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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Flashdance anyone? I think it is very cool and i love the detail she put into it. The windows even have latches! She also has good use of light, i like how there is actual shadow. the part that is turned to the window is lighter. And there is deep shadow on his legs near the floor. Next time, more flesh...... PS Get away from my camera phone CD!!!!
  2. Everybody loves Raymond is frickin terrible, its not funny at all just really annoying. Just a bunch of whining like was mentioned. Friends was also overrated, i think it was just too stupid for me to really enjoy.
  3. There comes a time when a character is created, and he is gorgeous. No, im not talking about Takeshi Kaneshiro, this is artwork by CrimsonDreamer. Thus meaning a few things: 1. I must hang it on my wall 2. I must stare and drool implicitly 3. It will take up space on my fridge Phelan is my favorite out of all of her characters, maybe its his gorgeous hair or slanted eyes. Maybe its the fact that half the time he is scantily clad. I think this picture is adorable, and shows his little cuddly side. The cool thing about CD's artwork is no matter how outlandish she makes them their proportions are always really good. Something i see lost on a lot of fan art, she keeps basic anatomy. Look out OB, here is CrimsonDreamer!
  4. meh, its okay. But maybe just because it isn't really my style of poetry. I know there are lots of different styles, but this one doesn't really appeal to me. I get the parts about lemons and monkies. But i don't understand the stepping parts. Maybe if you explain it i would enjoy it more.
  5. Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, is whithout a doubt very gorgeous. After awhile, you just want to stop blinking and take in all the splendor. Theres video and CG and 2D in it, though the CG takes up most of it.
  6. The proportions are kinda off and the lines look like they were done with a big fat eyeliner pencil. Keep trying!
  7. You have some grammar mistakes but i guess those don't really apply to songs and things like that.
  8. they need to just get off the damn band wagon and not make a terrible game. if they do make this game i hope it will be good. I am not saying that i won't buy it, but i am saying that it better not be like DMC 2. Vincent May Cry.........man i gotta use that somehow. James has a point and i might have been a little rash in dismissing it so quickly.
  9. This seems a bit ridiculous, i mean why would i want to see Vincent vaulting around like a teenage dante? Why does every popular character have to be attractive, and have great hair? Slap Square Enix for me.
  10. Pied piper of Hamlin has some of the worst animation ever, its ridiculous. Weif Kreuz is also pretty bad. PPOH is bad because a lot of the anime consists of V.O. while panning and zooming on stills. There aren't many layers in the animation.
  11. reading is merely limping along, i don't think it will ever truly die out. I myself enjoy reading but haven't finished a book in awhile. I'm in college and sometimes i am just too busy to read. The last book i started was the mists of avalon and i intend to pick it up again as soon as i have time. As for this craze of reading books online i think that is just fine as long as real books don't die out. I am just a bit nostalgic, but i guess it would be better for trees when you think about it. But when the power goes out what will we do if everything is run by electricity? Books will never die.
  12. Here is a new one i have been working on, its just a first draft so any critique would be appreciated. Where Where are the angels where are the broken ones who sing where are the children where is the laughter they bring where are the roses where are the blooms that spray the ground where are the voices because where i am thorns are all i've found
  13. i have read the first two in the manga series and am impressed. I think its a very slick and cool anime. I absolutely adore Satoshi and have a poster of him over my bed. This is by the creator of Candidate for a Goddess (Pilot Candidate) and you can tell by the gorgeous characters. I spend half my time reading the dialogue and the other half gazing at the character designs.
  14. i don't see why people freak out over stuff like this all the time. They will never ban cartoons anyway, its like the scare over downloading systems...sure things got a bit stricter, but they are far from banned. This won't go very far.
  15. i find this question pretty interesting since movies can't scare me but they do make me cry. The first movie that ever made me cry was The Cure with Elijah Wood. Such a terribly sad flick. Dragonheart also tears me up, mostly because i truly love dragons and the end just wasn't fair. You hear me? Not fair! Black Beauty- i have a weakness for horses. And if you know a sad movie, i have probably seen it and probably cried. Its not hard to make me sad.
  16. As some of you know, Dementia 7 is putting out a new animation called Nightfall. Now the one they put out previously was D7 Peacemaker Vol.1. I was first exposed to this animation when i got a new roommate, she did the voice of Snow in the anime. She did it as a favor to her friend Erik, so i decided to see it since people said it was good. It was dumb. What i don't understand is how a flash cartoon with not even moving lips can get so damn popular. I mean they headlined A-KON 13 and they previewed the new ones first 30 minutes at this years A-KON. So i got Erik to sign the poster anyway, never know, and watched as droves of fans bought merchandise from him. So does anyone here also like D7 Peacemaker or that kind of animation in general?
  17. Shippou i'm not really sure what you mean when you say there should be a prequel. Pitch Black happens before it, so im not sure what else you could mean. And Van Helsing was based off the original story not the anime. Though the anime might have had a little influence.
  18. I was wondering if anyone around here has seen it yet, it was a pretty good movie. There were a few things about it but i think it was well done so i will overlook the bad parts. I won't give any spoilers about the story but i will bring up some of the cinematography and compositing. The cinematography was alright, but the flash panning during the fighting was a little crazy. I guess it kind of works for it and gives this frantic tempo. My friend Jacque is in computer animation and she brought up some things i also noticed slightly. When they are in certain areas where there is intense orange, the color correction is a bit off. In other words, you can tell they aren't really there. But it makes up for it that they use so much orange since most of the movie is tinted purple. Complimentary colors you see, and very gorgeous. But we were both nit picking and the film was great so i strongly reccomend it. Though I liked pitch black a bit more, and they have re-released Pitch Black with a new Chronicles of Riddick slipcover.
  19. Outlaw Star used to air on CN but not anymore, though it has been awhile since i have watched CN. So there is a chance i might be wrong.....but i doubt it. Even when they showed it on CN they took out an episode and did bunches of editing, but the show was overall okay. The music is also well done.
  20. Deedlit from Record of lodoss War is the worst voice i have ever known. The english dub makes me want to cry. I don't know the voice actress name but she should be tied to a fence and attacked by rabid penguins. Yeah slapped to death by penguins.
  21. Yeah well like i said before, "when your looks go". He just wants to be something other than Mexican for a day. You know kind of like Antonio Banderas in Spy Kids. Thanks for the posts, i would like some more in Asian form A-kon is coming hurry. :eek:
  22. ill be sure to tell him about the one Spike suggested, that will make for some good stories.
  23. thanks for the input, especially you Boo, i will work on it and post it again with the suggestions. you are right about the end being too open Boo, i will work on it. That whole thing about putting words together is always what gets me, its one of my true problems. I'll post the revised one soon.
  24. As many of you probably know A-kon is coming up and of course i will be frequenting stands of cute asian boys and Pocky. But getting to the point a friend of mine is trying to come up with some pick up lines for the convetion. He is also pretending to be asian, this is not expected to work but it will be amusing. So can anybody suggest some kinda asian pick up lines? They don't have to be serious, i mean c'mon, he's using Konnichiwa Baby.... So what should he use? He also claims that the female singer from Do As Infinity, even though she happens to be an internatonal pop star, she will instantly fall in love with him. ^_^
  25. There is really not much that you can do besides just heck her all the time. They say they stop but they really don't i should know. It will take a bit at a time but when she realizes that you won't let her cut herself, she might let up. Get mean if you have to. Its for her own good. And to Cloricus, i really think you need t think about the impact your words can have.
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