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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. Wayne Brady is awesome. Great singer and the way he cracks jokes. I saw one where he sings to a cafeteria lady and he says something about preparing spagehti with two big black "balls". That was great. Ryan and Colin are hilarious. Colin looks like he doesn't want ot be there for some reason. I'm sick of all the gay themes (Ryan and Colin feeling on each other and kissing). It was funny the first times but it's getting kinda stale
  2. Omar Harris

    Like Mike

    I saw it though I spent NO MONEY on it. I was in the theatre watching Juwanna Mann (another crappy, predictable movie but funny=). Anyway I snuck in because I had no ride home and was bored. It is crap. Your typical kids movie where every scene is completely predictable right to the very end. And they got a star like Lil' Bow Wow to do it!? Uh that is why Kazaam failed. Whoever keeps casting rappers as actors needs to be shot to hell brought back to life and shot to hell again.
  3. His new stuff isn't so bad. I like "You rock my world." and the video is cool. I just think the guy should realize that very few people are listening now. Did you see the sales for "Invincible"? Completely unlike Mike. I saw that Halloween special he did, it came on VH-1 this year, and I think they did "Moonwalker". Is that the when were he changes into a ship and shoots at Danny Devito.
  4. Ok I don't want to make this a racial dispute but have you ever notice that THE black guy always dies in horror movies? I mean really, you would think they would run out of roles for black people (like myself) in Hollywood but they don't. They always need an innocent to be cannon fodder for Freddy Krueger or Jason in their 20,000th movie. Anyway here's how it goes. 1. I said THE because if you ever noticed there is usually only one and only one. 2. He (and on some rare occasions she) is usualy stereotyped by a writer who obviously has not been around black people. (I'm about to get ghetto on you and other such horrible sayings). 3. If he/she isn't dead in the first two minutes, don't worry it's coming soon enough. 4. Though usually first victim it really doesn't matter, because as I said before, it's coming soon enough. 5. Usually has the most underdeveloped and least important role and yet always has the worst death. Does anybody no what Samuel L. Jackson was doing in Jurasic Park, or does anyone care? I thought not. Well right now I can't do anything about it. I'm not going to cry because one day I will make a story that does the impossible, the Black guy will live. But for now I will just sit in the corner and mourn for Samuel L. Jackson in "Deep Blue Sea." (If I could ever stop laughing at that scene. Oh c'mon that is hilarious!)
  5. I saw Halloween Resurrection on opening night. It was okay. The first 20 minutes (the crucial part as Rick said) took me totally by surprised and finally put at least a small speck of life back into this dying series. I cringed in some scenes but unlike most I am not a diehard gore fan. Yes the end was quite predictable (especially Busta Rhymes role). I want to put a small spoiler because I want to ask a question about the Busta role but I'll refrain until more who have seen it give approval.
  6. Episode 12: Disaster upon Disaster _________________________________________________ Adam Fujikawa and his partner Reptilemon just recently merged to become the beast Dinomon in order to defeat the combined efforts of Stymphalimon and Simiamon. Driven insane by a mysterious voice, Dinomon ran into the woods defusing back to Adam and Reptilemon before jumping off a cliff. _________________________________________________ "ADAM!" cried out Jeffrey, Terry, and Dill as they ran to the cliff. Adam fell towards the ground below with Reptilemon, still injured from battle, in his arms. The light of his D-Force began to flash and there was no more Adam or Reptilemon, but Dinomon once again. He flapped the ten tiny wings on his back and began to take flight. In the distance his friends began to call out to him. "ADAM COME BACK! COM...B...!" But he was already too far-gone to hear their cries. "Adam, come back." said Terry. "Come back." Rhea Fujikawa woke up in a cold sweat not knowing how or why? She began to hold herself as if in pain. Rhea turned towards her husband sleeping next to her. 'Why do I feel this way?' The computer screen on the table began to flash and Rhea stood up, walking to the table. "Rhea Fujikawa," said the voice. "What is that?" she thought. "That is I. And I am a...a friend." She thought to herself again. 'He can hear my thoughts. Whoever he is. Ok what do you want if you are hearing me now?' "I hear you perfectly fine. And what I want is just a little something to help your son Adam." 'ADAM!?' "Yes. Will you help me?" "If it is for Adam, than yes I will." "Thank you. Now all I need is for you to do something. I need you to refresh your memory of every instance involving Adam, good or bad." "I'll try...ARGGGHH" she screamed out with her vocal cords. "Rhea? Rhea what is the matter?" "Arrrrggghhh." Albert jumped out of bed and ran to his wife's side. "Albert. I don't know what happened. I don't know. But I saw Adam in trouble." "Adam!?" "Albert, I saw Adam. He's in trouble. Our baby is in trouble." she climbed into her husband's arms and held him close crying with such tremendous force that even Albert's cold heart was pierced for a brief moment. "Rhea? It's going to be all right. Adam is fine. Adam is fine." 'Why do I keep getting this strange feeling?' he thought to himself. Dinomon landed in Data Forest where he quickly fell to his knees and began to cry. "What is happening to me?" "Why are you crying?" Dinomon looked up to see floating next to him a group of purple cocoon-like creatures. "Who are you?" "We are Chrysalimon. The question is who are you?" "I am sorry. That is an answer that not even I can answer for you. "Why?" "Let me just say this. I am twice your size and can tear anyone of you apart if I wanted to. Leave me alone." "You are very fierce for someone so confused." "What are you my psychiatrists now?" "No. We just want to help." They flew closer to him and began to poke and touch him with their tentacles. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" he screamed waving his arm around. The creatures began to gather together, wrapping tentacle around tentacle. Their bodies began to glow radiantly, and then they were gone. In their place was only one creature, a giant spider with a long neck and a gun in his mouth. "You're Infermon." "Yeah so." He shot a blast at Dinomon. Dinomon barely staggered before looking up at Infermon in anger. He lunged at the creature with all of his reflexes and landed atop him, punching and clawing with all his force. The battle raged on. Infermon held his own quite impressively while Dinomon was barely harmed by his opponent's constant shots. "Aqua Bomb!" Dinomon cried as he fired his trademark at the spider. Infermon was knocked away from Dinomon. He regained his senses and stood to his feet. "You are strong, and yet you still hurt." "How? I kicked your butt." "Not from my shots. But from the pain inside." "I said I don't need a shrink dammit." Infermon ran to him. "Enough pushing me away. Sit and let us talk." "I don't know what happened. But someone keeps trying to reach me. And it didn't start until I took this form." "Do you have some other forms? You are a Digimon and can surely Digivolve even merged with your partner as we have seen before." "Yes." "Maybe someone only wants Dinomon. Not Adam, not Reptilemon." "But Teddymon's warning?" "Yes, I see. Dinomon, you have to stop running away." "From what?" "Yourself. You keep fighting yourself and your battle scars have begun to take your friendship with the others as casualties." "But I...I understand now." "Your father is the cause of all this. The sarcasm, the anger, the hatred. Confront him." "I understand. I must put this to an end, one way or another." "How touching," said a voice in the trees, "But utterly pointless bile." The two stood to their feet and saw in the treetops the burning, metal body of Pyre. "You!?" said Dinomon. "Round Two, huh boy. I've been waiting for this moment. But first let's get rid of the excess baggage. Nova ball." he shot a stream of flames from his hands. The stream hit Infermon and consumed the spider's body until there was nothing left but data particles. "INFERMON!" "HAHAHAHA!" Dinomon looked towards Pyre, his eyes burning hotter that Pyre's own flames. "AQUA BALL!". "Arrrggghhh. You've improved greatly but it is still completely