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Everything posted by OlgaTheDwarf
Maybe I should start a new thead on this... but I won't. Instead I'll just try and help it (or completely destroy it). Anyway, I did not go to the one in San Diego but I did go to the one near Sacramento. Besides getting sunburnt, and not being allowed to leave the grounds, I had a really fun time. The definate highlight of the day was getting to see Underoath again (it was my third time). Despite sound changes in their new CD, the still put on a great show. Finally getting to see Coheed and Cambria was also nice, but probably my least favourite show. Other highlights included: Mae, The Bled, Fly By Night, Brazil... I wanted to see My Chemical Romance, but didn't get to (everyone check out their new album, [i]Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge[/i].) That sums up my time, I'm sure other people went to warped tour, so in order not to make another thread I suggest that this one could be oppened up to anyone warped tour?
Wow, with all the people into anime on these boards, I'm suprised no one has mentioned [i] The Grave of the Fireflies[/i] yet. That was probably the most recent movie I've seen that made me cry. [i] Milo and Otis[/i] always seems to get to me. Just thinking about how happy they were before there adventure, and then how much things changed. Just the fact that they can never have it back the way they had it in the beggining seems to scare me in a sad way. I guess I don't like change (does that make me human?).
OMFG! Who's talking about my boys from Georgia? You better put Norma Jean up in your top list. Yes, for me they would probably number three (right behind Zao and mewithoutYOU), however I don't want to have to choose. Anyway, I love my "Chugga" hardcore, so I love my Norma Jean. And when I'm feeling old school, I bust out the Luti-Kriss (horid name, but Norma Jean, before they were called Norma Jean), and give it a listen. Kudos, to the Nroma Jean fans.
Well, even though I listen to tons of mousic other than Hardcore, we'll refer to hardcore as "the music I listen to", for this post. Anyway, "the music I listen to" is usualy thought by many to be quite the opposite of beautiful. However, at least for one band I am willing to argue that to the grave. This bnad being named .hopesfall. I've been a fan of them since their first cd [i]Frailty of Words[/i], and have fallen in love with their extremely tallented mix of,melodic hardcore with beautiful, soft, touching breakdowns. I really love this band.
See, that's almost what I thought also, however, I then hear people refering to it as a genre, with all their own very contradicting ideas of it. Anyway, I don't care either, just thought I would try and jump start this thread and get people to bicker about their useless oppinions.
I was going to say Bundy. But, by the time I saw that Harry had posted I figured the joke had already been let out.
What constitutes as indie anyway? It has always confused me.
I don't like to brag, but I am known to be quite the bad*** on the kazoo.
What is this, "second stage is teh crapness" BS that I keep on hearing? I serously doubt that you guys would say that if you had actually heard Every Time I Die. Now, I really shouldn't say "OMG, you'll love this band", but they are freaking awesome. With that said, if you haven't heard them, I think they are they best thing on the bill. Oh, and they are more of a hardcore band than metal, if you can make any distinction from that.
Another good "emo" label is Deep Elm. They are pretty well known for catering strictly to emo bands. One of their biggest and most widely known groups, is the Appleseed Cast. I'd actually be pretty suprised if no one here has heard of them, they've been a pretty influencial band in emo music (whatever that is). So check them or Deep Elm Records out, if you want.
It would take quite a bit more than what they have now to get me to go to this thing. But so far it has the best line up this year, I've seen it have. Bands such as Atreyu, and Every Time I Die are really good, but are still not enough to get me to go.
Your arguement could maybe hold. However, I really don't think that you're prepared to take on an entire following who agrees with me. I would also like to point out that, I do not believe you have actually played Maniac Mansion before (watching your brothers doesn't count ;) ), so again your arguement fails (if that is true) for lack of experience. :) I could go on, but I would rather see you try to bring yourself back up to par with inteligent creatures (while wallowing in defeat! HAHAHA :devil: ).
