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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. As far as my opinions go: Carnage has and always will be nothing more than a Venom-wannabe. This just goes to show you how the "grim and gritty" era of comics should have never existed. The 90's sucked as far as comics go. At least we got Venom, the best Spidey villain, in my opinon, out of the deal. I prefer Batman and the X-Men's villains to Spidey's. The villains aren't bad, but come on...Electro should be a heavyweight and not some bank robber (meaning they should take cues from the Spidey 90s cartoon and Ultimate comics). Norman Osborn should have stayed dead (unfortunately, Marvel is notoroious for ressurecting people when their deaths were meaningful). Doctor Octupus: He's a psychotic Roger Ebert in the comics. Kraven the Hunter? Let's not even start on him. Alot of his villains are cool (the Lizard, Venom, the Rhino, the Kingpin) but others (Morbius, Carnage) should just go. Unfortunately, Marvel has gotten into the bad habit of ressurecting almost every dead comic in its inventory, which means I'll probably convert to a DC fanboy for a while (I mean come on, they just signed several of the best writers in the industry to exclusive contracts for at least a year). Which means that like the 90's, expect to see 100 useless Spidey comics (and one or two good ones) on the shelves every month. Brian Michael Bendis is a good writer. Ultimate Marvel comics is a bad idea. (This is why comics should stop getting themselves wrapped in their own continuities) Spider-Man the movie ruled. Nuff said. Spidey 2 will probably rule. Nuff said. J. Michael Strascynski needs to finish Rising Stars. Nuff said.
  2. I was hoping for the Scarecrow as the next movie villain, but if anyone is needed to clean up the bile that is "Batman and Robin" its Ra's Al Ghul. I think it may be interesting to see Michael Cain as Alfred.
  3. Final Fantasy: Advent Children is the straight to video sequel to FF7, picking up where the cliffhanger ending left off. Most of the characters have been redesigned and given a more realistic appearance, plus, Sephiroth is back, and its rumored that Aeris might come back from the dead (hopefully not). It's already out in Japan, I think, and there's not word yet on if and when it will come to America.
  4. [QUOTE=VCrow]Hi im new to the forums, this is my very first post. But besides that.. Domon: It reminds you of Cyborg 009 because it was made by the same person.. i forget his name, but if you watch the commercial for Astroboy, it says "another one of "name's" greatest works. *Cues Anime Guru's to help him out* Anyways.. many people say they don't like the non-archetype anime look of Astroboy and Cyborg 009, but thats mainly because they haven't seen the series yet. Keyblade: I suggests renting an Anime movie called Metropolis, its made by the same person and has the same look as Astro Boy. I'm 90% sure that you will grow to like its look after watching Metropolis..[/QUOTE] No, Cyborg 009 was created by, Shinji Ishinimori, I believe was his name. He created several concepts that have now become a popular part of sentai (the Japanese superhero shows that Power Rangers are derived from). He is the creator of Kikaider, and a long-running series called Kamen Rider. Osama Tetzuka (the so-called "God of Comics") is the creator of Astro Boy, Metropolis and Kimba the White Lion (the show that the Lion King supposedly ripped-off.)
  5. Bats always takes Superman down, because Superman is and always will be a big, blue boyscout. Batman, as he has stated time and time again, is not. He will not hold back, and he almost always comes prepared. Logically, Superman would rip Batman apart in the span of Batman's next two heartbeats, and be done with it, but he's not that type of guy. He knows his powers could kill instantly, and holds back, because he doesn't like to kill, always giving Batman an upperhand. I've read much of The Dark Knight Returns, but whatever you do, never, EVER read The Dark Knight Strikes Back. While I am a big Batman fan, I stopped reading the comics during the grim and gritty era in the 90s (I prefer classic superheroes, thank you very much), but I did love the cartoon, and Batman Beyond. The only gripe I have is with the writers being unable to make up their minds as to whether Dick and Bruce should be friends or rivals in the cartoon.
  6. I love the previews, and from what I've read, Guillermo del Toro is not only a huge Hellboy fan, but will stay true to the Hellboy comics as best as possible, even hiring Mignola as a script superviser.
