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Everything posted by OlgaTheDwarf
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan Rugh [/i] [B]Never thought I'd see a thread about this on here. I actually like the old Further Seems Forever CD ([i]The Moon is Down[/i]) more than the new one([i]How to Start a Fire[/i]). Chris Carraba is such a good singer/song writer where the new guy's voice is nothing special to me. It's still good, don't get me wrong, but I prefer Chris's singing better. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I still do enjoy [i]The Moon is Down[/i] and like many of the songs but musically, I really think FSF matured on [i] How to Start A Fire[/i]. Plus, I also take into account that the new guy doesn't just have an amazing singing voice (or at least in my opinion) but he also has an amazing screaming vocal ability, though he doesn't use it too much with FSF. Also, at their show I went to they played many songs from [i]The Moon is Down[/i] and when Jason (the new singer) sang he sounded ridiculously like Chris, even my friend who's a die-hard DC fan thought so. I guess it really just comes down to personal opinion...
Well I have never really considered myself a Further Seems Forever fan until I recently saw them in concert. Now, I am a flaming fanboy that is in love with their newest CD, [i]How to Start a Fire[/i]. I'm not quite sure why I wasn't a big fan before, though it probably had to do with their blatant dealings with Chris Carraba (he was their first lead singer). Anyway, their newest lead singer, Jason Gleason (formerly of the Hardcore band, Affinity), doesn't come with the whining vocals that Carraba had (though his vocals for FSF were more soaring than whiny, so he doesn't ruin them completely.) Like I said before, I am in love with their new CD and haven't been able to stop listening to it. Some might just pass it of as just another "emo" album but I see it as much more than that. If you gave it a good listen you could probably recognize many influences that range from jazz, straight up rock, and even hardcore. So, if you like rock music, I would recomend that you give a thorough check to FSF. That is if you haven't already heard of them. Because if you have this thread was created for you to express your oppinions of FSF, so go on express!
Well, the last movie I watched was [i]Elf[/i] with Will Ferrel. Now, I'm sure that there are quite a few people who thought this movie was the stupidest thing to come out this year, (A certain friend of mine being one of them). But, I didn't walk into the theater with expectations of it winning oscars (which seems to be the problem with most movie-reviewers), plus I have a true appreciation for the style of comedy it was, a style I like to refer to as "stupid-humor". So, when all was said and done, I was thoroughly impressed. It was one of the best comedy's I had seen for a while, and I see that it has enough potential to maybe one day, be up in my favourite Christmas comedies (sharing that honor with [i]Jingle All the Way[/i] and [i]Ernest Saves Christmas[/i]). As a final review I would give it an 8.1 (the .1 one makes me look professional, doesn't it.) There were a few things in it that weren't to great, but maybe if I watch it again I won't mind those thing too much and it will raise my rating.
How old are you? You sound to young to be talking to girl's. "From such children, come more children."
Stock up on potions (maybe even keep a mega-potion in your pocket, but that's optional). Make sure you've got "dodge roll" equiped so once you realize he's attacking you can quickly escape. But if you've only tried 6 or 7 times keep trying, you get better with practice and you'll start to realize his patterns of movement and get better at dodging his attacks.
Get a tatoo. Only deviant people have those.
Yes, I have finally created a slightly successful music thread! Anyhoo, despite my chunk-blowing every forty minutes on tuesday, I still found enough strength the next day ride four hours to San Fransico to watch my favourite band. But alas, we arrive and hear something about two of ZAO's band members (Russ and Jesse) having to be hospitalozed due to bronchitis and asthma. So they didn't come. Now, I feel bad for them and probably would have had more sympathy, but this is not the first time they cancelled on me, so I'm pretty upset at them currentely. As for the other bands at the show (Armor for Sleep, Beloved, and Further Seems Forever), FSF was by far the best performance. I was thoroughly impressed by their show, and they even perfomed a cover of a Bjork song they made for a tribute album. I'm pretty sure it was called [i]Pagan's Prayer[/i] (correct me if I'm wrong; I don't consider myself a Bjork buff.) Well, whatever it was called their cover turned out incredible. So, even though I was pretty bummed, it still turned out to be a pretty awesome night. Although I don't think I could quite call it life-changing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]Have you ever moive hopped if so is it wrong to? [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, this question is pretty disturbing. I mean, has the world gotten so screwed up that people actually question if blattant stealing is wrong. (Notice, there's no question mark, it's a rhetorical question.) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]The movie theater cheats people every day with there high prices. [/B][/QUOTE] No, it may be unfair but movie theaters won't cheat you out of your money (they like to leave that up to the insurance companies :D ). Maybe you should look up what the word to "cheat" means, because here's what my dictionary says, "to deprive by trickery or deceit." So far all the theaters I've been to are honest about their prices, there's no fine print or hidden charges, it may be jacked up but they state their prices fair and square. Which brings me to another point, no one is forcing you to pay their jacked up prices, it's [b]completely your choice[/b]. By the way you post was written, it made it sound like the theaters were mugging you, which I hope you realize is not the case, quite the opposite in fact. Your are willing giving your money to the movie theater; you don't have to go and see a movie you want to, and by buying a ticket you are agreeing to abide by there rules, which I would like to remind you, you break them everytime you movie hop. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]Anthoer reason I movie hop is because some movies really suck. I browse the theater until I find a good one. I don't want to pay $10.00 for a crappy movie I'm going to sleep through. I want to get my moneys worth [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I would like to make the point that by buying a ticket for one movie, you and only you, are agreeing to watch that movie so changing your mind without the okay of the theater is breaking your agreement, therefore it is wrong. Now that that is clear, I hope you understand that you are a very irresponsible person if you think that it's the theater's fault for the crappy movie that you [b]chose[/b] to pay for. It's your friggin fault you chose the crappy movie, not the theaters, why should they pay for your mistake? Why don't you stop making excuses and take the freaking responsibility for your actions! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire, (Underlined by me) [/i] [B]"I mean, give [u]me[/u] a break."a quote from John Stossel on 20/20. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, of course the almighty "me", that's what it all boils down to, it's whatever makes "you" feel good, why should you care about the people you are cheating. Oh, and that's another good point you speak out strongly against the movie theaters cheating you, then you do the exact same thing. Sounds like someone is being hypocritical.
