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Omar Harris

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Everything posted by Omar Harris

  1. I love them both, but I have stopped listening to Britney after her movie [I]Crossroads[/I] debuted. Christina and Britney are both very beautiful in my opinion, and though I agree with what people said about this sexual turn they have taken, I have to say that both are in their early twenties. They are both old enough to legally buy beer and cigarettes, so whatever they decide to do with their image is their decision, after all, they can't be sweet little teenagers forever. What worries me is when parents allow their 5 and 6 year old chilren to walk around dressed like the two of them.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]To semi-quote from the Simpsons: Worst band ever.... [/B][/QUOTE] Ahh! Just ruin everybody's fun TN:D I thought so for a while when I first heard Chop Suey. They were just totally off-beat but then I heard the chorus, which is actually pretty cool, and the song itself is kinda funny the way it stop, then speeds up etc. Does anyone have the lyrics to Chop Suey and Aerials?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink] The Shadow Rangers... ug. It's been done, think of something else besides rangers fighting rangers.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, every super hero needs an opposite, a "What if I had been a villain." look at himself/herself. Its just that none of the evil ranger teams have been as awesome or done as much damage as villains as the Psycho Rangers. Another Psycho-level Ranger team and that would be a welcome breath of fresh-air from these "dime a dozen" guys that last like 10 minutes or less into the episode.
  4. I've heard of a few of their songs. So far, my favorite is "Aerials"
  5. Onikage was awesome. I love that trick where he slices himself in half and pulled teh rangers into the spirit world. He was a good villain. One thing I never liked though: When a show introduces an "all-powerful" villain, who can't be stopped and then after a while, the heroes can kick his butt from left to right. Sorta like the Dark Masters. Onikage did a good job whomping the rangers one. The Pegasus Megazord was cool even though Princess Shayla tears activating it was kinda hokey. And did you see the fight scene. Finally something to distract us from that horrible excuse for acting she does. I realized right from teh get-go that Toxica would not "die" permanently. The best storylines get screwed up when the people die a sad, impactful death, and don't stay dead. *coughs and points to his "Return of Optimus Prime" VHS*
  6. It wasn't the Beetleborgs themselves. The creators of Power Rangers, who also did Beetleborgs, just used the suits of the Beetleborgs for Venjix and his men. Venjix' outfit is that of the ShadowBorg and the rest were taken from other BeetleBorg costumes.
  7. [quote]and What exactly is going on with Alice and what's the deal with Kenta? I have read and reread those parts, but i'm still confused.[/quote] Oops.:worried: Time for a little breakdown: The Mold is a dream world seperate from the regular Digi-World. Times passes very fast, hence why everyone is growing so old so quickly. Kenta ran away from the group, due to a falling out with MarineAngemon, is in the Mold and is being used by Metamormon. The old Kenta chained to the bed is the real deal, and the other, young one is his dream self. Because of Kenta's current feelings, Metamormon is uses him to power the false Kenta, like the Jeri-Reaper almost. Alice is still Metamormon's prisoner. Sorry for the confusion. Its not my best work, I admit.
  8. The Beetleborgs in "Forever Red", with the exception of Shadowborg whose costume was used for General Vengix, were all good guys in the old show. In Big Bad Beetleborgs, 3 kids, Jo, her big brother Drew and their friend Rowland were betted by teh neighborhood bullies to stay in a haunted mansion for a night. They accidently free a magic, Elvis-impersonating ghost named Flabberghaster (or Flabber for short) from an organ, and he grants them one wish: to be their favorite superheroes, the Beetleborgs. It was Red Striker, Blue Stinger, and Green Hunter Borg respectively. Shadowborg was an evil Beetleborg they had in the series. In the last episode, a villain named Nukem, who was created not by the Beetleborgs' creator Art Fortune, but by his insane brother Lester, destroyed the Beetleborgs powers and freed Lester from prison to be his servant and make new monsters for him. Art created new Beetleborgs, Platinum Puruple, Chromium Gold, and Titanium Silver, to replace the old powers. The Beetleborg costumes used for the villains in "Forever Red" where: Green Hunter, ShadowBorg, Dragon Borg, Lady Borg, and Lightening Borg. For the last three: In Beetleborgs Metallix, Art and Lester (when they were kids) had made up a sword and eight magic coins for the Beetleborgs (before Art used teh idea to become famous.) The coins each summon a new Beetleborg. There are four good ones (Dragon Borg, Lightening Borg, Lady Borg, and Fire Borg) and three evil ones (Scorpix, Hornix, Centipix, and Mantix) when all 8 coins are joined with the sword, they summon the giant Robo Borg. Lady Borg was the yellow suit, Dragon Borg was green and light blue, and Lightening Borg was the reddish suit.
