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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][color=teal][size=1]How absurd. If there were only women around then there'd be no reproducing, and the human race wouldn't have lasted more than 80 years. Simple as that.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe women would be asexual. Anyway if ther e were only women then yes there would still be wars. Women mature faster than men so there would be less wars since they would obviously have a least a little more sense to solve conflicts peacefully, but women can be just as violent as men. And notice that women have a harder time getting over things. As the old saying goes "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn". Once a woman hates you it is tough to change her mind so violent conflict might go on longer than if men started them.
  2. The sequels not confirmed to focus on Venom. In fact Sam Raimi (the director) doesn't want to use Venom for a sequel because he doesn't understand Venom's strong hatred for Spider-Man.
  3. It was an uncut version of the show. The anime you see on TV is trimmed down when brought to America for the general audience (everyone and their grandmother). The show on CN is in its most edited form (for 7 year old and up) while the uncut version on tapes and DVD is for 13 year-olds and up. Mr. Satan is, well, Mr. Satan in the uncut version and Hercules on CN's version for obvious reasons.
  4. This is the sequel to Shanghai Noon right? I've heard of it but never saw the preview.
  5. I hate most sequels. It's usually the same garbage as the original just regurgitated to get fan's money. Even worse is that everything gets screwed, like in horror movies the monster comes bakc from a death no one could walk away from, usually do to some BS reason like he was never dead in the first place, and ends up becoming a laughing stock. Unless a sequel is created that improves on the original I don't usually like sequels. Disney sucks at making sequels cause they screw up their best stories, like Tarzan and Lion King and make them even more kid-friendly than the mature originals. And they're straight-to-video. Everything straight-to-video sucks.
  6. Maybe if he had went on to do GT himself the show may have turned out differently. Or maybe it would have been worse. Toriyama looked like he was drying out around the end of the Cell saga.
  7. Yeah, those were the days. But they got rid of green ranger like every five seconds (though I'm not complaining about white ranger). It is just a big marketing scam. PR has like no audience left so they try to make as many spinoffs to keep the show fresh (not working). But independent spinoffs in Digimon keep teh show fresh because not everything is recycled. Notice how in PR they have the same Zords and storylines that they had in the original, 11 years ago. Digimon keeps the series alive with new ideas though sadly those will have to end sometime. I'm hoping that Digimon ends at like S6 (since its already planned) and that it goes out with a bang rather than a wimper (or nothing at all like PR).
  8. [QUOTE] God: I told Lisa to lead the French to Victory Groundkeeper Willie: Wait a minute you two timing spot of light. You told me to lead the English to victory. God: Oh. I didn't know you two would be in the same room. Gotta go. [/QUOTE] Simpsons' Joan of Ark episode. That was funny. And here's one [QUOTE] Flanders: Flanders to God. Flanders to God. Get off your cloud and save my Todd. *lightening strikes tree and stop basket* Flanders: Thanks God. God: okeley dokeley [/QUOTE]
  9. I used to be a huge fan of G.I. Joe. I want to see the show again just for the memories I used to have of it.
  10. Hey, I like Wild Force. Well not really. I just watch for the zords (cause there's a new one like every episode). The acting is bad in all the other Ranger shows before Wild Force too, (Time Force, Lost Galaxy, and that god-awful Lightspeed Rescue). Notice something though? Like PR Digimon had like two shows that were telling the same story, quit, and started making independent shows with new casts, stories, episodes, concepts, etc. PR did the same. They recycled the same cast and/or leftover newbies for like four shows before finally using new everything for later shows. The only difference is that Digimon's spinoffs don't have past castmembers (besides Digimon.) come back for more. In every PR spinoff the last team makes at least one more appearance even though their careers are done. I see no point to that really.
  11. If it were me I would be using the Cell Saga team (Goku, Vegeta, Krillen, Piccolo, Trunks, Yamcha, Tien and Choazu) but its only because I had been waiting for the Cell saga an this team let me down. Frieza would be the villain (he's more of a mainstay than Cell and Majin Buu). As for the cast Goku-Jackie Chan (he is a bit old but he is a DBZ fan, Toriyama is a Chan-fan, Chan can be serious at times, and does the comedy/action routine so well) Gohan-Haley Joel Osmont (Sixth Sense) because I don't know any othe kid actors Piccolo-Concensus choice, Laurence Fishburne. Vegeta-Another consensus choice Jet Li. He does evil well and he has the age Tien-Chow-Yun Fat. I couldn't think of anyone else Yamcha-Robin Shou. He is younger than Chan and they may have to change roles but Shou, Chan, and Li fit in this type of movie. Choazu or Krillen-How quickly we forget Verne Troyer (Mini-Me). He has the size and the head, just CGI out his nose and he's perfect. Trunks-DiCaprio?(HA, HA, and HA) I would say go with a former Power Ranger and give him some acting lessons Frieza-Someone really malicious, like John Malkovich. Mr. Satan (Hercules for dubbies)-Screw Hulk Hogan. MAcho Man Randy Savage is dumber and more egostistical than Hogan is. Kamesenin(sp) (Master Roshi)-JK Simmons(J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man the Movie) Chi-Chi-That older chick (not the Rush Hour 2 girl Zhang Ziyi) from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Michelle Yeohw I believe. Bulma-Not Nicole Kidman. Maybe someone better looker and ditzier. Can't think right now though. All in all, if they do use a known cast (which is probably what's going to happen to attract the non-established DBZ fans) this is my suggestion. It's tough to decide whether to use known or unknowns because if you use knowns(especially those with dwindling careers) and this movie sucks then two careers will be ruined (DBZ and the actors) and unknowns don't have much of a career to ruin yet so they can sarifice that movie and later become big hits. Either way DBZ's reputation is screwed if this movie sucks. Remeber how bad MK was and then they had all those bad games like 3 and trilogy?
