Omar Harris
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Everything posted by Omar Harris
Yeah, I really don't consider myself "Otaku" in the general since of the word (anime fanboy, correct me if I am wrong) since I don't watch a lot of anime on my own free will instead of what's on TV. And plus when you're called "Otaku" people sometimes see you as a fat slob who watches "cartoons" all day. I don't really care one way or the other because either way I don't have a life.=) Well actually I do with college but that's beside the point. I'm not a hard core otaku, I do watch some uncensored or subbed anime when I get the money (no job right now. Pray for me!) Now if I watch a movie or show religiously (like Digimon or DBZ) then I'll be an otaku for that show or movie and try to learn as much about just so that I could say "I know everything about Digimon, because I have no life" with pride. As has been stated earlier, I know longer find DBZ as appealing as I did before. I just watch the show now just to see every thing I spoiled for myself in fan sites and to see how they change things to English in the dub. Now comics I could do since I could read stacks of those in like an hour.
I just had to get off subject real quick to say that is an awesom pic James. I never really liked Maverick though (probably because he has had so few good roles that I know of.)
Oh come on. You have to watch at least Hey Arnold! (If the movie doesn't screw the show up) and no Rugrats!? Well Im in kinda the same boat as you. I used to be addicted to Nick toons (but this was back in teh days when they had Doug and Ren and Stimpy) and over time I lost interest. I still watch at least Rugrats every now and then to see what's going on.
No drunk Barney anymore. How are they going to run with that plotline? AT least he's still addicted to something
I'm not a huge fan of the show (I haven't seen Nickolodeon on a regular basis in like two years) but I did love the episode where Squidworth moves to a city of squids where everyone talks and act just like him. That was pretty cool. And I like any episode about Spongebob's favorite superheroes (was it Merman or somethin like that. He was a spoof of Aquaman) I watch the show every now and again, though. And is the title of the thread an intentional mixup (it's SPongebob Squarepants.)? If it is I'll shut my mouth.
Ok I haven't been watching the Simpsons in a long time and I saw the episode like two weeks ago (where Homer takes over Mo's). Well in that episode I saw Barney with his hair slick back and clean and he was drinking coffee! So I want to know, when did Barney become sober? And how and why for that matter?
Has anybody heard of this chick? She sings a really cool single called "Complicated" which is a big hit on the radio now (#1 down here in New Orleans.) So what do you think? ANd if anyone has her CD is it any good? What are your thoughts.
Actually I've seen like almost a season of this show, when it first came to Fox. I really don't care for it because of the Transformer like storyline. I know He-Man and Voltron very well and I still have trouble remembering those shows. I just don't remember most of the show because I didn't like it much. I remember an episode about where the Dinozaurs were shrunk, one where they introduced the Triceratops brothers and that's about it. Plus I haven't seen the show in like two or three years and if it doesn't leave a good impression on my mind I really wouldn't care much about it anyway. And how can you say it is better than Digimon? (not trying to sound mean or anything. I just didn't care for the show).
Hey!!!!! I want to be in it as sort of a new character. Name: Omar Height: 6 ft. Weight: 180 lbs Description: African American with slight beer belly (what you think I'm gonna dis myself). Has a small afro, (soon to be dreadlocks) and is "fair looking". Personality: Don't have one. Quiet loner but can be friendly at times. D-Arc: Gold with black rim around the screen Partners rookie:MechaAgumon champion: PoweredGreymon Ultimate: ArmoredGreymon Mega: SupremeGreymon Modechange (only in times of need): SupremeGreymon tank mode (hey I'm not using mecha for every name or that would be boring).
And before this post dies: How the hell are they gonna make the saiyans look even remotely realistic. I'll probably see it but will be disaappointed
Name: Omar Harris Age: 18 Character name: Warlock (not Adam or the alien from X-men but my own) Super Power: Similar to X-men Warlock. Shapeshifter, limited telekinesis, energy blast Occupation (if applicable): Aspiring scriptwriter Weapons (if applicable): Anything his body can become (except projectile weapons like, guns or cannons, and explosives.) Bio: While on his way to Hollywood from New York he witnessed a battle between Spider-Man and Venom which ended with a piece of Venom's uniform being left behind. The two merged and became Warlock who has been able to slightly extend the suits power through training under a sorceror who tried to manipulate him. Description: Resembles a living shadow with a black cape and a blue crystal on his forhead Personality:
I love "The Way you Like it" Adema is so cool. Not as good as Korn but give is some time. ANd ENdymion I listen to old songs too. One of my favs if Fine Young Cannibals "She Drives me crazy."
