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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Have any of you ever encountered a website that literally has no purpose for being created? Or a site that is just so weird you can't believe someone actually put it together. i can't rememeber the URL now but i once found a website that revolved around a girl displaying her dead pets in jars.
  2. You both make perfect sense; i guess i should just let things be. He says we will always be friends, but is this the way he plans to treat me? I think i should just let him be whipped by his GF if he wants. He will realize his mistakes on his own. Thanks.
  3. Something falls, it makes a noise. This isn't the Matrix people, it won't suddenly cease to exist. Once i was out by the woods and a flock of birds flew off quickly. A tree had fallen i guessed. i went out and there was a tree indeed on the ground, just because i didn't hear it didn't mean there was no sound. There are no radical theories, it just comes down to how you choose to define sound. It fell, there were vibrations. Or nobody was there to hear it so nobody heard a sound. Its however you wish to look at it. Either way, that tree made some vibrations and caused a [I]disturbance[/I].
  4. I have a question, how much can a friend that hurts you so much be worth? My ex and I are still friends but he lets his current GF say whatever she wants. Even after i send him a print screen of something she said about me. He still denies it, its hurting and he just makes me feel crazy. He is graduating this quarter and he basically said he would prefer if i came i keep my distance. This is a person who claims to be my good friend and he hugs me and talks to me like we are friends. But if i go it will be awkard and he doesn't want to upset his GF. We have known each other for three years, we dated for a little over a year. He just keeps saying he was happy but he wasn't at the same time. I just don't think it's fair that we have helped each other through so much but i can't hug him and say congratulations. Three months of love and support versus 6 months of dating. Four of which he hit on me constantly by the way. Is he really not worth my time? Should i take it and just try and be his friend no matter how much it hurts?
  5. They do write their own songs, they collaborate with other people but they do write. Ben wrote almost all of Saturate, and they wrote more as a group on We are not Alone. In fact Ben co-wrote with Billy Corgan on Forget it and Rain. Phobia was the same cowriting effort, Ben wrote Diary of Jane after watching an episode of Cold Case with a Jane Doe. He wrote this song to apply to all the Jane Does out there, he said every guy knows a girl they want to reach out to. He figured people would relate to it if it was a name that meant someone was unknown. You replace the name Jane with the person you think it applies to. In fact Ben wrotes almost 10 different versions for each song since he is such a perfectionist in how they sound. Then he can pick the best and make a song he thinks is as good as it can be. Diary of Jane had four diffrent melodic versions. So yes, they do write their own music. There are alot of bands that do kind of sound like Breaking Benjamin but the reason they get popular and BB really don't is because BB changes their sound alot. I have loved them since Saturate. He is my fav singer and I think he is very talented. I love all types of music from Tristania to Bryan Adams; so for someone who loves almost every genre of music their ever changing style is a plus.
  6. vegeta rocker


    There really should be a filter that after you have edited your page horribly a message comes up and says you have exceeded maximum amount of hideous design and you must return and edit your styles accordingly.
  7. my mom and I ran over a skunk once, man it smelled something fierce even though we just caught a whiff. We drove over it and we smelled this horrible rancid odor. It came in through the vents and every possible opening the car had. I looked back and didnt see any body so i think it was just a close call since we didnt feel any thump either. But i cant imagine my animals being sprayed dead on, that must bite.
  8. It didn't come from Good Will Hunting, i heard that phrase long before then. My dad used to use it all the time. I will research and try and find out more, but I'm sure thats now where it first came from. EDIT: This is what I found. How do you like them apples?" means "So there! What do you have to say now? What are you going to do about it? Used ironically since the late 1920s." according to the "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman.
  9. Milla Jovovich is my wife. I was about to post about her but i got sidetracked. here is an attachment.
  10. Well I am so happy to see a fellow Takeshi Kaneshiro fan! He is my ultimate boy! I first saw him in Returner and have been collecting his movies ever since. Come on, an angel that survives on love? (the movie Lavender) My other boy is Hyde, he is so awesome! He can sing, write lyrics, compose, and act! The boy has way too much talent for one person. I'll I have to listen to is Seasons Call and I'm all his! I dont have any image hosting so i will just attach some until I do.
  11. well the charges have pretty much been dropped against him apparantly, so it really was just a waste of money to get him over here from Thailand anyway.
  12. No huge deal to me honestly, Tokyo Game Show is really just so much cooler. E3 used to rule, before it was opened to the public a few years back. Then came the vanessa carlton concert..... then the lack of space due to crowding over the DOA girl models.... It turned too corporate for my taste really, seriously, why pay uber amounts of money to get a spot there when you are just competing against overhyped games anyway? E3 should just close its doors to the general public, just have lots of feeds and news. Just my two cents.