pointless to challenge me boy!" Pyre lunged at Dinomon, who grabbed the creature by his burning faceplate. He held the creature in his grasp, feeling the burn of Pyre's face full on. He squeezed with all his might, and when he let go, Pyre was nothing more than a distant memory, as dead as the spider he had just killed. Adam Fujikawa stared at the ground alongside Reptilemon. Each had improvised bandages, Reptilemon's over his chest and Adam over his burnt hand. They looked at the single stick they placed for a grave. "Thank you Infermon. Thank you." And they walked away, waiting for the road to take them to their next adventure. To be continued? ____________________________________________________ Episode 13: Two Worlds Apart. _________________________________________________ Adam Fujikawa and his friend Reptilemon have seperated from the rest of the team after a brief moment of insanity for Adam. Now he seeks to find the answers to his strange problems and his friends and family seek him. _________________________________________________ Jeff, Terry, Dill and their Digimon searched all over for the missing members Adam and Reptilemon. Their journey proved futile though as they found absolutely nothing. "When do we eat? I'm hungwy." said Teddymon. "Is food all you think about?" answered Felimon. "Weww..." "I agwee...agree with Teddymon. We should take the time to eat." said Colliemon. Felimon had slowly become annoyed with the others "Great, we are looking for our "leader" who is a complete jerk to begin with, and you guys want to stop and eat?" "What about you?" said Colliemon. "I am the best of all Digimon. I can hold out easily." His stomach begins to grumble. "Oy. Maybe we should stop." "We don't stop until we find Adam." said Terry. "Aren't you being a little bit unreasonable?" said Jeff. "Look rich boy, Adam is my friend and until we fid him we don't stop for anything." "I know you like Adam but this is insane." "I don't like Adam." "Then why are you so focused on finding him." "Stay out of my business." "Why? I'm just trying to help." "Listen pretty boy stay out of my business!" Jeff looked angrily at Terry not knowing what bothered her so much about Adam's disappearance. "Uh guys...Someone is heading this way." A cloud of dust appeared before the team as they heard footsteps coming their way. Without warning an army of moose-like creatures ran towards the trio and their partners. "Look out!" cried Jeff. "Felimon dream digivolve to...Siberimon!" "Colliemon dream digivolve to ...Howlmon!" "Dream mergence!" said Dill. The kids merged with their partners. Siberimon lifted up the tiny Teddymon and put him on his shoulder. Together he and Howlmon jumped into the air and landed on a nearby tree. One of the moose like creatures caught a hold of Howlmon as she jumped and began to drag her with it. "HOWLMON!" "Teddy Bubbles" said Teddymon. He spat a bubble which at his command began to grow larger. He allowed on to take him into it and traveled towards Howlmon. "Teddy Bubbles!" The bubbles floated to Howlmon and one eventually caught her. Together they floated away out of danger. Siberimon jumped from tree to tree until he landed on top of one of the Moosemon. "Please don't...." "We're not going to hurt you so quit sniveling. What is going on here." said Siberimon. "Behind you." Siberimon turned away to see a hunter dressed in green armor with the legs of a goat and a crossbow in his hands. Beside him stood a large bassett hound with spikes growing from his back. "Who are they?" said Siberimon. "They are Satyrmon and Huntermon," said Howlmon. "Satyrmon is an ultimate level Digimon and his special attack is Song Manipulation. His hellhond is Huntermon, a champion level Digimon able to track virtually anything down." "Well I see we have some new game around here. Sick em Huntermon." "Howling madness!" screamed the dog as an arsenal of spears shot from his back and began to follow the Moosemon. "Help us." they cried as teh spears struck through their flanks and destroyed each of them. "No!" screamed Howlmon. "Song manipulations!" said Satyrmon as he began to play his flute luring all the data of the moosemon into his jar. "This should be just enough to please the boss." "Why you..." "Who are you?" "None of your business. Spirit of the Canine!" Huntermon took the blow without budging once. "Huh?" "Is that all? Howling Madness!" Siberimon jumped into view and blocked the attacks with his broadsword. "Heroic roar!" He sent out his energy blast to stop the spears. Huntermon lunged and knocked Siberimon out of the way. He then went after Howlmon. The two fought rolling around as they toar into each other with their teeth and claws. "Enough Huntermon. Goat horns." said the Satyrmon as he butt Howlmon with his energy horns. "Nice to meet you. But we have business to attend so don't get in our way." He jumped on Huntermon's back and teh two were off. "What was that all about?" said Teddymon. "I don't know." said Siberimon. "Aqua Bomb!" cried Dinomon as he took down the much larger DarkTyrannomon. "That was too easy." he said. "Was it? You are perfect my destroyer!" said the menacing voice in Dinomon's head. The beast diffused to become Adam and Reptilemon again. "Those voices are starting to get very annoying." said Adam. "Who is sending them?" said Reptilemon. "More importantly. Why?" "Well it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Someone wants us to carry out Teddymon's propechy. To destroy the world." "And I thought you got over your sarcastic nature." said Adam. "I'm still part of you, you know." "Yeah. I know. Come on lets head home." Crash. "Timber!" cried Dinomon. He took the fallen tree and began to break it apart with his bare fist. "Wow are all Digimon as strong as you?" askedthe tiny Koromon by his side. "I'm not sure. There are probably some who are even stronger." "But you could whoop up on them." said the rabbit-eared critters. "Probably. Thank you for taking me in." he said. "No problem." Dinomon soon began to feel a warm feeling. Like nothing he had ever experienced before. And for once it was rather, inviting, as if he truly found some place to belong. But the warmth soon became a shiver as something ran down his spine. "What is it?" said one of the Koromon. "I don't know. Probably nothing." But deep down in his heart, Dinomon knew something was wrong around him. Something was wrong with him but he didn't know what. In the room of 1's and 0's Simiamon finally made his return to speak to his master. Malcolm approached the monkey and spoke. "Well my pet. What news have you brought for me?" "I'm not your pet." "You are whatever I say you are." "I'll rip off your head if you don't hush your stupid....Argh." he said as a blast of electricity shot from the black D-Force that Malcolm held in his hands. "You'll do nothing "Gomamon" because I say you will do nothing. Get one thing straight, I'm am your master and you are dirt if I so call you that. Now let's start over. What news did you bring me." "Ravenmon is gone as is Jason." "No duh. Anything important." "Teddymon is a traitor." Malcolm snapped on him and began another shock. "Don't you ever call that boy a traitor again until you give me some type of proof." "It's true." "There are no traitors in my camp. And if there were little Dill would not be among them. Now get up and leave me." "Yes. Prick" he mumbled. "Elizamon and Draculmon. You are all that are left of my original warriors. Go find this boy and kill him." A 15-year-old girl and a Hispanic boy of the same age held up their D-Forces and called their partners. One was a brown bat in a jester's outfit while the other was a little girl dressed like a Harlequin. "Dream Digivolve". The girl and the Harlequin became a tall, beautiful woman, wearing a red dress, a white cape, and a white mask. The others became a humanoid bat with giant wings. They flew off. But deep within the shadows a young, African american boy in a wheelchair watched over the passing of events. He held up a blue D-Force and spoke into it. "Skydramon. I need you." Back at camp, Jeff saw Tery sitting next to a tree and sat down next to her. "So..." "So..." "I don't need a mimic here." "Well you started this stupid conversation so if you want a serious answer, ask a serious question." "What is wrong with you?" "Nothing." "It's Adam isn't it?" "That's none of your concern." "Dammit. Quit blowing me off." "Oh and what you do as a super-rich prick is any different." "That is a moot point in this conversation." "...." "What is up with you? Do you like Adam?" "No! No," she slowly became quiet and thought for a little bit before finally speaking out again. "Yes." "He's