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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. Well its obvious they would do that. Is there any word as to what she will be called in America yet?
  2. Omar Harris


    The whole Superman/Clark Kent thing is stupid. The way its supposed to work is he acts like a total geek and no one would ever suspect that a weakling could be Superman. Yeah Right. I like the new He-Man. It still a bit "80's" corny but its interesting. The only thing I don't like is Skeletor's voice. It is annoying for such a cool villain. The animation is cool, although I 've never been a fan of bulky, male heroes.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Vegeta [/i] [B]Yeah, APC is [B]pretty[/B] good, I am not sure if I like them as much as you do but, whatever. :p My favorite song is......I can't really remember. I have a burned copy so I don't know what the songs are called, but it goes like this "It's not like you killed someone, it's not like Jesus Christ is....something" I know it's not a very descriptive thing, but I tried. As for the statement Hideki made about Tool. I love Tool! They are my second favorite band of all time! First being Slipknot. :p I go to sleep listening to Tool every single night. [/B][/QUOTE] The song you mentioned is "Judith". That's my personal fav of the ones I've heard. I like Tool. I can listen to hard rock songs (like the Disturbed, Tool, and Limp Bizkit) and even gangsta rap, when I sleep, without medicine.
  4. I love APC as well. Judith is my fave. I've heard of Dunken Sheik but only "Barely Breathing". It's a fav of mine too. I have a lot of songs like it on my Kazaa account, so don't worry.
  5. Omar Harris

    War Movies

    I haven't seen a lot of the ones you guys are talking about but of the ones I did see I loved Glory best of all,. The acting in that was superb, even from Matthew Broderick, who has played in nothing but flops as of late.
  6. What was so bad about the final chapter anyways? I've been wondering that after reading the back of my friend's version which said "featuring the controversial ending."
  7. The rangers in WF are Danny, a big hispanic guy who loves flowers, Max, an outgoing, brash black kid, Alyssa, the daughter of a Dojo master who trains in Tiger Kung Fu, and left her father's dojo to go to college, Taylor, a former Air Force officer, and Cole, a modern day Tarzan. Cole came to America to find his long-lost, and presumed dead, biological parents. The Orgs are monsters who supposedly ruled the world thousands of years ago and have come back to pollute it and take back what is "rightfully theirs". Princess Shayla is ruler of the floating island called the Animarium, which is protected by five animal zords, the lion, eagle, tiger, shark, and bison. She has been asleep for 3000 years and awoke to help fight the Orgs. The wild zords gave animal crystals to the rangers which give them their power. Max-blue ranger by the shark crystal. Danny-black ranger with the ox crystal. Taylor-Yellow ranger with the eagle crystal. Alyssa-White ranger with tiger crystal. Cole-red ranger with lion crystal. The odd thing is that Taylor has been a ranger for a year before the show, Alyssa and Max for six months, Danny for two months and Cole is chosen in ep 1 when the original four realize they need one more to lead them. Yet despite Taylor's experience Cole becomes leader. Anyways, the villain is Master Org who may not be the real deal. He is (from the clues we have) a friend and colleague of Cole's parents, and even has the same picture of himself, Cole and his parents that Cole has. WE don't know yet how he became Master Org, but his henchmen Toxica and Jindrax have realized his deception and are trying to figure the story out themselves. As for Zen-Aku, he is a wolf man risen from a grave by the General Org called Nazer (in the org "Caste system" they have orgs, Duke Orgs, General orgs, and Master Org in that order. Toxica and Jindrax are Dukes as is Zen-Aku). Zen-Aku keeps fighting with memories that he does not understand. We find out that he is Merrick, one of the six great warriors who protected the Animarium and sent it into the sky. He stole a magical wolf mask from Nazer to defeat Master Org, who had beaten the leader of hte Wild Zords, Animus. But the mask corrupted Merrick and turned him into Zen-Aku. Using what good he had left he told the other warriors to imprison him as to protect the earth. He is reawakened but his powers are only at their height when the moon is out so he can remove the mask in hte day time. The