Omar Harris
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Everything posted by Omar Harris
The Hulk looks very realistic in this one; much better than the Lou Ferrigno Hulk from the TV show. That guy used to creep me out as a kid (ok, I was a coward as a kid. Sue me:p So far, like every comic movie, there are changes. The Hulk's father is a geneticist, and implanted the trigger that created the Hulk, the trigger that brought the beast to life with the gamma rays, whereas in the comic, the Hulk is the living manifestation of all of Banner's repressed rage. It looks like dear old dad, who was a drunkard, and the murderer of Bruce's mother, will be the "villain" of this story. It would be interesting if the movie featured the Abomination (the anti-Hulk.) If I wrote this movie, I'd have him as a anti-American spy who joins forces with the American government to fight the Hulk, for American pardon. While on the subject, I've always wondered why Marvel can afford the best directors (Sam Raimi on "Spider-Man", Bryan Singer on "X-Men", or Ang Lee on "The Hulk") but not the best writers. Save for "Spider-Man" and "X2", none of their movies were as good as they could have been, in my opinion. Not that they weren't good, just could have been better.
Or it could be evil by saving too many people and leaving Earth overcrowded. Just saying;)
That's site is wrong. Wolverine had that same attitude in the comics since his first appearance as an X-Man. He's projected his claws on several of his teammates in the past. In #94, one issue after his first X-Men appearance he nearly gets into it with Iceman.
They actually featured his religious background heavily in the Fox cartoon. Not only was he a monk in his two guest appearances, but he constantly talked about God (even mentioning his name) prayed, and even debated God's kindness with Wolverine. In the first appearance, Wolverine is seen in a church, kneeling on the floor, reading the Bible out loud. But, since this is a more child-oriented series, Nightcrawler's religious background will not play a serious part of his character. There are a few changes I enjoy and some I scoff at. Most of the character designs are well done, and some even superior to anything used in the comic, such as Magneto's dark cameos in the first few episodes, and the actual uniform he wore, Quicksilver's uniform and Rogue's goth look, although it makes her a less-spirited and lively character than she originally was in the comics. I am not, however, a huge fan of the surfer dude persona that Havok was given, and I still prefer the edgier and more rebellious Wolverine, over the toned-down "cool, but fatherly" version in the show. I'm just now trying to get back into the show, having skipped much of it because I thought it didn't compare to the original. The animation is better and voice acting exceed the original, but will never do the same as far as artwork and storytelling are concerned. Mostly, this is just a fun take on the X-Men, and I can't wait until season 4 (can you say "Apocalypse").
Low and behold, in the wake of the current trend in introducing Marvel comics to the world of cinema, we now have The Hulk. OK, this is pretty old news, but I thought it deserved a thread. To anyone not familiar with the Hulk, or living under a rock, the Hulk is about a scientist named Bruce Banner, who designs a bomb using gamma radiation, for the military. When he sees a young boy named Rick Jones sitting on the test site (at least in the comic) he saves him, only to be splashed in gamma rays when his partner (revealed to be a commie spy) lets the bomb go off instead of halting the countdown. Now, whenever he becomes enraged, all the pent-up anger and rage he has had for his entire life, transforms him into a living "engine of destruction", the Hulk, a green, humanoid monster, with the mentality of a toddler, and near-infinite strength that continues to grow as he becomes angrier. The movie is directed by Ang Lee ("Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon") and features what look to be some spectacular CGI for the Hulk himself. Anyone interested?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Would you like the brooding attitude and tragic past as well? : p[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Brooding attitude is something I already have so I wouldn't mind. Tragic past, no. I'm on edge as it is, if pushed further, I'd snap and there'd be no going back.
Horror movies don't scare me much. I was horrified of Gremlins and the Cryptkeeper as a child, but I have since grown out of both. The last movie that ever "scared" me was "Signs". It wasn't scary, but the scenes involving the aliens happen so quick and out of nowhere that you just have to get a bit of a jolt. "Hellraiser" is the scariest, true horror movie I've seen in years (I saw is about 5 years ago). Se7en, while not a horror movie, can be agreed to be a huge mind twister with grotesque images and a perfectly disturbing atmosphere.
