Omar Harris
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Everything posted by Omar Harris
What does the video look like. What is it protesting? Is it something to do with his sexuality?
Definitely an aeon(preferably Bahamut.). But if I had to be a specific character I would either be Cloud or Squall just for the cool swords. Or the new guy in FFX. Not Tidus but Aron (I think that's his name. I haven't gotten around to playing 10 yet). The guy in the sunglasses with that long sword. I even based a fic character on him.
There are a few funny scenes but those are few and in-between. I like the hotel scene were he learns about room service. I don't see why great actors like Moris Chestnut play in such horrible movies. And a little kid dunking on the likes of Allen Iverson. *cough* I'm telling you we needs some good writers to make children's movies that actually make sense to everybody. Who's with me? We can collectively make one, big Otakuboard family movie. Anyone. *everyone stares* Uh never mind. lol j/k.
Natalie Imbruglia-Wishing I was there Previously-Sophie B Lauren-As I lay me down to sleep. I just made like 8 mixed CDs, four have slow jams, 1 with party songs and the others with rap and rock.
This is one for all you Transfans out there [QUOTE] Galvatron: Unicron. Look I have the Matrix. That which you most fear is now in my possession Unicron: ARRRGGHHHH. Galvatron: YOu shall do my bidding...or face my wrath! (tries to open the Matrix but fails) Unicron: You underestimate me Galvatron.(transforms to robot mode) Unicron: For a time, I considered sparing your wretched planet Cybertron. But now...you shall witness...it's dismemberment. Galvatron: NOOOOO!!!!! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Unicron: You cannot defeat...my destinnnnnyyyyy. (explodes) [/QUOTE]
lol. That is hilarious Vegeta Rocker. That is so stupid how they put the anime section next to the kids sections. Kids are so gonna get the "Cartoons" all screwed up. I don't se to much of a problem with adult films. I saw Nightmare on Elm Street 5 when I was like what 6. The same goes for teh Child's Play movies. I think that kids are sometimes sheltered and forced to grow up with "kiddy" shows (some of which I used to like mind you but that's beside the point) I watch adult anime, I saw VHD, AKira, Project Ako (which has a lot of slutty looking female characters), potions of Wicked City and so on in 7th grade and I turned out just fine (*murderdeathkill. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*j/k). It all depends on what kids you are showing the movie too. I know a friend of my sisters who was like in third grade and she and her friends were all giggling and stuff when they saw an uncut sex scene on accident. Those are the immature people who don't need those shows.
What is that golden rule all about? To prevent the party from getting too strong or what?
OK, I know you guys are gonna scream and yell obscenities, "like oh ****, this idiot made another thread".:laugh: j/k But anyway this is a thread about quotes in movies. Have you ever heard a quote that was so DEEP that you just couldn't forget it? Anything that made you think, caught your attention, was too hilarious to give up, made you mad, or was just plain too good to pass up? Here's their time to shine. Here are some of mine. These come from the Matrix and deal with its theme of "What is reality?" [QUOTE] *From The Matrix. A bald kid sits on the floor telekinetically bending a spoon. Neo walks up to the kid and the kid gives him the spoon. Neo stares at the spoon.* Kid: Don't try to bend the spoon. It's impossible. Just concentrate on realizing the truth. Neo: What truth? Kid: That there is no spoon. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Morpheus: How did I beat you? Neo: You're faster than I am. Morpheus: Oh really. Do you think that the reason I beat you is because I am faster or stronger? Do you really think that is air you are breathing? [/QUOTE] and here's some from Boyz n the Hood. Laurence Fishburne talks about keeping all-black neighborhoods, well, all-black so investors can't take over and sell everything at a profit. May contain some bad language. [QUOTE] Old man: Ain't no one bringing our property value down. It's these fools killing each other and selling that crack s***. Furious (Laurence Fishburne, damn this guy is good.): Do you think that it's because of us? How do you think that crack got into the country, we don't own any planes. Let me tell you something. When we sell drugs here its not even a problem, but then it becomes a problem when it reaches places like Detroit or the midwest. And why do you think there is a gunshop on every corner? People: Why? Furious: The same reason there is a liquor shop on every corner. Tehy want us to kill ourselves. Go to Los Angeles, you don't see that s*** there. [/QUOTE] One more [QUOTE] Black Police officer: You should have killed him. Then that would leave one less n**** off the streets. What you got a problem?Furious: Naw brother. You're the one who's got a problem.[/QUOTE]
Hey it's no biggie Mist. Just sound like you were in a little B***** mood there. You're forgiven. Anyway back to the original subject, have you ever notice how slutty a lot of anime girls are made to dress?
