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[quote name='Boba Fett][color=green']I'm willing to bet those entries are locked due to their controversial natures.[/color][/quote] Actually no. This is why people are so skeptical of its reliability. But it works out quite well. Wikipedia may lock pages but it is very, very rare. Right now, I'm able to edit the Intelligent Design article.
There is a discussion in Slashdot (Warning Will Robinson, Warning: "Geek Territory ahead") about this: [url]http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/12/01/0030200&from=rss[/url] I think there are a couple of things need to be understood about this situation. 1. John Seigenthaler is not someone famous that people know or look up. This is why you can pull such a prank. Because no one looks up the entry, because no one cares about it, because no one reads it, this is why it slipped through. But if you were doing an assignment, on some topic that is evenly remotely interesting/controversial/popular, you can be sure that blatantly false information like this is very unlikely to fall through. If you don't believe me I suggest you look up ANY entry that is controversial/popular. George Bush, Intelligent Design, Evolution, Albert Einstein, etc. Go into that entry and try to sneak some blatantly bais or false information in. Go on. Edit it. And then wait, and come back the next day, and see if your edit survived. I'm willing to bet your entry would have been obliterated. Please note you do this at your own risk, Wikipedia MAY have a policy of banning IPs that intentionally troll. 2. Wikipedia should not be taken as the word of God. But then you shouldn't accept everything you read in the library or see on TV either. Just because it is in a book doesn't make it true. Wikipedia is no more or less reliable. But you know what's so great about Wikipedia? Besides the fact that it is free. It is the fact that most Wikipedia articles have reference to the original sources. So you can click on the links and go to the actual source and cross-check the facts yourself. So if you want to write a paper on Occam's Razor, or Abortion, or some similar topic, you can get straight into it on Wikipedia. Even if you can't use Wikipedia as a source, you can just glean the information from Wikipedia, then use the links/references as sources. See, the greatest thing about Wikipedia is that YOU are in charge. The last thing I would say about Wikipedia is that it is especially useful when you deal with very controversial topics like Intelligent Design or Palestine. Because these are very controversial issues the articles are constantly monitored to ensure that bias information doesn't creep in. This is because people FOR or AGAINST an issue will make sure that the facts are correct. So the article ends up being very balanced, having been beaten up by both sides. EDIT: [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4530930.stm[/url] Apparently Wikipedia is as accurate on science as Encyclopedia Britannica.
The Geneva conventions and the POWs at Guantanimo Bay
Mnemolth replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']They determined that a person cannot be held indefinately without a trial...[/color][/quote] Hmm... not quite. As I understand it, what the Supreme Court seems to be saying is that the government cannot just designate ANYONE an "enemy combatant", and so hide them from the courts. The person is entitled to rebutt the government declaration of their status. What's the diff? There are major differences. Because this is a time of war, the "normal" rules do not apply. The "very basic" rules still exist, so the person can still challenge his detention, but it's not like he has to have a trial, or his guilt be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, or rules of evidence (like hearsay, etc) need to apply. Just as long as the person has a chance to come before an objective third party (ie court or maybe tribunal) and challenge the government's claim that he is an "enemy combatant", that's all that needs to happen. If the courts are more likely to believe the government story than his, then he's screwed. So this means the President can't tommorrow label John Kerry an "enemy combatant" and lock him up indefinitely, but they can probably lock that arab guy down the street who can't prove with 100% certainty that he isn't part of al Qaeda. It's a big victory for civil rights, but it ain't a complete victory. -
Hmm... Quote threads are often a little obnoxious. Or precocious. Or both. As if we can reduce the complexities of life into a neat little phrase. Once upon a time T-shirts were actually a piece of clothing, rather than a form of expression. But hey, that's just my opinion... :)
If, for whatever reason, you can't use Word or Works, say you're at some public computer that doesn't have them or something, and you want to spell check your post, just copy and paste it into [URL=http://www.spellcheck.net/][COLOR=Blue]SpellCheck[/color][/URL]. It will give you suggestions on words it doesn't like, and you can decide to change them or not. Once you're happy with it, copy & paste it back into your post, and viola, you're done. Of course, it doesn't check grammar or anything like that, and it uses an American dictionary, but yeah... now you really don't have any excuses for mis-spelling. :)
Not sure if this should be on it's own thread or posted under Nashvilledreamer's thread. I thought I'd post it here to give it more exposure, and get some comments, and it is 'my' poem even tho it is a reworking of someone else's poem. And if someone is not happy, then this can always be deleted. :) You can see the original thread [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38424]here[/URL] [b]Ying and Yang[/b] Sometimes there is good Sometimes there is bad Sometimes you love Sometimes you hate But always there is balance Always the Ying and Yang For the universe is a timepiece And to every equation There is a solution. So fear not despair For hope is there Fear not pain For pleasure is around the bend Most of all fear not fear for solace shall be near.
[QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Which is why our society is a wonderful thing. As my English teacher would say, [I]"You can stand up at speakers corner and say the Prime Minister's a crook, but if you can't prove it, you're going to be sued for slander."[/I] What a wonderful world we live in. :) Freedom of speach is a right we are all given (throughout most of the world, anyway), but hate material is still hate material. We are allowed to say whatever we want about the government, and our society, as long as we don't say absurd and negative things about people specifically. And, in that case, it's either up to them to sue us, or we'll be charged with harassment.[/FONT] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually, as far as I understand, that's not quite true. I might wanna have a word with that teacher of yours. :) It's not slander if I got up in a park and denounce the Prime Minister as a crook. Just as it isn't slander if I was in the US and called George Bush a liar. It's my opinion and opinion doesn't fall into material that can be 'slander'. If you're asserting it as a 'fact' then you've got more of a problem. But even so, with the examples given, it's not too big a deal, since these are extremely public and political figures and the courts are very VERY wary of curtailing political debate. But a well known newspaper can't print complete untruths, although that's more called libel rather than slander. This is because by definition, a newspaper is asserting facts. Another thing to know is that 'truth' isn't always a defense. Depends on the place and the law in that place. In some places, even if what you say is true, it will still be slander if they can prove that you said those things primarily out of malice, and that you wanted only to harm the reputation of the person, and you didn't have other objectives in mind, like for example, the public interest to know. [EDIT] As for hate material, in most western countries, esp the US, hate material is allowed as long as you don't incite people to do illegal things, like murder other people for example. So while you can say all blacks are lazy and stupid, you can't tell people to shoot every black person they see. Just like while you can say George Bush is an idiot and shouldn't be President, you can't then go on to tell people to kill him.[/EDIT]
Hmm... how small is it? I don't know any Japanese, but if it's a simple line of text, maybe you can try [URL=http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr][COLOR=Blue]BabelFish[/COLOR][/URL]. It's probably wrong, but it's fun to use, and for something really simple, it'll give you a general idea. Can anyone who is bilingual and understand Japanese, use this service and tell me how accurate it is for simple lines of text?? :)
I don't know who Milton Creagh is, and really this isn't the point of the post. But all of this just reminds me of the motivational 'guru' in Donnie Darko. Yes, yes, it's just a movie. But on ocassion, certain scenes in a movie do have a point. And that was one smart flick. Anyway, my two cents is rather simple. I don't think that anyone's salvation relies on another, that anyone's path to God (if you believe in Her/Him) goes through someone else. But rather, that it is up to us. Just as I believe that no one can kick their addiction of anything, be it alcohol or drugs or whatever, through depending on others. Sure support by your family or friends is essential, but really, only you have the power to kick your own addiction. So what has this to do with anything MistressRoxie said? Quite alot actually. Life is complicated. And people find that hard. So they rather have easy answers. But there are no easy answers. There is no 'simple' path. And following one guru or another is not going to get you where you want to go. Only you can get yourself there. So, don't be lazy and think for yourself is the gist of this post. See with your own eyes, hear with your own ears and know with your own mind. And yes, what I've just said also applies to this post. ;)
Writing Please Review, No one ever reviews my poems, so please Review
Mnemolth replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Creative Works
I preferred the Ying Yang poem to the Suicide one. I like its beat, its sharp terse little lines. But you do tend to overuse cliches and some words. Heal, for example, shows up 3 times. It's a small poem. So yeah. Vary it a little. Also throw in some imagery. As for the suggestion that you should use more 'sophisticated' words, I'm not so sure. I reckon you should give it a go. Just to develop your style. But I would add here that small 'simple' words does not make a poem any less powerful or meaningful. In fact, it is a hell of a lot harder to write a GOOD poem with simple words than to write one with more complicated vocabulary. The best poetry relies on captivating imagery but with a simple vocabulary. Consider the following poem, first published in 1966 (the time of James Dean and youthful rebellion, the time when the whole teen angst and cool thing swept the world). "We Real Cool" We real cool. We Left school. We Lurk late. We Strike straight. We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon. It's by Gwendolyn Brooks, one of America's greatest modern poets. Almost 40 years later people still quote it for its power and insight. 8 simple lines. And it's an American classic, taught in schools and universities all over the country. Just something to think about... :) Ying and Yang -> B- Warning Against Suicide -> C+ And don't worry about my grades. Just ask Asphy, I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to literature. ;) -
