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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. I heard that Lost Levels was extremely hard. Is that true, because its probably the only Mario game (along with World 2, all the Land games except 2, and Sunshine) I haven't played.
  2. Has anyone played any of the Persona games, preferably 2, since I just recently purchased it. I love Persona 2 so far. i've beaten the first boss. Without placing spoilers, what is the rest of the game like?
  3. i love the Chrono Trigger series period. Linx is an awesome villain, just like my all-time favorite character, Magus. I love the element system, but its tough having all those elements and not a lot of slots to put them in. The battle system is great, with no turn-base stuff like in the pass. The one flaw I found is that the game just seems too easy to me. When I fought Magus in CT I couldn't beat him no matter how many times I attacked. I borrowed the game during Christmas break, didn't play it again until I got it for PSone, and finally kicked his butt. However, I was disappointed by how easily I beat Linx.
  4. Megaman X6. I would give a much better explanation to Zero's death and resurrection or get rid of him altogether. I would also change Mortal Kombat 4. I would make it completely different from past games, with new fatalities, moves, character designs and more. Hopefully DA will do it some justice.
  5. I love the Megaman X series but this is starting to get ridiculous. First Zero "dies" in X, "dies" again in X5, then comes back out of nowhere in X6 with a horrible explanation as to how he was able to do so. And then he gets put into hibernation for 112 years. I say let this guy stay in his new time period and give X a new partner or something. It's getting old. Although Zero is my favorite Megaman character ever, his role in the series is kinda weak. Hopefully this game will do well with an explanation for Zero being there.
  6. The easiest to me is LT. Surge. He can't do anything to me when I've got my Geodude in play or any plant Pokemon ins play.
  7. I love this game. It's just the fact that you can play four Mario games in one that makes it simply incredible. My favorite will always be Super Mario 3. And the idea of All-Stars 2 with World, World 2, 64, and Sunshine is awesome. But what would we do about RPG? or am I the only one who liked that game?
  8. If you've seen the deleted scenes from "Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back" there is one line in there that defines my...life I guess. What is it you might ask?: COMICS. I read all forms of comics, especially old-school superheroes like Superman, The X-men, Batman and Spider-Man. I am also destined to be the ruler of all that is Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Ray Bradbury will have nothing on me. I'm in the planning stages of several Sci-Fi stories I would like to get off the ground. I try to write all the time, despite my constant laziness, am a pretty good, ok mediocre, artist,I love movies, and all forms of cartoons.
  9. He's in Justic League? I knew about Jack but not GL. That's cool.
  10. You have Cyberdramon and Strikedramon mixed up. Strikedramon is champion and Cyberdramon is ultimate.:) And where was Vikaralamon when last you guys left him? I can't remember the full details of what became of him.
  11. Is "XD" l33t? What does that mean, because I see so much at Pojo's, I just wanted to figure that out.
  12. I agree. I can't really care for that song for some reason. I noticed the Michael Jackson style and I'm sick of R&B/Rap videos for the most part since they show the same thing. I never liked Justin for some odd reason, and I am slowly loosing interest in NSync after that whole "Gone" song and that overrated "Girlfriend" song.
  13. That looks pretty cool. I like how you got the guy who plays Kai in Lexx as Vincent. He would definately fit the part.