  9. I have a few thoughts I want to share: Aren't mature themes the reason fans argue against general audience series from Japan being cut down to "kids" shows? After all, so many of the people I've met have constantly argued how censors "kiddified" Pokemon. "As told by Ginger" is a "teen" series, hence its appearance on Teen Nick, and "Hey Arnold" is definately not the first "kids" show to deal with children, 10+ year olds, having girlfriends/boyfriends. Themes like these are not new: -Captain Planet one starred character with AIDS -When Mr. Hooper, in Sesame Street, died, a storyline was written to explain the concept to Big Bird. -Maria, also in Sesame Street, had her real life pregnancy written into the show. -Wilma Flinstone was pregnant with Pebbles and actually had the baby in the show. -G.I. Joe dealt with druglords. Also remeber that Looney Tunes, Tiny Tunes, Animaniacs, Powerpuff Girls, and Freakazoid, shows long regarded as "kid" shows, are loaded with jokes and references that only adults would understand. Do you know how many Looney Tunes have been cut from TV for themes that, today, are considerd racists or un-PC? My Point is that one mature theme in a cartoon is not going to be the end of America's morality, because there have been worse in other cartoons from the past and look at the state of cartoons today. As for the topic: I've always loved Nickelodeon and have watched it fo years, almost all my life in fact. I haven't seen Nick on a regular basis recently butI do watch every so often. I'm a fan of Taina and Cousin Skeeter. "All That" isn't the sam now that Kenan, Kel, Josh and all the well-knowns are gone.
  10. I love Al's spoof. One of the most hilarous of the songs is "Amish Paradise". My current fave is "Dare to be stupid", a spoof of "Dare", one of the major songs from Transformers: The Movie.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Since I think all Final Fantasy games suck goat balls (which they do, don't bother arguing) I wasn't expecting the movie to be all that great, but since it has NOTHING to do with the games at all, it WAS great. So great I bought the DVD and saw it twice in the theaters. [/B][/QUOTE] OOH Harsh.:D I won't argue. Your opinion. I liked this movie. There were times when it was too slow, but then it had great animation, the story was somewhat well developed, and it was a breath of fresh air from the typical Final Fantasy concept. 6/10 is my vote, the 6 being for the monotonic dialogue. Haven't these guys heard of comic relief?
  12. Millenium stared continuously at the crack in his crystal. [I]That "fake" Monodramon gave me enough data to break the crystal. All I need is Parallelmon's aid, and I will be reborn.[/I] Pharoahmon walked in and bowed upon one knee before his master. "Pharoahmon, it is time. Gather your armies and head towards the Trenches of the Giga Ocean. Do not show your face again until Parallelmon is in this chamber swearing his allegiance to me." "I will not fail." Milleniummon smirked from behind his crystal. "Where have I heard that before? Oh yes, from your "brother" Daemon, right before he went splat and was absorbed by that insignificent worm Devimon. Yes, you had better not fail me." Pharoahmon gritted his teeth from behind his mask and let out a low sounding growl. He stood and began to exit. "Oh and Pharoahmon." "Yes master?" "A little birdy has told me about a certain, betrayal. Kill Puppetmon and Ghoulmon." "As you request." Milleniummon turned his head towards his left. A DemiDevimon floated by him. "And then I get my reward when he does kill them?" "Yes." Milleniummon smiled in his "nexus" a cruel and sinister smile. "You get your reward." The Mold's sky began to fold and shift, like a blanket blowing in the wind. Metamormon opened a set of curtains and stared down at a bed. There, an old man, with glasses lay across the bed, chained to it tightley. "Sweet dreams my friend. Your dream self will provide me with more than enough power. Just dream a little dream, Kenta."
