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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. Which movie has Broly's first appearance? And what later movies star Tien and Yamcha? I miss those two in the movies.
  2. Omar Harris


    Stupid me. I forgot to specify. I was talking about "stereotypical pop", boy bands, teen stuff, but I guess a lot of you thought ahead. Cool. I got sick of boy bands a while ago because they pretty much put out the same stuff over and over again. I like some of them, I have the BSB's greatest hits album (*hangs his head in shame*). Aaron and Leslie Carter would be great musicians if their brother wasn't part of BSB. ANd I can't stand these reality shows that make one-hit pop wonders like O-Town and Eden's crush. What's the point of having all this hype follow it if the "star" produced isn't going to follow through with a real career. I always wondered what happened to all the good pop. Alot of great artist have just been disappearing after one, two, or if they're lucky three hits. Samantha Mamba, Debelah Morgan etc. are some examples. I tend to get more into pop that has real talent to it. Vanessa Carlton and Michelle Branch are great and I hope they last for a while.
  3. Omar Harris


    I was just looking at a few boards and I noticed that no one seems to like pop music. Do you like pop? If so or f not, why so? What do you think of the current state of Pop. My opinion: I lik pop music. Hell I'll listen to any and every type of music there is. The only thing I hate is he curret commercilization of most forms of music,when music is supposed to be like poetry to a beat: expression of th artist views of the world. What are your opinions?
  4. That's awesome. I see every one expect Leo, Rocky and Aruco out of costume. It looks like Shadowborg, Lady Borg, Fire Borg and Dragon Borg in the background (from Big Bad BeetleBorgs and Beetle Borgs Metallix).
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]I agree, but logically, would a nine year-old boy really sit through the episodes when Hitomi is crying out and confused about which guy she likes the most? I'm sure tehey'd sit all the way through when (Spoiler) Allen kisses Hitomi and Van walks away soaking wet. Or when Van and Hitomi have their mushy moments and just stare into each other's eyes. lol. I can't imagine my brother sitting through it. [/B][/QUOTE] They should have had the show on a later time for teens instead of TVY7. That would solve a lot of problems right then and there.
  6. I found out a few weeks ago and I had been wondering what happened to him. I wasn't a huge fan but I heard their "Sinner" CD and liked it, and I have "Bodies" and "Tearing Away" on my computer. Man all these celebrities are dying off today at a very fast rate. Is there any news about what will become of the band?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shystor [/i] [B]My lifelong dream, is to love digimon forever, so then my characters will never leave my mind. Just joking! I really want to be a cartoon animator, or computer engineer person, I think that's what their called. Plainly put, I want to be someone that does almost everything with a computer, so I can know and love everyone here who's as kind and sweet as they are. I can't speak on how I feel about someone who breaks the rules, on purpose though, you know, just doing it to annoy someone. Yep, that's mostly it, I might think of something else later though... [/B][/QUOTE] Now that's a Dream I can live with.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]I love Escaflowne! I saw the tapes at the store about a year after fox canceled it and remebered how much I liked it, so I started buying them, then I bought the whole series, since they were releasing it 2 tapes at a time still. Esca is soooo good. ...and the ending is really sweet. ^-^ They say fox took it off the air because a shoujo romance story couldn't hold up with the little kids like Nascar Racers (what they replaced it with) could. I guess I can understand that, but I still with they wouldn't have taken it off... [/B][/QUOTE] I'm all for American cartoons, but Nascar Racers over Escaflowne!? THe execs at Fox must have been smokin' something VEEEEERRRRRRYYYY powerful to put garbage like Nascar Racers over Escaflowne. And why wouldn't kids like Escaflowne? It has cool action and a big robot so there should be more viewers who like it over *shudders* Nascar Racers. Darn romance haters.
  9. Before it was overdone, Tree of Might was my favorite DBZ movie. Until the others are finally released here in America, Movie 6 is my current fave.
  10. Where have you guys been? Escaflowne is pretty well-known, at least by most anime fans. I love this show. I hate that Fox canceled it and I don't have the money to buy the DVDs and movie so I might just save up for it.
  11. I've been out of WWE for a long time now, almost a year to be exact, but are Billy and Chuck gay? I know its an acting thing but are their characters supposed to be gay or what?
  12. I just want to be involved in entertainment in some fashion. I want more than anything to be a great filmakker so that I can write, direct, and produce movies of my own design. I want to be a Sci-fi/Fnatasy movie director most, but I also want to create other pieces of work taht don't involve those genres. While, I'm doing that I may do some other work like making animated series to prove once and for all that the best stuff isn't limited to the Japanese.
  13. "Every cloud has a silver lining, but lightening kills the people looking for it every day."