  7. Personally, Girlfriends is a great show, as are almost all of UPN's Monday shows (barring the Parkers, which was good but is now being stretched too thin, and Eve, which I never really cared about). I also liked Jake 2.0, Rock Me Baby and One on One, but those are my opinions.
  8. If the Flinstones could be pulled off as a live action film, just about any property could. I don't think there is an anime yet, (or at least very, VERY few) that has FX too complex to be accomplished in live action, or for that matter, too complex as to have never been accomplished in live action. I also think that it really doesn't matter what the characters look like in the show, because you can still get real people who look even close enough to the characters to pull them off. There are already talks of a Battle Angel Alita movie (by James Cameron himself), and an Akira and Lupin movie. The best candidate for a live action update would be Cowboy Bebop, IMO.
  9. I'm a huge Batman fan myself, mostly because of the cool toys, and the fact that he does the superhero gig without powers. I love Batman Returns, Batman the Movie, and Mask of the Phantasm. I just bought Child of Dreams (Kia Asimiya's take) and Batman Archives, vol.1 collecting his first few appearances, and the debut of Robin. As far as the comics go, I haven't read anything in his books since Hush ended. Loeb is a hit and miss writer: [B]Hits:[/B] Made Riddler semi-cool again Our World's at War Using Darkseid as the villain of his second Superman/Batman storyarc, and hopefully reinvigorating my favorite villain Turning Hawkman into the powerhouse we never knew he was Hopefully bringing back the original Supergirl [B]Misses:[/B] Killing off possibly the best black superhero in comics today (Steel) then bringing him back and crippling him, which set him up to be replaced by a wannabe in the form of his niece. Bringing back Krypto Turning Doomsday into a wuss Making Superman too powerful Packing in as many cameos as possible into one story, just for the hell of it Further complicating the Supergirl scenario than it actually needs to be. I could go on and on.
  10. Mind if I jump in? If I recall, weren't there seven secret stars? What are all four Yoshi's capable of in Super Mario World?
  11. It was just called "Sonic the Hedgehog". Weird fact, but then again I'm sure a lot of people know this: Sonic was played by Jaleel White who played Steve Urkel on Family Matters. I liked that Sonic cartoon, and I still read the Sonic comics from time to time, though I hate that Archie gave Knuckles, my favorite character, the shaft. Not only do they cancel his book and reduce him to having a crummy, ten-page backup in the Sonic books, but they kill him off and bring him back, powerless, after he had evolved beyond all Echidnas. Aye, yi, yi. I'm also hate the name Eggman and I hate his thinner appearance, though I wasn't too crazy about fat, stubby-legged Robotnik either. Why do Sega and Nintendo HAVE to change the American names after guys like me have grown up calling them Princess Toadstool and Dr. Robotnik our whole lives? Oh well. As far as the Sonic X cartoon goes, I really don't like it. It's boring, IMO, and I've never been crazy about the gang interacting with humans (who weren't their enemies), or about the Amy/Sonic relationship (I've been desensitized by the comics were they are cousins and Sonic dates Sally).