  13. I apologize to any one who liked this movie, but it was so horrible, it's funny, and that's probably the only source of comedy for it. There were some scene I did laugh at, such as the cow fight scene, but the rest just didn't spark much of a chuckle from me. I liked how he spoofed badly-dubbed karater movies though. Some of the lines are pretty hilarious ("Call me, Betty.") But other than that, I didn't really care for this movie as much as I thought I would have.
  14. I'm not sure but didn't Bandai of America change of the names of the Gundams? Could someone enlighten me? God's name in casual, non-religious based TV might be considered a bit of a blashpemy and/or unfair to other religions (as is the case for a country that allows freedom of religion), even more so if a character is referring to himself as "God" no matter what religion's "God" he is named after. Even if he is not referring to himself by the name of a specific God, other people of other/no religions may still be "offended". Death and the devil have appeared n television is different forms (as seen in different Looney Tunes cartoons) for years so the Red Guy in "Cow an Chicken" isn't much of harm nor is Death in "Grim and Evil" (who is referred to a Grim, not Death). Death and Devil aren't necessarily "taboo", but Lucifer, Satan, and others are not. And in most cartoons although the personification of Death is referred to as the Grim Reaper.
  15. DB/DBZ are the only anime that Toonami does not do the editing for. Funimation has allowed Goku and Gohan's cheeks to be seen sevearl times, even when the show was in syndication.
  16. No, Ransik's base is still intact. I think the Rangers took it and all the prisoners it had left aboard back to the future. I love the weapon that the first of the X-Vault mutants used. It was like a sword and rifle in one. I love those weapons. Hot Head: The Power Ranger toys are awesome. I want to find those old Megazord toys and collect all of them. I'd also want to find the old Magna Defender's sword.
  17. Actually, when Divatox was gathering her army in the first scene of PRT episode 1, Elgar was still smoking from the pit incident and mentions having been thrown in. It never mentioned he died, or how he survived but hey, it's Power Rangers. I was just looking at Ranger Central and realized how long its been since I last saw the 1st four shows. I forgot the original rescue zords could transform into robots. Its been a while. And going over the zords, I've figured out who still out there. Dragonzord Tor Titanus The Shogun zords The Ninja Zords (I think they're all with Ninjor. It said the zords were "gone" after Ninjor left.) Zeo Zords SuperZeoZords Pyramidas The Warrior Wheel Auric and Ninjor The Red Battle Zords Artilletran (the Phantom ranger's zord) The Astro Megazord The Galaxy Megazord. The Quantasaurus Rex Are the Time Flyers and Time Shadow still alive?
  18. WEll not to be rude but there is already a Star Wars topic. But since this is only one tiny question I'll answer: Lucas made a movie of episode 4 first due to a combination of budgeting problems and expected sales. He thought that no studio would give him the budget to produce all 6 and that the movie wouldn't do so well in teh box office, so if he wasn't going to make them all or make enough money off of them he would make one movie and get what he could off of that one. He made 4, since he thought no one would care about the series beginnings, but when the movie proved to be an instant success, he decided to finish the story that began in "A New Hope". So he produced episode 5 "The Empire Strikes Back" and 6 "Return of the Jedi." Why it took so long to make episodes 1, 2, and 3 is beyond me. Maybe he wanted them to be perfect.
  19. It does get cliched and tiring doesn't it? I thought Akuma was the brother of Ryu and Ken's sensei. Isn't that the way it is in the games?
  20. My friends used to tell me that Goldar and Scorpina were siblings (this was before I finally saw all of "Green with Evil") but it does look like they are a bit cozy.
