Omar Harris
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Hi-ho, Kermit the Frog here...Oh wait, wrong persona.:p Anyway, for those who don't know, Kia Asamiya is the creator of Silent Mobius. His art style is pretty good, especially when colored. Recently, he has been featured prominently in the American comic market, where he is doing a Batman story(or has done, I haven't kept up with its status) provided some art for X-Men: Evolution the comic, and is the current artist for Uncanny X-Men. Are there any fans of his work? If so what other work has he done and are they any good? What are your opinions? On another note, what do you think about the sudden influx of anime influence in the American Market? Shows such as The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack have obvious anime influences and some would argue that the movies Treasure Planet and Atlantis do as well. The French series Totally Spies is animated similarly to anime style(much to some fans dismay) and anime has made a huge impact in the comic market with Dreamwaves studio (the company that currently produces all the Transformer comics) and even Marvel Comics, possibly the number one comic publisher on God's green Earth, has jumped the bandwagon with its Mangaverse line (which has some really weird concepts like the Avengers being a magic girl group, the Fantastic Four piloting mechs that combine a la Voltron, and Spider-Man as a ninja with Venom as an opposing samurai).:)
Anime D7 Peacemaker <<< It's made by americans, but is pretty awesome!!!
Omar Harris replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Projekt[Navi] [/i] [B]Endymion, if you want a trailer of it .. go to [url]http://www.divx.com/[/url] and you'll see the trailer out of the " Downloads " Section .. Anyway, Rick's opinion on anime made in america is correct, although I was only saying that it LOOKED like anime just as crap like Batman Beyond tries to be .. .___. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, you can hate on "Americanime" (my new word) all you want but no one talks about Batman Beyond. Anyway, this movie looks good from the appearance of it. I just hope it is good though. -
I have. I heard two of Ben Folds Fives songs, Brick and Get out of my head. I'm not a big fan but those two are very good songs.
I wonder what a movie about a marching band is going to be like. I mean, what is there you can do with a marching band? A football squad, yes, but nothing else. The only thing that interests me about it is that Orlando Jones (the original 7-up guy) and Nick Cannon from All That! are the stars.
Hello, tis me. I was just wondering, is there any old show or movie from your past that you would like to remember and/or share? A beloved whatever that you haven't seen in such a long-time that you just have to reminise(sp?)? One of my favorite shows was one that used to come on Nickelodeon in the mid-90s called Space Cases. The show was basically Star Trek Jr. In it, a group of space cadets sneak aboard a mysterious ship that only kids can pilot. Two teachers come with them and the ship accidentally gets lost after flying through a wormhole. The story revolves around the kids and their teachers, as they go on all these weird adventures and even battle evil aliens. The cast was led by Harlen Band, an African-American from Earth, who was played by the same actor who portrayed Zach, the original Black Power Ranger. The rest of the group includes: Bova: A sarcastic, po'ed kid from Uranus (I would be too if I came from Uranus) who could shoot electricity from the tuning fork like protrusion on his head Rando: A super-strong Adromoden who had super hearing Cataleena: A Saturnian who had a sonic yell and an "invisible" friend named Suzie who everyone thought was imaginary. Funny, because in season 2 when Cataleena was thought to have died in an explosion, Suzie appeared. It turns out she was invisible because she lived in a parallel dimension that she send Cataleena to in order to save her. Suzie was uber intelligent, had gills to breath in any atmosphere and, if I remember, I think she was telekinetic. Rosie: A Mercurian who was always cheerful and could control heat and shoot heat blast. Thelma: A robot who had a broken mental chip and was always acting really weird. Commander Goddard and the teacher (whose name escapes me now). Anyway, the show was pretty funny without constant gross-out humor, and gave kids their own action adventure series with all the necessary drama (such as Harlen's hatred towards Rando because Andromedans killed his dad.). What's yours? Why?
I love Rapper's Delight. I said a hip, hop hippy hippit to the hip hip hopa you don't stop rockin to the bang bang boogey the up jumps the boogy to the boogey of the boogedy b. Or something like that.
I'm in the same boat as Endymion. I can't help but like cheesy teeny bopper pop songs, especially those from the Spice Girls. *listens to his sisters Backstreet Boys' Greatest Hits album* The crappiest song I like would probably be Geri Halliwell's "Look at me".
Well, when I thought about it, besides not trying to milk the show past its limit, and fan reaction, there's also the fact that alot of these show actually tell an ongoing story. American series usually don't end for a good while because they don't have such a plot. They'll usually make up a concept and the characters follow through with it until the series is no longer popular and then either cancel the show without a definite ending, or just make a definite ending out of nowhere. Usually that is the worst route to go as far as endings are concerned, just look at the ending to Seinfield. Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon, even as long as they lasted, would have had earlier definite endings had it not been for fans. Even Pokemon tells an ongoing story, not a very well thought out one in my opinion, but an ongoing story nonetheless.