rangers rescue Merrick and the Wolf, Hammerhead, and Alligator zords that belonged to "Zen-Aku" give their powers to him and he becomes the silver ranger. There are a whole bunh of wild zords besides the original five and Merrick. Alyssa also has an elephant, Max has a giraffe, Taylor has a polar bear and a black bear, Danny has an armidillo and rhino, Merrick gains a deer, and Cole has a gorilla and recently gained the falcon. the megazords are: WildForce megazord: Shark is the right arm, tiger is left, bison is the legs, lion is the body, and eagle is the head. Congazord: gorilla is the body, polar bear is the right arm, black bear is the left, and the bison is the legs, Predazord: The alligator is the body, the hammerhead is the right arm and I think the wolf is the left arm. Isis Megazord: Falcon is the head and body, deer is the left arm, the giraffe is the right, the rhino is the legs, and the armadillo is the right foot. The last story I saw was the Time Force/Wild Force crossover where they team up and get Ransik and Nadira to help them defeat three half-org/half-mutant hybrids called mutorgs. They were trapped in stone in Ransik and the Time force timeline (3000 a.d.) and used Ransik's DNA to help them escape while turning Ransik's body into a living weapon (making him the terrorist that he became). Ransik destroyed their mutant halfs somehow making them easier to finish off. In the end he too had his mutant DNA destoryed and became an ordinary human. Oh and Hypershadow, Corone (Astronema) does become the pink galaxy ranger in, like, the last two or three weeks worth os story. Kendrix, I think, "died", or is elevated to a higher plane of existance or something like that (I didn't see the whole episode) at the end of the Lost Galaxy/In Space crossover. Her spirit was placed in her quasar saber and she gave her powers to Corone when she help rescue the sword. In the last episode when the swords are returned to the stone on Miranoi, Kendrix comes back.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devidramon [/i] [B]I figure if the Space rangers are in it with Andros' ship still on Terra Venture, they started from Earth somehow, and Skull could make an appearance. They should never have put Bulk on Terra Venture and left Skull on Earth. They played off of each other so perfectly that you can't just have one of them around and it be the same. And if they're only going to appear once in a pale blue moon, it's not like it'd cost too much to keep him around. Did we ever see Dimitria again after she left in Chase Into Space? [/B][/QUOTE] After Chase into Space part 1 Dimitra is gone for good. I hated Bulk and Skull's roles in Lost Galaxy. They had Bulk listed in the opening credits of one episode in season 2 and then he's gone forever. The thing I hate about every season after In Space is that with the exception of Lost Galaxy none of them have a non-PR related supporting cast. In MMPR you had Ernie, Bulk, Skull, Lt. Stone, Mrs. Appleberry, and the Principle (I think his name was Mr. Turner but I'm not sure). Then they had Angela as Zach's love interest, Ricky as Trini's, the big black lady (I think her name was Angela as well) who took over the Gym and Juice bar and Professor Phenomenus. But in Lightspeed Rescue and all the later ones there are no supporting characters other than those who know the rangers' identities and/or are involved in their activities in some way. They need more Bulk and Skull characters for comic relief and maybe some characters to interact with on a daily basis when not saving the world. Then the show would have more real world basis. I too disagree with the minimal direction they took for Countdown to Destruction but don't you think killing off Astronema is a bit harsh. It was already an ironic ending that they had to kill Zordon after searching for him. Why not let Astronema live. I don't think Ecliptor should die by the purifying wave but at least let him go out in style. Probably sacrificing himself to save Astronema when Andros accidently wounded her.I don't know about sparing the Machine Empire though. They too were too evil to actually let live. Unless we learn who created them we really can't say if they were programmed that way. Maybe they were just so influenced by evil or came from a long line of evil robots. One thing I would change most about PR is Zeo. They left so much behind in the conclusion. Unlike every other show Zeo left everything PR related intact. They could have stretched out that show a lot more. It has the room for it. Then they could do something to introduce Turbo.