  14. I am a huge Spaceballs and Hot Shots fan. Mel Brooks is awesome as a writer and director. One of my favorites was Baseketball. The movie sucked but the comedy was just hilarious.
  15. How does Tien appearance in the Buu saga go. Does he just save Gohan and that's it or what?
  16. Has anyone really seen "Firefly" yet? It's not a rip-off until you see it you know. Every Pokemaniac and their grandma thought digimon would be a rip-off of their show and look at it. It has nothing to do with anything Pokemon has and is a completely different show altogether. So my suggestion: THey have a few similarities from the few previews. Watch one episode of teh show, then come back and tell us if it is a rip-off.
  17. I was looking for Digimon sites and I don't remeber how but I ended up at the Otaku's version. The site was awesome and had almost everything about almost all the individual digimon so this became my favorite site.
  18. Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said? Nothing so I'll just give my own elaboration. To me the ideal anime is like the ideal Sci-Fi movie. It has to have a good, no, great plot. The story must not be something that has been too cliched (traveling back in time to rewrite history, turning into a costumed superhero to fight monsters etc.) If it is cliche it must add some sort of spin that will keep fans riveted and willing to keep watching. If the plot is supossed to be comedic, then let it be comedic, if serious it should be serious. It should not keep shifting back and forth with no true direction. Serious plots should be peppered with some comic relief, and comedic series should have at least some seriousness, but both should remain true to form. The art must be superb but that's not a stretch for most animation artist. I like anime but I sometimes I don't like serious shows with exxagerated art (sweatdrops, running noses, etc.) That type of stuff is more for the "kids" shows. It must have realistic artwork (Cowboy Bepop comes to mind) that conveys the mood of the series and have realistic character appearences, more of an American influence rather than the colorful hair and exxagerated eye sizes although I do love that stuff. I want art that can truly "wow" me in all forms of the phrase. The characters must be well-developed. Something along hte lines of Final Fantasty characters come to mind. They must have reasons for being the way they are and all of them must be relateable and easy to get to know, not one-dimensional and unchangeable. If there is a lost soul, I want to feel his/her pain. If there is a jerk, I want to hate him/her and then love him/her as he/she is further presented. And if it has to have a villain, the villain must be a friggin genius. Evil laughs, black clothing, etc., do not a villain make. That's just a consolation prize. I want someone who is bad to the bone, revels in villainy, and can give any of the protagonist a run for their money. He/she should be someone who the fans love to hate and can't get enough of (i.e. Sephiroth). The ideal anime should be something like "The Sopranos". It should be inticing and able to catch a hug fanbase from the beginning and should be able to not only keep, but maybe even double that fanbase to the bitter end, and leave all those who watch it salavating for more. If it gives them more, that second helping should be just as good and/or better than the first.
  19. 3 strongest: 1. I'm very creative. 2. I'm a nice guy with an air of mystery 3. I'm very diverse and always into new things so I can relate to a lot of people and subject. 3 weakest: 1. Too weird for my own good sometimes. 2. Shy and Anti-social on most occasions 3. I have a big problem with anger management.
  20. So she's naked in a box. There is a difference between a "space hooker" and a living computer key. And it's probably just one scene anyway. But to call it a ripoff? HA!:laugh:
  21. No I haven't made anything but it is my dream to do so. I hope to be a Sci-Fi/Fantasy movie scriptwriter.
  22. Bah. I liked the Ocean group voices better, because their's were the first VA's I saw when I got into DBZ. The new VA's are cool, especially Vegeta, but nothing like the old ones. I see no point to re-dubbing unless they add more of what was cut out like they did to the current dubbed version.
  23. It goes with the joke of "Bulma's family named after underwear" Now they have to change it even though by 7 (the target age for US DBZ) kids should know what a Bra is for. How weird can FUNI and US censors get?
  24. Omar Harris

    The Tuxedo

    Do cat's have claws? ;) Of course I'm going to see it. I love Jackie Chan's movies because they are so ridiculously funny. My favs are "Who am I?" and "Legend of the Drunken Master 2" (which is simply "LEgend of the Drunken Master" in the US). Funny stuff
  25. I read the "Monkey's Paw". The ending doesn't have the father wish for his son to die. The son comes back as a monster and the mother wishes for "the thing outside to go away" and everything outside disappears. One of my fav stories but it makes me afraid of ever wanting a Genie. I believe in a higher power, whether you call it God or Allah or whatever. I try not to believe in destiny or the thought that we were meant to do something. If we were meant to go to Hell what would be the point of trying to live a good life to stay away. I say we make our own destinies rather than someone dictating that something will happen ahead of time/
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