going to be ok. I hope so. If Dinomon is any indication of Adam's survival power, I would say that anybody who dares messes with him had better watch out." "Yeah. Jeff, I..." "I know what you're thinking. He is going to be okay. I promise." "Thank you Jeff. You are such a sweet guy." "Isn't that what I was saying before?" "Yeah but with more arrogance." "What!?" She began to laugh out loud. "Oh come on Jeff you have to admit that you were a bit of a jerk when we first met you." "Was not." "Was too. You know we have never had a normal conversation going between us before." "Yeah it's great to get to know you." "Jeff..." "What?" The two leaned in together and within a short few seconds their lips pressed against each other in a kiss. Rhea Fujikawa went about her normal routine. Being an office assistant had its ups and downs but she could care less. It had been almost two weeks since her son's disappearance and for the time she tried to do everything to take her mind off thngs. She began folding papers into the shape of airplanes and throwing them around the room. "Found a new hobby?" said her partner Vanessa. "You know." "Still haven't found Adam?" "I was trying to forget that travesty." "I'm sorry." She sat on Rhea's desk, brushing her blonde hair aside. "I know how you feel. If I ever disappeared my mother would have a fit." "Yeah." she said holding her head by her hands. "Are you sure you can make it through the day?" said their boss, Mr. Alverez. "Yeah. I'll be okay. Albert and I have been doing fine so far. Hopefully the worst will be over soon." "Well if you need to go home just tell me." "Can I go home, Mr. Alvarez?" asked Vanessa. "No." "Not even if I..." "Shhh. No one is supposed to know about that." he whispered as soft as he possibly could. "Now get back to work." "Almost got him." she said to herself. "Well Rhea, I'l be leaving you. Let me know if you need to talk.' "Thanks Vanessa." she said. As soon as Vanessa disappeared around the corner she mutter under her breath, "What a slut." She looked at the picture on her desk. 'We were so happy in those days. What happened?' She began to wipe her finer around her coffee mug, remembering the better days when she, Adam, and Albert were all a family. "Those days can come back Rhea." said the voice from the other night. "You again." she thought. "Good to see you remember me." "What did you need me for? And I thought you were supposed to bring Adam back to me." "One comment at a time. What I needed you for was a simple...download I guess you can call it. What you gave me will help me bring Adam back to you." "Where is he?" "In a place far beyond this world. He will be backto you very shortly, meanwhile I will do everything in my power to help you." "Who are you? Can I see your face?" "My name is...Morpheumon." she looked down into her coffee cup to see the face of a man wearing a white, butterfly mask. "Where did you come from?" "The answers are all in your mind, Rhea? Unlock them to find the key." Adam Fujikawa and Reptilemon wondered through the woods as the Koromon behind them waved goodbye. "I like those guys." said Adam. "Kids. Don't care for them." "If it wasn't for kids you wouldn't be here." "What do you mean?" "Well I'm a kid, well a teenager actually." "And you. Where did you come from? Why are you here?" "Well, uh, that's the funny thing. It's a little story about the birds and the bees. I can't, uhm tell you that right now." "Why not?" "Well...Hey a river. Water at last." Adam filled the cantine the Koromon had given him while Reptile mon sat at the top of the tree partially asleep from all the boredom. All around them, strange flowers released their pollen to attract Adam's attention. He walked of after the pollen to come upon a group of Floramon and Woodmon. They danced and sang their beautiful songs for him. Adam smiled happy to finally be at home in the Digital world. A group of tiny green water sprites, Spritemon, appeared before Adam asking him to play. "Hey, didn't I meet you back at Morpheumon's place." "Yes, Adam. I know all about you. We want you to come with us Adam. Be with us. Play with us and never leave." "I can't." "Oh really? Please stay." They dance around him, singing their song as their bodies released a beautiful glow. They changed their forms, merging into the form of a large flower which opened its buds to reveal a tall green woman cloaked entirely in whipping tentacles. Adam woke up quickly out of his "drunken" stupor. "What the hell are yo...." He was cut off as the creature sent one of its bladed tentacles and grabbed Adam around his waist and neck. "I am Venusmon and you will stay with me forever. You will be my lover. My toy. You will help me become even more powerful than the deity itself. In exchange for your sevitude you will be punished whenever I choose to do you. HAHAHA. Don't try to escape the "drunkeness" my pollen induces. It is beauty and beauty need to be groomed each and every day my newfound pet. OBEY ME!" "If I refuse?" "You die." To be continued...
  7. I've never cared about "knowing" anime. I was never the type to see DBZ or Gundam and think I knew everything, or try to fit in with the anime "community". Seeing Sci-Fi channel with it led me to start my anime fixation. My gateway, as you call it, was Project Ako. And actually watching the stuff on TV, dubbed or not slaughter or not, led me to try to watch more anime. I don't try to be a purist like you guys. Ok most of the anime I've seen is mainstream, but as I've said before I don't have much time to do this or that anymore. Gundam Wing being turned into a Power Rangers type series is totally in-house, the work of the Gundam creators, not the dubbers. Teenage boys in giant robots destorying everything is the same thing I saw in the few episodes of MSG and all the other Gundam series I saw. Besides Power Rangers never philosophised for nearly 50 episodes about the reasons for war. And the Japanese know what they're doing because it is their material. If you could have the VA's of the Flinstones play them in the movies they would be great because it is all old stuff to them.
  8. I've heard this movie sucks and that you people don't want to relive that memory but I have to bring it up for this reason. What is the movie about and is it really that bad. Could someone give me a review and description? I don't have the chance to go out and rent it right now
  9. I'm going to say this and end. I don't see how I contradicted myself. I said that for the most part people watch TV for visual reasons, which is one reason why we have animation in the first place(especially CGI). When Disney created it's empire no one really care how good the cartoons were they just were amazed by how Disney could make the pictures move so realitically. We start watching TV for the purpose of seeing events occur and after awhile we get into the storylines and the characters and how they are portrayed. I've seen more than just DBZ. ANd I've seen series where the English VA's are actually very good. The original dubbed voice of Tetsuo did the whole insane act very well. The one for hte Akira re-release has the annoying kid voice down but every thing else is so-so for him. I don't like either of Kaneda's VAs. D from Vampire Hunter D was good. Other examples, Ryu from SF Alpha (which was more story than conflict driven), The Colonel from Akira (re-release), Van from Escaflowne, Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star, Geist (MD Geist) etc. I'm not defending just DBZ. I was just using it as an example (at this moment I have other things on my mind to worry about thinking up more examples). I've seen quite a lot of anime uncensored (Akira, VHD, Macross the Movie 2, the Project Ako movies, so on so forth.) Yes I admit that I started with the sci-fi channel anime, and I don't have very many oppurtunities to get to a Blockbuster or Sam Goody's or whatever because of other obligations, I'm in College now and probably won't have much time to do so even more. I'm not trying to turn this into an argument. I created this thread just to clear up some misconceptions, because when I go to an anime site I expect to have a decent conversation and if I don't know what I'm talking about to learn from the more experienced in a manner that doesn't belittle me over such a small matter. Not to be bashed because I've been prefering my own native tongue. If I was a major sub fan I wouldn't be in the same boat as you guys. I still like dubbed either way. I just made this so that people won;t go talking down to us dubbies just because we don't use a name or story point that you've heard. I'm repeating myself. You win. I quit.