A cool quote from Big O. (as you can see I have little to do with my life) [QUOTE] Roger: The number one rule if you want to live here is that you must always wear black. android girl (can't remember her name) looks around to see everything black. Girl: Your sense of fashion is atrocious Roger Smith. [/QUOTE]
It would be kick*** to be Sephiroth. I also love Vincent. Or maybe a Spirit from the movie (even though I know some of you hate the movie)
Wow that is an awesome quote Piro. What was that movie all about anyway? I love philosophical quotes that make you totally think about reevaluating life a bit. Here's a funny one I heard from "Don't be a menace to South Central While Drinking your Juice in the Hood"(that's a mouthful). It is a spoof on "Boyz n the Hood". [QUOTE] *a little boy pulls out a gun* Little Boy: Brace yoself Ashtray: What's that? Little Boy: It's my gat foo Ashtray: Boy put that away. Don't you know that you and I are an endangered species? Little Boy: Why cause we're black men? Ashtray: No cause all the rappers are taking the good acting jobs. [/QUOTE]
I've seen that DVD somehwhere before. Those must have been some very lucky monsters before they were all killed.:laugh:
Right now I'm listenning to the Disturbed-Down with the sickness I have my player on Random so I don't know what I'll hear next. It's all the Disturbed though
Ohh I didn't understand the rules. Okay, uhmm, Akira
Oh here's one from Will and Grace. I know its not a movie but oh well. For those who don't know, Will and his best friend Jack are both gay. Jack is "married" to a Mexican woman so that she can stay in America and he is being paid by her friend who is also his friend/boss. Anyway [QUOTE]*Jack walks in with his boyfriend Fernando* Jack: Hold on Fernando I have to kiss my wife goodnight. Fernando: Wife? I thought you like ze men. Jack: I'm married so that she can keep her green card and I get her visa.*HE goes into the room. She's in bed* Wife: Jack, I thought you were going out with Robert. Jack: Oh that isn't until later tonight. *They kiss goodbye he leaves. Comes back to find her in bed with a Mexican guy.* Jack: How could you? *they argue* Jack: Well I see I'm the only one who tries to keep this marriage sacred. Come on Fernando! *storms off*[/QUOTE] See the irony? It's wonderful. And here's one from Titanic [QUOTE] Rose: If we don't get them to lifeboats half of these people will die. Her fiance: Not the better half. [/QUOTE] From Ghostbusters [QUOTE] Ray: I couldn't help it. The image just popped right into my head. When she said choose a destroyer I tried to think of the most harmless thing that came to mind. Something I had always loved from my childhood. The Staypuff Marshmellow Man. [/QUOTE] This is near the end. The Dark God Gowzer, in an effort to bring about Apocalypse, orders man to choose the form that it's destroyer will appear in. Peter tells everyone not to think because the first thing anyone thinks about will be the destroyer, but Ray accidentally chooses the destroyer to be a giant mashmellow mascot. That is not thought provoking by funny as hell.
What is La Blue Girl all about. I've been hearing it alot on this forum but don't know anything about it?
Uhh. Are we allowed to do this? It seems like all spam but anyway. Mimi (Digimon)
Anime What anime/manga have you seen/read?
Omar Harris replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
It's gonna be tough for me. Anime: Voltron Speed Racer (Only a few episodes though) A little of Robotech DBZ (everyday that they don't have reruns) Pokemon(don't care) Digimon(much better) Akira (both version) Votage Fighter Gowkaizer: The movie Street Fighter 2: the Animated Movie Street Fighter Alpha Gunsmith Cats. I think this was a movie but I can't remember it that well. Blue Submarine no. 6 Vampire Hunter D Tenchi Muyo in Love Tenchi Muyo Tenchi Universe Tenchi in Tokyo Gundam Wing Mobile Suit Gundam Project Ako Project Ako vs Battles 1: Blue and 2: Grey. MD Geist Gall Force 2: Eternal Story Escaflowne (haven't seen the whole show. Damn those Fox Kids execs.) Dinozaurs (stay away at all cost) Transformers Robots in Disguise Iria: Zeiram the Animation Roujin Z Armitage III: Poly-Matrix Macross the Movie 2 Sailor Moon (along with R, S, and SuperS) I have Ghost in the Shell and Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust but haven't taken the time to sit and watch them. Manga Only Akira so far. I have the entire series in teh re-released black and white format the Dark Horse comics recently made. I've read a little bit of the DBZ and Sailor Moon Sailor Stars manga -
Thank goodness. I really can't stand George Michaels (nothing to do with his sexuality, I just never liked the guy) I do like Father Figure and a few other songs but I can't stand all the protesting he does.
Hey, don't know the Powerpuff Girls. Along with Sailor Moon tehy are the only superheroines I watch on TV religiously. If they had a Wonder Woman cartoon I'd watched that too but that's beside the point. Yes "Like Mike" is just a sorry attempt to pray on kids' love for basketball and Lil Bow Wow to help get money. Have the people in Hollywood who accept scripts know the meaning of "story"?