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Everything posted by vegeta rocker
Michael Jackson: Guilty or not Guilty?
vegeta rocker replied to foxfire_2008's topic in General Discussion
i agree with mitch on this one. I think we should just let Mj be in this whole matter. I think the parents are full of crap. I mean would you let your kids stay with MJ? I don't even mean just with him. Why would you let your kids stay with a grown man all alone in his mansion when he is not related to him? they just wanted something out of it. We should berate them for being idiotic parents. -
i am pretty sure some incest is illegal. if they are under age then it is molestation. That is what uisually comes to mind when one mentions incest. They think of fathers and daughters and stuff like that. Not to preach or anything but its God's will that stuff like that not go on. Anybody i know who has gone against god in this way has had a lot of trouble. It just isn't meant to happen. That's my opinion. Personally though i may look down upon it, i have no right to judge.
i have an honest question, is there such a thing as too much sex? My boyfriend and i have lately had this problem. It's gotten to the point that if we have enough time and we are laying in a bed it's gonna happen. And we lay in bed alot. I think we had sex 6 times last week. Thats in about 3 days. I sometimes tell myself that we will go a week. But it never happens. Don't laugh, its silly i know but i was just wondering if anyone else has this problem. I mean its not like its interfering with our lives or anything. I just love him soo much. I'm not saying you need sex if you are in love but it sure presses things along. Alright so blast me with some much needed opinions to these questions: 1. Are we having too much sex? 2. If so, is it bad for our relationship? ( keep in mind we are each others first so we are still kind of reveling ion the novelty of it.) 3. Should people only have sex if they are in love? 4. Should i try and cut down?
a friend is someone i can tell anything to and not have to worry about their reaction. A person who mistreats you but sticks up for u is not a friend. They more than likely just see you as a possession. This i know from experience. i had a friend in elementary who would call me names spread rumors about me and would come over to my house to hang with my sister. Yet at the same time she quit her extracirricular activities to spend more time with me and always gave me stuff. I soon learned that i was a possession toi her. She saw me like one of her toys to play with. My boyfriend has always been there for me. We were friends and now are lovers. Its funny, we will always have a deep bond since we are so close. We were even each others first. That type of bond can never be broken. So to answer your question, if they are truly your friend; you shouldn't have to ask. you will just know.
Anime I'm baffled by this: Panties
vegeta rocker replied to Jahjahwarrior17's topic in Otaku Central
i always figured they showed underwear to make the character have a certain sense of sex appeal. Im pretty sure that explains why Kagome's underwear never shows. It isn't their intention to show her off as some sexual prowess. Najica on the other hand has attraction and sex appeal as part pf her weaponry almost. theres me two cents The VR -
I wasn't really going for something pretty, but whatever works i guess. There are implications of self mutilation but i guesse that wasn't voiced quite enough.
This is still a rough draft and i would appreciate any input. What you do everyone looked away and let themselves go blind my screams drove them deaf and made them cringe on the outside they wrapped themselves tight with lullabies in their heads now the voices inside hurt my ears and i can't forget the things they've said cutting them out of me doesn't work anymore not like it used to stay and watch and see what it is you do
I have just finished watchiong the OVA Lain and i was curoius what anyone thought about it. Since it is a very deep anime i was wondering if diffrent people had diffrent theories about it.' [spoiler]Like about the Kids project and the thing about Lain appearing in the clouds. I intend this thread to go into specifics so if you haven't seen it you had best avoid this thread. I get the whole thing about Lain being software, but what i don't quite get is about her existence. At first i was thinking that she was created out of pieces of the Wired. That she was always existing there and all she was given later was a body. But then why were there two?[/spoiler]
What do you look for in a guy/girl?
vegeta rocker replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
I've pretty much discovered i am attracted to harsh personalities. The geeky video gamers who hate society. The guy i am with now is very opiniated and very intelliegent. He's also hot but that is just a plus. Things girls look for in guys 1. personality, this one is underrated alot, no girl wants a good looking idiot. Thats why we have puppies. 2. thoughtfulness, sometimes i girl just wants to be hugged for no reason. 3. honesty, lie to a girl once and she will never forget it but above all, as long as a girl feels special and wanted you can't really go wrong. Just never ever bring up sexual moments with your past ex, that never turns out well. -
push through everything you mean like a wound that never seems to heal it's from you I tried to forgive you for all the times you left me all alone but thats you leave me here to die lie to my face pretend im worth it i see who you really are i know you're broken but you've forgotten how to bleed thats why you love me thats why you need me
I would definetly want to meet Ryu Soma from Argentosoma. There are many reasons; a few being.... 1. Why doesn't he get over Maki? Hello Batman complex? It's over, she's dead. 2. does he get off on smacking little girls around? 3. Is that grey shadow over his eye really from "head trauma"? 4. Does he use Clairol? 5. is he attracted to Dan Simmons? 6. Does he believe Lex Lang got screwed out of a beefier role? 7. Ask him why a PILOT has a puff of hair that would make Spike Spiegal blush? 8.Why oh why did Gainax do the story? 9. Is Guinevere a good kisser? 10. Did youi see the whole thing with Sue and Dan coming? All in all, these are all pretty decent questions. I would also ask him to eat something, he is too skinny. But so hot....so very hot.
