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Everything posted by OlgaTheDwarf
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B] Hell eh? And where might this Hell place be at, hmm? [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GuardianStorm [/i] [B]Yeah, were? I know it isnt at the center of the earth, science. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, you guys think so 3 dimmensionally!:D Do you really think that scienece can comprehend the existence of Heaven or Hell? As a Christian I believe that there is One Perfect and Holy God. Being the Perfect God he is, he can't stand sin (or imperfection) to enter his Holy Kingdom (Heaven). Now, God didn't just leave it at that, He gave us Salvation (kind of like a cleansing) from our sins through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. If you don't except this gift that God gives us your sins are not cleansed and they stay with you. So if God is perfect and will not live with imperfection, where do you think all the sin goes? To a place without God, of course. Also I'd like to add that we are created as "eternal being" so we have to go somewhere when we die, and if we still are un-cleansed of sin, we go with it. So, what would a place without God be like? Well, the Bible states that "Every good and perfect gift comes from God," (James 1: around verse 19, or such). So think of all the good things in life, take them away, and you get a horrible place, or you could call it Hell. It may not be the "flaming pit" (but it could, who knows, certainly not me) that most envision it as, but the Bible says "that eternal seperation from God" is Hell, simply because God (or everything good) is not in it. So in a way I just proved the exsitence of Hell for christians and people who believe in the Bible. I may not apply to you if you are a wiccan, but I was stating more why I and all christians should believe in Hell. And since my belief as a christian doesn't leave room for that "all religions are right" BS*, I also believe that Hell applies to everyone, wether you "think" so or not. I know that this Hell conversation is a little off-topic, but I did want to get my bit in, so sorry in advance. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]...Oh yeah, and if you think Wicca is a strict religion that has a base belief system that says you have to believe in multiple gods/goddesses, you're very wrong. You can believe in only one god or goddess and not be given a second thought, whereas in Christianity, if you don't believe in something about it you'll be looked on as someone who needs "saving" from the unknown. Which is another reason I like Wicca way more than Christianity. No offense to anyone that's a heavy believer of Christianity, but meh, just the way I see things. [/B][/QUOTE] So what you are saying is that wiccans are free to make up their own religion, nothing constant, just whatever "feels" right. So it's completely based on emotional, disregarding wether or not something is right or wrong. There's no Logic in that and I would never place my life on it, let alone my eternal life. Why would you like something that has even the slightest possibility of leaving you open to eternal damnation? Ps. If anyone ever has any question about Christianity you can feel free to PM me. I might not have all the answers but God does. *by saying that "all religions are right" is a load of BS, I am certainly not trying to force anyone to believe me. So don't get all offended that I'm right.:D
I thought the preview was still very cool even the I'm in the know on the Umbrella Corp. It was fun being one of the only ones in the theater to laugh at that when I realized wht it was for, and having people give me funny looks. As for Gothika, it looks interesting enough to see. I'm do not like Halle Berry but I don't mind Robert Downey Jr. and Penelope Cruz isn't bad either. I probably will wait to here more about it though before I decide wether to see it or not.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]Yeah I know there isnt much Rap/rock bands out there but also there arent many rock bands with DJ's and 2 singers, that can make it as far as they have.:P just making a point [/B][/QUOTE] Well, seeing as those aren't that uncommon to rap or rock I still don't see your point. But, I really don't care if you like LP, more power to, why should you care what I think. I was just stating that [b]I[/b] don't think they are that unique.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]If TSW had followed a specific game in the series....maybe I'd hav enjoyed it more. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, but even if they stuck to the FF story format, such as having an actual bad guy, it could have been better. Anyways, this is exciting news and I do plan on seeing it whenever it comes out, and since it seems as if it will be at least slightly based on the FF7 storyline it is off to a goos start. Plus, seing that Sephiroth will be in it that already means that there's a bad guy so it has to do better than TSW.