  12. Actually, Marvel had been planning on releasing a bunch of movies based on their characters since like 96. But they went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 97 or 98 (notice how every major Marvel cartoon went off the air that year) and could only shell out a budget to get the Blade movie done. That was a success and Marvel came out of Bankruptcy so they started back at the beginning. Personally I love this wave. Blade 2 was awesome, X-men so-so, SPider-Man dominates. DD and Hulk had better be good. It would be nice to see Green Lantern in a movie. I'd like to see Hal Jordan but then everyone wants Kyle Rayner. Long as they have an evil Lantern with a yellow ring (maybe a resurrected Sinestro) I'll be happy. JLA would kick butt as well. Yes, I know all these guys cause I have no life.
  13. I loved Kingdom Come. I used to find a whole lot of Graphic Novels at Walden's Bookstore until it moved out of hte mall. Now I go to Barnes and Nobles. I have Kingdom Come The Kingdom (a pathetic sequel to Kingdom Come) Earth X The first half of Universe X (including 3 specials to tie in with it) All 6 volumes of the re-released black and white version of Akira. Crisis on Infinite Earths The Infinity Gems The Mageddon storyline in JLA The first JLA storyline Watchmen (consider the best comic storyline ever although I really don't see it) And an info book about the X-men that came out at the time of the movie. I used to love Sonic the Hedgehog but Knuckles was better. And I am trying to find some of the Classic X-men stories like the Phoenix and Dark Phoenix saga.
  14. Ok you got me there. Alanis is awesome. So angry, so violent, so...Alanis. Well she's not that angry but she is Canadian and they're always weird.lol.
  15. I'm a huge comic geek. I am probably the X-Men's #1 fan if not somewhere up there. I love Spawn but I can't them anywhere. I hated the movies for both comics, they did teh comics little justice. Speaking of Justice, How about Justice League, especially now that there is a cartoon.
  16. lol. AHHHH you guys are mean. I've only seen her once in Maxim Magazine (magazine of the Gods, or just us lonely men) but i only saw her face and she looked pretty good. Her song sounds like a younger Alanis Morisette song but without as much rage.
  17. I hope the next movie stars Venom. I'm an old school Spider-Man fan from the days of the 90's cartoon on Fox. THe ending to that though pretty much sucked. I love the movie, even though it is like friggin 2 and a half hours long. The only thing I did not like about the ending thoug his that it was predictable since it was an ending taken straight from the comic. I haven't been reading the comic lately but I keep up with what's going on as much as possible.
  18. To play Solid Snake (even though I don't know much about the game) you need someone who looks gruff and muscular. Someone who knows how to play "take-no-crap" male roles. Kurt Russel would me able to play the role well if he wasn't so old now. I think Tom Cruise but then he does the pretty boy type of hero rather than the gruff. I think one of hte guys from the show OZ would fit well. or VAl Kilmer. He just seems that versatile to me.
  19. Yeah leave the cut crap for the little kids and the real stuff for the adults on DVD.
  20. Ok, DBZ could be let slip with the censoring but not Blue Gender and Yu Yu Hakusho. Oh well, I'll just get DVDs. I live so close to a Sam Goody's with a huge anime DVD selection I can choose from. And if my dorm doesn't have cable I'll just watch my anime on DVD from now on.
  21. Uh, what(or who) is Kawaii? I keep the word but I don't remember anything about it.
  22. lol. And then Yamcha walks off the stage crying his little heart out. MAn they made that guy a wimp.
  23. Actually if I remember correctly, Akira was the anime that started America's obsession. DBZ probably just shot interest in anime to new undiscovered heights. After, DBZ is like the first anime that pretty much everyone knows about no matter how much you hate it. Voltron was the first anime on CN but once again DBZ shot CN anime interest to new heights, which is why we have Adult Swim. As have been stated, there is really no point to Adult Swim if the program is still going to be partially censored.
  24. Whoa! Three years! I haven't been watching new episodes at all if it is that old!
  25. I am really not affected by DBZ. I am however inspired to base characters of my own creation after DBZ cast memebers but that is it. I love DBZ but even I admit that there is not much of a real story to inspire people (other than to get stronger as so many of you stated). I like some of the character development (especially Vegeta's family), but everything else does have its pros and cons. I wish I could write the DBZ film(s) because then I would have my way with it and make it almost Oscar worthy (if audiences can get past the stupid hairstyles that would have to be made real).
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