I've only heard the entrance song they did for the Oddities, a WWE wrestling group. In fact ICP used to go to the stage with the Oddities all the time and once, tried to beat up Kergen (sp) before they gave up that idea. They were pretty funny. I love that entrance song they did, but unfortunately, besides that I haven't heard much of ICP
For those who have a faulty memory, Krang was the brain inside that robot body. I loved the old Ninja Turtles video games. My all-time favorite will always be Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time. They had all teh cool villains, including Super Shredder, Toka and Razor from Ninja Turtles the movie 2. And I loved the titles they gave to each adventure. I used to spend hours at my friends house just playing it. I used to be obsessed with the movies but now that I'm grown and know the importance of plot, 2 and 3 just look silly, although the first movies was rather well done. And what was up with Vanilla "quit embarassing yourself" Ice. I can't believe I used to love the "Ninja Rap".
Sorry dude but no double posting:) My favorite live Sci-Fi program is Lexx mostly because it is hilarious and so cheaply made its funny. The storylines are rather out there but intersting altogether. I am also a huge fan of Hercules and Xena ad a little bit of Cleopatra 2020 and Mutant X. Mostly I prefer animated Sci-fi series over live action.
I've only been on five dates so far. Two with a girlfriend, or excuse, a girl with whom I had an 8th grader's falsified perception of a relationship, two with a girl I didn't really like and one with a friend whose flirtations are leading the wrong way. My 8th grade girlfriend was white (I'm black) and I'v pursued a bi-racial girl(half-white, half-black), a korean girl, two black girls, and a white girl, and despite having the charm of Cedric the Entertainer, and the looks of Morris Chestnut, ok that's pushing it, pretty decent looks, I've failed. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I don't mind or care what color the woman is. Hey, I'm a sci-fi/cartoon/anime/comic book geek, I don't have time or patienc to be picky about who I date. But religious creed is different because of the fact that there are some religions that have stric rules that Idon't think I could adhere to ( i.e Islam) I'm Baptist, which, granted, is the provider of the crazy church services you may ever see, but I couldn't date someone of a religion that had some sort of ideal I couldn't feel comfortable with (for instance the Muslim creed against pork and no relationships outside the religon) If I knew I could stand changing my believe for someone I truly loved then I would do it.
Make at least one multi-Academy Award Winning Sci-Fi film, create an American cartoon that has both the writing and art quality of the Batman/Superman/Batman Beyond/ Justice League cartoons and prove once and for all that American cartoons aren't kiddy stuff, work with a Japanese staff to create an anime (even though I will have an American cartoon competing with anime on TV), write a few novels, maybe sky-dive, and watch my children and grandchildren outlive me.
They have always done a crossover with the old guard, except in Turbo since the old guard where the Turbo rangers. Zeo-Alien Rangers In Space-Justin from Turbo, Adam from MMPR, and later all of the remaining "6th rangers" Lost Galaxy-Astro Rangers Lightspeed Rescue-Galaxy Rangers Time Force-Lightspeed Rangers Wild Force-Time Force Rangers, and later, all red rangers What that guy meant about a "new era" is that he felt that the Power-that-be of PR would try to take the series in a new direction. He's been partially right so far, with the production being in New Zealand. He said that the PTB will probably have a new direction as far as the storylines go, but what direction that is is still a mystery.
This may sound like I'm being a bit anal, but does anyone know if the Turtles will have different colors again or will they all have red mask like the comic. April was Baxter Stockman's assistant in the original comic book, before he unleashed the Mousers and later became a fly. So this sounds like its more faithful to the original concept. I wonder if we'll see the fly Baxter? And I just realized Saki is Horoku Saki. The world's former biggest Turtle fan and I forgot a piece of trivia like that. Man I'm slipping.
I think he got it backwards. In America it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a spoof of X-Men and the ninjas in Daredevil. I think in other countries it was Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. I think there were problems with Ninja being in the name but I'm not exactly sure.
THe TMNT were my favorite heroes growing up. I was obsessed with them as a kid. However, Fox screwed up the series when they produced Ninja Turtles the Next Mutation. I loved the idea of a female turtle, Venus, and the Dragons, but the show was too tame for a Turtle series and had some bad storylines. From what I hear, this new cartoon will take the Turtles back to square one. Hopefully it will revive the Turtles long dead career. I just wish Venus was in this series. I think she deserves a little respect outside of that horrible spin-off show.
Does the Japanese Beast Wars use new characters or all the ones from the original BW toy line? Do they have any of the Transmetal and Fuzor characters?
