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Everything posted by OlgaTheDwarf

  1. I personally hate Tom Cruise, and this movie looks to me like it's going to be a Tom Cruise love-fest. Having said that I probably will not be going to see it.
  2. I really liked pretty much all the techno/backround music in this movie, I think they did a good job with it. But, the only thing that I would enjoy about the band music on the soundtrack would probablly be POD's "Sleeping Awake". No, it's not because I'm a POD fan (for the most part I can't stand rapcore), but rather because It is their first recording with their new guitarist. It's not just any guitarist, no, it's the great JASON TRUBY *AWE*. I dout that many of you care but Jason Truby *awe* was a part of my boy's, thew legendary, LIVING SACRIFICE *AWWWE* (1989-2003). May there legacy live on long beyond the fourteen years they were a band. Now that I've gone completely of topic I will leave, goodbye.
  3. Well, I think most everyone here knows my favorite band but in case you don't I'll say it again. ZAO: These guys are my absolute favorite, I love them. They're a brutal metal and so much more. Gee I hope they come back together. Living Sacrifice: Despite being pisted off at them because they cancelled all of there shows out were I am, because they want to break up, I will always be an LS fan. I mean GOSH, they're friggin LEGENDS in the world of metal. I don't know too many other underground bands that have been around 14 years. Norma Jean: Great chaotic metal, amazing live show, super nice guys, need I say more. mewithoutYOU: They only have one LP so far, but it's one of the best albums I've heard. They have been described as a "Post-Punk" band, but I don't know what the heck that means but in this case it's good music. I know and like many more bands. But check those bands out for now and I'll bring more some other time.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fall [/i] [B] There's also this one that has a mum and her two kids living in a huge mansion, where the kis are allergic to light. A house maid applies for a job there, and gets it, and the story goes from there. Weird stuff happens... Very interesting movie.. just wish I knew the name of it. I'm pretty sure that Nicole Kidman acts as the mother in this movie aswell.. I really think this movie is the scariest movie I've ever seen for ages. [/B][/QUOTE] You're thinking of The Others. But, you might want to fix your post so it doesn't give away any spoilers.
  5. First Kiss: I've had so many I don't remember How Old: I don't know Best Kiss: well considering the fact that my pillow is a crappy kisser, I would have to say I havn't had a good kiss P.S. So far I have never been kissed, and I'm proud to say that.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] [i]Rose Red[/i]? You're kidding, right? That movie's not even scary. Period. Stephen King's books/ movies/ whatever never scare me.[/size][/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The Shining was pretty good and kind of creepy, but I have to agree with you for the most part. Although there is one other exception, the movie Firestarter. I know it wasn't a scary movie but, holy crap Drew Barrymore as a child actress scares me, especially when her hair flies up and she's shooting mind rockets at people. Anyhoo, back to movies that will scare more people then me. The scariest movie in my oppinion is hands down, The Exorcist.
  7. DC is OK, I don't mind listening to them a little. I liked the guy better when he was in the band Further Seems Forever, but it's better that he's not anymore, because now they are a better band.
  8. I don't like them, but I love metal. In fact they have created a big pet peeve of mine. Why? Because whenever some stupid ignorant bro listens to some metal band that is actualy good, in fact it doesn't even have to be a metal band (it could be any band that screams and has double bass drums), they alway say they sound like Slipknot. It really ticks me of.
  9. They're based in Seatle WA.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] Isn't a research project supposed to have research? Not asking your friends for help, plus you can't really just rely on whatever we may say here. For we could very well be wrong, then you'd just look stupid. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually It's not research paper, It's just a report (the only real difference is that it's much shorter:D .) And yes I know you all could give me crap, but that's why I asked for rescources, I'm pretty sure he wants us to make "Works Cited" (special MLA paper format term for a Bibliogrphy). So, that means that I cannot BS my way through my paper (which is what I do on most of them, and I get good grades.) Anyhoo, Thank you very much for all your help I appreciate it.
  11. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! Somebody CARES! Anyhoo, check them out they're really good. I know that you can order their cd online through Tooth and Nail, their record company. You might be able to get it at a store that carries underground rock stuff, but you might not, I don't know.
  12. Alright I'm not sure if this would be the right area to put this thread in but I'm going to anyways because I need help. I have a Japanese cultural report due in about 2 weeks for my Japanese class. My Sensei, Mr. Yoshieda, told the class to choose anything and I chose video games. Any Information about video games in the Japanese culture such as: how it's veiwed by the general public, companies histories, how it affect the Japanese ecconomy, ECT... I would appreiciate any resources or information that anyone can provide about my subject. -Olga
  13. This was a frickin awesome movie I don't have time to talk about it right now but I wanted to start a thread on it. So talk about it!
  14. I was Deppressed because it showed the fall of man and how every thing accomplished by the human race was in vain. And that whole thing about Teddy also deppressed me.
  15. Wow, this is like the 3rd or 4th thread I've seen on this movie. Anyhoo, I loved this movie, it's probably one of my all time favourites. I recommend it!!!
  16. Well, I watched this movie about, a year ago (I think). It was good, but not amazing (I give it a 3 out of 4). I thought the plot was good and very thought provoking and it had a lot of depth to it, but for me the ending (though it wasn't horrible) was it's downfall. It was very depressing for me, and (even though I do relize that not every movie is meant to be uplifting) I didn't like that. I could go on and on about why I thought the movie was deppressing but I'm to tired to do so, so I won't. But, I will say one of the superficial reasons why it depressed me, was because they never said what happened to Teddy (personally my favourite character). He was kind of just phased out of the story (or maybe I missed something at the end?) And those are my thoughts on the movie. As for Haley Joel Osment, A thought he did a good job of acting in this movie and he did a wonderful job in the Sixth Sense (even though seeing dead people would be more of a Seventh Sense, but that's a different topic). But I do think that he flushed his acting career down the toilet when he sold his soul to Disney (The Country Bears, AHHHH!!!). Goodbye!
  17. I think the gun is a horrible invention, as do I think any weapon that is used to kill people is horrible. But guess what, man created a monster that is never going to go away, if we outlaw guns that is not going to stop people who really want a gun is it. There are manyways to get a gun other than legaly, such as getting them from the black market or making their own. As for outlawing bullets or making them extremely expensive, again people who really want them can get them from the black market, or make their own. Plus you can just tell stores how much they have to sell the products for, they would lose tons of money and so would the companies that make the bullets. Anyhoo, people die and people will die, it can't be stopped by taking away guns.
  18. OlgaTheDwarf


