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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. No title yet, extremely rough, appreciate some crit. i thought i could do without it their incesstant screams haunt me at night the way i was spurred my hurt and pain than mere forgivness children run before me kicking up the dirt and grinding into the grass all of the rain flows down the trees in tears of heavily laden clouds sunlight reappears with a flourish of birds and begins to slowly devour my skin
  2. vegeta rocker


    yeah this movie was a total dissapointment to me, and man was i pissed. The extra hour was definetly not needed. Maybe if the war had gone on and on i would have understood. But it didn't thus it sucked. The cinematography just pissed me off, i mean did he just get bored or what? You didnt need that zoom in the movie, the zoom is taboo!!!!! and what was up with all the birds eye views? A few were needed, most weren't. The POV shots also were stupid, you needed like.....ONE!!!! One of the best parts of the movie was me seeing the brad pitt look alike outside the theater promoting the movie. Okay i might be being a bit harsh but it was definetly a rental, not worth 6.50. What a waste for Wolfgang Peterson.
  3. So tell me what needs to be fixed, this is a first draft. I would like some criticism. For That The darkness envelops me in a subtle grip that slowly drains my soul i turn my head away and search for the light that has long since vanished as the shadows grow and speed across the floor i wonder who i once was long before i was born perhaps i was happy in a state of pure untainted bliss or maybe i felt love an all too foreign emotion that i have yet to have returned my dreams are littered with shards of bitter remorse and tearful eyes my only wish is to let it all end and for that i would smile
  4. Well its been awhile since i have read anything that you have written Mitch, but this one seems a bit diffrent. Maybe its the way you organized it, it seems a bit too long to me though. I just think it could be shorter. It kind of seems like you are experimenting, and i like that.
  5. i wasn't really sure if this should go in this forum or not, but i need some help. I have to do a project for video/film theory, and i have no idea what to use for a topic. It will be 5 minutes of clips and 5 of talking. It can be over an actor, director, anything in a movie or seperate movies. just think about something you have always wanted to know.
  6. Pantene shampoo and conditioner, $10 Lipgloss, $4 Haircut, $5 Dye, $12 (but only once) Lotion, $5 Having french fries and meatballs for dinner after there is nothing else, Priceless. Theres some things Vegeta Rocker can't buy, for everything else there's mom.
  7. i agree that making flicks based off games is risky, but who doesn't? The same goes for comics as well. I am curious to see what he can come up with sounds like he might do a good job. It's not like basing movies off popular franchises will ever die out. Eventually directors will get better at it. Don't forget Fatal Frame: Crimson Butterfly is going to be directed by Stephen Spielberg. Blood Rayne has also its rights bought.....though by the same director as house of the dead.... So in short, can't wait.
  8. so the MMMMBop trio have returned.....i feared as much. There are a few steps we all must take to erase them from existence.....Don't watch them on Tv....hmmmm thats about it. They had a few hits and now they're back, not a drooling fan....but more power to them i guess. Won't bother me a bit i suppose.
  9. i have mixed emotions about shounen ai, usually they are bad. I really have no problem with it as long as it isn't in your face and loud about it. Its not that i think it is wrong, just not my taste. The only one i have seen is Descendents of Darkness, i saw the hong kong subtitled version so it was totally unedited. I won't attempt to spell yami no Matsuei correctly. It was good and just on the brink with me, the guy stroking a wine glass stem was a bit weird but not horrible. So i guess in short, the genre is just fine with me so i won't bash it.
  10. there are lots of things i wish i could go back in time and change. i wish that i had been strong enough to take on my father lots of times. I hated the way he treated me and his parents. I think about me just beating the crap out of him. I wish i had the mental strength to kill him. I would have hid my journal better. I wish i would have been braver in Jr high and stood up to those who tormented me. Same goes for High School. I would visit my grandmother more often before she died. I would have hugged my half brother more when i was little. I would have met my half sister. I guess there is a lot i would like to change. But like it has been said; that might be a pretty bad idea. If i change stuff it might end up being worse.
  11. Transtic Nerve is talking about the Ringu series i assume. I haven't seen that, but the amercian one was alright. Not scary though. Movies don't scare me since i have been watching them since i was about 5. I don't jump or stuff, i just get startled inside, my heart jumps but you can't tell if you're just looking at me. My older half brother just told me one thing and i haven't been scared since. " It's all inside a box (television set)" But there are a few that i have seen that creeped me out pretty well. 1. Jaws Saw this before i had the "box" talk and this movie scared the bejesus out of me. I mean think about it; sharks are REAL, they live in deep WATER. I know they don't just attack like that, and that they usually mistake us for seals if we are on a surf board. But yikes! 2. Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory I know the book is titled a bit diffrently and that it's darker than the movie. But the flick just creeped me out; i mean, how can it not? Little orange people..... Lickable wallpaper... 3. Anatomy Way cool. Autopsy done on live patients.....'nough said. 4.Cube Haven't seen it? See it. Imagine waking up in a cube shaped room with a bunch of strangers. You are in a cube shaped room and any room you go to is also the same shape. Some are full of gas. Some are wired for booby traps. Watch it.
