when he's zipping around everywhere. When I saw the preview, I didn't see it too well,so I thought is was either Wes or Eric. I wonder why the Time Force Rangers don't didn't bend time so much like they did in Episode 2 where everyone was doing the Matrix. (my new word for the effect.) All in all, it was a great episode. They should have a ending to PR with a reunion with everyone. I've had an idea with a clone of Zordon as the villain for a very long time. *sigh* *End Spoiler*
  20. I have the VHS of Bloodlust. D is awesome. I love his living hand too. The animation for Bloodlust is some of the best, and nothing beats a lone wolf, half vampire.
  21. Forever red was pretty cool. I just wish they had done something else for the villains instead of getting the old Beetleborg costumes. I saw: Shadow Borg, Lady Borg, Dragon Borg, Green Hunter Borg, and I think Lightening Borg (I get him and Fire Borg confused sometimes). I miss that show :( Anyway, Nerdsy, why doesn't your link work? I've been trying to go there but I couldn't.
  22. Ok one last question: Who's doing the ending? Will it be just one person or will it be a big collabrative effort? I'm not thinking about this story ending that early but, I was just wondering for in case the time for the ending finally comes.
  23. Hey, I love R&B. Alicia Keyes is cool, but I'm not too big on her old-school style. I'm more of a mid-90's music lover though. TLC, Aaliyah, K-ci and Jo-Jo, the original Destiny's Child, Wyclef Jean, the Fugees, and Lauren Hill are some of my faves. I like R. Kelly's music, even "Heaven, I need a hug" is cool, even though he has that whole scandal over his head.
  24. I was doing some information searching for times for the Forever Red episode and decided to research Ninja Storm. I finally found 1 site with very limited info. *Spoiler The team is five as usual but instead of red, yellow, blue, pink and green/black there is a blue yellow and ninja storm ranger and then two of what are known as Shadow ninja rangers. The Shadow Ninja rangers have some armor, resembling Samurais, and are blue and red. The 2 blue rangers are female. There will be a green ranger as the confirmed 6th member. The zords are: Blue-dolphin Yellow-Lion (again) Red-Hawk Shadow Blue-Scarab Beetle Shadow Red-Rhino Beetle Green-Some sort of helicopter like zord that turns into a warrior Edit: Here is the site if you want more info. [url]http://beetlezord.tripod.com/rangers.htm[/url] *End Spoiler
  25. It actually does take place after CT, 10 years if I recall. And it has a lot of elements from CT like a few cameos, which I won't reveal, and other bits of story. It is a sequel in the true since, unlike the FF games, but like FF it is also almost completely different from CT where you don't have to play CT to get what is going on most of the time. It's a great game, although I wish there were more individual spells for characters like the CT gang had.
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