  12. About the animation styles, I've heard that Japanese studios usually don't have the type of budgets American studios have, which is why action-oriented and sci-fi cartoons are usually animated in Japan where its cost effective, while American studios usually do comedies, which dominate most of America's animation offerings, stateside, since it doesn't take a whole lot to draw something as simple as the Simpsons or Family Guy. Also, with lip movements, I've read that the Japanese and Americans go about that in different manners, with Americans having their voice actors provide the dialogue BEFORE a single frame is animated and using that as a guideline to determine how a characters lips should move, while the Japanese do it AFTER all the work is done and just add the recorded dialogue to the finished product. Something to think about. What I have to say about what should be considered "anime" has already been said. I really don't see why we have to label this cartoon "anime" or that cartoon "anime" just so that you can tell Dexter and Tenchi apart. Is it really that hard to do? Why do we need the label anyways? One thing I notice is that sometimes, even anime fans can't get it right. People will say "Thundercats" is anime, even though it was merely animated in Japan, but, by that definition does that make G.I. Joe, which was also animated in Japan, an anime. Why is the Animatrix considered anime, and Aeon Flux isn't? See what I'm saying. I don't see any significant differences between American, Japanese and other animation styles, barring obvious cultural differences and approaches to get the work done. Are all Japanese cartoons deep and thought-provoking? NO. Are all American cartoons episodic comedies? NO. All styles have their own form of variety, with many exceptions to the rules. Having to differentiate Japanese animation from other styles seems, what's the word "self-important", a means for people to say "no, I don't watch stupid cartoons, I watch anime". I really don't care about whether this cartoon comes from England, or Japan, or America, or Uranus for all I care. I'm a cartoon fanatic and if its good, I'll watch it, end of discussion
  13. Little thing about Anime Insider. It is a spin-off of "Wizard: The Comic Magazine". A running article Wizard did before almost completely overhauling their magazine, was the "Casting Call" in which they took a comic book series, and asked the question "Hypothetically, if a live movie was based on it, who would play the characters?" Their decisions are based on "Who looks the most like this character?" and "Who would bring what?" Don't take the article seriously, EVER. It is one of the mainstays that Anime Insider inherited. A joke not a legitimate fact. Afterall, in Wizard they cast Bruce Campbell as "Superman" for a Justice League movie (which doesn't fit at all) and even had Stone Cold Steve Austin cast as "Captain America" for a movie based on the post-apocalyptic Marvel series "Earth X" simply because he was bald, just like Cap is in the story. Anyways, referring back to the original post, I say, I'n really not all too concerned about the changes made because 1.) I've been dealing with them for YEARS. As I stated in my first post, there will be changes, just as there are in all movie adaptations, to attract a bigger audience than what the anime, or more precisely, the NGE fanbase can provide. As long as the movie(s) are even decent, (i.e. worth my eight bucks), then I'll deal. 2.) I'm not a big NGE fan to begin with. I've researched the series almost completely in-depth, and have seen a few episodes, but I'll be going to this movie like most other people (i.e. knowing the bare minimum of the series beforehand). That is, unless some money starts flowing into my pockets soon, then I'll probably buy the boxset.
  14. I'm not trying to be patronizing by any stretch of the imagination. Actually, I thought I was being funny, but I guess my brand of humor is lost on the masses. When I mentioned those movies above, I discussed what special effects accomplished for them BEFORE CGI took over the industry, not the actual greatness, or anything of that nature, of the story. As I said before, I found it pretty funny that 1.) people will denounce that anime of any kind couldn't work in live action film because of special effects related reasons. Whether or not you cared about the movies listed (I honestly was bored to tears by Blade Runner and hated Alien Ressurection), most of those movies redefined the special effects era and the power of Hollywood before the days of "oh, you can tell Neo and Agent Smith are CGI". and 2.) Will automatically make assumptions that "this will get cut out", or "they'll make it for stupid people", without ALL the facts. I found the same questions on this and other boards, being asked when the answer (in my honest opinion) are so blatantly obvious. Of course they're will be cuts, of course Hollywood could make, or try to make the EVA's come to life on screen. What I stated was not to glorify Hollywood, but to put to rest preconceived (and in some cases, misguided), notions people have about making this film. In my opinion, possibly the only anime that might not work on live film is DBZ, but for reasons besides special effects. Honestly, as I said before, I have some high hopes, and I will be in line to see it when it comes out. If I'm disappointed, I'll just keep my chin up, say "It wasn't the first time" (believe me, I could go on about how many movie adaptations disappointed me), and move on. That's all I have to say about that.
