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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. [QUOTE=Dagger]Er... with your last sentence, are you referring to that particular scene, or to the manga in general? Because the manga hasn't ended yet--and, moreover, CLAMP has stated that its ending will be different from that of the series as well as that of the movie. Then again, given the manga's current status, we may never find out just how they intended it to end. [spoiler]But if the manga [i]does[/i] contain Kamui's death scene...[/spoiler] then, um, I stand corrected. :p ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] i meant in the series, dagger. Sorry about the confusion. That being said, hope they finish the manga!
  2. sorry that everyone jumped on you so quickly, i guess alchemy really just doesn't ring true with a lot of people. I myself have never seen alchemy work or anything, but i do believe in the supernatural. So if you want to spend your time delving into it then thats your choice. Some people just like to dismiss things they know little or nothing about.
  3. my boyfriend and are notoriously breaking up and getting back together. but we love each other, this i know. As fot traits i look for, i like someone who is smart. It doesn't matter how adorable he is. If there is nothing between the ears that makes for boring or no conversationh. He is also tall, lanky and has cute squinty asian looking eyes. The funny thing is, he isn't asian in any way! Just reminds me of my mexican friends who have slightly slanted eyes. So i like an adorable guy with smarts, i don't think thats asking too much. I know some girls qho actually care about who the guy's parents are or how much they make a year. That just ridiculous to me. it seems almost as dumb as blood type discrimination. Well you know how the saying goes: Make every man in the room the exact same. Now give half glasses. The ones with glasses will snub the ones who don't, and vice versa. People will always find something.
  4. I think that people as a whole need to realize that killing someone doesn't make their beliefs change. Terrorists hate people who don't think and act the way they do. They hate people that don't pay attention to their scare tactics. I think we need to live our lives and not let the terrorists get to us. If you surrender our everyday freedoms what are we fighting for? If you can't stand outside your own house then what is the point of fighting a war? Being afraid is what terrorists want, and if you give them what they want then there is no war to be fought. They will have already won it. I say **** the terrorists! The only person who can take away your freedom is yourself.
  5. Honestly, i think both the series and the movie was a dissapointment. The series, like everbody has said, was too rushed and short. The ending decapitation was very quick and stupid. During the whole movie i was waiting for this big climatic battle to happen and i got a severed head. The one thing i liked about the movie was it's darkness. The ending when Kamui is [spoiler] clutching Fuma's head [/spoiler] is actually very true to the manga. When the same happened to [spoiler] Kotori, Kamui held on to head for several days. [/spoiler] As for the series, let me first say that i did enjoy everything but the ending. In my opinion i call it "going disney". I think they cheaped out and just made it too ethereal and corny. [spoiler] Here look at me! I'm Kamui and i am fading away in a big glowing light! It was bloodier and more realistic in the manga. [/spoiler] And to Meggido, CLAMP does that on a regular basis. Combine stories i mean. If you enjoy that, you should check out more of their series. I can't think of any off the top of my head right now. Though in the X manga [spoiler] the ones originally gaurding Kamuis sword was the CLAMP School Detectives. That was pretty nifty. [/spoiler]
  6. I think that is utterly ridiculous, anime has been around longer than our generation so why would it die with it? If anything, its popularity in America will die and it will just become another underground source of entertainment. Kind of like yu gi oh cards and magic cards. They are still popular in certain circles but they aren't everywhere like they used to be. Besides, this means more anime stores. Places that sell more imported and hardcore stuff. A lot of people don't realize how many anime shops went out of business when Suncoast and book stores began selling anime products. Why drive out several miles to an anime shop when you can pick up the latest Fruits Basket plushie while you are at the mall shopping? Frankly, the sooner the fad drys up, the better.
  7. hey, Don't worry abou tyour dad, just be sure to support him. When he comes home and this war is all over; there may be protesters trying to make enemies out of people like your father. Just make sure your dad realizes that you will be there to back him up. Whether you truly support the war or not. It may make a world of a diffrence if your father can concentrate on his job and not have to worry about what his family thinks of him. Distractions like that can end up costing someone dearly. Your father will be fine.