  10. Roxie, I didn't even have that in mind when I wrote that. I was just saying that there is no need to bash people about this and that. I'm not trying to turn this into some type of big argument full of flaming and stuff. As I said before I like subs just as much as dubs. I was just saying that Subbies have these preconceived notions about dubs that are not always true and I wanted to get the off my chest. And dubbies aren't lazy(well, depending on who you talk to. Not everybody likes to read you know). I could read a whole novel in just an hour or so. The point of TV or animation is visual effect for the most part. I either just don't feel like reading or don't have the money at that point to buy the DVD. And I thought CTHD was good dubbed. The voices were pretty superb. It's those dang old kung fu movies that suck dubbed. Well I haven't seen any subbed so I wouldn't know about those either. And American VA's are awesome especially nowadays. I love Chris Sabat when he did Majin Vegeta and went through that whole "I'm a prince. He's supposed to suck" thing. Dai-Kaioshin (old Kai)'s VA sucks. Anyway off topic. I'm tired of thinking. I'll go lay my head down.
  11. I agree about Mr. Satan being a better name, but Hercules has its symbolism too. He is stronger than any human, except those with powers. So they both have symbolism. Maybe if Toriyama knew something like this would happen he would call the character Hercules Satan or Something like that. Anyways, enough being stupid for me, some of the name changes are not needed. Launch to Lunch, or is it the other way around. Gyamouru(sp) is ok, even though I still call him Ox King. But some just sound weird only do to the whole language barrier thing. Kuririn, Furiza, Paikuhan (either way it goes it sound like either a rewritten Piccolo or Piccolo + Gohan.) but then again that's only because of the whole language barrier. And Kame Sennin Muten Roshi (I think that's right) is the same way. If that J word (too lazy to look it up) means Cyborgs than they should have been called Cyborg 17 or 18 or whatever. The show in America is not dummied down for kids. It is on TV but you can find dubbed episodes uncensored at Sam Goody's or other places (it's not hard. There are like 3-4 shelfs of DBZ episodes). And mistakes are only the dubber's fault because of the language barrier. The Japanese have their interpretations and we have ours so some mistakes are bound to occur even when you have 2 or 3 experts working on deciphering the script. The VAs aren't bad. The Canadian VAs sound very realistic, except for Gohan when he was a whiny little kid. And as I said before Chris Sabat did a great job doing Vegeta in the whole "I'm a prince and he's better than me" speech when he becomes Majin Vegeta. As for the music, you obviously haven't been watching the dubs. I like the music. It is far better than the music for a lot of other shows. I know someone will challenge, and I've been arguing this sub vs. dubs case for quite a while, so this is the end of what I have to say.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I generally don't care about the topic but a few points irked me as I was skimming through. This is a rather interesting point because most people would encourage TV being more educational for children. Now don't you think that includes learning a little bit about foreign culture? I certainly think so, and a frigging riceball never hurt anybody. How would it not be understood? Obviously, there are some uniquely Japanese phrases, but even then, it's not as though they're nonsensical, just different. Why do they have to be changed? Something rather interesting - my cousin, who is 5, seems to believe everything that isn't English is Spanish, or as she calls it, "Mexico". We recently had a Chinese visitor, and she immediately comes to the conclusion that she is Mexico (excuse her bad grammar). I think it's pretty obvious she's been extremely underexposed to foreign cultures, and that's one of the reasons I fully support that anime not be "Americanized" as it so often is in dubs (but occasionally subs too). I think this is the primary reason that dubbies are called stupid: 1) because of your reason and 2) because they would use it as defense for their dub-watching. It is NOT HARD to read and listen at the same time. In fact you probably do it all the time - I am right now, listening to music and reading/writing posts here. It's not a difficult task. It's not as though one must block off the voices on the TV so one can fully concentrate on the subtitles. If Martin Luther King had been speaking in any other language, his power would still be felt. The way the words were said wouldn't be any less powerful. That is an extremely retarded point, and anyone who used it as a defense for watching dubs very well should be called an idiot. This quote makes little sense because that's the exact reason anyone calls anybody dumb. You wouldn't be calling them dumb if they knew more than you. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. I wouldn't call names like Goku or Tienshinhan "Americanized". I don't care about the rice balls. That is something they could leave in. But I wouldn't call half the anime in the world educational no matter how much Japanese culture they expose us to. And if you read earlier I mentioned that most anime remains uncensored even dubbed so little kids won't be gaining too much exposure unless they sneak behind mommy and daddy's back. As for everyone being exposed to Japanese culture through anime. Half the stuff they cut out that pertain to the Japanese is too minor anyway (like the aforementioned riceballs) so no one will really care either way. OK, so I made a bad point there and agree with you about some dialogue change, but it is not like you're really going to learn THAT MUCH about the Japanese from such minor details anyway. 2. I never said it was hard to read and listen at the same time. I just said that some times actually saying the words and reading the words may have a different effect on people. When you give a speech, you emphasize words or phrases or put a little drama into the speech so as to grab the audiences attention. Do you really think MLK's speech would sound better in Spanish while everyone (who speaks English) listening is reading? I don't. The reason that speech is considered so moving to those here in America is because since we can understand every word the instant it is being said it is easier for us to get hookedto the way he emphasizes his points and catch our attention from the get go. Isn't that the point of acting or speaking in the first place? Isn't that why guys like Denzel Washington or whoever get Academy Awards? 3. It is just a friggin show. The reason people put anything on TV, in the Theatres, is to be entertained. I don't think person who knows more about the "original" should go around being an a** just because we haven't seen the show in its Japanese format. It's like crying over spilled milk. No one gives a damn about something so minor. Either way if you saw Akira or DBZ or whatever in English or Japanese (with subtitles) both versions are giving out the same story. Does anyone really care if someone else knows all the little stuff, like the characters original names? No. Why? because either way it goes, most of us here in America got into Anime for the animation, the storylines, and the shock value (The whole "Oh wow. America would never put nudity in Scooby Doo" or the "Man, if Goku can kill people, why can't the Transformers") The reason I became an anime fan was because I saw anime on Sci-Fi channel and saw how so much of the stuff they put into it would never be allowed on the cartoons we grew up with. It was different. It was spectacular, compared to our shows. The point of television is to cause awe and wonder through visual effects, not to see who knows what about this character and then go bash someone else because they didn't bother to care one way or the other about something that isn't that important in the first place.