What am I looking forward to? One word: [b]Flamming Heads[/b]!!! ... ... Okay, it might be a bit demented but ever since I read the books (before the movies, mind you) I have always enjoyed the part in ROTK where [spoiler]they through flamming heads of the fallen in to Minas Tirith[/spoiler]. It probably won't happen, but it might so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Well, considering the fact that I have this thing against wussy end bosses; I don't know maybe it's the fact that there is no challenge whatsoever involved, I have always loathed the end boss in Majora's Mask. It was, in my opinion, the most dissapointing thing (yes even topping the bad story ending) in the entire game. It's almost as easy as fighting Desbreko, notice the key word is ALMOST. Edit: Ooh wait, I had an epiphany! I just realized Desbreko's comeback, and I'm going to post it before he does. Why? Because I'm just that sexy! Desbreko: Almost as easy as fighting me eh, that's still not as easy as banning you...
Well, I really have never seen a thread made about concerts yet, so I guess I will start one. In about a week (Nov. 5th) I will be going to see my all-time favourite band, live in San Fransico. A while ago I decided that I didn't want to die until I saw this band live, and now unless something hapens to me before Nov. 5th, I will have my dream. As some may know this band is ZAO; they're a hardcore band that's been around since 1995. They have broken up no less than two times and for a while I was afraid I would never be able to see them, but as it came to pass I will be (and I've been peeing my pants in excitment). Anway, although the show would be amazing if just ZAO was there, it gets better. ZAO is to be accompanied by the bands: Further Seems Forever, Beloved, and Armour For Sleep. I'm not really sure what to expect with Armour For Sleep, and I've seen Beloved before, but the fact that Futher Seems Forever and ZAO will be playing together makes this certainly, a life-changing concerts. For those who don't know who FSF is, it was the former band of Chris Caraba (Dashboard Confessional:bawl: ), but they are a much better band than DC (especially without him:D ). So, Not only am I going to see the greatest hardcore band, I am also getting to see one of the best "emo" (take that term as you want) bands currently out there. Anyway, I'm pretty exited but I haven't been yet, so I can't share the great experience that it is going to be, which is really the point of this thread. I want to hear about other OBers, life-changing concert experiences. Hopefully this will be a bit more successfull than my other threads started about music. As long as people seem to care about this thread, I will post how the show went for me, unless of course, I die...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlazinReddrgn [/i] [B]Well beer is hard to beat but what about marijuana? :D illegally though [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, I would find it very hard to find a school (high school that is) that doesn't do that.
What, The Carpenters didn't even make the list? I'm so dissappointed!
I basically agree with Semjaza on Mars Volta. Everybody seems to love them but I miss At the Drive-In. Actually, I even like Sparta better than Mars Volta.