1. You can command him to move by moving the GBA digital comtroller 2. You can command him to yell so link can find him by pressing the A button, I believe. 3. You can command him to sell you a tingle potion. 4. You can command him to blow-up as a tingle bomb. 5. You can command him to carry you on his Tingle Balloon. Well, it's kind of easy but who cares. [b]Q:[/b] In OOT, what was princess Zelda dream (the actual dream not it's meaning)?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Conna_da_fox [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]And int would NEVER work out with Saria and Link... man she never gets older, and think what it would be like having a kid for a girlfriend.*shudders* But they do seem to have a thing for each other when they were both kids. Oh well.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mia_Hieis_gurl [/i] [B]lol ur right just as long as he a kid theyed go togather... [/B][/QUOTE] What the heck, I stated that in [b]my[/b] post, quite a bit before you two came along, but no, I don't get credit for it. I seriously think people consciously ignore me! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Conna_da_fox [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, I've only really played OOT... so I've always liked the idea of Malon and Link together. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Bleh, Malon's such a redneck. Plus there are no perks to Link getting together with her, he might inherit Lon Lon Ranch (OMG!). Wow, what does he need that for? Of course there are uses of Lon Lon Ranch but he doesn't need to own it. Anyway, Malon's never been much into Link, not to say Link isn't hot stuff, but being the redneck that Malon is she's much more into other people, like cousins and such.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]Haha I put the POP in there as a joke. I knew people would choose it haha. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I certainly didn't choose it as a joke and I explained my reason behind my choice. I guess you can just ignore me, everybody else does. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B] Linkin Park is really unique and hope they continue doing what they do best:) ...they are so unique and no other band is like them. -Xyandar [/B][/QUOTE] I know, rap rock is just [b]so[/b] uncommon these days.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]Brigham Young was my great-great-great-great uncle. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I'm sure quite a few people could trace themselves back to Brigham Young.:D Anyways, I've always been told that I'm related to Leaf Erickson (he's a famous viking), but that's going quite a while back. Oh yeah, I just remembered, Mandy Moore is my wife so I guess we're realated.
I'm so the best cook ever!!! I've mastered Kraft macaroni and cheese and I'm almost ready to move on to frozen pizza's.
Well, I'm sure you all have heard of the college I attend, It is the very prestigious Butte Community College (*screams of awe*). I usually don't like to brag about it but there's no use hidding from the truth.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]Yeah has anyone heard of this underground band called Rebirth?[/B][/QUOTE] OMG, that's my favourite band! How'd you know? I picked pop. I would have picked the pop/hardcore hybrid (something I like to call popcore) but no, you don't have it. I'm actually serious you should totally do the underOATH (a [b]great[/b] band) thing. You should have a screaming lead vocalist, poppy keyboard, lite poppy guitar parts (but don't shy away from those full on metal riffs every once in a while), and a drummer that can play his pop beats as well as he can his his double-bass pedal. I think you should do that and if you don't, it's your loss, and umm... you suck.
Princess Zelda of course. All princesses are hotter than any other girls, and link being the kick*** guy he is deserves the hottest. Don't bother arguing, because it's a well known fairytale fact princesses are as hot as it gets, except in the rare cases where the story states that, "the princesses was very ugly", and that is a completely moot point since none of the games state that. So if you were going to reply to my comment... don't. Anyway, I think it would be rather romantic if he ended up with Sarai since he grew up with her and all. But then again, with her being a Kokiri and never getting older, would it be considered statuatory rape when he becomes adult link?... I think he should be like James Bond. Oh yeah, the Link Girl. Each game should have Link "gettin' it on" with a different lady friend. It would certainly add some feminine variety to the games. Or Link could just die a celabit. Ahh yes, the lonesome life of a celabit (I know thee too well), I mean with all his adventuring who has time for romance, certainly not Link. Personally I think he's married. To who you ask? Navi is the obvious answer. Why, because they live together. Think about it, Link never is without his clothes, so you could in a way say he lives in them, and were does Navi go when she hides, inside his clothes (try not to think about it too much it gets rather dirty). Also fairies (although not as hot as princesses) are very hot, so I wouldn't put it past him. He could also end up with that Zora girl from OOT. If you remove all the slime, greenish blue scales, those fins, and replace her gills with lungs she could actually be a very attractive female (and if my memory serves me correctly she's a princess which automaticly makes her hot.) Then again I don't fully support the sport of cross-breeding so maybe Link should just stick with the human girls (plus, imagining her without all that junk might be too much to ask for such a suave, sexy guy like Link.) Those are just my thoughts (6 whole paraghraphs, even if they are incomplete) on this issue, even if they don't make sense.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanarkand Abes [/i] [B]Well, [spoiler] Sin can be considered a bad guy, because he did all the destroying and killing. If he was merely Yu-Yevon's machine, he could have easily let Tidus kill him, remember that Jecht was sin. And Sin really isn't a machine anyway. He was the final Aeon that got taken over, so in that light, I guess I could see why Sin might not be considered a bad guy.[/spoiler] Hmmm, I must go and ponder this some more. [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler] Yes of course sin can be considered a "bad guy", but not "the bad guy". He was in a way a plague, if you will, and plagues are generally BAD (though good can come from them). Anway, he wasn't even the final fight so their is one more strike against him. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]There's is a cd out that's a mix of great bands and songs. It's called, "Facedown Family". It's great. It has hard metal and some punk at the end of the cd. It's actually not to bad for a 5 dollar cd. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't just check out there compilation CD go one step further and check out just about any band on Facedown Records. Bands such sa Symphony In Peril and Nodes of Ranvier are just a few of the bands that are on this label. Other metal/hardcore labels (and bands) that are worth checking out are: Solid State Records (ZAO, Norma Jean), Trustkill Records (Poision the Well, .hopesfall.), Century Media Records (Blind Guardian, Extol, many other European metal bands), and Metal Blade Records (As I Lay Dying, Spock's Beard). I could tell you quite a few more but here's is a good list of "bigger?" labels and bands to check out if you like metal/hardcore.
