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Everything posted by OlgaTheDwarf

  1. I have a gigantic grudge against this movie; it won best picture over LOTR:TTT. If anyone knew me than they would know that I am and have been for a while a big Tolkien fan, and anything related to him I love. Also ALL musicals put me to sleep, I don't care how amazing or spectacular they are I think they're boring. But if anyone likes this movie (and I realize that a lot of people do), more power to you. There, sorry to anyone I affended I just thought that I would rain on everyones parade :);)
  2. I finally got their Cd "Fallen" and it's pretty good. I still don't and have never liked "Bring Me to Life", that much, Paul Mccoy kinda ruins it for me. Anyhoo, my favourite track right now is probably "Tourniquet". They do a really good job of of pulling of Soul Embraced, even though the drumming is not at all as good as Lance Garvin. But, one place they do an even better job than Soul Embraced is in the vocals, I'm not saying that Chad Moore does a bad vocalizing job, but just that she has such a beautiful voice. Well, a beautiful voice except when she screams "I want to die", *shivers*, I really think that women should NOT scream ( AHH, bad memory's of the band Still Breathing.) I'm also really enjoying tracks 4 and 9 where it's only her and a piano and then a couple backround instruments but who cares.
  3. Well all I can say is I saw this movie and thought it was horrible, the worst movie i've seen this year. I was expecting something with maybe a good story and something that might scare me. Well it wasn't scary at all and I thought the story was beyond dumb. One thing I did like though was the Final Flight of the Osiris. Even though I do not really relish the idea of watching two people have sword sex (alright it didn't quite get that bad, it was more like strip sword fighting.)
  4. I know of a band called The Agony Scene, but not Life of Agony. And I'm a big hardcore metal head...
  5. I haven't heard too much of their stuff, but I do like what I have heard.
  6. OlgaTheDwarf

    Punk Music!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]See? It happened already. It's so tiresome lol. Anyway... I've heard of Stretch Armstrong, Olga. I've not actually gotten to hear them though. I'll have to check it out, but if they're anything like the other three you listed... I probably won't be that into it. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually they are not at all like the three I listed, and I find it incredibuly funny that they are going on tour with them but whatever.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Samgee Gamwise [/i] [B] OOOOH Olga! You're so SECKSAY. I like it when you push my buttons with BIG secksay stick.[/B][/QUOTE] I have that affect on people!
  8. OlgaTheDwarf

    Punk Music!

    Has anyone ever heard of the band Stretch Armstrong? They're a great punk/core band, and they are going to be touring with New Found Glory, Good Charolette(blahhhhh), and MxPx on the honda civic tour. so If you get a chance to see them they are really good.
  9. They were a pretty good band until the newest album came out. I don't like it.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]1. [b]Soulfly[/b]- Tree of Pain 2. [b]Nine Inch Nails[/b]- Even Deeper 3. [b]Skinlab[/b]- Anthem for a Fallen Star 4. [b]Chimaria[/b]- Let Go 5. [b]Legend of Mana[/b]- City of Flickering Destruction 6. [b]KoRn[/b]- Earache my Eye 7. [b]Slipknot[/b]- Left Behind 8. [b]Demon Hunter[/b]- Screams of the Undead 9. [b]Nirvana[/b]- Pennaroyal Tea 10. [b]Sevendust[/b]- Waffle 11. [b]Downthesun[/b]- American Filth 12. [b]Deftones[/b]- Change (In The House of Flies) 13. [b]OTEP[/b]- Blood Pigs[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, I'm kinda amazed that someone else on Otaku Boards has heard of Demon Hunter, but anyway... Hmmm... to narrow it down to only about an hour of music. Zao: Tool To Scream. 5 Year Winter. Lies of the Serpent (A River of Tears) The Latter Rain. Norma Jean: Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste. I Used To Hate Cell Phones, But Now I Hate Car Accidents. Living Sacrifice: Perfect. Bloodwork. Simbiotic. Project 86: P.S. Soma. Hollow again. If I could I would take so many more, so luckily I'm not stuck on this forsaken island of doom.
  11. Yeah I've heard of Furthermore, but I haven't heard them, and I can't hear them unless I go and buy their CD, because My computer sucks, and I won't buy their CD until I've heard them. It's kind of a contradictory thought but besides that, what do they soound like?
  12. I saw the movie "Shall We Dance", it was pretty good.
  13. They're pretty good. They sound a lot like their label mates on trustkill records .hopesfall. Both are great hardcore bands, ya'll should check 'em out.
  14. Isn't it like 65 or something around that number.
  15. Wow, I didn't expext o see them on Otaku boards. I myself haven't heard their track but I do know that one of the greatest guitarists i know, Rocky Gray (Formerely/currentely of the bands Lving Sacrifice and Soul Embraced,) is playing drums for them. Why he's playing drums I don't know, but I have a lot of respect for him so I'll probably check out their CD when it's released march 4th. Ohh, and don't take me for a jerk, but I think it's Evanescence not Evanescense.
  16. Something disturbing, like Desbreko's banner. By saying that I don't mean that he looks like Desbreko's banner,but that both things are disturbing!
  17. I like Dom Deluise. He's been a lot of voices
  18. I think that their should be a spoiler disclaimer on this thread if we are going to continue talking about it.
  19. The one thing I absolutely hated about the first one was being in water. I really hope they change the controls.
  20. Anyone excited about this game? I loved the first and this one looks even better.
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