Mmmmmm nickenames eh? I have a whole slew of them. ^-^ My name is marina alcantar so here we go... nana-comes from my mother. A lot of spanish people call their children moma sometimes or papi. So moma became nana. Nina- a combination of nana and marina i decided on as my primary nickname. I go by this all the time. ninavegeta- my screen name and what my friends used to call me when i was totally in love with him. Go figure now my boyfriend is an asshole. ^-^ Alcantar- my pal mike used to call me this just because. No real reason i suppose, just because he liked the way it sounded. Manina-my little bro can't pronounce my name so this is what he says. Demon- my friend steve calls me this. I guess because i bite a lot. And finally Vegeta Rocker.....as i have mentioned before, it comes from a music forum. I used to be on the Gauntlet music boards. Everyone there had a music sounding name. I was kind of stumped, so i picked my fav thing at the time (vegeta) and added to my fav time of music. (rock)
I am in a bit of a dilemma with my boyfriend right now, and i would really appreciate some advice. Heres the deal; my boyfriend and I both go to the same accelerated college and we are both pretty busy. For the last month i have had to deal with lots of stress because of moving and things like that. Thus i have been a bit irritable, and it doesn't help i am suppossed to graduate next quarter into the bachelors program. I used to live in the same complex as him, but for a month i have been staying with a friend and i am moving back tomorrow. I was on the phone with him and he mentioned liking it better when i lived with jacque because he went out and met new people. He made it sound like i was keeping him under lock and key the whole time. I hardly went over to his place, he went to mine. Well this quarter he decides to stop spending time with me. He has visited me twice in a month. Even though we go to school together we are too busy. And whenever i have time to talk to him he is too busy and pulls away. We finally got on the phone about it and he says the way i have been acting is really making him think about us. I told him i still love him and i want to at least try and make it work. but he just wants it to be black and white.I dont think he wants to work at it. I end up crying every night, because he says it will be a few days before he will make his decision. I have been acting happy and nice around him and i still hug and kiss him. But i just keep feeling that decision hanging in the air bugging me. I am having trouble eating and sleeping. I love him so much and i feel like it's all my fault, but i am not sure it is worth it any more. Should i deal with all the heartache and wait until he comes up with a decision? Or should i move on because he obviously doesn't care enough to work at it?
I know its been awhile since Alexander was released but i figured that would just give more people time to see the movie. I myself DETESTED the movie and was curous if anyone hated it as well. This thread is nearly all spoiler so just another warning for you. I'm not using tags since that would mean nearly the whole post anyway. If you haven't seen it just don't read or get involved. Here are some of the things i hated about the movie; there are more but I will bring up more depending on the response rate of this thread. 1. The Opening CG Color schemes are used for a reason; they usually are a pallette of colors intended for a certain response or purpose. Example being Troy (also a horrid movie, but thats a whole other thread and time ^-^) the movie takes place in the desert right? So the titles and Promos are all brown, gold, some green.....get the picture? Alexanders was electric blue; which i didn't understand at all. It seemed totally out of place and it was also very ugly. 2.The Pacing This movie was so slow at times i was trying to hang myself by my coke straw. The pacing was just horrible, the intro speech by Anthony Hopkins did not need to be that long. It was just horribly extended to stretch the movie to 3 hrs. Thats what a lot of this film does...stretch to make the 3 hr slot. When they FINALLY get the first battle started they line up and you expect something great. I mean this is Alexander for Christ's sake! No, Oliver Stone has other plans. Instead, Alexander lines up his men and puts on a ridiculous hat. He looks like a damn chicken. I just started cracking up and nearly died on popcorn. He goes to every other man and starts this whole memory lane crap. Remember when you blah, blah, blah. One or two guys would have been fine but he used way to many. We get the point. 3. The Accents Angelina Jolie and the others, when they could keep their accents, sounded really cliche. Jolie herself sounds like Aaliyah's rendition of Akasha. 4. The Cinematography Easily one of the parts i hated the most; the weird ideas that Oliver Stone must have. Stone has done some grand movies in his time; with fine composition and cinematography. I understand people running around and their slipping out of focus here and there. Hey, if the man wants to screw around with depth-of-field a but and be experimental be my guest. But what was going on here was calibrating the camera. I really expected to here action every now and then. Oliver Stone: Lets just zoom in a whole bunch and focus our camera a bit...what! We're rolling! Oh Man....well we could still use it I hated trying to focus on that crap. There were some really weird shots too, like the Medium Close Up of the Persian Emperor. I don't want to stare into his creepy eyes when all he does in turn around and back. 5. Compositing and Effects The battle in the jungle when they fight the men on elephants. Because i really want to see a horse versus an elephant. I wonder who will come out on top. The horse didn't even look like the same one he had earlier. But he was calling it the same name. When he gets injured the jungle around him gets all red tinted. For anybody who loved this effect here is how they did it. Go in Adobe After Effects and drop a red layer on top of a video layer. Click hard mix and there. Alexander Effect. Horrible looking. I didn't need that poorly composited hawk flying around either. They didn't pace it's appearances enough for it to become an actual constant. 6. Story I don't really care about the homosexuality, to me it was done poorly. I know he was either bi or gay, depending on who you talk to. But i really didn't need to see a shadow of colins family jewels, i really didn't. When they finally get home, he only has like 4 wives. I'm pretty sure he had more than that. Well, post away and either agree or disagree.