[QUOTE=IceWolfEyes]I wonder if anyone could explain the differences between Catholics and Christians. I know they stemmed from the same religion, but after that the definition gets fuzzy. Icewolfeyes[/QUOTE] I'm sure there are gonna be holes in this but it's basically on the right track. Because I'm gonna be brief, it's gonna oversimplify things a bit. Christianity in the middle ages, rested with Catholicism. The road to Heaven went through the Church (and by Church here I mean the Catholic Church). But a few hundred years ago, around about the 16th century, there was a revolt, or revolution, initiated mainly by a Catholic priest, Martin Luther. He wasn't happy with the way the Church went about it's business. He thought it had moved away from it's purpose, there was too much corruption, etc. Anyway, seems like a whole bunch of people agreed with him, and a movement, the Reformation, was underway that changed the state of Christianity. The 'reformers' were labeled 'Protestants', protesting against the status quo. They wanted a more personal and direct relationship with God. There were disillusioned with the Church. So basically there are two main groups of Christians. Catholics and Protestants. But don't think it's all that simple. Because not all Catholics or Protestants are the same. So within Catholicism there are denominations, like the Jesuits, Dominicans and so on, and they have slightly different views on things. On the Protestant side, there are the Anglicans, the Uniting Church, and so on. Most evangelists are Protestants, so most of mid-west would be Protestant. Actually I think the majority of 'Christians' in the US are Protestants. So what does this have to do with anything? Well, the Protestants believe in a more direct relationship with God. It's more individualistic. And at the root of their belief is that Jesus died for our sins, and so our salvation lies within his sacrifice. So you hear a lot of stuff about 'accepting' Jesus and so on. The idea behind that is that you don't get to Heaven by doing good deeds or atonement (paying for sins you've done), but by accepting Jesus, by acknowledging his sacrifice. Does that mean that if I 'accept' Jesus, I can become a mass murderer and still go to Heaven?? Not really, because if you truly accepted Jesus and his suffering for you, you wouldn't be the sort of person capable of doing something like that. Or something like that, I'm sure there are Protestant here who can give you the details. As for the Catholics, they also believed in Jesus dying for our sins. But they also think that we need to do things as well, like confessing to our sins, and paying penance to atone for them. So, in a nutshell, that's the difference between Catholics and Protestants. As a side note, in some places in the world, protestants refer to themselves as 'Christians'. This is where it can get a bit confusing. They don't think Catholics are Christians because they don't think Catholics 'accept' the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. This is because the Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. To Protestants, there is only Jesus and he is God, and that's the beginning and end of the matter. So if you ask them what religion they believe in, they'll reply Christian. And if you ask them whether they're Catholic or not, they look you blankly in the face and say, "Didn't I just tell you I was Christian?" :) Now if you want to talk about Hinduism and Buddhism, that's a whole different kettle of fish! :)
There are two kinds of sci-fi fans. Those who love Star Wars and those who love Star Trek. What about those who like BOTH, I hear you say?? Well, bud, there ain't no such creature! They lie! Lies I tells ya!! Hey! What are you doing?? Stop that!! Unhand me you fool!! You cannot hide the truth!! The truth shall be revealed!! And ye shall worship in the Shrine of Yoda or in the Temple of Enterprise, and ye shall have only one worship, and ye shall smite all infidels whomever shall question ye faith.....so it is written...so it shall be done.....
[QUOTE=Dan L]Actually, Christianity is pretty clear on one thing: No matter how much good you've done, you will always have done a lot of bad, thus no one can reach something better than themselves (heaven) just by good deeds. If you could, then there'd be no reason for the cross whatsoever. The actual teaching of the Bible is that you are pretty messed up but Jesus takes the blame for it if you believe it- and thus you reach something better than yourself. It may well encourage good works in our life in this world- but it certainly doesn't teach that you will go to heaven through your own goodness. "Salvation"... Why would we need to be saved if we could get to heaven just by doing good things? You don't even get into heaven by believing in God (because the Devil knows about him) or praying to him. Only by accepting Jesus- which usually takes the form of a prayer, but it is always centred on the fact that it's God who does the good things, not us. Buddhists probably have some good values and practices- but the statement that the two beliefs w.r.t. salvation are no different couldn't be farther from the truth. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a Christian. Technically Anglican, but I don't really give much attention to denomination- only the fact that I follow Jesus.[/QUOTE] Dan, that's actually a Protestant view of 'Christianity'. If you believe that 'Christianity' is a religion centred around Jesus, then there are plenty of Christians who don't follow what you have said there, or the degree to you which you emphasised the Jesus as Saviour or Acceptance of Jesus angle. You can label them 'non-Christians' if you wish, but they do believe in Christ, that He is the Son of God, and, to my reckoning, believing in Christ means you're a Christian. After all, that's where the word is derived from in the first place.
Writing A Huck Finn Debate: Should it be banned?