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by solitaire [/i] [B]...All the bands you named are all Punk/Ska, not Ska. Also, No Doubt is NOT any ska or punk type. NFG and Finch are punk bands..o_o; How could you call them SKA? Know your music people. Some real ska is 67, 3 day weekend,aquabats, asob, assorted jellybeans, atom and his package, bigwig, bouncing souls, boy sets fire, braid, brand new, bright eyes, catch 22, cky, coheed and cambria, converge, cursive, desaparecidos, ednas goldfish, eighteen visions, everytime i die, five iron frenzy, forced laughter, from autumn to ashes, glassjaw, high school football heroes, hot rod circuit, less than jake, most precious blood, mustard plug, my bloody valentine, my chemical romance, norma jean, one cool guy, onelinedrawing, osker, patent pending, point blank, poison the well, rainer maria, saetia, skycamefalling, step lively, the impossibles, the movielife, the ripoffs, the schematics, the scofflaws, the supertones, the toasters, the used, the vandals, thrice, thursday, voodoo glow skulls, world inferno friendship society. I'm pretty sure that most of these are ska, some may be skacore or ska/punk. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay I'll try to refrain myself, but you must think that you're the god of music generalization don't you. If you tell people to know their kusic and then speak with completely uder ignorance it pisses me of. Yes of course you listed many actual ska bands in that statment such as Less than Jake, Five Iron Frenzy and The Orange County Supertones. You also listed bands that are completely different. So I ask you PLEASE find out the difference between ska and chaotic metal. I don't see how anyone in their right minds can list Norma Jean (one of my favourite bands) as ska! Ok for all of you who don't know ska originates from island music, but today it's more of a punk style with brass instruments (trumpets,ect..) in it. And I've been to a norma jean concert and own both their cd's, and guess what?, no brass instruments. There were many other metal/core bands you listed that are deffinately NOT at all ska: eighteen visions, converge, and Every time i Die. Plus you also other mentioned other bands that are different styles and are deffinately NOT SKA! So if you tell people to get their facts straight get yours straight also!
  19. OlgaTheDwarf

    Punk Music!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by solitaire [/i] [B]If I ever said crap like GC or NFG was good punk, I would get jumped. Cause its just not, mainstream = evil. [/B][/QUOTE] Personally, I don't care for those bands but that's a pretty dumb mentallity to have. Just because a large number of people like a band doesn't mean they're automatically bad. You're free to have your oppinion, but I'm also free to think your oppinion is a bad one.
  20. OlgaTheDwarf


    And what does that have to do with holes?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]If These Scars Could Speak by Zao...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, and anything else by Zao!
  22. OlgaTheDwarf


    Ummm... I hate to be the black sheep but, I've never heard of the book so if someone could inform me that would be most appreciated!
  23. OlgaTheDwarf


    I didn't even think it had good humour, it was just plain horrible. Anyhoo, I'm pretty sure there was already a thread about this terrible movie.
  24. Has anyone else besides me heard of this band. Their first album "A-->B Life" (Translates to :A to B Life) came out last year but I just recentely got it. Personally I find it amazing, their sound is so unique. The only thing that I can describe about their sound is it sounds kind of At The Drive In-ish, but it's still very much their own sound. Songs I recommened are Bullet To Binary, and Silencer, so check them out. OKAY I GIVE UP NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME!!! Wow!, it really sucks... WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO POST!!!
  25. I like Finch, they're good. I do believe (although it could just be my ignorance) that they only have one other album than What It Is To Burn and it is an EP (hmm... maybe it's a full length I'm not sure but my freind has it.)
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