  14. The room was dark, lit only by a few florescent lights built into the ceiling. A young man sat in a chair, suspended in the air by a metal rafter. In front of him lay a keyboard, which he quickly tapped away at. He looked up to find several strange blips and images appearing on the giant cmputer screen that composed the ceiling. BEEP, BEEP. BEEP, BEEP. He looked at the strange beeping image on the screen. ?It can?t be!? He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket, ?Sir, I?ve found something you should look at. Meet me here in an hour.? An hour later? The C.E.O of Hypnos arrived at the government building. ?Agent Noriyaga, what is all this fuss about?? ?Well sir, it began a few years ago. Three anomalies appeared here on the net, from out of nowhere. One anomaly appeared to be some sort of computer virus but one we had never seen before. Created from a source, possibly from some unknown location off the net, the virus was immense and capable of corrupting and destroying all known Internet-related data in one fell swoop. One of the anomalies somehow contained the virus within a, how should I say this, an ?anti-virus cage? for lack of a better term.? ?Get to the point Noriyaga.? ?Yes sir.? He tapped a few buttons on his keyboard and an image appeared on the screen. The image resembled a sort of diamond shaped, anti-virus program, with a jagged-line running down the front of it. ?A piece of the virus merged with one of the anomalies, creating a completely new program; one that could destroy data as easily as it could repair it. Another piece escaped, but was somehow mutated into a copy of the new, hybrid program. The final shard was trapped in the anti-virus ?cage?. However, the hybrid program?s copy was somehow reincorporated into the original virus. As a result the virus has torn a slight hole into the ?cage?.? ?Damn man, quit giving us the run around and explain what this means.? ?Fine. I?ll dumb it down a bit.? ?Don?t get smart with me, Noriyaga.? ?Yes, sir. Having reunited with the second fragment, the virus is slowly escaping its prison. Due to the crack created by such a reunion, any viral data may be able to escape into the cage. If this happens, the virus could manipulate such data, and break away from its prison. Once free, the virus will destroy all data, including the A.I. data of the Digimon and Digital World, on the net.? ?That could lead to another D-Reaper incident. This one could be even worse. Damn it. Noriyaga, is there any way to combat such a situation before it reaches critical.? ?And how do we do that?? ?Before his disappearance, Agent Yamaki was working on a failsafe program that would prevent the existence of any other anomaly that was capable of the destruction the D-Reaper program could cause. Without Yamaki, we will have to work with a blind eye on completing the program and use it to annihilate virus before its too late.? ?Is there anything that might go wrong with doing this?? ?Well there is the possibility that we may have to sacrifice the entire Digital Plain, if the program is not as powerful as the virus itself.? ?But what if Yamaki and his secretaries are there?? ?I don?t know sir. I don?t know.? Noriyaga hung his head low and began to think. [i]But you can?t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?[/i] The Tamers and their allies sat around, recuperating from the wounds they received fighting Devimon. Boogeymon could do nothing but continue to stare at his hands. He stretched forward to glare at his reflection in the pedestal of the Leomon hologram. [i]Leomon, I committed a terrible crime against you, only to get picked fulla holes the same way I did you. And if that?s not irony enough, I end up looking like dis.[/i] Ai and Mako sat away from Boogeymon, frightened by his devilish appearance. ?Ai, is it right for us to treat Impmon the way we did?? ?I don?t know Mako. Is it right for him to kill all those innocent Digimon?? ?But, Ai, he helped beat Devimon.? ?I know Mako. I know.? She looked down at the floor wondering what to do now. Yamaki stood alone, staring into space. Gazimon ran up next to him. ?So, uh, boss, what are we gonna do?? ?I don?t know. We have to get back to the Digi-World. I only hope that these tunnels and LadyDevimon?s leadership gets us out of here.? Henry joined the conversation. ?And we have to figure out a way to get rid of the Juggernaut program still in Terriermon.? Terriermon sat in his bubble a distance away from the rest of the group. ?Yeah, don?t forget about me. I only hold the fate of all your lives in my body you know.? Yamaki looked around. He hated being in charge of holding so many lives in the palm of his hand, but being the only authority figure in the room, next to LadyDevimon and her husband Phantomon, he knew that he had to take charge and ensure that everyone get out of whatever situation they were in, alive. ?Alright, everyone, its time to get out of here. I?ve had enough standing here twiddling my thumbs. LadyDevimon, Phantomon, lead the way. Every lets go. If you don?t follow behind you?re getting left, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. LET?S MOVE!? The gang began to gather together. Kazu noticed Kenta still sitting alone in the corner crying his eyes out. ?Hey Kenta come on. Don?t take what I said seriously. We gotta get out of here. You know I would never go without my best friend.? ?Leave me alone Kazu.? ?What do I gotta do, drag you by your ankles?? ?Shut up Kazu! I?ve had enough of everything. I am constantly picked on and seen only as the butt of your stupid jokes. You call me your friend but then do nothing but hurt me and tease me and treat me like