  9. You know I was watching the Wild Force/Time Force crossover today and I notice something. The three mutorgs costumes resemble the outfits of Dark Konda, Loki, and Deviot. Throwaways probably. Do you think the series will ever finally end? I like it somewhat but how many more fresh ideas can they keep producing? It seems the creators are straining now a bit. Either that or had ideas the fit certain areas. For instance they've used some of the zords twice or more but then again I can see Lion and Tiger fit with wild force and all.
  10. I heard G.I. Joe was being shown late night on Cartoon Network. I saw an episode Monday, if I recall and it got me thinking. Why did we love cartoons like these? I have recently bought the DVD of Transformers the Movie and Two VHS's containing the final six episodes of the original TF series. When I saw them the storylines were pretty bad, the voices were awful, and the action sucked. Compare this show with recent spinoffs like Beast Wars and Beast Machines and TF pales in comparison. Yet, these shows are still considered to be the cream of the crop of American animation. Transformers, ThunderCats, G.I. Joe, He-Man, all shows that were great to our little five year old minds but now that we (or most of us) know that meaning of a good story and dialogue these shows just...suck. The only thing going for them is all the nostalgia you get back in the days watching these shows at 7 uin the morning and getting mommy and daddy to buy all the merchandise related to them (including hte underwear. Or was that just me?) Anyway now all these shows are making a comeback. All of them have recent comic book realeses that are constantly rising up the Diamond Top 100. He-Man is coming back to TV in a cartoon remake and a fourth TF series, Armada is in development as well. What do you think of this 80's revival? Whta attracted you to these shows in the first place and do you still love them like you did as a kid? What are your thoughts?
  11. A series I have been checking out recently is Preacher. It's about this Preacher who is possessed by a half-angel/half-devil hybrid called Genesis and because of this bond the Preacher now has the power to make anyone do whatever he says. God is so afraid of Genesis' power that he steps down from the throne and goes after him. When the Preacher realizes that God has been screwing with everyones' life for his own twisted goals he goes to find him and make him go back to the throne and clean up the mess. This is a weird comic that would be rather controversial if parents saw it. There is one unique storyline where the preacher is taken in by a cult that worships Jesus' current descendant. But Jesus' entire family is inbred to keep the line pure and his descendant is retarded because of this. In the end he is taken hostage and a fat Pope falls from a helicopter and smasshes Jesus' descendant and his captor to death. THe ending is even weirder and probably more controversial. *Spoiler(if any one cares)* The preacher allows himself to die to prove God has been doing evil to everybody. A villain called Saint of Killers realizes God's evil and goes to heaven, kills all of the angels and kills God by shooting him in the head. *End spoiler*
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devidramon [/i] Tommy was around for maybe six seasons. Which is longer than most shows last. But most shows' ending casts match their starting casts very closely, and nobody complains. In fact, the complaining is when the one or two departing characters departs. There was practically nuclear war over Daniel leaving SG-1. In fact, very, very few shows do the new season=new reality/new cast thing. If the same characters for more than one season offends you, how do you stand to watch TV at all?[/QUOTE] I said that wrong. You see I've watched God knows how many years of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Matters, THe Simpsons and others so more than one season for a character doesn't offend me. I was trying to say that I was sick of the same overhaul being made for the same character. One minute he's green. HE comes back as white. Then he's zeo ranger 5. Then he's turbo. Why couldn't they just keep him in one form and develop it very well or have a replacement for him earlier? I like changes to the characters if the changes don't detract from who the character is but not the same one every time. [QUOTE]Cassie was hot, but I think Ashley was just okay. Nobody's hotter than Trini, though. Second is Katie from Time Force. Then Katherine.[/QUOTE] Asian chicks are so hot. CAssie was my fave then Katie, and then Kimberely. I always liked her over Trini for some reason. [QUOTE]What do DBZ fans like about DBZ? I've tried to watch it a few times, but it takes forever for things to actually happen. I've never seen anything on it that made me want to be sure to come back at the same time next week, and yet, *everybody* loves it. I really want to know, how is it such a great show?