  8. Well just got back from the Dear Friends concert in Ft. Worth, and man was it a blast! Dear Friends is a concert that takes music from all the Final Fantasy games and an orchestra performs them. They also jave big projection screens where they show clips of the games that correspond to whatever song they are playing. I was just wondering if anyone here has seen one of these shows or plans to. I'm not sure of the site, but there is a link in [URL=http://www.adventchildren.net]HERE[/URL] Though you may have to look around a bit. If you just go to ticketmaster or yahoo and type in Dear Friends that should bring it up. So post what you think if you saw it, or if you want to know whether its worth seeing.
  9. glad to hear that my work is so well received; i guess i won't edit it after all lol. Well if anybody thinks diffrent than go ahead and post with your suggestion.
  10. I agree with Charles, how many little sub forums have been put up and been left bare? I mean think about it. Someone cries and moans for another sub forum for their oh so specific thread and then the second it is put up it will be populated by maybe 5 threads. Like the Yu Yu Hakusho forum, each thead back then sounded pretty much the same. The result was just a whole bunch of locked topics and a thinner spread forum. As for the columnist idea, i think it would be arrogant of somebody to take on the role of being an advisor. What if the advice backfired? By posting a regular thread on a regular problem you get an onslaught of advice from everyone. On another note, how will you be able to tell who the advisor really is? Ob is pretty diverse, what if you end up getting relationship advice from an eleven year old? It just raises too many questions. Otaku Lounge is a social forum and i think it is doing its job just fine. I say if they give us an advice forum that is only the beginning. Then people will want diffrent sub forums within it for diffrent kinds of advice. Over examine things and we will end up with a bunch of empty sub forums. Kind of like what Major Kusanagi said over-specialize and you breed in weakness
  11. i miss the old sites with plenty of info on a series or OVA. Now when i click on a link i get a little paragraph about it. I can just type the name into yahoo if that was all i wanted. I guess it is up to us to submit more, things were just easier back then.
  12. i think he was just lying from the start, i doubt his Ob account would take that much precedent in his life. Probably just wanted to see what our reactions would be. He'll probably be back anyway, after he gets his "operation". Bull crap.
  13. I agree with evil Jedi, i miss having the picture forum right here in ob. I think we should give it another shot. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. But until then i think it should be brought back ona trial basis. Nothing against Queen Asuka's site, its very nice and well kept. I guess im just old school and like having it here in Ob.
  14. i have the two books violet and claire and i was a teenage fairy. i usually don't get into her style of writing, its very girlish and pop culture like. But her style is really like a form of poetry and thats what got me hooked. she has also written girl goddess #9. i haven;t read it but i think it might be interesting.
  15. This is one that i wrote pretty straight through, so its still a rough draft. I would appreciate any comments about it. " broken stars" I looked up the night you left me at the stars and they fell one by one I wonder what it would take to break a star would it be the same with you here with me to watch them fall would it be the same if you still held my hand as i wept by your stone you would always turn away from the sky you said stars die alone that no one would ever cry for a star only thinking about their own foolish wish sometimes late at night i go out and watch the stars i imagine you are too and that even in heaven you are allowed to cry
  16. I work at the school i attend, i am a cage worker. I go to a school that teaches video and digital media production. if you need equipment or help with a piece of equipment or software you come to us. We are basically a bunch of trouble shooters. When we aren't helping students, we are either checking out equipment or cleaning the labs. Its okay i just get 6.50 an hour, the main thing about it is, its one of those jobs that either pretty boring or pretty busy. There is no in between. And i have also realized that i can go a whole 5 hours without a single person to help, but the second i get food everyone needs me.
  17. I was just wondering about something that i heard about Outlaw Star. Suppossedly there is another series that Outlaw Star is linked to. Not Angel Links; one that came before Outlaw Star. I hear it has something to do with the ending art. I also remember hearing something about the star on genes arm being a symbol or soemthing. I am unsure whether these are just net rumors or if the anime actually exists. If you know what i am talking about; either you have heard the same rumor and know it to be false, or you know the anime. Many Thanks, VR
  18. I'm suppossed to graduate this month on the 20 from video production, i will have an associates of applied sciences and will have been in school only two years. I plan on coming back next quarter, every three months is a quarter, and starting Digital Media Production. (DMP) It is bascially my associates degree with some web and design thrown in. I have always wanted to learn more design so i guess this is my chance. My class is pretty small, 5 of us. Three girls and two boys. After grad i guess i just want to take a small break and get ready for the work ahead.