  12. Returner. Pretty cool flick, least i think so. It had horrible marketing though, what you see on the cover is not really what you get. If you just saw the cover of the dvd you would think about assassins and mob bosses. Thats only partially true. I think they re-released this too because i saw it at Suncoast with another cover. I got the subbed one at Anime Pop So if you have seen the flick tell what you think. We can discuss a few continuity errors too. ^-^
  13. Aghghgghgh i had so convinced myself this would not turn into a thread about him! oh well, i am actually kind of glad it did. Im 18 though not 15 and i have only liked one other person in my life and that was for four years. I am trying to give the guys their space and it seems to be working out fine. They have this game where they blast imaginary power at each other. One of them asked me to join in but it seems like butting in. So i just use the blasting game with the one who asked.
  14. I am go glad you posted Lady M; that is the best advice i have heard thus far. I understand what you are saying but i can't convince my stupid head about the whole love thing. In fact, think i'll quote you in my sig.
  15. I don't hang out with them just because of their gender, i just enjoy the conversation. Guys are more fun to me.
  16. thats the weird part, i am a gamer! We play video games together and are in the same major. We talk about guy stuff all the time, in fact they even tell me i'm the only girl they can talk about this stuff in front of. But Mist has a point, no matter how much we have in common i am still a girl and i need to let them be guys. But man i wish i was a guy! Though i have had a crush on one for about 7 months that would make me a gay guy. ^-^
  17. I would have to go with Mitch on this one guys. I have seen it and while he does do some splicing; the interviews with Charleton Heston and etc. were authentic. Favorite movies; this changes constantly but the ones usually up in there are 1. Suicide Kings This movie has so many plot twists and turns it has to make the list. All the actors were superb and half weren't even paid. They just wanted the chance to work with christopher walken. 2. Dragonheart I am in love with dragons and this movie made me cry. I am also a huge fan of sean connery so that was just perfect. 3.First Knight Another one of sean connery's movies; he plays king Arthur. This is such a good movie i can watch it over and over again and never get tired of it. By next week number three will change, it always does.
  18. This has been kind of bothering me for a while and i want to know if i am just being too sensitive. In school i am in my 3rd quarter and i don't like hanging out with the girls much; i'd rather hang out with the guys. But the guys don't like to hang out with me that much. They hang out with me sometimes but it just makes it harder when ever they ignore me. It doesn't help that i like one of them a bit more than i should since he does have a girlfriend. But that doesn't affect me at all; i am just fine being his friend. I mean as long as he's happy. But back to the point; should i continue to try to hang out with them? Or should i try to make some more friends that are girls? Am i being too sensitive about it?
  19. i guess most people watch anime just to unwind. I watch anime to entertain myself and see other peoples points of view. Also since i am in Video Production now; i end up using lots of the shots i see done. It's also a good escape from reality now and then. ^-^
  20. i agree with it not being banned. This book is a part of history that needs to be told. If we pretended that slavery never happened then how are we suppossed to learn from it? This goes for any part of history, as many of you know it means His Story. Those who don't learn from it are doomed to repeat it.
  21. i don't think i am very popular here, most of the people who know me befriended me when i was a newbie. That was when OB was in full swing for me. Up until i made Otaku status. The diffrent changes have thrown me off a bit so i have been gone from OB for weeks at a time. So i am not as social. I guess my status falls right in the middle. In college, im a bit of a geek. I am in Video Production and most of my friends are in Graphic Design and Animation. So my status isn't very high. All my quarter knows me, but then again there is only like 12 of us. You have to be kind of close when you see someone drop every quarter. So long story short; status here: slightly higher than middle status in life: slightly lower than middle
  22. yeah, maybe you were posting on the boards too much and neglected him. Just a thought; get over it. Transtic knows what he's talking about. Just put yourself out there and get a new boyfriend. He probably has a new girlfriend.
  23. 1. Regardless of whether or not you download anime, do you believe that doing so is wrong? I only download anime i can't find, otherwise i buy it. It is just nicer to have the actual thing. Besides, a lot of the stuff you download isn't great quality. If you really love a series you want it the best way you can get it. 2. Do you think that you'd buy more DVDs if you didn't download any shows? No, that wouldn't change a thing. I usually buy them after i download them. Well if i like them anyway. 3. Do foreign (not Japanese) anime companies pay attention to the popularity of various fansubbed series? I really don't know, i would think they do. That would tell them whats popular.
  24. You have been such an asset to these boards; I'm sure anyone would help if they could. I know we don't know each other, but if you ever feel the need to talk; i am here for you.
  25. you were always one of my fans, Boo. I thank you for being glad i have a new one. I have just been so busy lately. Any other comments, or suggestions are being eagerly awaited.
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