[/QUOTE] You know that's the mystery. A few years ago my friends introduced me to the show. I was still a growing anime fan at the time so any anime would do for me. I saw the movie "Tree of Might" and it kicked major butt. What can I say? Action and Sci-fi or two things I love about TV and to see them together is even better. The animation was okay, simple basically, but the fight scenes drew me in. I watched the first two seasons and loved it. Then the Cell saga came to AMerica, finally, and it sucked so horribly. Repetitiveness, the characters spend all their time fighting (no one seems to have a job in that show), a lot of episodes are just "fillers", Cell could have been better, cool villains like Frieza were now running gags (which is why I hate what happened to Goldar), it takes like twenty episodes to focus on the same period of time (in the Majin Buu series they go after a group of villains and enter a ship where they descend levels by fighting more enemies. For the next eight-ten episodes only about half and hour or so has actually passed in the show. Weird), and even worse is scenes where characters power up take like twenty minutes of the show. And don't get me started on fight scenes. Those take like God knows how many episodes before they even reach a climax, the characters stop and start talking so many times in the fight, then fight again for another unknown number of episodes, then the good guys get teh upperhand, the villain comes back stronger than ever and more fighting goes on until finally the heroes kill the villains, something that in most situations they could have done so much earlier. I used to love DBZ but now I only watch it for the same reason I continue to watch Pokemon and Power Rangers; to see what's ben going on.
  13. Uh. . .can we take this argument somewhere else and return to the old topic. Not to sound like I'm the boss, because I'm not, but this is a DBZ thread, not a "who's religion sucks thread". I too hate how everyone talks about America's system of dubbing, because either way, no matter how much I or any other dubby argues there are still those subbies who are just so dead set on the idea that they know everything about the original and will argue you down. Blood and guts? so what? Name change? And your point is? Anime is anime and put on TV to entertain so I could no longer care what subbies think or anything like that. I'm just watching the show to be entertained by the great art and fighting scenes and what have you. Despite the changes made we are still getting the bulk of the good stuff. Not all violence has to be done with guts spewing everywhere and they are allowing some blood scenes to slip lately. I am a smart dubby, I knew about the originals for the Cell and Majin Buu sagas before they came out, since I am so blessed with Internet access. I just like the show for the ET value and so long as me and someone else aren't bumping heads over a TV show I'm fine. And I agree with Darkened Skye about adult animation. Notice how so few Amereican cartoons for adults are well known. We Americans are weened on the belief that TV can influence kids so cutting DBZ for 7 year olds and above so that it can be seen and make money in the first place was a logical thing. The show stills gets away with some things they wouldn't have allowed in cartoons of the past and that is at least good enough for me to watch.
  14. 1. It took me like ten minutes. I'm a pretty fast typer and have all this knowledge stored in the back of my head, of course with pretty much everything there is to know about Digimon, TF Beast Wars and Beast Machines, DBZ and some other cool shows. 2. The yellow time force ranger is Katie, not Michelle. My mistake, as if anyone cares. 3. Yeah, Tommy and Billy were cool back in the days. Even though they were pretty well done, we still had some questions. We don't see enough of the rangers' families. For once we could see the extant of their interactions with others and have their families victimized more. I know all the current teams have been made up of twenty somethings but still. And what about Billy's family. We never see them around. or Tommy's for that matter. 4. I agree about keeping past characters, but not for 4 shows in a row. When I saw Turbo I was like, dude, how much more can they do for Tommy. He's been there almost since the beginning. It was great they developed him more, but 4 shows(if you count Alien Rangers)!? And why the heck did they get rid of their Zeo powers? I know they needed the keys but Zeo was so much better than Turbo. The super moves, the character development, the Zords. I mean they replace the Turbos in the middle of the show and expect us to like them immediately when the show is halfway over.(although Ashley and Cassie were hot)