  19. Nobody is picking on you Lady Dust; they are just pointing out your misconceptions. Japan couldn't survive on its on, heck its never been able to. You want to take everything japanese related out of america? I guess you really are just fourteen years old. ' History happened for a reason, if you don't know about it; how will you ever know the reason?
  20. i don't really see where people fighting over who lost more will settle an argument. Everybody loses something in a war, wether it be a familay member, a friend, or sleep. Every country has done things terrible in the past. The diffrence is being able to admit them and teach them top your children. Like in Germany and the whole east and west issue. One side was taught about the atrocities commited and what Germany was responsible for. One side simply was not. The side not taught in school beagn going off very biased opinions of their family members and such. Long story short, skin heads began rallies and the hate started happening all over again. People looked out their doors to see swastikas flying. if you don't know your history you are doomed to repeat it. We have all heard this many times. If yuo are trying to defend Japan over changing textbooks by saying they have basically earned the right for all they have been through that doesn't work. your counting off of how many people died because of the atom bomb right? If history is allowed to be altered maybe one day people won't ever hear that story. History has been changed and biased before, look at the Crusades. But if we knowingly let someone do it that is a whole other story. Especially if we try to justify and defend it. Death is death and nobody likes a war. Lady Dust Just because your family didn't get a chance to prepare wins no brownie points. They were casualties and they were not meant to be killed. The atom bomb was a something that had to be done. Before each bomb, American planes flew over and dropped flyers everywhere in their language telling them what they were going to do. The flyers were a warning. But the Japanese government dictated that the second you picked up a flyer to read it you were shot for treason. The family hiding in the attic was the target, they received no warning. There is a big diffrence here.
  21. You need to work on your proportions, the ankles are nonexistent.
  22. well knock my socks off! This two year old thread has been rejuvenated has it? I should call tabmow and tell him to come see his old thread kicking again since he quit Ob.
  23. i can deal with the fact that he says he doesn't love me. He was my best friend for a while and now he is more. But he is notorious for not being able to make up his mind. The thing is i am usually the one who i nstigates the saex. I don't think he would leave me if we stopped having sex. We dated for months without it. I think our relationship can stand without it. We are both in the same college or video and digital media so we have plenty to talk about. I asked him what his fav part of our relationship was and he said definetly our conversations. He loves how we can talk about totally innane things then get all technical about out industry. After reading some of these replies (especially solo tremains) i will try and cut down the sex and try and strengthen the emotional bond. We are just so busy it is hard to find time for us to do stuff. So i will just replace the time we spend having sex with other stuff. I guess more conversations and gaming. In all honesty, i think he still loves me and won't admit it. I think he is just afraid i will hurt him.
  24. well there are other parts to our relationship. We go out and we just love spending time with each other. I was just wondering if it was odd. He is also my first boyfriend as well, even though i am 19. I am very in love with him but he says he doesn't love me anymore. He says he cares about me a lot but that he just doesn't love me the way he used to. When we started having sex however we were both in love with each other. That is something i am glad about. I can say that my first time was a great experience and that i am happy about who it happened with.
  25. the worst anime i have ever sen huh? I must say i really hated mobile suit gundam. i mean i respect it for what it is but it bores the bejesus out of me. I also got bored to death with metroplois. i think it took me like a few weeks to watch it. I would come back and forth at diffrent intervals. Betterman, don't get me started on this neverending stupidity. Just seems like the entire thing was pintless anyway. Queen Emeraldas, i just got bored out of my mind. I think what it is i really am not a fan of that type of animation. I mean animes with really round bodies and stuff liek that. Thats the same reason i didn't like Kikaider at first. But the anime was so good i saw beyond the design and fell in love with it. i didn't think fooly cooly was the greatest thing in the world ever. Unlike everyone else that i know.
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