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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. Any and everything that sound good to my ears (even country and religious music). My CD case contains Pure Moods The last 2 Creed CDs Missy Elliot Disturbed Britney Spears (I'm crazy ok. No laughter please) Backstreet Boys (see above) Now 3-8 Totally Hits 2 The soundtracks to "Down on Earth", "Exit Wounds", "Soul Food" Carl Thomas Linkin Park Korn Shaggy Sisqo (can't stand him though) Eminem. (MM LP) and some mixed CDs
  2. Thanks. i have the censored version of "The Sickness" (never buy Rap or Rock CD's at Wal-Mart if you don't like censors), and I could never figure out what he was saying after "Never stick you hand in my face again" the rest of the bridge is almost exactly how I thought it would sound. Thanks again.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]4. What species does Grand Admiral Thrawn belong to? [b]Chiss[/b] 1. How many times have you seen Episode II? [b]2[/b] 2. What are your favorite Star Wars quotes?? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] 1. I've seen Episode 2 once. :bawl: 2. My favorite quotes [QUOTE]Obi-Wan: You see. Now she's probably gotten away. How do we expect to catch up to her...(Anikin jumps out of the car). Obi-Wan: I hate it when he does that.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Captain of the Empire falls dead after apologizing to Vader for his arrogance. Vader: Apology accepted Captain. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Vader: Take my hand Luke. Don't be a fool. Don't let yourself die like Obi-Wan did. Luke: Never. Vader: Obi-Wan never told you about what happened to your father did he. Luke: He told me enough. He told me you killed him. Vader: No Luke. I am your father. Luke: NOOOOOOO! Vader: Search your feelings Luke. Look deep down, because you know that deep in your heart, what I say is true. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Anikin: It's Obi-Wan! He is holding me back! I will be the most powerful Jedi of them all. And one day I will destroy all evil. I wil save everyone. I will even prevent people from dying! (insert Imperial March song).[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] C3PO: Die Jedi Scum. Oh wait they're the good guys.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Han: C3PO what are you doing? C3PO: Well its seems that these creatures worship me as some sort of god. They are holding a banquet in my honor and you are to be the main course[/QUOTE] Any line where Darth Vader kills one of his cronies while being so nonchalant about it. None of these are exact quotes Except the first because I have a bad recollection of exact quotes.
  4. Marvel has done good so far. Not to get off topic but as for X-men, even if it was a success, even I (the X-men's #1 fan) was a bit disappointed by it. It just seemed like a Matrix rip-off. I like it but I had so much hope for an X-men movie and it kinda let me down. Now Spider-Man was the shiznits. If every Marvel movie could be like that I would willing shell out my $8. And as for Marvel's winning streak, I predict it might be damaged by Blade 3.
  5. The Matriz wasn't all effects. If you get past them it had a well-developed plot. I think most people didn't get it because they don't have enough of a Sci-Fi mind (Like mind) to get past the flashy effects. And am I the only one or does anyone else think that all the acting in the Matrix did seem a bit forced, like the actors had no idea what they were talking about (not dissing one of my fav movies, but even I can point out some flaws with a film).
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]And I don't think there is anything wrong with the animated cartoons on other networks that aren't even anime. They aren't stupid and dumb like DBZ and their dubbing CAN'T suck because it's SUPPOSED to be in English. DBZ sucks. I AM bashing DBZ. I hate that show, it's a piece of crap, and I'll never understand how it got popular.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I don't want to have to explain the male's obession with violence(I would go into the whole Adam/Eve argument I've had lately and contradict that last statement in man's defense but I won't). That's why the world is so screwed up sometimes. Yes, Ameican cartoons rock (hell if we didn't have good ol Walt and his Mickey Mouse anime wouldn't be here). Transformers was cool as was GI Joe (when I was like five and knew nothing of good storylines. I still love the shows mind you.), but as action goes they don't hold a candle to DBZ. Now as we all have mentioned DBZ is lacking in plot but that's probably because even Toriyama knew a money maker when he saw one. I hate people that think they know about anime from DBZ or Pokemon. I don't admit to being an anime affieciendo. I'm still learnig but I've been watching anime regularly since high school (even though I saw Voltron as a kid and got into it without knowing about it's Japanese background). I might have called myself that in the past but only to act as though I could show off. Oh and QA, we need some better descriptions (no offense) than stupid and dum so I'll provide them.=) This show sucks can rot in hell is f***** up is a POS. anyone who watches it is screwed in the head. Not that great but there you go. Always willing to help people realize not to be blind like me.