Mnemolth replied to Japan's topic in Creative Works
This is kinda one-sided ain't it? :) Okay, I think we need to get some perspective here. In most discussions about Huck Finn the question is not an outright ban. That wouldn't even be consitutional, free speech and all. The debate is often brought up in the school context. So perhaps some of you can think of situations in which it might or might not be a good idea. Here are three starting points: 1) Should Huck Finn be banned from school libraries? Remember the government pays for those books (assuming it is a state school), so whether or not your parents' (and taxpayers in general) tax dollars should be spent buying such a book may be relevant to your discussion. 2) What about Junior High schools, where the kids are generally under 16?? Is it really suitable for children under 16? Remember to have a book in the school library implies that the school, in a sense, 'promotes' that book, by making it available for kids to read. If you let it on the shelves of High Schools and not Junior High, what are you saying about children under 16? Are you protecting them or patronising them? 3) Even if you allow Huck Finn into the libraries of schools, the final question is, do you allow him on the curriculum, that is, should Huck Finn be on the list of books that are taught in schools?? Remember, the books on this list are all deemed great works and suitable for teaching school children. They are held up as examples of outstanding literature. With all the racial tensions in Huck Finn, should that book be held up as such an example at school level?? -
Greetings again you young world weary travellers on the road to nowhere. :) Just thought I'd drop in and drop another sonnet. Another reminder to the person who knows who they are that they better step up to the plate. A deal's a deal! :D Of course should any poor unsuspecting person stumble across this thread, and blind their innocent impressionable eyes by reading it, alas I renounce any responsibility for any madness or mental illness that may afflict them. You are, obviously, entitled to condemn me to the depraved fiery pits of Hell, so bring it on. Although I'm not so sure that would be such a good idea considering the nature of what I have written! You know.... I might actually enjoy it, or something. *lol* [b]Soul Search[/b] Before the festering gates of Hell, In darkness, you and he shall mate. Blest Jezebel, you Empress-whore! To couple with a soulless corpse. His slavering eyes caress her soul, An appetite that yearns for more -- Thus did he seek, with fervent lust, The soul she stole, the soul he lost. Now where is Ravenstorture when you need her?? *lol* Although, come to think of it, it's probably more a cautionary tale for Flynn! :D
Well, not quite. But close enough. Someone decided to dare me to post on OB. Dare me?? Well, you should all know better than to dare me. ;) So here I am... Hmm... *twiddles thumb*... hmm... what to do... what to post... Well, here's something light and frothy and well suited to the OB member's dare, or my return dare anyway. :) [b]Glance[/b] That moment, but a moment be Was more than an eternity. For then I was lost in her eyes, My senses melted, mesmerized. A prisoned heart did soar above And beat light rhythms of soft love. To tell her then, I'd not the will, She knows not that I love her still. ------ Now you're on (you know who you are). :D
This competition has been a bit choppy, but it was still nice to see some people have a go. Hopefully, if there are any more such competitions (A poetry one may be interesting), it would run more smoothly. This one seems to have petered out at the end. As for the final round, I think both finalists are deserving candidates for Otaku Idol. Hmm... I actually liked your piece Deedlit. I did not find it mundane at all. "...it looks as though you're inside a wonderful drawing in which the artist accidentally knocked over his bottle of white-out..." "... Or you can imagine it something like cold, soft, white, wet mud..." "...the army of snowmen must return to their watery pools..." These are all good in my opinion. They really capture the mood, texture and essence of a snowstorm. It was somewhat informal but formality was never a criteria. The important point was when I read your piece, you put me smack in the middle of a snowstorm. And that's what counts. Lady Asphyxia, you piece was quintessentially you. :) And no, that's not a bad thing. Actually, it's a good thing. For me anyway. I like your writing. I like its playfulness and its sincerity and its warmth. That doesn't mean it's completely honest or that it isn't laced with contrivances, but it seems to me, that it does come from somewhere inside, that indeed, it does come from [i]you[/i]. And that is good. A writer should leave some mark of themselves in their writing. I found your piece illuminating in parts, but mostly, it was funny and fun. It was a joy to read. The trouble is of course, the way it was set up, I could not quite immerse myself in the middle of a snowstorm as I could with Deedlit's submission. And at the end of the day, that's what was required. [b]So my vote goes to Deedlit.[/b] This might seem strange to some people, but I actually do think Lady Asphyxia had a better piece of writing. It was clever and inventive. Just not a better piece for the objective for this final round that's all.
Apologies for the lateness. I was busy and out of reach for a while. [b]Deedlit:[/b] Good poem. Good rhythm. It flows well off the tongue. Its not fancy or deep. It is what it is. I think you could improve the ending though. In particular, the last line seem rather abrupt. I suspect you were having trouble finishing it off. [b]Lady Asphyxia:[/b] Cheeky little girl aren't you? ;) It's good. Or as Bruce Almighty might say..."It's Guuuuuuurrd". To me, second last paragraph was weakest. That probably needs a bit of reworking. But overall an excellent job. Short, snappy and assured. [b]Braidless Baka:[/b] Again, a good try. It doesn't flow as well as Deedlit's poem but then again it is more complicated. There were a couple of problems with grammar that spoilt it. The mistakes can easily be corrected, yet with them there, the poem does suffer. Impressions are everything. "Foundations [i]felling[/i] with a snap"? "Frustration released with such contempt/ The trembling echo of a sudden crack." Sounds great but it doesn't work for me because it seems confused. Poetry requires some precision. [b]Ravenstorture:[/b] A tortured little poem from a tortured little soul? :) Inventive, smart and sassy. It walks like a women who knows she will grab attention and takes it in her stride as a matter of course. Somewhat self-conscious in parts, it is nevertheless, a good exhibition of free verse. It has good pace, a meaty middle and a satisfied finish. [b]Ajeh:[/b] Polemic