The CGI Beast Wars came out on DVD with two volumes. I haven't found anything for Beast Machines. Anyway, for TF and Armada, TF started in 65,000,000 B.C. and the Autobots and Decepticons were dormant in a volcano until 1984. In Armada, the Mini-Cons were awakened by humans and sent a single to teh TFs on Cybertron. Optimus and the Autobots came to the rescue, followed by Megatron and the Decepticons. Therefore the shows have nothing to do with each other except for the TF concept, and some familiar faces (include Optimus Prime and Megatron who are in every series). Armada also has nothing to do with any TF series, even some of the Japanese ones, as far as I know. As for best TF series, the original if you're basing it on nostalgic reasons, but on plot nothing beats the CGI Beast Wars and Beast Machines, IMO.;)
The first episode was pretty funny with Pedro constantly talking about his sexy wife and the mysterious female arms in the portal. Master Ilparazza for some reason reminds me of Kogato from Tenchi Muyo.
Goin down to South Park gonna have myself a time....
Omar Harris replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Noosphere
I loved the episode where Cartman drank Kenny's ashes. My favorite epsiode so far was the LOTR spoof. Butters accidentally gets a porn instead of The Fellowship of the rings and he starts acting like Gollum. And I love the expression on Token's face when he saw the same movie.ROTFLMAO -
Rugrats isn't really all gross-out humor. I admit there is a lot of it in there, but Rugrats is, for the most part, just a look at teh world from the eyes of babies. They don't know any better so they sometimes do stuff such as eat worms and belly buttons lint, but its all a part of the story, apart of watching these kids grow up and learn more about the world around them. Ren and Stimpy was disgusting, which makes you wonder why it was Nickelodeon in the first place seeing as to how it was a more adult show and Nick is designed for kids. Cow and Chicken may not have been as bad but was disgusting. I don't care for cartoons that focus entirely on gross-out humor to entertain their target audience. To tell you the truth, very few animated series, especially those of today, will ever compare to the old Disney, Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbara cartoons. Sure most of them had flat 1-Dimensional characters and repetitive storylines *coughScooby Doocough* but even then there are hundreds of people worldwide who loved and grew up with these shows so if anything, there is the nostalgia factor.
Name: Omar Age: Eighteen. DOB: January 27, 1984 Location: New Orleans, Louisiana,USA One Word: Weird No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Strange Occupation: Conquering universes and destroying insubordinators with my Omega Beams. No seriously, English major, and aspiring screenwriter. Color: Blue Food: Pizza Beverage: Tea Alter Ego: The Enigma Dream Job: Scriptwriter and Filmmaker Self-Proclaimed: Geek Ethnicity: African American. Extracurricular: Creative Writing Hobby: Music, art, comic book collecting, movies, science fiction/fantasy/horror, cartoons/anime, and Storytelling [drama and writing] Dessert: Where to start? Ah shoot, lets just say Rootbeer Float Musician: Michael Jackson, Madonna, P Diddy, R Kelly, etc. etc. etc. Group: Creed, Linkin Park, The Disturbed, Nickleback, Cash Money Millionares, Queen, The Fine Young Cannibals etc. etc. etc. Mac or PC?: PC Nics: Shadowdramon, Dmon8, Enigma, The Creator, and That Guy Blog: No Home Page: [url]www.freewebz.com/shadowdramon[/url] Religion: I'm not very devoted but I'll say Baptist Book: MacBeth, William Shakespeare (I know it was a play, but a damn good one) Collections: Comic books and related posters, DVDs, animes, Wizard: The Comic Magazine, my old artwork, notebooks and artpads that I never get around to using Sport: None, but my favorite to watch would be Basketball Won't Eat: Chiterlings. In my house its pronounce Chitlins. They're nasty Pig innards or something like that and smell horrible TV Show: Any cartoon or anime, music videos, Lexx, Mutant X, Power Rangers (Oh laugh it up. Go ahead) Anything on that's good enough to watch Words to live by: **** happens and then you die. No seriously, "What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul in the process?" (From R. Kelly's "I wish" video) Addicted to: Comics, cartoons, candy, beautiful women, and rootbeer floats. Comic: Are you gonna make me choose?:P X-Men, Akira, JLA, Spider-Man, The Legion etc. etc. etc. Movie: Another choice? The Matrix, 8 Mile, The Star Wars saga, Transformers the Movie, Batman, Batman Returns, any animated Disney movie (except Pocahontas), and all of WB's Batman/Superman/Justice League/Batman Beyond animated movies
Satan is used in even cartoons for comedic reasons, so the movie revolving around him would not be considered worthy of an R rating. The only thing I saw that was R material was the fact that one of the demons had breast on head, but they were usually in a bra so it wasn't pornographic. And like TN said, this movie sucked so bad.
Some cartoons don't have to make sense all the time to be good. Looney Tunes had more nonsense in between 3-15 minute shorts than SpongeBob Squarepants could ever pull off in one thirty minute episode and yet most of these have been classics for 60+ years. I am not a huge fan of SpongeBob but I find it entertaining. I just don't understand, fully, the appeal of the show. Cow and Chicken and I am Weasel were favorites of mine until I saw how low they could go. Don't get me started on Ren and Stimpy and The Ripping Friends.