I never had even heard about a third Keyblade so you don't have to yell at me. Plus I hadn't we had never argued that the door at the beginning was KH so you can't BOO-YAH me. Anyhoo, I'm not sure when this game is comming out but it's my most anticipated game that I currentely know about.
It looks like someone tried sticking what looks like OOS cover art on a random pak and is trying to sell it on E-bay. Or, it could be an illegal copy of the game, but I wouldn't know. Someone who would know is Desbreko, he's had "experience" with that sort of thing. [spoiler] Don't worry Desbreko, I won't tell them that you once got ripped of by some guy who sold you an illegal copy of OOS. Your secret is safe with me. ;-) [/spoiler]
That was a stupid ignorant comment, my favourite band has an amazing black guitarist and It's an extreme metal band so you might want to re-phrase what you just said. Welcome to OB!!!
Well, I don't like rap at all, but because different genres of music won't affect what happens to a person eternally, I really don't give a flip if someone wants to listen to rap music no matter how bad I think it is. I will say that people have a right to like stupid things, and that's my oppinion, I don't mean to offend anyone but It's simply my oppinion, why should you care what I think? Anyhoo, I will also say that there is, in my oppinion, a lot of crap in the rock industry too so I don't just not like rap, there's a lot of rock I don't like either.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Olga...your avatar scares me. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]You should meet the guy pictured in it. Then you'd really be scared. ~_^ [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I second that! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Battletoads was mostly memorization in that level. I had no real problem with it after the first few tries. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I agree it is mostly memorization, but when you don't have a good memory and you have to know every inch of the levels... It gets rather difficult.
Battletoads is the hardest game ever so I probably should pick it as the hardest game for the NES.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The (Sic) Shape [/i] [B] FF10-Sin or Seymour or Yu Yevon- They all want everyone to die [/B][/QUOTE] I would have to disagree with you, [spoiler] Yu Yevon didn't want everyone to die. If he had wanted everyone to die he could have done it at anytime, instead he just let the, kill, destroy, let the people rebuild, repeat, cycle continue on. He wasn't even evil (amust for any good bad guy) , at least that's what the fayth say. Also Sin was just Yu Yevon's machine so he was not the bad guy. The only person you lst that I think is worthy enough to be could a "bad" guy, but alas he wasn't because he was never in a position where he was truely ever threat to the human race, plus he just wasn't the final bad guy. Anyhoo, Yu Yevon was the bad guy and the ruining factor of FFX in my oppinion.[/spoiler]
My favourite 3D Zelda Game is the one where Link is a mercenary and he goes crazy for about half of the game because he finds out that he's just a clone of Ganon, and about halfway through it Zelda (the last remaining princess) is killed by Ganon. Also Link has to try and stop Ganon from summoning a giant commet to come and... Oh wait... oh crap. (Stupid stupid stupid dwarf!) [color=indigo]If this weren't so dang funny, I'd delete it. Just try not to go over the line, eh? - Desbreko[/color]
If you could be anyone? who would you be
OlgaTheDwarf replied to XC SpydeR's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PloKoonDS [/i] [B]I myself would be 1 of 2 people. 1. The Dark Knight Dante (I got his hair already though, just need his rock star good looks and coat and body and guns and sword" or 2. Jacen Solo I am already like them both, but not exactly. Just me though. ~Plo [/B][/QUOTE] PLO you're back! Ok I want to be you. (49 more to go!) -
I don't really know that much about AFI (I just never really cared to listen), so I am not going to BS my way through a post saying how amazing they are. However, I will say that I really enjoyed their video for the "Leaving Song Part 2", because I think that it does a very good job portraying the XstaightedgeX kids. Their X's on each hand, the masks they wear, and how it shows that if you position yourself too close to them at a concert you will get kicked in the face. Why I enjoy watching a bunch of XstaightedgeX kids dance I don't know but I do find it enjoyable. (Whoohoo, one more post closer to Junior Membership.)