  13. One of the most philosophical anime I've seen is Gundam Wing. THe dialogue gets boring at times and I admit that if you don't see the show from the first episode (I started at six the first time because I didn't have time to sit down and watch to begin with) you will be lost. But I like Treize Kushrenada's constant speeches about war and feel that they seem sort of poetic in a way.
  14. LONELINESS: Confused. I stand alone, no sense of up or down. Trapped between reality and fiction. Cursed. I am forced be afraid of my own shadow trapped within the confines of your hatred and your anger. Alone. Forever I shall be. Loneliness. My lover, my friend, my companion. I am torn between you lustful kiss, your sensual embrace and the world that tries to tear me away. The world that tries to force me into desolation. The world where hate consumes innocence and is fought with even greater hate. I walk within the sands of a desolate world, torn apart by my emotional scars and their herbal cures. Do I accept them and become one leaving behind all sense of who or what I am? Or do I continue to fight them and let their swords of friendship tear through my flesh? I choose the former and become the machine. Work with the machine, live with the machine, love with the machine. I choose the latter and my wounds leave only a trail of red across my flesh and a wall of black in my eyes. I fall to the floor. And I know nothing else but the cold kiss of Loneliness.
  15. Well, yes. But I don't feel that they should make us look dumb just because they know more. It's just a show (or movie). The point is to be entertained really. Oh and sorry if I made you get rid of your joke book. Take mine I'm not using it right now.
  16. Sorry about the long post. It's just that people (subbies) make me so mad when they act all snotty because they know about the original. And no I don't have too much time on my hands. It's Sunday and I had nothing else to do today.
  17. Episode 10: Dinomon's rage. _________________________________________________ Three children have come to the Digital World, seeking answers to their mysterious questions. Now Adam, Terry, and Jeff are allied with a group of Digimon searching for the greatest of all powers. _________________________________________________ Adam knelt by Reptilemon's side as the beast began to slowly lose his breath. "Hold on! Don't Die now! Hold on!" The police spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Fujikawa about the sudden disappearance of their son. "And what does the boy look like?" "Uh...well, I have a photo if you would like to use that." "That would be much appreciated." She reached in er pocket and began searching for a recent photo to use. She found it and gave it to the officer. "This is Adam at his High School's Homecoming dance, just a month ago." "He looks very much like his father." "Yes," she turned to her husband who only looked the other way paying no attention tothe turn of events. She could see the scowl on his face and knew he hated being compared to someone so inferior to himself, even if it is his own son. "He does, doesn't he?" said Rhea. "But anyway, we are not here to discuss his resemblance to his father. We are here to see if your people can find him. Now officer, is there anyway you can find him and bring him back?" "Well how long has he been missing?" "About three nights ago." "Well he has passed the deadline. Was anyone with him that you know of?" "Only his friend." "His name please?" "Theresa Willaims. It's a her. She went missing the same night." "Well ma'am, have there been any...um recent conflicts in the home. Anything between yourself and your husband. Or anything between the boy and one of you." Again Rhea looked at her husband and her heart almost fell dead, pierced by the sting of the resurgance of her husband's and son's battles. She amost fainted from her tears. "No. No officer. None at all." "Well apperantly the child is either striking at you for some unknown reason, is in trouble at school, or, since we have learned of his companion, having some sort of drug-related or sexual escapade." "What?" "Just the facts we have seen from runaway cases in the past ma'am." "How do you know he is a runaway?" "We don't. But if he isn't, do either you or your husband have some type of enemies." "No." "Well we can assume for the moment that he is a runaway until we gain further investigation. We have seen several similar cases to this one in the last few months. It may take some time before we figure our what exactly is going on. Thank you for your time, ma'am." "Thank you." The officer walked out of the room and Rhea Fujikawa looked to her husband. "Why didn't you help me?" "Because I have more important business." "What? Dammit Albert this is a situation even you can't blow off! He is our son! Don't you care if he gets hurt?" "He left, so he can find his own way home." "Albert!" Thump, thump, thump, thump. 'Is this what it feels like to die?' Reptilemon clutched at his "heart" and began to lose his breath as Adam cradled him in his arms. "Hold on, I'll save you." "Primal Scream!" cried Simiamon. He released a "screaming" ball of energy from his hands and launched it at the boy. "NOOOO!" cried Adam as he and Reptilemon went flying in opposite direction. Adam came to and saw a fire blazing in front of him. From the flames, Stymphalimon went flying at Adam and launched his beak "Spearhead Beak!" Adam dodged but was slightly nipped across the arm. As he got up he found a hairy pair of arms wrapped around his neck in a strangle hold. "Don't mess with the beast!" said the strangler, Simiamon. As Adam began to lose his breathe, and his consciousness, he began to think only of Reptilemon. 'Reptilemon. Please, get up.' But there was no salvation for his partner. The revelation hit Adam harder than a sledgehammer and he began to cry. 'No. I won't die like this. I won't.' "Damn, you're still alive. Oh well. I just have to SQUEEZE harder." Adam felt his vocal cords almost being smashed by the ape. There was nothing felt for him but the inevitable: Death. Dill, Terry, Collimon, and Teddymon sat at the shore of the beach and stared out into the ocean. "Cowwiemon?" said Teddymon. "Yes?" "Is Diw in wove with Tewwy?" "Uh well...I...uh? They just met. And besides Dill is too young." "So peopwe don't faww in wove when they awe to young?" "Uh...I guess." "So that means you and I won't faww in wove?" "Uhh...I'm going to see what those two are talking about." she stood up and walked over to Dill and Terry "Boy wove suwe is funny." "Dill," said Terry as she looked at the nine-year-old beside her, "If there are others here like us, where are they?" "At the Sanctuary." "The Sanctuary?" "That's where our leader is. His name is Malcolm." "Why are you here?" "Because we have no choice. Malcolm said he was going to make a place for everybody, because people laugh at us, and hate us. He is going to make a place where everything will be better for us. A U...a U..." "A Utopia?" "Yeah, that's it." Terry began to think to herself of all the times she and Adam have talked. 'They're called The Underground and they want to help us escape to Utopia.' "Could it be? Could Lord_Digital be this..." "TERRY!" cried Jeff, from the distance. "Jeff? JEFF!" "TERRY!" Jeff ran up to Terry panting as if unable to ever catch another breath again. "Oh thank God I found you." "Jerk. What do you want?" "What are you talking about?" "About earlier and the way you being such a friggin prick. Or did that slip your mind?" "I..." "We accept you as our friend and that is how you treat us?" "Will you SHUT UP? Geez. This is not about you, but before we get off topic I'd like to say I'm sorry for whatever, but right now we have more important issues." "Like what?" she said snottily. "Like Adam about to get killed." said Felimon, as he stood next to Jeff's side. "Adam? How did you..." "Our powers give us some sort of connection but no time to explain, let's go." "Right, Colliemon?" "Yes, Miss Terry." said the ever-loyal collie. "C'mon Teddymon." said Dill "Oh cool a fight." "Dream mergence." cried out the trio in unison. They disappeared and reappeared within the subconscious of each of their partners. "Felimon, Dream Digivolve to...Siberimon." "Colliemon, Dream Digivolve to...Howlmon." and the trio ran off into the sunset. "Reptilemon..." "Huh?" An orange tyrannosaurus appeared before the dying reptile. "Hold on. I have so much to give you, Reptilemon. But I can't if you won't hold on." "A..A..Agu...Agum...AARRRGGHH!" he cried as Stymphalimon stomped on his wound, pushing the beak in further. "Nothing personal. I want to live." "Styphalimon. Shoot this boy. He won't stay still." "With pleasure." Stymphalimon walked up to the boy and grabbed him around the chin. "Age before beauty