poetry? Who would have thought? :) Structure works well. Third last paragraph is a little too strained and consequently a bit trite. Again, a good ending. Let this be a lesson to all. For the length of these poems a good ending is essential. Stuff that up and it taints the rest. [b]Juuthena:[/b] Your submission is very similar to Deedlit's poem. Both done well. Trotting along. But whereas Deelit only really suffered with the last line, your horse seems to have slowed down to walk in the last two paragraphs. They seem horribly rushed. But its good to know you made an attempt. :) [b]Zidargh:[/b] Hmm... that was an ambitious poem. Unfortunately, you didn't quite pull it off that well. A lot of the rhymes seemed strained to me, as if you were not so much picking the right words for the right place but ones that would rhyme. That's a big mistake. There were some good paragraphs though. The first two started the poem off on the good footing. The middle was muddled. And the end was neither great nor terrible. You looked like you put some work into it, and as I said, it was very ambitious, but such ambitions are risky. The problem is you didn't pull it off, so it becomes more obvious. My vote is a toss between Juuthena and Zidargh. But since Zidargh seems to have put more work into the submission, and because it was more ambitious than Juuthena, I guess I'll have to vote Juuthena off. Sorry about that. I am trying to be very impartial just in case you might think I have some ulterior motives. :)
I would like to apologise for being short and to the point with this post. I appreciate the efforts of all those who have made submissions, and it does seem unfair that I'm not able to comment on each and every one of them. But I'm really busy at the moment, and although I could hold off saying anything till a fortnight hence, when I might have more time on my hands, I think that would disrupt the flow of this competition adversely. Suffice to say I have read all the submissions. They are all different and I do not have a favourite one. So I will just give me opinion. As with Heaven's Cloud, I would like to thank everyone for taking the effort to post something. I would especially like to thank Na'dou for being the first to kick this whole thing along. That takes courage. However, to be fair, I have to judge on my personal opinion. And unfortunately, I must choose one to leave one behind. And unfortunately, my choice is [b]Na'dou[/b]. The writing is haphazard and erratic. In some places, I have a suspicion that Na'dou was trying to write in the style of a fairy tale, that is, with simplicity and romanticism. But it didn't come out that way. It just came out short and abrupt and simple. There is a big difference between carricature and lack of characterisation. I have mixed feelings about casting my vote. As I said, Na'dou did make the first move, and that really should be applauded. But I guess one lives and learns.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]"Dude, does it just suck being you? There's a word for your entire post. It's called ********. ******** because you go on and on about what a great person you think you are. Hell, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say I believe you. Now, after giving you the benefit of the doubt and being kind enough to acknowledge your post, I ask you: ?if you're such a well-rounded person, and apparently so wonderful and such a stellar human being, why are you getting so pissy on an online web forum?? I see no maturity at all in anything you just wrote. I see a pissy, whimpering, weak, little man trying to make himself big. You claim that you don't throw hissy fits--dude, your entire response was one big hissy fit. I read the entire damn thing. I want my 15 min back. I could've been doing productive stuff, like writing an epic. And you requested that whoever wishes to respond to this drivel, needs to read your entire post? Are you that pompous, too? I think, you need to get off your Woody Allen wannabe ***, grow some hair on your chest, get the squeak out of your voice, and get rid of that annoying ?holier than thou? attitude the pervades your nonsense responses, then come back and see me. Then I know I'll treat you like an equal and not like some pompous Simpsonian reject." [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You really really [i]really[/i] wanted me to bite didn't you? :D Good effort, but I'm afraid I'm a little bit too big for you dude. Why don't you turn around and tag your tag-team partner, I'm sure he is dying to jump into the ring to have his spiel. :)
Oh the joys of a lively debate! In honour of Sem's post, I'll cease with the smilies for this post. This is going to be a long post because I'm going to cover a lot of material. Please don't whinge to me about the length of the post, I am trying to make it as short as possible. Also please don't respond unless you've read the whole post (yes, I know its long and I apologise for that). You don't need to cover each point I make, but you should certainly read the whole post. On the positive side, you'll probably learn more about me in the following post than many of you have ever done (or might want to). So if you want to know about me, read the post. ~~~*~~~ I've read pretty much this entire thread, skip the last couple of pages though. People have been saying lots of things so I'm going to narrow down my responses basically to those people who have been responding to my post, namely Sem, TN, James and Charles. [b]Sem[/b] First off with Sem. Excellent post! I'm talking about the first one. Relatively short but well thought out. A bit on the angry side but you were passionate about your opinion. A few good insights. I particularly love the 'messiah' complex point. All your points were pretty reasonable, and can be drawn from my posts. Of course, I don't agree with them, though I'm sure you would not expect me to. I certainly don't think I wax Shakespeare in my posts. There's really no point in confusing people to the extent that they agree with you only because they don't want to look dumb. People that self-conscious are hardly the reliable friends you would want to have by your side. As for sly and hidden insults, really come on! This is just the universal self-deprecating humour you find amongst anyone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. Like when I question your 'normality' as a 20-yr old. You could have come back with something akin to "Look whose talking" Or something. Its just some repartee. At times, the posts may be sharp but its always jovial and completely devoid of malice. And you also mention me with my constant quibbles about the management of OB. Maybe you can do a search but I'm fairly confident I haven't being saying much about how this Board is run at all for many a month now. If I have made any remarks it would have