I think Freddy would annihilate a lot of movie monsters single-handedly. Freddy is, unfortunately, the most inventive monster I've seen in years, and that's saying something. C'mon, you just don't **** with a guy who can kill you in your own dreams. Jason X was a horrible movie, though I'll admit, that whole camper hologram scene was indeed hilarious. Uber Jason was as much a good idea as Super Shredder in TMNT 2 (*vomits*).
Devilz Advocate is the only one here who understands me. lol.
Not alot of them. It's mostly at the beginning and end of the movie. Alanis Morisette as God? Whodathunk? Smith is the master of dialogue, and Will Farrel is hilarious in this movie.
I was a big Scooby Doo fan as a child. I knew who Flim Flam was, but got here too late. Thirteen Ghost put an interesting spin, especially with real demons. Zomba, for some reason, reminds me of the Cryptkeeper (Tales from The Crypt) whom I was horrified of as kid. lol. A pup named Scooby Doo was my favorite because of the absurd spin it deals. I've seen almost every Scooby cartoon (except What's New Scooby Doo?), Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School, Scooby Doo and the Boo Brothers (or something like that. I saw only half of it.) and Zombie Island and the Witches Ghost, parts of the Alien Invaders, and part of the Computer Virus movie. My biggest complaint about the new movies is the voice of Shaggy (no one compares to the great Casey Kasem except Matt Lilard.) The live movie was rather funny, and Matthew Lilard is Shaggy, no doubt. I didn't like Freddie Prinze Jr or Sarah Michelle Gellar's roles in the movie (I never like the "dumb jock" portrayal of Fred or the "airhead" adaptation of Daphne, as neither character was ever like that.) The ending was twisted, but funny none the less (am I the only Scrappy fan.) Oh and watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back for a hilarious cameo by the Scooby Doo gang. Trivia (I just had to do one for Manic/Endymion. ;) ): Who is Norville Rogers?
Considering that both have been screwed royally, this is as far as either could go to keep making money and being the cultural icons they are. I'm straying away from this one.
[spoiler]I know I wasn't the only one who noticed this: Zion must have one really big affirmative action policy. lol. Almost every other character you see is either African American or just dark/tan skinned. It's pretty cool but kinda wierd at the same time. lol. j/k I wonder if the Wachowskis are gonna finish up the Morpheus/Locke/ Niobe triangle. Probably will, and if they do I hope it is at least somewhat interesting.[/spoiler]
The Matrix Reloaded was only slightly better than the first. The problem with this movie is that it is the same cliched story. Man is enslaved, a great hero will come about and save the world, blah, blah, blah. I'd be disappointed if the Wachowskis didn't pull off some big "omigod, that was awesome" twist at the end of the third movie. As usual, there are some new faces, some good, others ok. [spoiler] Tank is replaced as Morpheus' crew's operator by a new character named Link. Tank's fate has yet to be revealed although it seems that he may have been killed off-screen between the Matrix and Reloaded. The kid who keeps following and annoying Neo is a character callled, what else, the Kid and is the main character of a short in the Animatrix. Also, the Osiris, from "Final Flight of the Osiris" is mentioned, as its demise is the start of the events in Matrix Reloaded. I love the twist about the Oracle being the "mother of the Matrix" but could someone please tell me what the hell was the Architecture rambling on about. OK, so there were six version of the Matrix and six versions of "The One" but the guy was talking like a living dictionary gone wild and I couldn't understand what he meant about the One's purpose and the repeated destruction of Zion. Was this all like a game of some sort? Anime Invasion has given an in-depth look at the upcoming Animatrix, and several shorts are already available on [url]www.whatisthematrix.com[/url] Here's a rundown: There are nine movies, each about 9 or 10 minutes long. The first two make up "The Second Renaissance", a documentary on the history of the war with the machines and the birth of the Matrix. The rest include: 1. Program, in which a woman learns that her lover plans to reintegrate into the Matrix and must decide whether or not to go. 2. Final Flight of the Osiris. This is shown at the beginning of Dreamcatcher and sets up the events of Matrix Reloaded. 3. Kid's Story, which tells the adventures of the Kid and how he got hooked up with Neo. 4. Detective Story, in which a detective finds himself going after Trinity. 5. World Record, about an athlete who breaks the world sprinting record while trying to escape Agents. 6. Beyond, in which a group of children find themselves in a house that is a living bug in the Matrix, as Agents come along to attack. 7. Matriculated, about a world were humans plugged machines in the Matrix instead. Program, Detective Story and The Second Renaissance pt. 1 and 2 can all be seen on the "What is the Matrix?" website. [/spoiler] Overall, I give this movie a 9/10. Great story and even more of a mind rape than the first, but the actions scenes, while beautiful to look at, where a bit too drawn out to really care about them and the philosophical edge is too much for conventional moviegoers.