  15. Ok sit down on this one. It will take a while. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was the first and longest of all the series. This is the show in its original form when it came out. The series is made up of three seasons. The first has the Rangers (Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kimberely, the red, black, yellow, pink and blue rangers) fight the witch Rita Repulsa. This is also when they are joined by the Green RAnger, Tommy, who was originally Rita's henchman. The second has the team fight Rita's boss Lord Zed. Serpentera was his Zord, which was a giant (and I mean giant) dragon. Jason, Zack, and Trini (the Red, Black, and Yellow rangers respectively) were also replaced by Rocky, Adam, and Aisha, and Tommy the Green Ranger lost his powers a second time but came back as the new leader, the White Ranger. The Third season brings Rita back as Zed's wife(she infectd him with a love potion) and introduces her brother Rito Revolto and later their father Master Vile. To fight Rito, the Rangers gain ninja powers and zords and ally with Ninjor, the creator of the original power coins (the source of the rangers' powers.) Briefly in the Master Vile storyline, Vile turned back time to where the Rangers are 2nd graders. They summoned allies called the Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers to help them while they collected teh pieces of the Zeo crystal (the item Vile was after) to change time back. THe alien rangers were not a permanent team (since their home planet's surface is 100% water they cannot survive in Earth's atmosphere forever) so after they defeat their archenemy, Hydro Hog they go home. Aisha is replaced by a character named Tanya and Kimberly the pink ranger is replaced by an Aussie named Katherine. Rito and Goldar then blow up the Command Center and the rangers are powerless. Zeo has the rangers gain their power from the Zeo crystal. Only Billy is excluded from this team since there all only five pieces to the crystal, but he stays behind as a mentor. They fight the Machine Empire, led by King Mondo, and are later joined by a Gold Ranger who passes on his power to Jason, the former red ranger, after losing control of them. The ending has Jason lose control as well and he gives them back to Trey, the lord of Triforia. The 2nd PR movie began Turbo, which has the same team but with Rocky replaced as the blue ranger by a little boy named Justin. In this show they have car-like powers and fight Queen Divatox, a pirate, after they killed her fiance Mailigor in the movie. Tommy, Katherine, Adam, and Tanya are later replaced by TJ, Cassie, Carlos, and Ashley after they become old enough to move on to bigger and better things. And Zordon and Alpha 5 are replaced by Demetria (Divatox's sister) and Alpha 6. In Space saw Zordon get kidnapped by the ultimate evil, Dark Spector, who slowly drains his powers while filling his tank with lava to kill him afterwards. The command center is destroyed for good and all of the rangers except Justin, who has finally reunited with his dad, go into space to save Zordon. They meet Andros, the red Astro Ranger, and he creates new powers for them modeled after his own. They are joined by Zhane, the silver ranger, after he wakes up from cryogenic sleep to recover from injuries and battle Astronema, Dark Spector's heir, who is revealed to be Andros' long lost sister. She and her second-in-command Ecliptor betray Dark Spector who adds metal parts to them to control the duo and make them purely evil. In the end, the Rangers and all of their past allies gather to fight every villain from the past shows. Reluctanly, Andros kills Zordon which releases a wave of energy that "destroys all evil in the universe" killing every villain ever or restoring them to their good forms in the case of Rita, Zed, Divatox and Astronema. Lost Galaxy is the first spinoff to be completely independent. It has a new cast, Leo, Kendrix, Kai, Damon and Maya (red, pink, blue, green and yellow) who get their powers by pulling the Quasar Sabers from a set of stones. They live on and protect a space colony called Terra Venture which is headed for a new world to colonize. Mike, Leo's older brother, was supposed to be the red ranger but supossedly died in a crevice where he was rescued by a character called Magna Defender and merged with him, to help him control his anger and get them both out of the cave. Magna Defender wants to avenge his son but and doesn't care who he destroys in the process but ultimately sacrifices his life to save Terra Venture from destruction. Mike is freed and gains the Magna Defender's powers to become MD2 basically. The