  15. Some points of interest that I'd thought I'd give my opinion on. Some may seem harsh, but don't take offense. [B]They'll probably cut out the philosopy. How can they put all the depth into one movie?[/B] Whoever said this would be one movie? One thing that has been, exasperating, to say the least, is that you people automatically assume that the creators of this film will cut it down to an action movie. First off, ADV has announced the ideas of making NGE the movie a trilogy. NGE is 26 episodes long with each episode spanning a total of the standard 22 minutes (not counting commercial interruptions). 5 full episodes and an additional 10 minutes of a sixth episode could be aired in the span of a 2 hour movie. That's atleast 16 full episodes (and an additional 8 minutes of story) in three, 2-hour-long movies, about enough information to get across all the main points of the series. Or if they just have to do another 9-hour-long trilogy (a la LoTR), you'd again have ample space to get out the entire series. Of course some material has to be cut, as so that most of the shows depth can be retained in a streamlined manner, but all-in-all don't assume that these filmmakers will just dumb it down, especially with how the people working on the story already seem devoted to the show. [B]They changed the name/city/designs etc.[/B] Name one, that's right, ONE movie, adapted from another property from another medium of entertainment, that hasn't been changed for the sake of the movie. I could go on and on about a number of properties (Charlotte's Web, almost any comic book movie, Akira, House of the Dead and countless others), that were almost completely changed from the original product (in some cases, like Akira, by the creator him/her/themselves). Things have to change for an NGE movie, because, if you hadn't notice, Hollywood is a money-operated town. Movies have to make more money than they are actually made with (the usual American "get something for nothing" dream) or else everyone (the fans, studio, filmmakers etc.) get screwed. If they make an NGE movie that appeals only to NGE fans, considering that the anime community is still, relatively small, and there's no guarentee that it's size will grow or remain stagnant, the movie will tank. Something has to change for the rest of the American audience to bring a greater sense of freshness and attract a bigger crowd who may not be all that interested in a bunch of Japanese kids and their feelings (I'm still not saying they will change the depth and make it an action movie) . They might add more action, get rid of certain characters for time, or yes, GASP now my geek friends, even Americanize the names (though I believe there's no argument with changing Raye to Rei unless there is a simbolic reason to keep the original spelling). Oh, an for those who pointed out the character's appearances: They're just concept (key word folks, CONCEPT) designs. These are not to determine EXACTLY how the characters should look, but how they might look in the finished project. [B]Why make an NGE movie?[/B] You actually have to ask this question? Simple supply and demand, people. We give you what you want at an affordable price. You want rap? Be prepared to hear b****, n*****, and h* on every station. Eminem your thing? We're searching the trailorparks for a new one. Like Pokemon? We'll put Pikachu's *** on lunchboxes everywhere if you'll buy them. How about Transformers? That cash cow hasn't had the chance to rest its utters in 20 years. Simple fact: You like anime, Hollywood is rushing to give you as many giant eyed, superbeings in "Looney Toons" sight gags as possible. NGE is one of the most popular and award-winning anime of all time, and anime is the "IT" thing right now. You say "why", I, my friends, say "why not"? [B]How can Hollywood make this movie? It can't make the EVA's[/B] You know, I find it hilarious that people will marvel at the LoTR trilogy, talk for hours on end about the Matrix, and still haven't gotten over how great Star Wars was, but on the same board, denounce that Hollywood doesn't have the power to make a live movie from a cartoon. I say thee nay, folks. You sorely underestimate the power of CGI, ILM, and special effects from all manners of companies. I'll refer you to these movies for examples [B]Alien/Aliens/Alien 3/Alien Ressurection[/B] Granted, the first came out in 1979, long before CGI hit big, and is still one of the most frighteningly create set's of all time. [B]Blade Runner[/B] Another Ridley Scoot masterpiece, with possibly the most copied set design in history. Ever watch Akira, or an episode of Batman Beyond? Those settings rip off Blade Runner to no end. [B]Terminator/Terminator 2: Judgement Day[/B] Almost every time James Cameron gets behind the camera, he redefines the special effects industry for generations to come [B]The Abyss[/B] Read the above statement. [B]The Star Wars Trilogy[/B] How dare you people say Hollywood can't do NGE live, and forget about the "Holy Trilogy". Shame on you. In 1977, studios scoffed at the possibility of making this series, believing that no budget alive could accomplish the task. Over 20 years later, fans across the world still marvel at Lucas' vision. See folks, in Hollywood, nary is there a force more powerful than a filmmaker with a vision. And in this age of CGI this and CGI that (which I personally find to be a somewhat sloppy way of doing filmmaking, but you didn't ask me now did you?), almost anything, ANYTHING can be done in a movie. Need I remind you of "Matrix Revolutions"? My point? Regardless of how you feel, please hush thine mouths until thine hast seen thine movie (s). Granted, movies based on even far more popular and beloved TV shows have not worked very often (Flinstones, Charlie's Angels, etc.), something always comes about and changes the standard. I have high hopes for this for the fact that a). Not many people know NGE. When, say, the Super Mario Bros. became a movie, not much work went into it because it was MARIO, people will see it anyways. How many people knew Road to Perdition was based on a comic? Not many. The filmmakers have to try that much harder to get this film recognized. b). From what interviews we've gotten so far, and the concept art, which I find gorgeous regardless of what some misguided souls may think, this project MAY be taken seriously for a change, another lump of coal becomes diamonds. SCORE! Done ranting!