and I'd rather kill a thousand of you punks than let myself go to the wayside. Where should I aim?" he pointed at the boy's chest, "The heart is perfect. No one survives that." He backed up and began to prepare the move. "Shoot him I can't hold him, even with all my strength." "Fine. Spearhead..." "Heroic Roar." Siberimon's blast struck Stymphalimon and sent him flying. "You again." "Leave Adam alone," said Howlmon. "Teddymon? You traitor!" screamed Stymphalimon, "Wingspan!" His feather flew off and began acting as blades as they flew straight to their targets. "Spearhead Beak! Spearhead Beak! SPEARHEAD BEAK!" The beaks began to explode all around Siberimon and Teddymon. Neither could maneuver whatsoever. "I can't get past him!" said Siberimon. "I'm small and he still got me caught. And these wings flying everywhere doesn't help." Howlmon charged straight at Simiamon. "Stop or I break his neck." "Go ahead I don't care about him." "Hah. I used to be one of you. I know that old ruse like the back of my hand." "One of us?" "Primal Scream." he held one hand out and shot his blast. Howlmon took the shot head on and was knocked back a few inches. "You're too strong for a rookie." "I learn from the best." As Simiamon held Adam in his hands, Adam began to faint. His eyes saw only darkness. Not the many voids he saw Agumon within, but pure nothingness. He fell to the ground face first and could not move whatsoever. "I can kill him anytime. You and me b..." "Spirit of the Canine!" "Arrgggghhhh." he said as he went flying. Immediately afterwards Howlmon was all over him snapping her jaws as if she had gone rabid. Simiamon held her back, barely able to escape. "Adam. Adam." said a familiar voice. "Reptilemon?" "Adam, I am dead." "No. No." "Help me, Adam. Don't cry for me. I was a jerk. I hated you and your friends when all you did was try to show me love. I'm sorry, Adam. I deserve this." "No I won't let you." "I MUST DIE ADAM!" "YOU STUPID JERK! WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT TOGETHER." "ADAM NO!" "NEVER! I WILL HOLD ON NO MATTER WHAT." "WHY?" "BECAUSE YOU'RE MY FRIEND." "Friend? I'm your friend?" "Yes." Adam held out his hand to the darkness and in its place appeared Reptilemon, devoid of any wounds. "I've never had a friend before." The gold D-Force began to glow and Adam and Reptilemon began to disappear. "GET OFF ME!" screamed Simiamon. He punched Howlmon in the side of the head and threw her off. "PRIMAL SCREAM!" The blast knocked her back again and she charged forward. "OH. OH. AH. AH! AHHH!" screamed the ape. And then a great light appeared and everyone stopped to see Adam, standing on his own feet, his body glowing. He looked down at his hand to see the image of Agumon. "Ready?" "Yes." The light grew bigger until only light could be seen and when it faded there stood not Adam, nor Reptilemon, nor Agumon. There stood a large beast, 15 ft. in height, with green scales, 10 tiny wings on his back, a muscular body, a yellow belly and chest, a large horn on his nose, and incredibly large and long fins for ears. The data analyzer in Stymphalimon's head went off. "DINOMON. CHAMPION LEVEL. ANIMAL VACCINE. ATTACK: AQUA BOMB. HE IS AN AQUATIC DIGIMON CAPABLE OF FLIGHT AND HAS AN IMMENSE APPETITE FOR VIRUSES." "I am Dinomon. Roar." he said. He stomped his foot with all of his strength, turned his head to the sky and said, "I SAID RRROOOAAARRR!" To be continued... ____________________________________________________ Episode 11: Demon-Dinosaur _________________________________________________ Our story in a nutshell: Two kids merge with two Digimon and the mix of Data and DNA creates two whole new creatures. The kids and their partner?s journey to the Digital World to escape the Real World and meet two more like them. However, now our main character Adam has discovered that he will destroy the world and must come to terms with questions about his own destiny. ____________________________________________________ "My name is Jack McGee and just yesterday I was helping my boss and co-workers solve some sort of mystery about a hologram that appeared on our computers,? said a medium-sized, red-haired, green-eyed man as he spoke into his tape recorder. "That was the easy part. The hologram consists of a burning Earth at the center of which is my employer's son screaming obscenities at his father as he changes into a skeletal figure. I see it as some sort of premonition, but my employee refuses to believe in the possibilities of fate." "Now as I stare at my computer screen I see codes. Of course, I an expert programmer, but this is unprecedented. These codes are so advanced that they could not even exist within the confines of reality. It's like a science fiction movie brought to life right before my eyes. I don't know what to make of them. The most advanced of these codes is some type of incalculable anomaly. It doesn't look as if any of them can exist for very long. They are slowly losing data and will alter into simpler codes in about an hour or so. I will continue to study them though as long as I see humanly possible. And maybe we can get some answers." "RRROOOAAARRR!" The air vibrated at the sound of Dinomon's roar, almost as if struck by a level 9 earthquake. The creature's muscles flexed and tensed with power that was barely able to be contained by the thick green skin that held them. He stopped and stared at his foes. One was the birdman Stymphalimon, who looked like a late-night snack. The other Simiamon would be lunch in two seconds, despite being so strong for a rookie. "Spearhead Beak!" cried Stymphalimon as he shot his blade-like beak at the lizard foe. "Aww, shut up." Dinomon slapped the beak away like a fly around his ear. "You tried to kill me. You had me there for a second you know. All the more reason to tear that stupid beak off your face and stuff it down your throat." "AWK!" screamed the creature as he flew at Dinomon. The two went at it for about 3 minutes. Stymphalimon slashed, scratched, and clawed his way through a layer of Dinomon's skin and yet, Dinomon himself appeared unfazed. He punched Stymphalimon in the face and gave him a shot to the gut. "Why you little prick." Dinomon raised his elbow and dropped it right on Stymphalimon's head. "OH! OH! AW! AW! AWWWW!" cried Simiamon. He leapt at Dinomon with all his reflexes. "Primal Scream." Dinomon barely moved an inch. He raised his cement-like fist and smacked Simiamon with one good blow, sending the ape flying through several trees. "Spearhead Beak!" Stymphalimon's sharp beak pierced Dinomon's back and made him yell out in unbearable pain. The birdman took to the sky, grabbed Dinomon by the shoulders and flew him straight into a tree. "Wingspan." His bladed feather flew off and struck their down opponent. "No apocalypse for you." He flew down and approached the downed hero. Dinomon raised a single hand and grabbed the bird by the throat. "Nothing personal. I just want to live," said Dinomon. He gave Stymphalimon his best gut shot, hit him once in the face and then spun around and kicked him. He raised his hands and began to summon water molecules into them. The molecules formed a large bubble like energy sphere. "Aqua Bomb!" He tossed the weapon and Stymphalimon, and watched with glee as the screaming birdman began to dissipate into data particles. In a black and green room, flashing 1's and 0's composed the walls and a 16-year-old boy sat next to the bed of his sickly 9-year-old sister. "Cocoonmon's telepathy has shown me their fate. Malcolm, Jason has gone back to the other side." "He's gone from here? What about Ravenmon?" "Gone." He stood up, walked over to the wall and slid his fingers through his greased down black hair. "It's begun them. I'll kill him." Dinomon stood in the center of the forest. He stared into the sky, and began to scream in total triumph. The power surged through his body like a wave flew through the deepest ocean. Nothing could touch him. Nothing could stop him. And then, unexpectedly he began to hold his head and released another scream only this was no scream of invincibility. This was no scream of triumph backed by the utter power in his hands. A few moments ago, Dinomon had the strength and arrogance to hold off an entire army, to crush an entire world beneath his scaly finger and not care why or how. Now he was nothing but a sniveling wimp, cowering before the pain in his head. "ARRRRRGGGGGHHH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" "Dinomon?" said Howlmon. He let out another unbearable screech of pain. "AARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!" "The future is yours to destroy Dinomon," said the voice in his head, "My great destroyer has revealed himself. "I am not your destroyer!" "What are you talking about?" asked Siberimon. He stood