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=506194[/IMG] You are Princess Zelda. You are even wimpier than Blue Link and seem to always be captured by the villain. No matter what you do you always seem to be the target of evil plots. Since you are given so much time to yourself, in captivity, you mind is always contemplating the important things in life; which Link you want to marry. Green Link seems the obvious choice, but his un-spontaneous vibe is a major turn-off. Blue Link is nice, but his weak pussyish personality makes him seem as if he is suited more for being your sister, than your husband. Purple Link is a golddigger, only in it for the cash, and you want nothing to do with him. Red Link is perfect, his dark, bad boy personality is just your type, the only problem is that he only is interested in you when Green Link is. You continue to ponder these things as you wait for rescue. [b]WTF!!![/b] Desbreko, is this some kind of joke?:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well,... fortunately, ...There were... funny parts,... I found most of it to be pretty... When I watched The Stupids, I... laughed out loud... The rest of the time it was just...well...a lot funnier...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, Des I'm glad you liked it so much. Good times buddy... Goodtimes!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]I'm not a Christian anymore... [/B][/QUOTE] Why not? The Bible say's that once you're a true christian you can never un-do it. So, either you still are or never were in the first place. This is a little off-topic but I was really interested in your comment so maybe you can PM me and we can discuss it, plus I would love to meet more people. Anyway, back on topic. Christian music...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cacophony [/i] [B]Just wish the actual "Wiccans" would post more info:p [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, me too so I could at least talk to people who know what they're talking about. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cacophony [/i] [B] One of the big problems of trying to learn about Wicca or Witchcraft is that there is a lot of BS out there that you have to wade through that's probably why you have all these people running around claiming to be Wiccans that don't even know it was created just over fifty years ago by Gerald Gardner. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, so what about this Gardner Guy, why did he start it? What are his reasonings on why one should becaome a wiccan instead of another religion?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=indigo]No, see the point was that [i]no[/i] athiests are devil worshipers, because it's a direct contradiction in terms... You can't be an athiest and still have a system of religious belief. People called Alice Cooper and MM devil worshipers because they were self-righteous, holier-than-thou, sleep with the lights on style, straight assed aggravations who probably wouldn't know real Satanism if they saw it, and only wanted to ban music they didn't like. Propaganda. ...Not that I want to start a debate or anything.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oops, sorry you're right about atheist, I just a little dyslexic and thought I was replying to somehting that said "not all atheist are devil worshipers" and didn't realize it until you pointed it out, thanks. Anyhoo, yes I realize that many people make those assumptions about MM and Alice Cooper, which is also why many people seem to clump those two together. So if you read my first post I was just replying to the comment made about how they were alike. I apologize if you took it the wrong way I did not mean to start a debate either.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DFantasy [/i] [B][COLOR=blue][I]Well... Damn I think I have all of you beat!!! First off my great uncle is.................... Al Capone. Yes people............ that's right Al Capone. Also take a wild guess who my cousin is! Marie Capone. My mom keeps in touch and she tells me storys about him. It's really cool! Also I don't think this counts but several times i've been invited to play BasketBall with Tracy McGrady and had the chance to meet Michael Jordan. Cool, huh?[/I][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I still don't see how that beats being married to Mandy Moore?
Well, personally I really don't see the big deal with this bill either as many other people have said before me. Why, well no one (at least not where I am live) would get in trouble if they prayed at school, as long as they keep it to themselves. If they were running up and down the halls speaking in tounges then maybe that would be a problem, but as for just praying to oneself that no one could stop me from doing that. We don't have thought police (yet) and I don't need an ordained minute to tell me to pray, it's just something I do and would if I went to public school. Anyway, good creative title!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cacophony [/i] [B]Gardnerians Wiccans(the original Wiccans) do have laws and have one Goddess(a moon Goddess) and one God(the Horned-one) sometimes they use different names for the Goddess(Selene, Diana ect) but they consider them all the same one. These are the laws which they follow The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. The Power is used only as need dictates. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none. It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick. Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused. And this is the law of the Power. (yay for copy and paste lol) There's also been some branches of Wicca, Alexandrian(sp?) is one, there's a few others but I can't remember. Now there are some people how go around saying they are Wiccan but are really a mix of older pagan beliefs, I personally don't consider them Wiccan. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I don't think you needed to put that whole thing about the "Law of the Power" in there, but whatever. I was more interested in what Valen had said about the "openess" of wicca. I guess that contradicts what you say about wicca having one god and one goddes. Now, either you must count Valen under the "some people" who you don't consider wiccan or it really is as "open" as Valen says it is and your entire post did not answer my questions. Anyways... So, what is the ultimate goal of wicca? I want to know why it was created, and what the point of it is?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I always got the impression that Manson was probably an atheist from his lyrics?I don?t think that atheists are devil worshippers, hence ?a?theist, or non-believer? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I am well aware that not all atheists are devil worshipers. In fact I was exaggerating a bit with my comment since that seems to be associated with the thought of MM and Alice Cooper (pre-conversion) by quite a few people.
Well, since we're back on topic I'll repost my questions because I'm really interested in a reply. If it sounds a bit confusing then go back and read my full post but I think this is pretty much what I want to know. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B] ...Oh yeah, and if you think Wicca is a strict religion that has a base belief system that says you have to believe in multiple gods/goddesses, you're very wrong. You can believe in only one god or goddess and not be given a second thought, whereas in Christianity, if you don't believe in something about it you'll be looked on as someone who needs "saving" from the unknown. Which is another reason I like Wicca way more than Christianity. No offense to anyone that's a heavy believer of Christianity, but meh, just the way I see things. [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B] So what you are saying is that wiccans are free to make up their own religion, nothing constant, just whatever "feels" right. So it's completely based on emotional, disregarding wether or not something is right or wrong. There's no Logic in that and I would never place my life on it, let alone my eternal life. Why would you like something that has even the slightest possibility of leaving you open to eternal damnation? [/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magdalena [/i] [B]...Alice Cooper is, he's sort of the precurser to Marilyn Manson. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, he [b]was[/b] the precurser to MM but he's a Christian now so I wouldn't expect any Devil worshipping at the show you're going to. Anyhoo, I enjoy his music somewhat, and I believe he released a new album today. Enjoy the show!!!