  21. to sage: Thanks. I'm kinda running on E here but I'll try to do one more with this post. to cera: Don't worry. I'm sure you can think of something, if you want to join. I came out of nowhere with my first post;) Anyway, on with the show **** Piedmon led the Tamers to the outside of his house. "Uh, no offense dude, but we don't have time for sightseeing. I think saving the world is more important than looking at nothing you know." said Kazu. "Do me a favor: Shut yer mouth until you have all the facts would ya?" Piedmon answered back. "Hey, why I oughta..." Hi-Andromon quickly grabbed Kazu and held him back. Piedmon held his hands in the air and snapped a finger. The air began to move around and the scenery contorted itself like some sort of special effect out of a modern day science fiction movie. Soon, what was once greenery and trees was now a large hanger-like building. "It's in here." The tamers and their digimon followed Piedmon on the flying platform he had provided for the aging "warriors". Inside they found a giant object covered entirely by a cloth. "LAdies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages," he began to say at a fast pace, "welcome to the greatest extravaganza of all time: the Clown Ship!" he pulled off the cover to reveal a large, boat-like, flying ship covered in rainbow colored spray and smiling painted faces. "A little jewel from my past," Piedmon said, "now let's get down to business. Let's see: use of my ship, attack on Metamormon, destruction of the Morpheus Throne, possible suicide mission; that'll cost you Thirty-thousand Digi-Dollars." "YOU'RE CHARGING US!?" cried everyone within sight. "What do you think me risking my life for yours comes cheap. HAHAHAHAHAHA." "You jerk!" cried a now-thirty-something Rika "Renamon!" "UH-UH-UH!" he threw a napkin on Renamon, just as she was prepared to pounce, and left her in the form of a keychainon the floor. "A Renamon. Those are very powerful rookies. For even a horribly washed-up mega like myself to get the drop on her must signify that's she is slipping, as are the rest of you. If I were you," he gave a rather sinister looking grin, "I'd pay up." [I]This can't be happening, our only hope of getting out of here is this clowned face bozo and he's charging us for our own lives.[/I] thought the elderly Riley. "We'll pay." she said. "WHAT!?" cried everyone. "Riley...have you lost you...your..." "Mind?" said Hi-Andromon. "No, I haven't. But if its the only way then...we have no choice." "Excellent decision." said Piedmon. He threw the napkin back on Renamon and turned her into her normal self. "But before we go," said Riley, "Let me mention that we can't pay you until we have succeeded, is that understood?" "Fine, fine, whatever. Let's just try to get this over with." "[I]The four of past, have come and gone[/I] [I]And in their place shall arise four anew[/I] [I]Not harbingers of light but powers of darkness[/I] [I]And the greatest digimon of all, shall be at their center[/I] [I]But a fifth lightbearer will rise to stop the great evil[/I] [I]With the aid of the creators, of the creator.[/I] That is all I can see." The speaker was an Angemon however his helmet was gone and in its places was a white rag covering his eyes: an obvious indication of blindness. "The four of past, the lightbearers," said Seraphimon, "The Sovereign. The greatest digimon of all is obviously someone on their level, but how is that possible? Not even I, the strongest of all mega level digimon, could surpass a sovereign. Are you sure, Seer?" "Does the sun shine down light my leige? That is how sure I am. My visions are given by the power of the ancestors themselves, but only appear in time of great need or revelation." "Then, we need to find the fifth sovereign and stop whoever these four 'powers of darkness' whoever they are. Can you see any prophecy of their faces?" said Goldramon. He, Magandramon, Seraphimon and Ophanimon surrounded Seer, the Angemon on four sides. "The center, as I mentioned before will be the greatest of all digimon. One is a myth; A powerful digimon we knew only in stories, whose presence is somehow connecte with the great digimon king. One is a new threat; one created not by the Digital World as it should be but by an oustide force, and sent here for the purpose of causing chaos and destruction. The final shall be, an unwitting pawn; A carrier of the greatest weapon to ever be seen by digimon. They will each affect the fate of the Digital World in their own ways." "If these four are that powerful, how will the Digi-World survive, even with our aid?" said Magnadramon. [I]The greatest weapon to ever be seen by digimon. Is it the same weapon Zhuqioamon's devas encountered in the real world? Could it be...?