  16. 1. The Star Wars Trilogy: A sweet and simple good vs. evil story that forever changed the sci-fi genre. It provided us with some of the best special effects ever made and its saddening that not only is Lucas ruining is vision by continously remaking the Trilogy, but also by making this craptacular prequels that feel as if a bunch of pasty fanboys wrote them. Either way, I will always remember the shocking revelation of Luke's parentage (yeah, its now a movie cliche, but was one of the biggest surprises in history) and the theme songs (my favorite being Darth Vader's "Imperial March"). 2. Field of Dreams: This was a sad and heartwarming story about accomplishing one's dreams, even after the time seems long past. 3. Alien: One of the most original horror movies of our time, this movie not only had THE COOLEST tage line ("In space, no one can hear you scream") and with its horrific monster, and cyberpunk settings (something that only a genius like Ridley Scott could create, and only James Cameron could not only duplicate, but improve on), this showed us how a horror movie should look when done RIGHT.
  17. Cruiserweight open, competitors. Billy Kidman Akaido Tajiri Funaki Rey Mysterio Ultimo Dragon Shannon Moore one of those guys from the FBI Jamie Noble and obviously Chavo Gurerro Jr.
  18. I know what you mean. But there are only four girls left on that series. It'll be over before you know it (unless they decide to have a stupid reunion episode or something like that).
  19. Jake 2.0 was a Wednesday show. Top Model replaced Rock Me Baby, and whatever shows UPN replaced the Mullets with. I hate reality shows, because I find the concept idiotic, but I watch Top Model slowly to laugh at these girls trying so pathetically hard to be models. I'm glad someone made it "easy" for the girls to fulfill their dreams, but honestly, it's not all that worth of my hour. P.S. Camille got kicked off and I'm still grinning from ear to ear.
  20. I just found out two matches. I couldn't remember one, and the other, I just heard about World Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way: Booker T & Rob Van Dam vs. Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance and WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way: Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. The Basham Brothers vs. The APA I think the team of Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty will win this one. Oh yeah, and by the way, I made a mistake. It is the US belt on the line between Cena and Big Show. My bad. Anyways, as far as the winners go... [QUOTE]1. Molly Holly vs. Victoria- Victoria will win this match...the WWE wouldn't schedule a head shaving match unless someones head was going to get shaved.[/QUOTE] Unless of course, they have Molly defeat Victoria and shave her head for the fun of it. Either way works. [QUOTE]2. Tori & Sable vs. Stacey & Miss Jackie- I think Tori and Sable have this match won, unless the WWE pulls another one of those "everybody wins" matches[/QUOTE] The fans win this one. Who cares who wins? They'll be sans evening gowns. Oh man, I'm starting to sound like a pervert. LOL. In all seriousness though, Sable and Tori win. Sables just got too much wrestling cred to lose. [QUOTE]3. Ten Man Cruiserweight Open- Ultimo Dragon is going to win the title at Madison Square Garden...it was the reason he joined the WWE[/QUOTE] If not the Ultimo Dragon, the belt will probably go back to Rey Mysterio. I'm hoping for one of those two. I can't stand Chavo ***** mode. [QUOTE]4. 4 Way Raw Tag Match- As much as I like Booker T and RVD I think the Dudley Boyz will come out of this match champions. They are the "staple" tag team of WWE.[/QUOTE] The Dudleyz, definately [QUOTE]5. Kane vs Taker- The Dead Man will remain undefeated at Wrestlemania. This will mark the return of vintage Undertaker.[/QUOTE] The Taker is the only superstar to have never, EVER, lost a Wrestlemania match, and not to mention, why would they hype his return so much just for him to lose. It's Kane for crying out loud. Taker will win. [QUOTE]6. Big Show vs. Cena- This match could go either way so I'll pick Cena because I like Cena's charecter.