tall, took a brief puff of air, and exhaled. Finally he had regained his composure." Siberimon, Teddymon, and Howlmon walked up to Dinomon. "Adam, is that you?" said Howlmon. "I'm not Adam." "What about Reptilemon?" said Siberimon. "I am not Adam. I am not Reptilemon. I am both. I am neither." He raised his gaze towards the sky and cried out "I AM DINOMON!" The trio held their ears at the magnificent roar. "Adam chill out with the screaming." said Howlmon. "Adam Fujikawa is dead. Reptilemon is dead." "No," said Teddymon, "You are Adam Fujikawa and Reptilemon. You are the great destroyer." "I am not a destroyer." "I hate to say it... "YOU ARE A LIAR." He shoved his face towards Teddymon. "I don't like liars. And you're looking kinda tasty right now." "Gulp." Teddymon began to quiver. "That's enough Adam?" said Siberimon. "Everyone De-Digivolve now. We have had enough excitement for one day." The light appeared from each of their bodies and soon the gang began to De- Digivolve only to find Dinomon still where he stood. No Adam. No Reptilemon. "Adam, what is wrong with you?" said Terry. "I'm not going back." "What?" said Jeff. "Reptilemon is dead. Adam is dead. I am Dinomon. I'M NOT GOING BACK EVER AGAIN." "Adam control yourself" said Terry as she put an arm on his. "NEVER!" he flung her a few good feet with one swipe and ran through the rest of the team, swinging them out of the way. "NNNEEEVVVEEERRR!" his voice trailed off. In his secluded cabin in the woods, the man known only as Dark_Lord sat in his offices, staring at his computer screen. "So Lord_Digital's crony failed. Well, I always said he had more use than brains. I think cannon fodder suited him just well. Now it is time to really get serious. Pyre, your old friend, Agumon is waiting for you." "Yes master." Dinomon trailed through the woods, plowing through the trees like there was nothing. "I'm not going back." "DINOMON!" his friends called after him. "I'm not going back." "DINOMON!" "I'M NOT GOING BACK!" A light flew from his body and began to grow. When it was gone, 14-year-old Adam Fujikawa curled into a ball, his friend Reptilemon cradled in his arms. "I'm not going back." he said as the tears began to flow from his eyes. "Adam." said Terry. "Adam," said Jeff, "I know it's been rough but please. We can't keep fooling around like this. "He's not going back." said Reptilemon. "WHAT?" the gang said in unison. "You heard me. We're not going back. While I was in there, I began to understand something. Adam and I hated each other but we have had our differences solved. It is a paradox that two people who hate each other are 100% the same. We're not going back, until we get some answers." "No you can't do that." said Dill. "We can. And we will." Adam crept slowly towards the cliff that was positioned ahead of him. "Adam don't you dare do it." said Jeff. Adam turned towards his new friend. "You can lead them without me." "I'm warning you Adam! Don't you dare do it." Unfazed Adam jumped off the cliff. In the old King James Hotels, which had been trashed and unused for years, a 15 year-old African American wakes up to find his four friends still lying on the floor sleep, still in "The Other World". He walks over to the still-active laptop on the table and looks at the screen. A black bird appears, wounded and barely breathing. He inserts a disk from his pocket and clicks save. The bird flies into the disk's only file and awaits for his next day of usage. The boy removes the disk and says "Ravenmon, my friend. We will have our time in the sun again." He stares around. Afterwards, the boy, who is now known as Jason Matthews says, "Been a long time. So this is what the real world looks like." and steps outside to rejoin humanity. To be continued...
  18. Ok I was in the DBZ thread and there were some arguments that really got on my nerves so I wanted to clear something up. I know you've probably had that whole argument about Dubs vs. Subs(but I couldn't find one and I'm too lazy to go through every page from the beggining of this thread) so I just wanted to clear up some confusion about us "dubbies". [B]I hate dubs cause they turn the original into a kid show[/B] Just because it is marketed as a "kid" show doesn't mean it is so. Let's take DBZ. They have: toys, Burger Kings kids meals, dumb-down jokes in the CN show, whatever. Look at Spider-Man the Movie or X-men the movie which were marketed teh same way, yet no one would call Wolverine calling Cyclops a d*** or Green Goblin's mass murders as "kids" stuff. Of all the anime here that is dubbed and on TV the only ones that are "kids" shows are those that where intended to be in the first place (Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-oh, Cardcaptors). And besides, I wouldn't call a show where characters die in excrutiating ways every episode (even in the TV versions of GW, DBZ or Outlaw Star) a "Kid" show. [B]I hate dubs cause they censor the good stuff[/B] a little equation I have for you. Dubs do not=censor. American Network Television=censor. Why? Because network T.V. is for a general audience, the key word being general. That means that everyone and their grandma could be watching this show so they have to keep the mature themes to a minimum so that little Billy won't learn some four-letter words or go shoot up his school cause he thinks he a cowboy. If you want uncensored please go to Sam Goody's (if you can find anything anime besides DBZ). [B]Dubs make so many mistakes in the show[/B] Well, yeah. But then again you have to remember a little something called a language barrier. For instance, in Spanish, o or a comes after almost every word to denote gender whereas in English no one gives a damn. We see a dog its "hey there's a dog". Because of the differences in how the languages are said and interpreted, not even 2 or 3 "experts" deciphering the original script will get it right all of the time. [B]They change everyone's name[/B] OK I can see if you prefer Son Goku over just plain old Goku or Mr. Satan over Hercules. That's fine with me. I'm a nice guy. But please, subbies and originals, DON'T BE SO ANAL ABOUT IT! I don't mind if you like to call whoever by whatever but just because you have your way, the original (Jenryu, Furiza, Gyamouru, etc.), and we have ours, the more understandable (Henry, Frieza, Ox King), doesn't give you the right to hate us and say we know nothing of the show. In the debate of subs vs. dubs, names are an irrelevant point because no matter what name they go by it is still the same character, doing the same actions, carrying on the same conversations, and fulfilling the same story points. If George W. Bush was called Bob by the Hispanics, or Jorge or whatever, it wouldn't make one bit of difference because he is the same G-Dub (little pun there.) to us. [B]Subs give you the whole story[/B] Well, not exactly. I've seen the subbed and dubbed version of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (not anime but it serves my point since I don't watch a lot of non-anime or non-Jackie Chan foreign films) and in the two versions there is no difference. OK yes the dialogue is altered in most lines but it is still the same story, still the same characters (more or less depending on how you feel about them), and it is still the same events moving the story along. Hell, the characters could say "I'm a stupid toad" the whole movie for all we know and the plot would still progress the same way. Some details are changed (the legendary super saiyan appearing 3000 instead of 1000, or no rice balls in Pokemon), but most of the changes only take place for unnecessary dialogue or dialogue that pertains only to the Japanese culture and would not be understood by us Americans. All in all, I would like to voice my opinion in the fact that even if you watch the subs and prefer them over dubs it's fine. Hey, it's fine if you like the original with no English (written or said) whatsoever. I personally prefer dubs because despite crappy VA some things sound better said in an understandable language than written (would Dr. Martin Luthor King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech have more of an impact read "I Have a Dream" or said "I HAVE A DREAM".) I don't care if you prefer subs, in fact I want to watch all my anime subbed and dubbed at some point just to see what the Japanese VA sound like. But please, subbies, DON'T BE SO ANAL about dubs that you have to say "dubbies are stupid for this or that". Just because you know more about the show in its original, unchanged form, doesn't give you the write to go "No, that never happened" or "your information is false cause your a stupid dubbie.", nor does it mean you get more out of the story, in most cases, than we do. Now I'm done. If this gets closed, I won't mind. I shouldn't have been lazy.