been on boards in general. Certainly not OB in particular. I will, however, admit to thinking many 'teenagers' on anime boards online are rather ignorant. But that's not to say that I hold that against them. Nor is it to say that I think [i]too[/i] much about myself. The fact is I have enough letters after my name to almost spell half the alphabet. And these didn't come from academia alone, they also include various internationally recognised professional qualifications. I also attend the national university of my country and serve as one of the 'Mentors' for the first year uni students (normally around 18-19 yrs old), y'know, to show them the ropes, help them out, the usual stuff that Mentors do at unis everywhere. I didn't bring all this up to compare d*ck sizes. I brought this up to show you where I'm from, and that I probably have a different scale to work with when I speak of 'intelligence', or even 'maturity'. Of course this could all be a big fat lie, and Charles may be right and I'm just some nerd who has no life whatsoever to speak of, and has probably never even been laid. [b]TN[/b] The wink is meant to suggest it is a joke, but I find jokes are not all just 'HAHA' affairs. Some are amusing because they are poignant. I think it would be more accurate to say that the wink or smiley is there to show that no malice is involved. Now, again, of course if you don't believe that, well then that's entirely up to you. I have no problem with you saying what you want to say. Except if you are targeting someone, and you do it with malice. Which seems to be the case on more than one ocassion. Its your intent that I have a problem with. Your intent, sometimes, doesn't seem to be to warn the member, or close a thread where appropriate, it seems to be to insult, demean, and humiliate as far as possible, within your role as moderator. And that, in my opinion, is just not on. [b]James[/b] Dealing with your first response only. Its good. Certainly an improvement on some of the things you posted during the NL thing. I think you've given good explanations for why you do what you do. I think its also commendable that you haven't just looked at my post and throw your hands up and just started throwing things at me. In regard to your point about me creating an "us vs. them" scenario, I highly doubt that's the case. There are VERY FEW people 'with' me. Certainly, in terms of my criticisms of you and Charles, I don't see anyone 'with' me at all on this thread. So if I'm trying to set that up, I'm doing a very, VERY bad job of it. In regard to adults and teeangers, see above comments to Sem. In regard to staff making mistakes, you say you're the first to admit that Mods and Admins make mistakes. That you guys aren't perfect. But you know something? I've never seen you apologise. Now, honestly, you may have and I might have missed it since I stay pretty much in Otaku Public, but no. I haven't seen it. Of course, you can do that privately, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about an unreserved public admission, a mea culpa. For example, say you closed a thread, and you subsequently reconsider. Well, firstly, I don't see you reconsider much, you almost always stake your position and dig in. But, for the sake of argument, let's say you reconsider and decide that perhaps you were too hasty. I've never seen you reopen a thread with a post explaining JUST THAT in it. This gives the impression, ar least to me, that you never think you're wrong. At least not enough to reverse a previous decision. The other problem is that when you toss in your opinion in the same post as closing a thread, especially a controversial one, you give the impression that you want the last word. And to me, that has ego written all over it. What I'm saying is, if you want to close a thread, then do it, but don't add to the debate with your own views because no one can then respond publicly, no one can rebutt your points, and so it creates an unfavourable impression that you have the last word (not about the thread being open or close, that's your prerogative, but about the debate/discussion/argument itself). [b]Charles[/b] Well, what can I say to a post like that? This one needs quoting. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]....Moving on, I'm not going to jump on Mnemolth's case for his opinon on staff strictness. He's entitled to his opinion. That's why this thread was created. Everyone isn't expected to [i]love[/i] how this place is run. I only take exception to the fact that he's so open to criticize without taking into account how the administration has always allowed his opinions, and even accommodated him with his RPW threads. Didn't he private message James for persmission? Oh, and if I remember correctly, Mnemolth is the one who started throwing a fit like a little girl and bashing the membership and administration when it began to die out. Get a clue, man. What do you think is going to happen to an RPG like that when you hold it during school months? lol I thought your comments were unfair to everyone at the time, but I didn't say anything because I'm not some kind of ego maniac who doesn't allow people to their opinions. My observations of you, tell me that you're a guy who takes a messageboard [i]way[/i] too seriously and tries to pass lackluster opinions off with more metaphors than you can shake a stick at, and then when older members like James, Tony, or myself catch you, you try to back out. What kind of mature adult compares homosexuality to bestiality, for example? If I went up to a homosexual guy on the streets and said that, I wouldn't get away with it just because I winked at him. He would probably punch me in the face. Your comments and reasons for making them lead me to believe that you don't know how to behave yourself and deal with people. Perhaps you should do some more research before coming down on others. The reasoning behind the closure of evolution threads has been drawn out in detail--even in the suggestions forum. Did you miss that, kiddo? Another thing that should be pointed out, is that I think you underestimate the intelligence of teens. I've said this on a few occasions to people. The only difference between young people and adults is awareness of the world. Teens and young adults are just as knowledgeable in technology, sex, and balancing responsibility as many adults. You shouldn't underestimate the power of younger people and think that their concepts of maturity are somehow different from yours. The fact that you post on a message board aimed at gaming and anime--and have made friends here--proves that these people are capable of being your equal. The fact that we're even willing to sit here and explain ourselves on a personal level shows that we're more than fair. I mean, we don't [i]have[/i] to do this for anyone. [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=408675[/img][/center] -eps [/B][/QUOTE] Now, I would like someone to please explain to me how you can find Charles a nice, reasonable and fair person to deal with when you put his post, next to mine (see second page), and then compare them. You start well enough by saying you don't wanna jump on me. Of course then you go and lay it on thick. "..started throwing a fit like a little girl..", "...Get a clue, man...", etc, etc... I don't know when I admonish the administration for the failure of my RPW thing. Nor the members. Unless you mean the membership of RPW. I can see how a member of RPW can interprete it that way, but I don't see that I've said anything against the membership of OB or against the administration. Here's the thread, maybe someone can tell me what the heck you mean. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21237&perpage=15&pagenumber=2[/url] I mentioned something about "kids" but as Sem points out I do that all the time. I know for a fact that Juutheena didn't like what I said one little bit, but I did apologise for any offense that may have been taken. I don't think I chucked a hissy fit. I think it was more a case of me conveying my disappointment, in the first post and in the second long one, trying to 'rally-the-troops', as it were. Only I was trying to be as honest as possible. If you think that's a hissy fit then *shrugs*...I am a little girl and I throw tantrums. And what was wrong with asking James for permission to do multiple threads again? Unless you mean the very fact that he allowed me to do it shows that he isn't too strict. I don't find that a very convincing argument in and of itself. What kind of mature adult compares homosexuality to bestiality, for example? I think one of your Congressman did that. I should add here that I did dismiss it in the same post that I brought it up. And I have discussed this with gay friends of mine. Believe it or not, I'm probably closer to more gay people IRL than you or TN. I talk about sexuality politics all the time with some of my more political gay friends. And also I might add some feminist friends too. I've never been hit in the face. They have some idea about where I'm coming from. They're knowledgeable, they read alot and they're familiar with the main arguments that crop up. We discussed these things all the time. Or at least we did, until I moved cities. I used to live in the city with probably the greatest concentration of gay people in the southern hemisphere. I know their community, and I know their politics. And of course I know the laws that govern affect them and their lives. As for my behaviour and dealing with people, I've been in teams at university, and I've led teams at university. I've been in teams at work in the private sector and I've led teams. I was Team Leader of a group of 10 people, their ages ranging from 20s to 40s. We won Best Team of the Month for Feb 2000. This is no small little company I'm talking about, this is a multinational, multi-billion dollar telecommunications corporation. I was also once an employee of probably the best known software company in the world. Working with law enforcement, I dealt with customs and police officers as well as executives of small to middle-sized companies (ie between 25 to 500 employees). I dealt mainly with the MD/CEO and IT managers. I also happen to have about 3 yrs of senior high school tutoring experience, both on an individual basis and in groups (for Maths, English and Law). And of course, as I've mentioned to Sem, I'm currently a 'Mentor' for first year university students at a national university. And you're telling me I have trouble handling myself or dealing with other people?? I mean, of course, its pretty easy for me to make all this up, so if you think its all hogwash, then sure, I'm probably that guy in your pic. But if you happen to believe me, then the real question is "How the heck did you get it so wrong?" -- this paragraph has been edited out after taking into account comments made by Lady Asphyxia (no, she was not the person/s I was referring to) -- The difference between your post and Sem's post is that while Sem was angry, he was not offensive for its own sake. He was a bit strong but that was due to his indignation. You, on the other hand, are simply malicious. You set out to cut me down, and then to point and laugh. Although both of you have pretty negative things to say about me, Sem kept his eye on the ball and so was fair. His intent was not to offend but to make his arguments or points. Intentions are important. To me, they are probably one of the most important things when judging posts or people in general. To me if a post hurts someone, then that is bad. But if a post sets out to hurt or offend, even if it doesn't end up achieving its aim, its worse. That's what I think of your post. I cannot honestly understand how anyone can line up your post with my post early on, and come to the conclusion that you're a nice, rational and reasonable person. It seems, at least to me, the chip is firmly on your shoulder, not mine. ~~~*~~~ When we speak of 'maturity' we ought not to use it as another form of discriminatory elitism. I'm on this Board because I want to be. I made the comments I did because although this Board works well, there is room for improvement. I critique the management because I have a different vision, and also because I happen to think they're not perfect. Am I perfect? Heck, no. Am I more perfect than those I criticize? I have no idea. I've never run a Board. But I have been online for the better part of a decade. My first Bulletin Board was one of those dial-up affairs, long before WWW MessageBoards such as vBulletin. And you know, having been on many, many boards, and having seen many, many, many administrators and moderators work, I think its fair to say I have a little understanding of what I speak. You have to also understand, I see things from my perspective. You may see things differently from you perspective. Just because you're right doesn't mean I'm wrong. Its always good to learn, and to learn one has to understand, and a very good way to understand is by seeing through other peoples' eyes.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]:rolleyes: Like anyone is really going to admit to thinking that the mods are too strict. I personally don't believe they are, but maybe that comes from having been one for a longer than necessary period of time. If anything, I was too [i]lenient[/i], not too strict. I know the mentality of most of the mods here, and I don't think any of them are ever in the mind to be harsh to members. The only people that really believe that the mods rule with iron fists are the newer members who haven't familiarized themselves with the Otaku's rules. It's not anybody's fault in that case; newbies should read the rules and the mods should cut them some slack. ::shrug:: A funny world the online message board is...