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Everything posted by OlgaTheDwarf

  1. This is what Donnie Darko is about, but it may have a few spoilers in it though i don't think it's really that plot compromising. It's about a guy named Donnie Darko, who in the beggining is saved from being smashed by a jet engine by a man sized bunny named frank. I read what I just typed and think of how horribly stupid that must sound, but it really isn't that bad. The movie basically unravels into a confusing but thought provoking plot about time travel. It's one of the better movies i've seen this year; yes it is worth renting.
  2. Do you really know she has only been in two of them? What about the ones realesed in Japan, huh!
  3. I own there first album "Point #1". I find it and the band extremely boring, but it was only 3$. Here's an alternative to getting there old stuff; listen to there new stuff (or at least The Red) and there you have it, or at least the sound of it. They basically sound the same.
  4. To anyone who liked this movie I would strongly suggest the movie Donnie Darko.
  5. Name: Wouldn't you like to know. Age: Wouldn't you like to know. Height: Wouldn't you like to know. Eyes: Yep, got some of those. Hair: That too! Weght: Well it's between the weight of a mouse and an elaphant. Occupation: What's that, I'm too lazy to look it up in the dictionary. Intrests: Little boys, Zao, Your Mom, Zao, Stuff, Zao, Music, Zao, Video Games, Zao. Favorite Anime: Well, I once saw an episode of Cowboy Bepop... Others: The band Zao, Norma Jean and Project 86
  6. It's about time travel.
  7. OlgaTheDwarf


    Why is everyone womping on Son Goten?
  8. No. OK My Turn Do you evr have to obtain the horse in OOT?
  9. At the fishing pond. OK my turn. In oot what do you have to do to get out of the Kokiri Forest without earning the Green Gem Thingy. (Hint: It's a glich)
  10. OlgaTheDwarf


    But she did turn into a crack hor.
  11. No, you start lighting your farts. Link has always been the most resourceful videogame character.
  12. I really enjoyed this movie. It was a very strange but amusing version of Shakespears Titus Andronicus (my favourite Shakespear play.) The thing I liked most about the movie is that it is almost word for word the play.
  13. OlgaTheDwarf


    I don't like tool, I think they are boring. If you like they're style you should check out the band Chevelle.
  14. It is an amazing and thought provoking movie. I really liked it.
  15. Have any of you heard of The Wedding Party.
  16. OlgaTheDwarf


    I have seen the future of this thread. More Eminem bashing. I'm am not endorsing this guy (or his music), but can't you guy's give it a rest on the Eminem hate posts. It's starting to get old. There is more to movie's than the actors in it, and I think we covered in many other threads that most Otaku Board members think Eminem is a jerk (including me). So if you all could refrain from Eminem Bashing I'd really appreciate it. As for what I think of the movie, I will probably not see it . It really doesn't spark my intrest.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B]Lets see... AFI, Minior Threat, Rancid, MxPx, NoFx, Good Charolette, Anti Flag, Black Flag, Flogging Molly, NUFAN, and Juliana Theory... b] [/B][/QUOTE] Just a Friendly reminder that Julianna theory is not punk, they're emo.
  18. The one coming out in febuary. My reasonings are the fact that I have not played it so it's the one I'm least bored with and it's the only game I'm looking foward to on the GCN.
  19. Has anyone heard of this band. They are one of my favourites and they just released their 3rd album "Truthless Heroes". "Truthless Heroes" is a very good solid concept album, but I suggest their album "Drawing Black Lines" for first time listeners, It is a Masterpeice. So if anyone has heard of them it would be cool of you to post.
  20. OlgaTheDwarf


    My sister likes them, I don't, but I don't really like Pop Punk at all. Their are other reasons I don't like them but I won't get into that right now.
  21. Anyone who does not like slapstick comedy is a fool. In my opinion, some of the best are: UHF, The Stupids, Men in Tights, Young Frankenstein, Brain Donners, Blazing Saddles, and Spaceballs. Another good one, though it hasn't stood the test of time to be one of my favorites, is Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. It made me laugh and laugh.
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