  7. Thanks for the comments. I guess I was kinda blind there. Either that or was ganged up on =) Anyway, I've seen some subbed (I only remember MD Geist for now) and I just wanted the subbies not to be so snotty sometimes about how much they don't like dubs. Now with that said for like the 100th time I will truly end my reign here. More threads to terrorize with my evil. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :demon:
  8. I love Michael Clarke Duncan (not that way.) but casting him as the Kingpin is a bit of a stretch. It's sort of like when Todd McFarlane cast a white guy to play Terry Fitzgerald (i think that's his name) in Spawn because he didn't want the movie to be a "black movie", just a good movie. I don't mind but it is a little hard to picture him as Kingpin. But if he could pull off a sadistic ape he could do a crime boss no sweat. If you are hyped about the DD movie, watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and you can see a brief (hardly noticable) cameo by DD. And did you know that the director of the DD movie has a brief cameo as well.
  9. Yoda vs. Count Dooka rocked. The guy kicks butt to be so small. I like how they set the stage for the next movie will all the tiny hints (ANakin wearing black while all the other Jedi's are in white, the last scene with the Fetts, the final scene period.)
  10. Does anybody have the lyrics to "Down with the sickness", the album version not the edited radio version?
  11. We've seen them about a million times over. The same monsters keep coming bakc despite their apparent deaths in teh last movie. We have Jason X, Halloween REsurrection, and so far, rumors of Alien 5, and a Jason vs. Freddy Krueger movie. So I'm asking which movie monster do you think should die and stay dead permanently. Honestly I would say Chuckie or Michael Myers. With Chuckie its like dude you're a friggin doll. He's been burned, torn apart, shot (a weak ending to his fourth film I might add) and been through hell and back. And he still keeps coming. No doll can do that even possessed by a man. And Michael Myers is a weird case. The man is unexplainably superhuman. He's been shot and burned as far as I know (haven't seen much of the Halloween series) and he still comes back. And how is he strong enough to crush a man's skull in. That is weird
  12. Sheesh, stop the violence already. Put on a =) face. lol. Anyway, I'm crazy and have nothing to do. It is stupid to want to shoot someone unless you have a good reason(self defense is the only that comes to my mind). But not all rap talks about guns and violence. The early rap (Fresh Prince, Cameo, etc.) were actually about women, money, and just having fun. Anyone remember "Summertime"? Its guys like Ice Cube and Dr. Dre who have taken over the industry and paved the way for the violent rap you hear now. Rap does take talent. Not everyone can make up three or four verses of a song, a chorus, maybe a bridge, and sing them much less rap them with some credibility. But anyway back to the original topic, I don't seriously care about violence or what they say, long as the songs have some type of good beat and the rappers can actually stay on beat then I'm hooked. The best would be Tupac but other fav. are Will Smith, Dr. Dre, Busta Rhymes (the only reason Halloween REsurrection is a big hit), Puff Daddy (Not that crappy P. Diddy he became) and Eminem even if his serious songs are a bit creepy. Ludacris was cool until he started showing up in everyone else's songs
  13. H20 should have ended it altogether I agree. *spoiler* Now come on Rick, did you really think they were going to kill a star like Busta Rhymes? the only reason he is even in there is to attract money.
  14. THe Wachowski brothers (who also wrote the entire trilogy) directed the Matrix and it's two sequels. I think Keanu Reeves is ok but that's only because I've only seen the Matrix and the 1st Bill and Ted movie in their entirety. Everything else I skipped over. He was perfect for Neo and Ted (cause of that whole surfer dude persona he has) but everythin else I can't judge.