villain is a creature named Scorpius who is later killed by Leo and replaced by his daughter Trakeena. In teh ending they are sent by a villain named Deviot to a place called the Lost Galaxy where they fight Captain Mutiny and free his slaves. When Terra Venture returns to the true galaxy Trakeena and Deviot accidentally merge. Scorpius had a cocoon planned for Trakeena to enter so that she could evolve but she didn't want to be a hideous bug like the rest of her family and ran away only to come back and take her dad's empire when he died. Deviot was obsessed with getting into the cocoon, which is why he feigned loyalty to Scorpius and Trakeena. He pushed Trakeena into the cocoon with him and they merge. THe rangers win as usual, but Terra Venture is practically destroyed. The citizens survive and land on the new world which is revealed to be Miranoi, Maya's homeworld which had been turned to stone in the 2nd eppy. Returning the swords frees Miranoi and peace is achieved. Lightspeed Rescue returns to Earth where an underwater military base has been established to prevent a group of demons from escaping a tomb they were trapped in millenia ago. The lightspeed rangers were watched over for years and recruited the day the Demons, led by Diabolico, escape. The team includes Chelsea, Dana (the daugther of the bases commander), Joel, Lee, and Carter (yellow, pink, green, blue, red) and are later joined by Dana's presumed dead brother Ryan, the Titanium ranger, who had been raised his entire life by Diabolical as part of a deal with Ryan's and Dana's father to save Ryan's life. Queen Banshera, the Demons' leader, reaches her full power and she and her son Impus who later evolves to Olympus, take over, killing most of their henchmen in the process. The Queen tries to perform a ritual that will raise the Demons to attack Earth but is defeated when Diabolico betrays her after her own betrayal against him. He slices her tentacles so that she fell back in the tomb while fighting Carter. Time Force: Jennifer, Lucas, Trip, and Michelle (pink, blue, green and yellow) go to 1000 years into the past to chase down the most ruthless criminal, the mutant Ransick. They find out that their morphers won't work until the lead morpher has been reactivated. But it is encoded with the DNA of Jen's fiance Alex who is supposedly (there's that word again) killed by Ransick. But they find a boy named Wes who looks just like Alex (probably his ancestor) and give him the morpher to be the red ranger. They are joined by Eric, the Quantam ranger (which is just a super red ranger) who has a rivalry with Wes since Wes is rich and had all the pleasures of life while Eric had to struggle to get where he is. In the ending, Ransick's henchmen Thrax betrays him and creates the ultimate robot warrior but is recaptured by Ransick and forced to control the machine. Alex reveals that the rangers will save the world in the past and they will die doing so, and Wes sends them back to the future to prevent this. Wes and Eric are supposed to die but the others come back and save them. Ransick finally stops after accidentally injuring his own daughter when she risked her life to save a baby, making both of them realize the frailty of human life. He allows himself to be taken to jail. And in Wild Force, they get their powers from animal spirits who protect a floating island called the Animarium. They include Danny, Max, Alyssa, and Taylor (black, blue, white, and yellow) and later add Cole, a modern day Tarzan, as the red ranger. They battle the orgs led by Master Org, who might not be the real guy and has some connection to Cole's presumed dead parents. Later Zen-Aku, a duke org, is revealed to be Merick, one of the great warriors who protected the Animarium 3000 years. He is the former lover of the Rangers' mentor Princess Shayla and wears Zen-Aku's mask because he used its power to defeat master org 3000 years ago. The mask took control of him and he allowed the other Warriors to imprison him in a tomb. When he is reawakened by Nazer, he fights the Rangers while struggling to remember his past self. He later removes the mask after learning after the Rangers learn that its power has little effect in the day time and become the Silver ranger. So far that is where the story is. Every season after In Space has a completely new team, concept, zords, weapons, and everything else rather then spitting back out the same garbage. And in every season the last team makes one final comeback to help the new team out. This weekend will show the Wild Force rangers meet the Time Force rangers. If you have any more questions just PM me. I've seen most of all nine shows so far, (I only keep watching just to keep up with the series for some strange reason) and can answer almost anything. If I can remember that is.