  19. For Aries, if you ever read this old thing again, Akira takes place in 2030, almost 40 years after WWIII (in the manga anyways. In hte anime the year is 2019). Anyway, a biker kid named Tetsuo is injured in a gang fight (anime) while trying to dodge some wrinkly kid with psychic powers. The military (who has been experimenting with psychic beings since the 60s) take the wrinkled boy back to base and Tetsuo with them. When they find out that his mind has been harboring dormant, psychic powers, they use a series of experimental drugs to unleash them. His powers drive him insane and he goes on a killing spree, which includes some of his former gang memebers, while looking for the most powerful of the military's test subject, the boy-God Akira. This leads to the ultimate battle between Tetsuo and his best-friend Kaneda. Again, sorry if I brought up an old thread. I just had to answer the poor man's question. And I think everything for a great Akira live movie is in place. All they need is a good writer (not to brag but me=) to condense the manga, or make it a trilogy. The movie is good but the manga would make for a far better story.
  20. I know this thread is old and dated but I had to clear something up. Akuma is the brother of Ryu and Ken's master and the Raging Demon is a technique that Akuma's ancestors sealed away because its power was so great that if used incorrectly it could kill the user and the opponent in one blow. Street Fighter ALpha wasn't impressive as anime goes but SF2 kick booty. Especially the hadoken scenes. Great animation at work
  21. Something I thought was pointless was all the jiggling *ahem*s in Voltage Fighter Gowkaizer. Sheesh, I like hot women (real not animated) and I know sex sells but that's overdoing it. And I hate action series like that were everyone has a perfectly good-looking body. Come on, there aren't that many "well-endowed" women, and not all of them are going to be teaming up as superheroes to save the world.
  22. And I was trying to find Lodoss War. Oh well. A lot of the more mature anime (Iria, Akira, Profect A-ko) left me confused mostly because I didn't see them in their entirety (I was constantly flipping between Sci-Fi channel and X-men on Fox during those wonder years) but now that I sat down and started watching I feel better about the stories.
  23. I have to admit I did not see Bulma and Vegeta hooking up in DBZ and having Trunks for that matter. I admit it was a welcome shock but totally out of left field. Poor Yamcha.
  24. Who do you think is the most underrated character of all the Z fighters and why? No saiyans (dubbie. Ok, sue me), here.
  25. Added effect? I really don't see any. I mean sure the blood, guts, sex or whatever makes the show more mature and give the show that extra shock value ("Can they do that in a cartoon. Cool") but when you really think about it the show is just about mindless violence either way it goes (not dissing it because then I wouldn't be here but that's the way it is). I don't care if you make fun of me becaue I say Hercules instead of Mr. Satan. I just prefer to hear a language I understand than to have to read (taking my attention off what makes the show great anyways, the animation or did everyone forget about that part?) of learn a completely new language just to watch so many odd episodes. I know about the show, it's history and everything else. I just prefer to use the names I am accustomed to. And besides no one bringsthe originals here anyways so what's the point. The show is not completely marketed towards kids. I've seen the "uncut" version of the Cooler movie and three episodes of the Majin Buu series and once again there is really no difference than what they do in the show on T.V. Most of you people underrate the dubs. It is not completely butchered as you say it is. They still showed Tien lose an arm, although with slight colorings so not to show the actual removal, they still showed Freiza skewered by Goku and even if youo couldn't see Trunks do it you could still hint at what he was doing with ease. We still saw Piccolo remove his own arm in his first fight with Cell. And we still see blood nowadays, not in puddles but its blood anyway who cares. Either way it goes we still see Master Roshi oggle young women even if the magazines are swimsuit magazines and not pornos. What does it matter he's still a pervert. And we still see people get the s***blown out of them in either version, which is a lot that most network don't let slip. The storylines are still the same and even though the new dubbed voices aren't as good as the Canadian ones (I happened to like Vegeta's raspy original dub voice better, thank you), you still have to admit that the dub VA put a lot into it. Vegeta turning Majin brings a tear to my eye because its just that powerful a speech. I wish you anime purist would just leave the dubbies alone. Even if we don't use the correct names or know abouot certain mature scenes it is not so highly censored as to be two different shows completely. I don't agree with censoring a work of art (if you can call DBZ that) but still leave us with what we are accustomed to. Mr. Satan being changed to Hercules is not such a big deal friggin' deal that you have to make a three page thread just to argue about it not being "the original thing". Wow they change his name, big friggin whoop. It's the same moronic character, either way it goes. And not all the dubbed anime you see is butchered for kids. Gundam is dubbed and yet the dub is still violent and still has most of the philosophical themes revolving around war. If you watch the dub, the show is just as mature dubbed as it has been subbed. And I don't think you can call any series where every character dies in excrutiangly painful methods, a kid show. I have yet to see an anime that is two different shows in the sub and dub category. They may have different lines, some added or deleted scenes and what not but they have the same concepts and the same stories and themes. Besides, who cares about the name change or the jokes. Cartoons (that include anime since anime) are put on television for the same reason everything else is, to entertain. Even if some of DBZ's jokes are pointless and unfunny the animation and the action are still there to the extant at which they attract viewers. How many people can honestly say they started watching Dragon Ball Z because of the hilarious jokes? If you're a red-blooded American like me you saw Goku kick the crap out someone in ways that no other cartoon has shown and liked it. Why did people bring up the jokes again? If you watch DBZ you have to admit that that show is not the most well developed series, plotwise, no matter how much you love it. That is the point of DBZ. To entertain through the animation and violence not to make you laugh or think.
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