Gotta love those song titles, eh? Anyway, thanks for replying. Also, the keyboards are a new addition (only featured on the Ghostship demo). They added their keyboardist after the had recorded their self titled debut (which by the way, you can get off LujoRecords.com). BUt after hearing it, I can't wait to hear what other songs will sound like (or even a cleaned up version of Ghostship). Yeah, I thought you would enjoy F.C.P.S.I.T.S.G.E.P.G.E.P.G.E.P. (don't ask me what it stands for.)
Well, I would just like to inform anyone who cares (Haze, ect...). Further Seems Forever, is not broken up. They were going to, but instead they replaced their vocalist (again) with a new guy. Now, this is both good news and bad news. The good news is that they didn't break up, the bad news is that their ew singer isn't that great. I forget his name, but he is the vocalist formerely of the band Sense Field (I believe they made it pretty big with their single [i]Save Yourself[/i]). Anyway, I'm not a Sense Field fan, so I hope you can understand my dismay, although there is always a chance that he could be okay with FSF.
Maniac Mansion for the nes (or computer if you were lucky). What other point and click RPG has ever given you the round about option of "complete and utter MELTDOWN" as the only real form of attack you have. Other than that, my personal favourite is Final Fantasy 5. During battle, it's your average turn-based atack system. Personaly, I like the simple, as long as it still offers some sort of meat in the package. As for this game, the "meat" was it's job system, in which you got to completely control what type of fighters your characters would be. The job system added an incredible amount of depth to the system, while the simplistic element of actually fighting made me want to play it over ang over again. The job system is also featured in FF-Tactics. But, Tactics also had very complex (and in my opinion, quite boring) fights. That is my oppinion, I know quite a few people who will disagree.
No, I've heard a few of their songs, off their newest cd [i]Sirens[/i], I believe it was? Anyway, one of the songs was (for the most part) pretty hardcore, but if memory serves me the others had quite a bit of clean singing. So, if one goes by vocals alone, they do have the influence, but they are probably not trying to be all hardcore (maybe emocore, heh.) Hey Semjaza, check out the link in my signature. I would like to see what you think of them, they're called The Fall of Troy. I really think that you'd like them.
You guys are acting like children (which I wouldn't doubt you are). Why is this thread still going? Let's see if I can jump start it... I'm going to Facedown Fest!!! Yes, that means I own (and you don't) I get to see Symphony in Peril and Nodes of Ranvier together (plus a bunch of other metal/hardcore bands that will own you live). After Facedown Fest I will be going to the Solid State tour. On this tour I will see Norma Jean (aka Marylin Monroe... or 5 guys ripping of her name). Yes, you heard me right, Norma Jean, probably the best live show of any current hardcore band out there right now. So, hardcore/metal is awesome and me>you, your mom, and you dog. ___________ Just thought I would get a rant in here before this thread died.
[QUOTE=xbloodfightx][b] SORRY IF I SOUND LIKE A GENRE IDIOT, BUT I KNOW MY MUSIC[/b] I really don't understand. Even the moderators don't know what they are talking about. Emo died before the 80's or 90's [I don't remember]. So I doubt anyone knows any emo bands. .[/QUOTE] Emo wasn't around before the 80's. It started late 80's early 90.
[QUOTE=wrist cutter] That being said I really don't see why non-Christians are going to see this movie.[/QUOTE] Well, what if a non-Christian wants to know more? I see your point, however, I do not think Mel Gibson wants it to just be seen by Christians. Apparently he's a christian, and believes in the events in this movie. If that is true, he then should want other people (non-christians) to know about it also. A non-Christian may not fully understand it, but if it gets them to ask question, and search it out, I think Mel Gibson's got his point across.