  16. Yeah I did. Maybe the Demon world is Hell for all of the past monsters. I see what you mean now about Goldar. I liked that guy until Zeo when they made him and Rito Revolto a comic duo instead of the more serious characters (well Goldar at least) they were in the past. (isn't it weird how we went from Digimon to PR?) I hated the PRiS ending. Lost Galaxy is a giant plothole since Zordan supposedly destroyed all evil in the universe, which means Furio, Scorpius and all the others should hae never existed. Darn writers. didn't Dark Spector trap Zordan in that tube in PRiS. I think he might have, not sure though. Also I didn't pay much attention to Lightspeed REscue (as you may have noted from other rants) so could someone tell me what was the LifeForce MEgazord and what was it's finishing move like? THat's the only one I didn't remember.
  17. Someone agreees with me on the music. Other questions that have not been answered: Scorpina's disappearance. I wasn't the only who saw that and wondered what happened. Where did Tor, the Shuttle Zord go? And I meant overhaul like Tamers did do Digimon. Everything different, nothing we saw before. Also Goldar is gone Devi. Remember Zordan's death destroyed all evil in the universe, which doesn't explain how Scorpius came about but still. And why didn't they ever show Divatox's mom again? And did you notice that it is mentioned that Demetria has a sister (obviously Divatox) but we never see the two of them interact. There's no insight to their past. That show could use a lot of work. Ecliptor was a cool. I liked his appearance and the backstory with him and Astronema was touching. I liked that Korone became a Ranger but I expected her to be one of the Astro Rangers instead. Zen-Aku is awesome. The Orgs are horrible villains. Once again nothing beats Mighty Morphin.
  18. He was in one of the Ginyu Force member's ship when he escaped. He jumped in as it was falling towards the lava and began pressing buttons to send him off the planet. He wasn't in space outside of the ship.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][/color][/size][/b] [color=deeppink]Perhaps then you can you explain the reason we have yet to have a female president?[/color][/QUOTE] It has little to do with women wanting the power and more to do with society letting them have the power. We haven't had a female president for the same reason we don't have an Oriental, or Hispanic, or African American in office. Society wants to stick to what they consider the norm, which for Americans means a Caucasian male. But women could claim the power if they wanted to. Who do you really think wears the pants in the Clinton household? Obviously not Bill as we saw with the Lewinski controversy. Women are just as capable of doing the things men are capable of. They can be lawyers, doctors, rulers, and even soldiers. There would still be war since humans, men or women, are imperfect and are prone to do foolish things even fight each other. I think there would be more backstabbing. This is a gradual thing (arguments, to treachery, to backstabbing, to gaining allegiances, to actual fighting). I mean look at how fast a man's decision (GWB) brought conflict between America and Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11. But for women, the conflicts would start later and last longer, plus the world would probably take longer to heal. And yes perfumes and shampoos are as deadly a weapon as any. But nothing is scarier that press-on nails and weaves. Press-ons can reach almost any length and cut through anything. And don't ever pull out a woman's weave. That's like calling a black guy the n word.
  20. Not all American Comic books have your traditional American Superheroes. There is diversity although you have to look for it. Superhero stuff is put out on the market because that's what sells now, but you can go to a comic shop and find anything different, the Darkness, Witchblade, Strangers in Paradise, Jay and Silent Bob. American animation is good and is getting better in the coming years. And remember had it not been for American animation there would be no anime in the first place. Reboot would be an example (although I think the show is Canadian not American. Not sure though). The graphics are impressive and the show itself is incredibly underrated especially the last half, the darker episodes such as the Daemon series. Americans are just as capable of making excellent stories as the Japanese. Yes now that you watch them, shows like GI Joe and Transformers suck because of all the flowery endings, but this is a time when censors had their panties in a not over the littlest adult material. Notice how violent TF the movie is. Had Hasbro had its way TF may have been just like the movie if not a little bit below its calibur. And besides children don't really care about the stories. That's why we get into the shows when we are younger. There has to be something cool in there(like action or artwork) for us. A lot of anime for kids sucks and is horribly repetitive because most of it is designed only to promote a new product or gimmick. Pokemon, Digimon (the only one I watch religiously), Beyblades, Yu-Gi-Oh. Notice how all of them have so many millions of dollars worth of merchandise based on them before the show and they are all just as formulaic as any American show. Yes once you get into anime it is hard to like anything else, but American animation is so underrated by anime "purist" nowadays. disney does very well with its animation. And their movies are awesome without the singing. The only problem with them are all these dang straight-to-video sequels that screw up the originals.