[/QUOTE] The way they are hyping him, Cena will win this one. [QUOTE]7. Rock & Sock Connection vs. Evolution- The Great One wouldn't return to WWE to loose a match...yet. It is a guarenteed win for Foley and Rock.[/QUOTE] Definately Rock & Sock Connection. As long as WWE doesn't pull a stupid move like have Rock betray Foley. [QUOTE]8. Jericho vs. Christian- I am actually really looking forward to this match, a match that probably will mark the return of Edge. Look for the Peeps Champion to come out on top.[/QUOTE] Jericho. This is too easy to call, unless something stupid and unexpected (like Trish betraying Jericho and going with Christian) happens. [QUOTE]9. Lesnar vs. Goldberg- I am uncertian about the outcome of this match. If Goldberg sticks around then he will defeat Lesnar only to get stunned by Austin at the end of the match. If he plans on leaving (or is forced to leave) then Lesnar will win the match only to gt stunned by Austin.[/QUOTE] Rumor is that Goldberg is leaving after Wrestlemania, so they'd probably let him win his last WWE matchup. [QUOTE]10. Angle vs. Gurerro- I was glad to see Eddie finally win the big one, but I don't think he will beat Angle at Wrestlemania.[/QUOTE] Eddie's come too far to lose this one. Viva la Raza. [QUOTE]11. HHH, HBK, Benoit- In my opinion this is a really stupid angle. Look for HHH to retain the title after possible interference from Brett Hart.[/QUOTE] Benoit. I think he's come too far to lose. Besides, I'm tired of HHH as champ, and I never liked HBK.
  21. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was a flute player. In 5th grade, I joined a new school, and had the choice of either taking French, Band or something else I can't remember, as an elective. I chose band, and decided to play the flute. Long story short, I was a big Power Ranger fan (still am) and I was so enamored by the Green Ranger that I wanted to play the flute, since he had his Dragon Dagger (a flute and dagger in one). I found that learning the flute was easy, and I was one of the top players in my band, though I was only good enough to have been in the Intermediate level. Before playing the flute, I was a violin player, but I gave up on that when I switched schools.
  22. I love the one where all the races were choosing which celebrities were what race. The black people chose Tiger Woods and the Asian people picked the Wu Tang Clan. That was just hilarious. "Fo shizzle".
  23. I love this show, and it only continues to get better. The series, like South Park, pushes the envelope without being idiotic and crass for no reason. I love his "When Keeping it real goes wrong" segments, "Negrodamus", and "A moment in the life of Lil' John". The Lil' John sketches are actually very similar to a joke idea I came up with for a series I'm working on myself. My favorite quote "I'm Rick James, *****".
  24. Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg with Stone Cold Steve Austin as guest referee Here's what I know to the best of my recollection: The Rock n Sock conection (the Rock and Mick Foley) vs. all of Evolution (with the obvious exception of HHH) Kane vs. the Undertaker Tori Wilson and Sable vs. Miss Jackie and Stacy Kiebler. (1st ever playboy evening gown match. The winner is the team who rips off the other teams dress). Jericho vs. Christian 1st ever Ten man Cruiserweight open (Chavo Guererro Jr. defends against Rey Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon, Kidman, Funaki, Akaido, and 4 others) 4-way tag team match (RVD and Booker T vs. La Resistance vs. whoever won last night's match between Lance Storm/Val Venis and the Dudley Boys, vs. a fourth team I can't remember) Eddie Gurerro vs. Kurt Angle for the Championship Big Show vs. John Cena for the Intercontinental Championship Molly Holly vs. Victoria for the Women's title (if Molly loses, she has to shave her head.) HHH vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit for the Heavyweight Championship
  25. Thundercats isn't anime. It's an American cartoon but Rankin/Bass, the series producers, hired a Japanese studio to do the animation. It's nothing different from what is being done to most American made action cartoons. [url]http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/CrewGuide/showid-10078/ThunderCats/[/url]
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