[/I] thought Seraphimon. Back in the Mold, Terriormon's old body began to do something it had never done before: It emmited tiny sparks. The old rabbit/dog held his hand to his eyes. [I]What is happening to me?[/I] Henry looked at Terriermon. "Terriermon, what's going on?" "I don't know. I think it something with Juggernaut." He held out his hand to continue looking at the sparks when one of them flew into the air and blew a tiny hole into the ceiling. "If a spark could do that, what will the rest of the program do? We have to get out of here. We need Yamaki." said Henry. Kenta tore into the room and stared at his "servants" intensly. "Get up. We have work to do." "Kenta," said the elderly Henry, "Why are you doing this? So you and MarineAngemon had a fallout. It happens. Problems do come up even between best friends." "This is not about some dumb old fallout. Let's go." "But there's something wrong with Terriermon." "I DON'T CARE. LET'S GO." Henry and Tally stood up and grabbed Terriermon, hoping not to be harmed by the sparks, as one tear flew down Henry's cheeck. Lucemon and Jeri continued their trek across the desert. "Lucemon zoom zoom. Lucemon zoom zoom." [I]He so cute. He's just a kid at heart, just like little Calumon.[/I] thought Jeri. She soon heard the sound of what seemed to be the whirring of machines. The two looked out to see a fading image of what seemed to be metal snapping together in the form of a creature. It turned towards Jeri and said "Galactic. Galactimon." and disappeared. "What was that?" A voice descended from teh sky. "That is the sound of the future Jeri Kato. A future you can help prevent." and from the sky appeared a shadow of a human being with ten shiny gold wings and an armor coloerd blue and silver.
  22. Has anyone heard any news on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance? I've read several articles on the game which is supposed to be a complete recreation of the Mortal Kombat series. From what I know, magic powers will be reduced for a more hand-to-hand style, every character has 3 fighting styles and can change between them at will, fatalities will be reimagined, as will the outfits of the old characters (Cage, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Sonya, Kitana, Reptile, Jax, Raiden, and Kung Lao I believe are the only ones confirmed. You heard right Liu Kang isn't coming back for this one). The new characters are completely imaginative, with a female Sub-Zero named Frost, a vampire woman and a demon among others. What do you think of the Mortal Kombat series; for fans, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite games?
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]They never said he died in X5, they just couldn't find him. He was hiding while he repaired himself. [/B][/QUOTE] Hence the quotes around the word "dies".:) X6 mentions the whole repair thing, but doesn't the ending to X5 mention that "X carries on Zero's legacy" which sorta, kinda implies that he might have "died"? I wish he had a better entrance back into the X6 series than "he hides and repairs himself." I hope Dr. Light is explained more, and that the mystery behind X is explained.
  24. I like pretty much all of them. Daffy Duck was interesting when he was the wild, "Bugs Bunny-esque" character he was in teh old cartoons. Now he is forever an arrogant jerk. Porky is my personal fave, as is Speedy Gonzales. My favorite Looney Tunes were when the Bugs and Tweety show was on ABC a few years back. They had a series of cartoons I loved where Sylvester meets a baby Kangaroo and thinks its a mouse and tries to teach his son how to catch it.
  25. If only every series would go back to that original formula. The old series was: Power Rangers hang out, do ordinary things that ordinary people do, (insert villain) uses their activities to make a new gimmick and a monster to carry it out, rangers fight monster for half an episode (unless it is a two parter or longer), rangers beat monster, monster grows, (insert Megazord) destroys the monster after taking a beating, ranger laugh and have fun again. Now its: Rangers do training, (insert villain) sends a new monster, rangers fight monster almost all episode and win. Which do you prefer? I can't wait to see the return of Master Org, and see more background on Mandilok, if there is any.
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