  21. Let me break it down for you. 1. While traveling to Namek, Goku wore a spacesuit whenever he went outside for any reason (fix the hull, blow up that star he was heading for whatever). If he could survive in space for any period of time, even limited, he could accomplish his task at whatever time limit and get back inside without the suit whatsoever. 2. Frieza(Furiza) taunted Goku by mentioning that unlike himself, Saiyans can't survive in space. 3. When Kaiosama called Bulma, he mentioned that Porunga transports the resurrected back to the planet where they died. Bulma realized that if they wished the presumed dead Goku and Krillen back to live the two would be taken back to Namek and since Namek was longer in existance they would die immediately from the lack of air, making the wish for the duo's resurrection pointless. This clearly shows that Goku can't survive in space. So if even he needs to breathe the same amount of air we humans receive, none of the Z Fighters can survive in space for even a limited period without air. The theory that the Z Fighters have the strength to do this is therefore a moot point in this discussion. But I have one more point 4. In all of Vegeta's space scenes, he is talking whether it is to Nappa or to himself. We see his mouth move and words come out. Have you ever seen the tag phrase for the movie Alien, with Sigourney Weaver. The phrase is "In Space no one can hear you scream." Well that's true since there is no air to go through your larynx (or whatever, I'm not an anatomy expert) to enable vocal communication. The only way Vegeta could be shown talking in space or of course 1. A plot hole 2. The fact that this is an animated series and the writers can do whatever they want so long as it fits their story 3. He was in some sort of atmosphere whenever he was in space.
  22. Have you ever seen a movie that was either very cool, an attention getter or whatever, it leaves you on the edge of your seat, and builds you up but then it just ends with such a horrible conclusion? What movie and what was the experience like? For example I hated the conclusion to "The Fast and the Furious". The movie had so much great action and then ends so horribly SPOILERS Dom and the main character race. Dom crashes in his dad's car, survives, says "I did not see that coming." and then the main character gives him the keys to his car and lets him get away. It was just so opposite of all the buildup the movie originally set up
  23. Serpentera was awesome. I saw that episode you are talking about Devi. I think the show lost its luster after the Ninja Rangers series. Zeo and In Space are my two favs but neither compare to the original. I hated Turbo, it was too comical, recycled the old characters again (although they got rid of them), and didn't have any decent episodes till the last two. I could care less about Lightspeed Rescue, Lost Galaxy was ok, and Time Force was a big improvement, although the finale to the finale sucked and was just too anti-climatic. Wild Force could do much better. The acting in the series has lost its touch and the show does have some plotholes. Whatever happened to Demetria? If Zedd, Rita, and Divatox were all good people at first, how do they have relatives who were bad guys? Were they kidnapped and raised by the forces of evil? Also in the last episode of Time Force, Eric mentions that he didn't like Wes because Wes had everything handed to him on a silver platter and Eric had to struggle to survive. How is that when in Eric's debut it mentioned he went to prep school with Wes? his parents had to be well off, not struggling for that. And it is constantly mentioned that the Titanium Ranger, Ryan, was raised by Diabolico for 20 years yet Ryan is a little kid (at least 9) in the flashback, and is 20 when he returns. And why do they keep using the same Zords? The lion, wolf, tiger, rescue zords, all have been done before. If I could write that series I would give it a complete overhaul. Younger characters, new suits, new attitudes. I mean the characters don't act twentieth century enough for my taste. Its just not the same show it was 11 years ago.
  24. You are obsessed with SpongeBob. SpongeBob is a pretty cool cartoon but I have found myself slipping away from modern cartoons lately.
  25. As I have said before, if women were the only species there would be less war but the wars would last much longer than they did in current history simply because women hold grudges longer than men. But one thing I always questioned (just to slightly steer off topic) would there still be weapons of mass destruction (A-Bomb, tanks, guns, cannons) in this all woman world?
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