your little lapdog. And now my partner has chosen a wife over me. I have had enough. I may not be tough enough to handle myself but I will not be treated like your stupid, old toy any longer.? ?Kenta?? WHACK. Kenta?s fist ran straight across Kazu?s left cheek. Kazu, struck Kenta back and the two began to tussle. Kazu kneed Kenta in the belly. Kenta punched Kazu in the face. The two were soon inseparable as their fist and feet continued to ram into each other again and again. ?Stop it you two!? cried Yamaki. Henry grabbed Kazu while Phantomon held off Kenta with his scythe. ?What is the matter here?? ?Leave me alone Yamaki. I?ve had enough of all of this.? Kenta began to walk off from the others. ?Kenta what is going on with you?? said Henry. Kenta could hardly speak. He was angry, bitter, confused and torn all in one, big emotional package. ?I?m out of here. Don?t try to follow me.? He ran off through the memorial hall, still crying. ?I?ll go after him.? Said Henry. ?Are you sure?? said Yamaki. ?Yeah. I?ll take Terriermon. With him out of the way, you guys will not have to suffer from the effects of Juggernaut.? ?But maybe a grown-up should go after him.? Said Riley. ?No. Juggernaut must be as far away from you guys as possible. I?ll be fine. Even if this is unknown territory, I?ve been in the Digital World before. I can find my way around.? Terriermon stood up and said, ?Oh right, get rid of me why don?t you. Don?t you guys remember: Tick-tock. BOOM.? ?Oh shut up.? Terriermon?s bubble popped. ?Terriermon digivolve to?Gargomon. Gargomon matrix digivolve to?Rapidmon.? Henry climbed on his back and the two flew off. ?Tally, Devidramon go after them.? Tally jumped on Devidramon?s back and the two follow. Alice, still in her deep sleep, began to sweat and convulse, as if having nightmare she couldn?t wake up from. In her dream, she saw a dark hand scrape across her side. ?Touch of Evil.? Cried the voice in her dream. She began to change form into some sort of beast she had never seen before. Claws began to slash all over the place and her friends fell before her as fast as lightening. Takato, Rika, Henry, Yamaki, their digimon. All of them were dead on the spot. And next to her stood a familiar figure. It was not Devimon, or a digimon for that matter, but a monster with blue hair, and round glasses, laughing at the sight of the carnage. ?Kenta, no.? she barely managed to call out. Takato, Guilmon and Sandiramon followed the Wave Makers on their way to King Whamon?s castle. ?Coelamon, how long till we get there?? called out Takato. ?Only a few more leagues to go.? ?Takatomon, what?s a league?? ?Well boy, I?don?t know.? The sound of a submarine could be heard above the gang. Takato and Guilmon looked up to find a wooden ship floating above them. ?Takatomon, I sense a Digimon.? Aboard the ship, Ghoulmon pressed a button on the computer console. ?Puppetmon, I found something intriguing.? ?Is it the Digimental?? ?No.? ?Then don?t bother me unless you?ve found it.? Ghoulmon grabbed Puppetmon by his suspenders and slammed him against the wall. ?Look here whale food. I?ve had enough lip from you. Let?s get down there and see what it is. We can find the digimental after we explore. Now turn this overgrown chopping block.? ?Fine.? The ship descended towards the trench below. The signal on the radar got stronger as the ship swam further and further down. Puppetmon called out ?Down Periscope.? And looked off into the darkness below. He soon found himself staring straight at what appeared to be one giant yellow eye, protected by white armor. ?Screw the Digimental for now. I just found Parallelmon.? **** One favor I have to request: I would like to handle Parallelmon in my next post very briefy. Thanks guys. I'll try not to disappoint.
  15. A-ku is the villain. His appearance is one indication of the comedy-action flair. He looks kinda scary but a bit funny at the same time. There are a lot of very serious episodes, including my favorite about the Viking who was trapped as a rock monster, and there are some funny ones as well, like when A-ku tells stories to the kids of Earth so that they will respect him as their hero.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (<AA>) [/i] [B]Cool, where'd you hear that? [/B][/QUOTE] I've read it in several interviews with the producers. It's in Rolling Stone, Sci-Fi channel magazine,and I think in Entertainment Weekly, although that issue was like two months ago. *Spoiler* Also, some more news from this month's "Rolling Stone": Nona Gaye, Marvin Gaye's daughter, is replacing Aaliyah. I think she is Helen from Cleopatra 2020, if I'm not mistaking. Jada Pinkett Smith is Morpheus'ex. The guy who played Tank has been replaced by the guy who plays Augustus (the wheelchair bound narrator) from Oz. They say there was a big dispute between Tank's former actor and the producers. And the lady who played the Oracle died of diabetic-complications at the tail end of production so the Wachowskis are working with how they will handle her part. Zion, the last human city, will be seen, there are new villains, including a pair of twins, Agent SMith and the gang have new upgrades, and we'll finally see the creator of teh Matrix *End Spoiler
  17. Wrestling toys, almost anything made for girl (actually I think that microwave was kinda nifty:D ) any Power Rangers Megazord that cannot have the individual zords taken off and put back on at will, those cheap Transformer rip-offs that you find at the local Dollar Store, the even cheaper Transformer toys you get at McDonalds, (I only got the Happy Meals for the TF cards they had on the boxes) and any Transformers that doesn't Transform.