  13. I love Firefox, it has so many cool extensions. download embedded is definietly one of my favs. it can download trailers and any other embedded pics of videos. For someone in an entertainment field this is crucial. I constantly need inspiration and what better way to store some on my computer to browse through whenever i want?
  14. [quote name='Lucian Akla']hey are you insain family guy rocks hard dont question it[/quote] Well i was going to say how i think its cool and all but it really is just randomness drawn out. But now that i have been assured it rocks hard i realize i must be crazy. ;)
  15. The singer for Dir En Grey has been having some throat problems and has had to cancel plenty of japanese tour dates. He says he will be fine in time for the family values tour, so i hope it still happens. Me myself would love to see them but they will be nowhere near me im dont think. I cant miss school and work eiher, though i wonder if their singer will continue is rash of self mutilation on stage. I always planned on seeing them at a convention, but when he got into that i knew they never would since cons are kinda marketed at all ages. I've already seen Pennecillin Nano this year at their american debut, seeing Dir would complete the bliss. They were the first j rock band i ever listened to so i will always love them.
  16. Well i just recently got my own room again in about 3 years so i am loving it! I have tan carpet with a mixing of furniture. Since i lived prefurnished this long i had no furniture. I have a Gator Road Case acting as a tv stand with a small shelfd i wedged in there for my ps2. My computer desk is pretty nifty, i love it, and i have a sweet papasan chair in the corner. I dont have too many posters, i have had to move four times in past 3 years so i hated putting things up then taking them down. But i have alot, just rolled up. I put up my FF7 wallscroll, my samurai x wallscroll, my darkchylde posters, my fathom poster and my anime and movie posters. The only clue i am a video student is my one avid poster. Sad.
  17. Yeah, i personally just think he wants attention. He said he drugged her first but there was nothing in the toxscreen that showed any drugs in her system. His parents have both said he followed the cases religiously, his ex wife also agrees. He just wants attention.
  18. I really dont understand the point of this thread as helping us understand Lynx and Lamb. You say we are unjustly hating them wihtout knowing the true facts. So i downloaded one of their songs, Skinhead Boy. Here are a few random lines from the song. Oi Oi skinhead boy comrades like you are so few (skin·head - A member of any of various groups of people, especially young people, who shave their heads and sometimes participate in white-supremacist and anti-immigrant activities.) Okay so they want more skinheads around. They sing about skinheads like their heroes, okay i understand that. Still not liking them. [URL=http://www.nationalvanguard.org/printer.php?id=4330]Article[/URL] In this link they even go as far as to say they hope to spread knowledge about the [I]myths[/I] of the Holocaust. Even ignoring that, they talk about their people as numbers. They want more white girls to have more white babies. Why arent they? Because they are more interested in partying or earning money in a career. That was the kicker there, if i had any doubts as to whether those two were brainwashed or not that was my proof. If you grow up believing something of your own free will from facts and experience you can question it and make your own deductions. But little girls saying they think white women should not pursue careers and should just stay home and have babies is the clear sign of brainwashing. That is insulting to their own so called people as well. So what i am trying to say in a nuutshell is after reading their words and listening to their lyrics i feel they are brainwashed little demons. Not not from the media, not from the general populous, from my own research and deductions. It's called thinking for myself, something Lynx and Lamb have never known the meaning of.
  19. I need to have my hair layered again, it always look great when it is. Right now it is grown out and stuff. I have had blonde andf pink tips and chunks in my hair but they are also gone and i miss them very much! Here is a pic when my hair was still layer, excuse the emo pose.
  20. Ha well i can't say im not tempted, but it is a little bit much. Such a big deal is made about boobs today alot of women just feel like they don't match up. But you're right, why study? I mean if big boobs can get you anywhere why even bother? This little medical trick isnt helping. Stupid, but then again we are a culture in which girls slice open their bodies and stuff silicon inside themsleves to appear larger bust size. This may actually be a good thing, it may eliminate those surgeries. Not saying its any better but it may be a small step in the right direction.
  21. Im telling you guys, Myspace is evil! It has turned Ob against itself! Quck ban it! lol I honestly don't see the problem here, a school can toss in a firewall here and there so i don't see why the government is getting involved. I mean its not like our country is going down the tubes or anything, i mean our president is so awesome that he calls eco groups domestic terrorists. But who am i to talk? If it were up to this countries government i would be denied any personal choice. The goverment just wants to look good. Heres a suggestion, you wanna look good? Get rid of that stuttering idiot!
  22. In this year i have lost my father lost my one true love lost a good friend I lost a piece of my heart this year, and im never getting it back. I just want to wake up from this damn nightmare and be happy again without pretending. I just want to smile without grimacing. Me compared to a year ago? A year ago i still wanted to be alive.
  23. I want to wake up next yo my exboyfriend and hold him close until the end of time.
  24. I don't see the problem with the last Harry Potter movie. It changed it's cinematography accordingly and gave the movie a more adult feel. In my opinion they get better every time.
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