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Everything posted by Renee

  1. How does one make a sentence in latin? It's a basic sentence I want to translate, I know the words, I just can't figure out the order in goes in. For example, English is Subject/Verb/Object while Japanese is Subject/Object/Verb. I think Latin is arranged like Japanese, SOV, but I'm not sure. Can anyone help me out? P.S. If this is the wrong fourm, I apologize. I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it! :)
  2. Aww, but I'm lazy! ;P I can understand how it might be difficult, but maybe some day...
  3. I'm pretty sure you can edit what words are deemed mispelt or not. I wouldn't know, I've never looked into it before.
  4. Why don't we have a spell check? Some posts are simply bad because the person can't spell very well or because english isn't their main language. I just think it would be more helpful for the members. You really can't go wrong with a spell check. (Unless we can't filter curse-words) It's just my two-cents. *shrugs* P.S. I apologise if there [I]is[/I] a spell check already. I can't seem to find one. *looks about the page*
  5. All my friend are in councling, and have tried suicide at least once. What does that say about me? I don't know, and I really wish I did. All you can do is be there and listen to them. I guess I spend most of my time trying to not become lost with them. But have faith, the worst has passed and now it's time to heal.
  6. [B]I hate people who hate people[/B] It's not that I don't like you guys, but it's just so much better to smile and nod. Yes, people can be very annoying, but that's no reason to push them off a cliff. [B]Bush[/B] I don't WANT to rant about how foolish Bush has acted. I just want anyone else but him. Please. [B]Sponge Mokeys[/B] Dear (insert deity of choice here) I hate those Sponge Monkeys! They are EVIL I tell you! I've seen some scary, scary things, but that kids, it the most horrifying thing I have EVER seen. Curse you Sponge Monkeys! *shakes fist*
  7. Rice, milk, sugar, and cinamon(sp?). It's kinda like a Chinese cereal or sumthing. Oh, and peanut butter and bacon is really good. *nodnod*
  8. My, but those are niffy Shippo! *pokes Shippo's banners*
  9. I was at Pet Co. I saw this really sweet dog and when I got down to pet him he got excited and frenched me. :p Besides that, that's all the kissing I've ever done. -.-; Ah well, at least it was a male dog. ^^;
  10. Grr...I hate links... Ignor that. Here... No One's Poem To be someone is bleak I've no reason to be Why try live out others dreams? The world is cruel to someone's Those who are well known Dream to be a nothing To float away from distracting gossip That plague bright shimmer minds No need to be a someone Someone's always bled For everyone tells everyone Almost everything I don't have a true body For no-body I be I'm just borrowing this person That was once a somebody
  11. I've always wanted to fly. I dream about it all the time. It would be so cool...
  12. [URL=http://poetry.com/Publications/display.asp?ID=P5572277&BN=999&PN=1]My Poem[/URL] I entered my poem on Poetry.com and it turns out I'm a semifinalist! Out of thousands of entrees and even adults! My poem is going to be published in a large collection of poetry by poetry.com. I even get my own little bio! I can even win a lot of money if I win. I don't think I will, but it's cool all the same.:D
  13. Dude... I haven't posted here for years! Hi James! I know no one here... 2000 Decmber 23... I feel so old...:sweat: Many cookie points for theOtaku! ^.^ *sips tea*
  14. [COLOR=purple]I think you are all silly! Harry+Draco all the way! It'd be sooo cute! *dances and giggles like a fool* I do like Ron+Hermione, which is saying quite a lot cause I [B]never[/B] like straight couples, but they just rock my socks! And who else loves the twins? *insert much fangirl-ness* [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=purple]When a friend told me I ran over to the paper, read the article, and spun around the room and ran into people. I was at school mind you. I love reading, and the Harry Potter books just rock my socks.:) At first I was skeptical about all the fuss about Harry. Then my sister brought the first book home and I read it in one night. The next day at school I checked out the second one and read that in one night. Same thing with the third one. The fourth one took me three days because I had homework. I can't wait until the book comes out! Ooooh! I hope that they make Sirius and Remus attractive in the third movie. I always pictured them attractive. *puts up a Draco+Harry banner and flees*[/COLOR]
  16. Nerdsy was the KING of the geeks... is he still here? I don't know... This topic reminds m of a book I read called The Misfits. It was about name calling and stuff. Has anyone read that book. I need sugar. *wanders off*
  17. O.o ....so Santa [B]is[/B] real? Yay! ^-^ :D
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=crimson]Sources include: [url]http://www.santalady.com/history.html[/url] [url]http://www.vampyra.com/xmas/santa.htm[/url] And so and so forth...but I sense an argument brewing on the horizon, so let me reiterate that St. Nicholas WAS real (even if Santa Claus isn't), and I'll stop at that.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] What do you mean, Santa Claus isn't real?:bawl: Ginny, I never knew you were a sluggy fan!
  19. Can I still join? Name:Faye Age:16 Bio: Ran away from home at 12. She can read animals thoughs. Appeaence:Blue hair, voilet eyes,army tea and baggy pants. What magical beast you would prefer: Wolf who breaths ice.
  20. Name: Draco Demonic type: Vampire Human Form Age: 21 Human Form Appearance: Blondie, blue eyes, skinny, black clothes. Weapon of choice: Throwing dagers, teeth, or what ever else he can get his hands on.:naughty:
  21. Renee


    When ever I sing the opening themesong to Gundam Wing at school I always get odd looks.:D But I get odd looks anyway, so I might as well make it count, right?!:P
  22. Adam made a thread! *builds mini shrine* Er... don't ask... I wuv it Adam! It's all nice an' shiny, just like the rest of 'em! Which is just how I like it! :D I'm hyper! *runs up wall*
  23. I have a snake one on acount of it's my year in the Chinese zodaic.*nodnod*
  24. *leers at newbie* What is this "life" you speak of? You mean the cereal? Why would you post a topic on cereal? Oohh! You mean a social life! I don't have one. I don't really WANT one either, thank you very much! I'm much rather be an anime freak!:) Thanks for trying to "save" us but as you can see, we're a lost cause. So why don't you take your cereal and go way. *Sips her tea and walks off muttering about the evils of Spam. No, not the post, the "food" stuff. Duh!*
  25. May your dreams grow wings and fly to heaven and back. -Me Sane people are weird. -Me You scare me. Me! Of all people! -Me Daisuke: Straight people suck! Ken:... Daisuke:... Ken: ...shut up Daisuke. Daisuke: Wai! I'm sorryyyy! -My muses. I know, I know... You know what I need? I theme song !-Me If I I smoked, I'd need a cigarette right about now... -I told this to my Science teacher. She just laughed.-_-; God has a sick sense of humor. -Me ...and with the turtles help! I'll be unstoppable! -My friend Loriei My wife parked the car on my dog. -My gym teacher. He's nuts. It's all good! -Me, it's my motto! Shibby! -Me You mean you don't want blood and mayhem? Pity! Your future children's names? *noddes vigorously*-??? Yoooouuuu b****! -Me You know, Fat Buu and Mr.Satan made a really cute couple... -Me That don't make no sense!- A guy in my grade. I just remembered I'm claustrophobic! -Me on the bus. Thank you for you opinion, no one cares. -Me Note to self: Tails grow back! -Piccolo from DBZ The voices in my head told me when I grow up, I'll rule the world! -T-shirt I saw THE PEGUINS! THE PENGUINS! THE PENGUINS!-Me skipping in a circle.
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