im guessing that maybe he is tired of people praising his work? Maybe he is beginning to think that no matter what he writes it is good and that is killing him. Hey just my opinion.
i really am liking this, it is very well written. I love how the guy (don't know his name) seems to go off on a pointless tangent, but then he starts making sense. The quick narration then usually pertains to what is about to happen or what just happened. If you don't post the entire thing i would appreciate if you emailed me the rest. Great work, look forward to more from you as always
my perception of you was flawed how could i have been so wrong to let you pull me to pieces and fade away when you held me close to you whispering just what to do let you delve too deep inside now I've forgotten how to cry told me just what to do you told me things i thought i knew sometimes i can't find the words they lodge in my throat so hard it hurts whatever they did to you why is it something i must do all the times you held my hand how could i have known what you had planned now i sit here all alone did just what you told me to didn't speak a word about you how can you look at me that way I did everything you said
i'm not sure where you were going with this, it was well written though. I enjoyed your points about death and birth, it is odd that we can die so many ways but be born only one. Are there any other parts to it?
Anime Ending that makes you want to strangle the director
vegeta rocker replied to Okita's topic in Otaku Central
The end of Argentosoma really made me angry. [spoiler]What was up with everyone just flying off into space? i detest endings that jump to like 5 years later. You never learn why Ryu is a political prisonor, you never learn the true orgins of the aliens. There is no closure whatsoever. Floating dots of light? I love the series but they went way to surreal on the end. I didn't understand why the alien had some green glowing things on one side of his face. They were like Ryu's face scars but i didn't understand the point. Terrible ending, but then again Gainax is notorious for that. I still think that Ryu should have died. [/spoiler] -
i stayed here even when you said you would be gone remembering you when i was here you told me you would never let me go again but now you're gone and you've left here to be alone it's what you wanted that keeps me up at night i thought i knew you but i realize you never let me say your name but now you're gone and you've left me here now i'm alone as long as it's what you wanted i'll never fall out of love any criticism is very welcome!!!
Drawing manga is easy? :laugh: Maybe drawing bad manga. ScirosDarkblade i have never heard you make such disregarding remarks about something as important as this. if you think drawing manga is easy i would love to see some of your artwork. I haven't but if you have some posted let me know. The paneling in some manga is simply gorgeous and i just can't fathom why you would even bring this up. Some manga has bad paneling but a lot has great design behind it. Like Mars by Fuuyumi Soryo, that manga has gorgeous paneling and great design. That obviously took awhile. Your post just dumbfounded me.
Writing "Distant Love (Forgotten)" [Slightly Depressing] [E]
vegeta rocker replied to Sora's topic in Creative Works
i doubt she moved just because of you, she probably just said that to add a little extra sting to her rejection of you. Nobody changes their whole life because someone admits they have a crush. Though if you stalked her or something thats a whole diffrent story. The poem is okay, buts its not really depressing, just kind of sad. i think you should describe your emotions better. -
the big purple dude is an angel of death you say? He looks like Barney on steroids. Meh, i like the scar on his eye. Scars look yucky sometimes, you made his scar look cool and weathered. Kind of like Ryu Soma from Argentosoma.
i don't think any poem is without flaws. I think any views or opinions would be very helpful, and would be greatly appreciated.
i let myself believe there was a reason you make me bleed talked myself into staying all the way through but you know you know what you did and you know i was just a kid tried so hard to forget but my heart just won't let me pretend i'm okay it dies a bit everyday make me believe in things good for me make me believe in things i've never seen so many times i held you i cried so much inside but none of that mattered just as long as you were mine who am i i've never seen straight who am i i'm hollow past this face criticism please