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Not true. I will gladly admit to thinking the mods are too strict for my tastes. At least on certain ocassions. :D But then again, its not like I've ever been a fan of the way James or Charles or even Shy runs this place. :) The way that 'teenagers' define 'maturity' can be substantially different from the way that 'adults' define the term. My disagreements with the management of this board essentially revolve around our different perspectives on this issue. I wouldn't say the mods are too strict per se. Strictness isn't really the issue. More problematic I would say are the small (and not so small) remnants of ego and intolerance that are part and parcel of some mods, and both admins. For example, James closes down 'Evolution' threads. Now if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't do that because my perspective on 'maturity' is that people should be able to debate issues, even if they tend to be heated. Keep a firm hand on the proceedings, yet let people have their say. But James' perspective is, and no doubt he will correct me on this, that this is primarily an entertainment board, and he's trying to ensure everyone gets along relatively well. He wants this board to be a success. A divisive issue like 'evolution' could cause problems. That's why religious threads also tend to be avoided. That's a public reason. The private reason, I would guess, not that he is ever going to admit this, is that he doesn't want to lose the argument. He holds opinions on this and other issues and he is not willing to publicly lose face on them. He is the head honcho here, so its not surprising that he would want some deference going his way. This is why, if you look at 'evolution' threads, there is a tendency for him to throw his two cents in before shutting the thread down. And then there is, of course, TN. No doubt you'd think I'm attacking you again. In one sense I am, but not because I have a personal vendetta against you. Its just you make the clearest example I can see. The question with TN is who mods the mods? TN has a habit of snapping at people. In some cases he has good reason, in others he doesn't, at least not in the way he does what he does. To put it crudely, he's crass. How many newbies have you seen him laid to waste? The level of animosity is not necessary, nor constructive. So, again, its not a matter of 'strictness', but simply of the personal encroaching upon the public. Personal preference and ego of mods and admins affect how they run their boards. This is nothing new. You can complain of course, but don't whinge all the time. After all, this is not YOUR board. If it bothers you that much, then don't come to THEIR board. No one is forcing anyone to stay on Otakuboards or any other message boards. And that ultimately is the beginning and end of the matter. But yes, on the issue of strictness, I do think some mods are sometimes too strict for the reasons I've outlined above. However, before people start tearing me apart limb from limb, I should add this board is relatively well run. Of course there are egos and personal preferences, but that exists on all boards. For an anime forum, I think, for the most part, the egos are kept in check and the personal preferences are kept to a minimum. You can easily find far worse mods and admins on anime forums everywhere. This post was brought to you by whoever awarded me the best 'spar-rer'. You know who you are. And yes, its ALL YOUR FAULT! ;)
This is a little on the long side, and the ending doesn't quite work, but there are some very nice bits. :D [b]Just a Face[/b] Each Sunday morning I go to visit The lady who once lived And now simply exists. There is no room in her mind for recognition A cacophony of mindless natter Is all that occupies her thoughts. I stand outside as the nurse unbolts the door. I enter, and hear the inevitable whispers That accompany any foreign face. Visitors are a rare occasion here ? One forgets easily what is out of sight, Out of mind. In the sitting room they sit, as they are instructed Nursing their blank expressions. ?So young...? One whispers, and I feel it. Two ladies sit watching the news A plane crash in Egypt... A missing child They make no comment ? it means nothing to them. I find her outside on the patio Gazing at the pocket-sized garden And the faces that amble along the path Each lost in its own alabaster world. Those around her offer no comfort? The same invisible chains trap them all. She sits facing the others The fear within her locked away But I see it, gripping her heart As she searches the faces for friends. Today, Every Day, her quest ends in tears. Every face is just a face. As I draw near her face lights up with a smile - A realization ? I have come to visit her. She hugs me, So glad I could come! But her pale, sad eyes deceive her And I see the flash of panic As she wonders who I am. ?You?re looking well,? I offer And she blushes like a child. She is wearing pink ? A colour she loathes But I know the days of preference are gone So I complement her dress sense And she thanks me with a shy little smile. I stretch our awkward conversation For there is nothing for her, save the present And I want to make it last. ?Sarah is well,? I finally inform her. ?Who is Sarah?? she brightens with interest. ?She is your daughter,? I tell her softly, and she cries. It is time for me to go, Yet even now she has forgotten me, Forgotten her daughter, forgotten her tears Forgotten her life. I try to smile as I say goodbye But it is my turn to shed a tear for my friend. I dare the moment not to disappear Into the cavity of her mind. But it does, and I know she will look at me blankly The next time I appear at her side. I am doomed forevermore To be just a face? The same as every other face.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I still watch Arthur and think Pee-wee's Playhouse is one of the greatest shows of all time. My favorite movie is Pee-wee's Big Adventure. 95% of shows I watch are cartoons and I still color in coloring books. Almost all of my shirts have a cartoon character on them (or a band). So yeah, I'm 20... I don't think you have anything to worry about heh. [/B][/QUOTE] That is, of course, assuming that you're a normal functioning 20-yr old. And that's a pretty big assumption. :D
The Animatrix is good. Go see it. For a more in-depth critique, see the Animatrix thread in the Anime Lounge. Actually I was a little bit disappointed with the lack of a reaction for the Animatrix thread. Seeing how popular The Matrixs, I am somewhat confused as to why that thread illicit such a lack of discussion, considering it combines the Matrix universe with the anime universe. I would have thought it would be a boon for discussion. :)