  18. At least you have a collection. I have some dubbed DBZ tapes from my crazy-DBZ days, Ghost in the Shell on DVD and Akira and Vampire Hunter D: BLoodlust on VHS dubbed. But I'm off topic.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Oh god, definately. I used to watch it a lot until several months ago. The show used to have great skits, and quite a few talented cast members. Then like 2 weeks ago I went to watch it again (I stopped because of my old job), and it was one of the worst things I ever saw. I used to be one of the few people that preferred the show over SNL, as crazy as that sounds. Now it's tripe. I'd blame key members leaving and just poor writing to the show's downfall. The same thing happened to In Living Color. [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't been watching MadTV in a while. I agree about "In Living Color" especially when the entire Wayans family was no longer involved. As for SNL, I really never found the show funny. It just seems too intellectual in teh humor department for my taste, especially the current episodes. I like Weekend Updates and "The Ambiguously Gay Duo" (I don't hate gays nor am I gay. I just find it funny for some sad reason)but that's about it.
  20. Omar Harris

    The Tuxedo

    I agree with everything that ShyGuy said. The movie was alright, but Jennifer Love Hewitt does not mix well with Chan the way Chris Tucker, or to a lesser extant, Owen Wilson do. Its also weird seeing Chan trying to speak English, American or British, in every scene when we are usually more used to the quiet Chan. I did like some things, especially the cameo by Colin Mockery from "Who's Line is it Anyways?" Great scenes.
  21. Thanks for all your support. I might join. I have a lot of work to catch up on but I'll see what I can do on my off time. I would like to work with teh Abyss gang a bit, but there is no guarantee that I'll have time so that part of the story is still open for the rest of you guys.
  22. I know the episode about the trigger happy Game Warden, one about a racy outfit James cross-dresses in, and the infamous "seizure-giving" episode and that's about it. As for the topic, IMO, mainstream is anything that is extremely popular, enough to have toys, games, spin-offs, movies, etc. I really don't mind if it's mainstream in America or not. It won't keep me from watching it, especially if it is a good show or movie. I'm one of the many who loved Akira. Mainstream and dubbed are not the same thing IMHO, because there are a crap-load of anime that have been dubbed over here on our ports, yet completely unknown or overlooked all together. Besides the most adamant anime fans, who knows of shows like Soul Taker, Evangelion, Perfect Blue, GTO, Excel Saga, etc. etc. etc.? Maybe a few cartoon fans or people looking for something good to watch but that's about it.
  23. I saw the episode and liked it. Samurai Jack is a great show. It's not getting dull, it's just using more of the comedic side. The show is made by the same guy who did Dexter's Laboratory and provides the animation for PowerPuff Girls so a little humor is obviously a must.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]I heard they replaced Aaliyah with Jada Pinket Smith (and that she was training with Will Smith at the same thime he trained for Ali) but then I heard they replaced her with Nora Gaye (Marvin Gaye's daughter or something). I think one of the problems with Matrix: Reloaded is going to be the sudden trend of Hollywood using Wire-Fu and slowed, spinning camera angles. It's been done to death ever since The Matrix came out, so Reloaded is gonna have to be at least twice as good as the first. [/B][/QUOTE] I've heard in some reports that the Wachowski Brothers are working hard on making special effects so complex and breathtaking that it will be practically impossible for them to be copied or spoofed like the "Neo bending all the way over scene" or the "slowed down" fight scenes were.
  25. Oh just destroy all our hopes and dreams Devi. I'm going to see it and hope that it does better than the original. I love the Matrix. Too bd Aaliyah won't be in it. I feel like crying now:bawl:
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