  15. I'm not the only one who laugh Samuel L. Jackson's death scene. It was so inspirational and then CHOMP. I was just pointing out my views of how most Horror movies seem to have one non-white major character who is not as developed as anyone else and killed almost instantly into the movies. I'm not picking the movies apart. I just notice how that seems to happen all the time. Hollow Man, All the Alien movies, Predator (Not sure about 2 though I know Danny Glover was in it.) It's just stupid that people do that in movies.
  16. The only one I can name right now is MD Geist. And thank you Def_Kun.
  17. Higher is a great song when its not on the air every fifteen minutes. I also love Bullets. Can't get enough of it. Probably my fav of them all.
  18. I never really liked 13 Ghost of Scooby Doo, so FLimFlam is a moot point. THe show wasn't bad it's just, not SCooby Doo. I hate how they use the same ideas over and over and get rid of Fred and Velma in later cartoons. It's original yes, but if you make improvements, improve! Scooby Dum is cool. It would be great to some reference to the rest of the Doo family. As for the Scrappy thing. Scrappy was cool. I don't know why but I liked the old Scrappy cartoons even if he was annoying. Him being the villain was a twist but come on, at least portray with some realism. He was supossed to be an annoying kid who loves his uncle not a sadistic egomaniac even if his cause was justified. The rest of the roles were played well. I do think Fred is vain to an extant. Notice how he always "coincidentally" pairs up with Daphne when they go on in teams? Oh for those who don't know Velma was played by the star of a little known show called "Freaks and Geeks" which is so underrated by audiences it got cancelled. Anyway, I liked the Scooby Doo movie. The guest stars were cool, especially Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) and Miguel A. Nunez (the guy from Juwanna Mann). I just didn't like Scrappy not being Scrappy. And I didn't know Shaggy and Scooby were official vegetarians (I heard Casey Casem, Shaggy's VA was, and wanted them to be all those years ago, which is why HB made Scooby Snacks.)
  19. Human clay is the best IMO. I love every song on there and can sing each one right off the top of my head I love Weathered But many of hte songs don't hold a candle ot Clay. Bullets, Freedom Fighter, Who's got my back all rock (I don't see why everyone hates MY Sacrifice). I just need My Own Prison to complete my collection. I just keep sidetracked when I try to buy it
  20. I love Gargoyles. If I could get toon Disney it would be even sweeter. The second series "The Goliath Chronicles" suck because of little action and the fact that everything is wrapped up too neatly. Did anyone notice all the religious symbolism and literature references? I could right a whole article on those.
  21. Omar Harris


    DinoZaurs is such an obvious ripoff of Transformers its pathetic. And to think the Japanese made it *cries that to find a bad anime* Anyway Dinozaurs is about a group of transforming robots (sound familiar) who fight an evil creature (the names escape me but they would for you too if you saw this crap) who is like a super version of them, a dragon or something. They stay in a museum disguised as skeletons and appear when a group of kids use these magical daggers. I've spat up jello that looked better than this stuff.
  22. I feel stupid now *goes off into a corner and cries* Anyway. If they had put the middle porton of the book into the movie and stretched the movie out just a bit more it would be even greater than ever. Sigh. But only in my wildest dreams
  23. I am pretty geeky in the area of Comic Books. Anime I couldn't do. I'm still learning even though I've been watching hardcore since what 96, 97. (note to self: buy subtitles so subbies won't keep breathing down your back.)
  24. Ok then this post will be a sort of spoiler. Well not exactly but...never mind here goes *Spoilers* Did Jamie Lee Curtis' death at the beginning take you by surprise or what? Did you realy think they were going to kill off Busta Rhymes? Please they didn't do it for LL Cool J in "Deep Blue Sea" and Samuel L. Jackson deserved to be the surviving black guy in that one more that LL (although LL was funny. And I didn't expect for one black guy to live. Big improvement I must say.) Do you think Busta's role was overhyped. He wasn't even the main guy and they have him all over the media with his role, just like Ja Rule in "Fast and the Furious" and DMX in "Romeo Must Die". *End Spoiler*
  25. Omar Harris

    Like Mike

    I want to see PPG. I like the PPGs and I justwant to see their origin played out entirely. I heard the movie was intended to be darker than the show. Hope that's good
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