Hey we all need a little love every now and then.
Isn't Angel Sanctuary about that Angel who tried to overthrow God and has to save the world? Just to get a little off topic
I've heard of Monoke and Eva. I've never seen either but I am trying to save my money to get the whole EVA collected edition just to see what it's all about. It's like $163, the last time I checked and all my money is in the bank.
Is it possible to have a human/android hybrid? Technically Marron wouldn't be part android if her mom still had the parts to make a baby. I'm not sure if she could still be called human or otherwise. Good point
Now, now. Let's be civilized. We are all (well most of us) grown adults.
I hated the Cell Saga. The Frieza series was so good that Toriyama probably ran out of ideas. But anyways before this turns into an "I hate DBZ" thread, I could not stand a minute of Pilot Candidates. The show is just so boring.
I don't know about it never ending. I'm still just getting into the series myself. But with the acclaim for 10 it might be about after FFXX that they finally stop, if they can keep up with fresh ideas till then. And I voted on the poll.
I just started FFVIII and I want to know how do I beat Djinn in order to get him.(I think that's his name. The genie guy you get from the Garden's leader).
You know something I've realized. If they could have a Simpsons, Sopranos, and Michael Jackson geek, they could have an anime geek(won't be me. You guys can take a vote who). But then again the point of hte show is to show everyone up with pointless knowledge and make them look stupid (for once) even if they don't care. But I've seen entire episodes where only the three who have knowledge of the general subjects, TV, movie, music, get challenged while the guest geek does nothing. That be a pointless episode for the guest geek (especially since most of the contestants are adults and most anime affeciandos are teens and yound adults.)
Wasn't that Sentry thing an April Fool's joke? I still wonder if they were lying or not. If there is this type of movie it had better be good.
Steve saves the world? Now I know hell has frozen over. Ok everyone line up behind Beelzebub if you want free sleigh rides.
Ok something simple. THe three Dino Digimon (Agumon, Veemon, Guilmon) Got a little carried away with that last request. But if someone has something like that that would be cool.
Hey if you are a fan of Comic Books I have a nice little tidbit here I wanted to show you. I just visited [url]www.wizardworld.com[/url] and found this article. This is no hoax, no dream, no none of that nonesense. [QUOTE] The director of A Perfect Storm is going to be whipping up trouble between two of DC's legendary superheroes. Wolfgang Petersen has been tagged to direct the movie Batman vs. Superman from Warner Bros., with the major release targeted for 2004. In a script by Andrew Kevin Walker (Seven), the two superheroes are allies who come to mighty blows over differing philosophies. It's a premise that's easy to understand. Superman is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way--a very upbeat attitude--while Batman is the epitome of dark justice. [/QUOTE] What do you think of that?
I'm sorry you guys hate him so much, James. The guy is an idiot who gets an arm bitten off every episode and is dumb enough to keep going back for more. HE should be a Cyborg by now. That be weird (Crikey. Cyber Steve says crocs ru...Chomp....AAAAAGGGGH) No offense there.
I'd like to request a picture of Tai, Davis and Takato, with WarGreymon, Imperialdramon and Gallantmon in the background (if possible).