1. The power everyone seems to have forgotten: the ability to duplicate any super power of my choice. Why be left to just one, when I can copy them from anyone of you. 2. Depends. I'd cure AIDS and other disease that the doctors seem to be blowing our charity money on, and then everything else is in the air. 3. What is this concept of good and evil you speak of? lol. Shadowdramon is above good or evil. Shadowdramon just is. lol. Seriously, since many of you said good, I'd conquer the world and see how many of my fellow superhuman Otakuboarders could stop me. I'd recreate "The Gathering" episodes from Gargoyles (watch Toon Disney if you don't know what I'm talking about.)
There is no way a second Akira movie could or should exist. Though many questions are left open, especially as to Tetsuo's true fate, it was a movie that was designed to make the audience think rather than place all the answers to you on a silver platter. There is no way there could be a sequel, and a prequel should remain out of the question. There's not really much we need to know about the beginning, and what little is not explained is found in the manga.
Dogma was a pretty good movie, in my opinion. Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (which is hilarious if you get passed the "every other word is a curse word" dialogue of Jay) are the only two I've seen in full. I'll wait to get all five on DVD. I'm like you Transtic, I can't get enough of Dogma.
The only movie worst than Kung Pow in my opinion, is Freddy Got Fingered. Only so much of Kung Pow was funny until the jokes became overused
Though, I am the biggest X-Men fan on this board, and possibly the biggest comic geek on this board for that matter, I was a bit disappointed with the firt movie. I thought it was a decent effort, but there was not enough character development for most of the characters other than Wolverine, and played off as being the Matrix with the X-Men instead of Neo and the gang. Hopefully, X2 will surpass its predecessor and give me something to hope for with X3 when its finally made. I look forward to seeing Nightcrawler at the least, and Kelly Hu, as Deathstrike, looks beautiful, but then again, when is she not beautiful. Oh and by the way, WTH is Halle Barry even in this movie franchise anymore? They could have a newbie as Storm and it would still not make any difference. I prefer that over wasting such a talented actress like HB. *drools*
The movie is rather freaky, and that works to a satisfying degree. The scene that appears after every other scene (with the needle and the widening pupil) was a nice touch. I was also freaked out when the mother saw the game show audience, host and contestant come out of the TV and the way actor Keith David looks when he invites Marion in for that little strip contest or whatever it was.
Whatever happened to the good days of rap with The Fresh Prince, Sugarhill Gang, and MC Hammer? (Yes, I like those guys.) I wish rappers like Outkast would come back and actually have SOMETHING to say in their rap.
I've always wondered why Sci-Fi writers made Earth so incredibly important to alien races. Unless there is proof that we exist in an "integral location" or have something vital, I don't think that, if aliens existed, they'd have a particular interest in us, especially when there technology is so advanced as to allow space travel. I do believe aliens exist. It seems too naive to believe that we are the only beings ihabiting this universe, which to my understanding, is not only so extremely large that there are countless planets we know nothing of, but is constantly expanding in the process. The supernatural is another issue. I would like to think that there were a such thing as supernatural beings and forces, but then again, that would be horrific to experience and would take all the fun out of guessing this stuff lol
From what I've heard, it may have done with budget restrainst or the possibility that the show was no longer pulling in the fan base that it needed to stay on TV.
Long time no see, everyone. Takuya, thanks for clearing up my weak bit, but one question: Are we keeping Kai and that other chick (can someone please tell me what Jeri's purple haired friend was named?) or no?
It's strange how here in America, most people hate the show and other shows like Power Rangers and Beetleborgs, but in Japan, those shows are as big as Spider-Man or Superman, possibly a thousand folds bigger. I don't watch Ultraman much. I find that I somewhat like sentai, the genre of films Ultraman and Power Rangers comd from, but the show could be slightly less cheesy.