Isn't the point of having "art-rock" genre to be different? Then why is it the big trend these days? Anyway with that said, I really hope you know this thread is not going to be about the new Brad Pitt movie comming out, it's about a band. So yeah, this band is considered by quite a few people to be an "art-punk" band, and frankly, if I had heard someone tell me that, I probably wouldn't have been to interested in them, then I wouldn't havebought there album, and would have missed out on my first good music investment of 2004. In fact the first few times of listening to them, the idea of them trying to be artsy didn't even run through my mind, but later after a few more listen, I can see where that conclusion can be made. Anyway, now that I have made my rant about how I dislike that "art-rock" seems to be the trend, I'll get on about the band. In a way they are like the Blood Brothers, mixed in with a guitarist who could rival The Dillenger Escape plan, with enough of there own sound to be considered original. I was however, suprised after hearing a bit about this band, on how mellow they are. Don't get me wrong, they definitely have their chaotic hardcore parts with lots of screams, but overall the scream singing is probably 50/50 (if even that), and they like to add a lot of mellow jazz-ish parts to their songs. You can listen to some of their songs by clicking the link in my signature.
[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']I avoid the hardcore and emo genres on average, but there are people here who can fill that gap.[/quote] That's where I come in. Though, I won't go to deep into the hardcore genre seeing as you didn't ask for it. Although I dislike the term "emo", I do however listen to quite a few bands that are lsted as emo bands. I also do like a few "post-punk" bands, so I'll mention them also. [b]Further Seems Forever[/b]: Chris Carraba (Dashboard Confessional) used to be the lead of this band, thankfully he wasn't for there second album, but they just broke up, so I can't really say that they are better off now, but they were. Anyway, check out this band they're really good. [b]Sunny Day Real Estate[/b]: This band is considered to be the godfathers of emo. Yes, emo existed before them, but no one brought it to the masses before this band came on the scene. The lead singer, Jeremy Enigk, has an amazing voice. They are one of my all time favourites. [b]Coheed and Cambria[/b]: I really wouldn't consider this band "emo", but many do, so I list them. Their 2 CDs under the name Coheed and Cambria ( it's rumored they once were a band called [b]Shabutie[/b]), are amazing works, with great muscianship and epic (I know, I'm being a description whore) songwritting skills. So if you like good music, check them out. [b]Mae[/b]: Mae is an extremely poppy band, but they are still a great band. One of their songs, [i]Summertime[/i], is just one of those songs, that you can repeat over, and over, and over again. They also are said to have a great live performance, so if you get a chance to see them live, you may want to. They're going to be on the warped tour this summer so that shouldn't be to hard to find. [b]mewithoutYOU[/b]: Like Semjaza said, no one will probably care about this band, but just in case you want to check out something "post-punk", I would recomend these guys. They are also another favourite of mine. [b]The Fall of Troy[/b]: Semjaza mentioned the Blood Brothers, if you have any interest in that band whatsoever, you really should check out TFOT. In fact I'm so impressed by this band I think I'll devot an entire thread to them... sometime. Anyway, you can check out some of there stuff via the link in my signature. ______________ And those are really just a few of the many bands out there, but that's all I'll do now.
Piercings are of the devil. I think I'll gawk at you all.
I really think that you guys are acting pretty dumb about this whole situation, and trying to be mature. I think that yes, there's a lot of crap out there, but all in all it's like pretty much all the other types of movies out there, there are bad and good. I'm not quite sure if you all remember, but last year 28 Days Later, a movie I would characterize under horror, was hailed as one of the scariest movies ever. Now, I don't think I would say it's the best, but it was a very good horror movie. Another more recent movie (within the last 10 years) that is quite an impressive horror film, is Event Horizon. Think, the Shining in space. It also has probably the creepiest movie line of all time in it (see signature). I really don't think people mature to horror films, but they are rather desensetized to them and become rather apathetic about them.
Now, I've heard this band before. Personally the just seem like a re-hash, of all the crappy "emo"-core bands that have come to be. If you want some really good "emo"-core (heck, if you just want some great hardcore), go check out .hopesfall. But, that is completely my opinion. Anyway, I've never actually been able to tell so if you could help clear this up... Is it Alex-is-on-fire, or Alexis-on-fire? I've actually heard it pronounced both way.