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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. i think about it a bit, every now and then when i contemplate other pointless things. I have always seen it as i started to die the day i was born. I have always harbored the notion i am from the moon for some reason. Maybe i was something and died and then became human.
  2. *bow incesstantly* awesome man, i was actually wondering if it was a joke. But then i clicked the sonic link and all became shockingly clear.
  3. This one is called fallen, and i wrote it after three photoshop images i made for a class. I might post them later. The entire thing is first draft so any hints or ideas are welcome. Fallen Once amongst the ashes of the decadent remains of what used to be life i stood upon the shattered buildings in the heart of the city and swallowed the sky with my parched eyes and withered lips the wings of the clouds brushed my gaze away and propelled me to the ground whilst falling the beauty long lost bloomed in memories of amber and soft petals all at once all that had been so irrevocably lost was mine once again in in this dream i remain it is a place that defies a mortals definition of hell but surpasses his dream of heaven
  4. weird dreams sometimes have no meaning, they can be just jumbled pieces of your memories. Like left over thoughts that never came up during the day, or things you feel that you don't acknowledge. The hooded figure might represent something you have recently accomplished since you say you win. Maybe you just like the feeling of being in control and fighting in the air.
  5. I haven't had it yet, not counting games or spin the bottle. I mean a real kiss with someone i like. There is this one guy, though i might be bad at it. Probably horrible.
  6. I would like it much better if my college was open during the break. I am there usually 6 days a week from the morning to night, i enjoy being there working on projects. But i can usually entertain myself anyway, with my Dreamcast, PS2, Saturn or VCR. Then i have my comics and things.
  7. I get toon disney, but that doesn't show the old movies that i really miss. That is my main peeve. The Monkey's Uncle definetly has to make a big comeback, along with the Ugly Daschund.
  8. I don't have much money so i usually limit myself to one cd a year. Yeah it sucks, but it makes me think long and hard before i buy one. In this instance, that cd was Smile Empty Soul. This self titled album is one of the greatest things i've heard since Hybrid Theory. The track they released (Bottom of a Bottle) is not even a sample of what they can do. There is not a single dull song and no shortage of variety. Just when you get tired of the heaviness, a kick butt acoustic comes up. Maybe if i critiqued the stand out songs a bit you will catch my drift. This is War, this is an awesome acoustic song that speaks against war. It doesn't get preachy or opinionated, it just tells what goes on from a detached point of view. With this knife, a song about when someone you love leaves you, you want to cut out the part that cared about them. Maybe that will ease the pain. I definetly reccomend them.
  9. The Disney channel itself, and what they show all day. The shows like boy meets world and smart guy. Don't get me wrong, i kinda like them. But not every day all the time, Disney has done much better so whay don't they show it?
  10. This has been nagging at me for awhile, do you guys miss old Disney channel? The reason i ask is because it has changed so much, i remember when it showed awesome movies and series. Now the whole channel is stupid teen shows and trash. My sister and brother have never seen such classics as Swiss Family Robinson, Escape from Witch Mountain or The Shaggy DA. The only Flubber they know about is the new one. It seems dumb that they have to watch AMC or Hallmark just to see some good Disney movies. These were movies that included real drama and story. They had great actors and comedy as well. Even the old shows like Zorro and old Donald Duck are gone, they have been put in Vault Disney. So my question is, do you think Disney was better before? And if not, why is it better now?
  11. Well when i joined up otakuboards was well on it's way to greatness, there were no flame wars or anything i can remember. It was in fact pretty cool, i do remember all the nonactive usernames though, and rico tranzigs sig of how many active and inactive members. I loved Ob a bit more back then, i felt like i knew a lot more people and it was closer. Man do i remember when i spammed the first time i posted. It was in the dragonball forum and i posted that trunks poem. Dark_Apocalypse (now Boo i believe) rated it quite nicely before pointing out where it should go. I only frequent a few forums maybe about 4. So do i love Ob the same? I think it has evolved rather nicely and will continue to do so, but i miss being a newbie all the same.
  12. I go to the Art Institute of Dallas, im into Video Production. If you have no idea what you want to do, check out VP. I didn't realize i had a knack for it until i did it, its lots of fun and lots of hard work. There is also culinary here, if you fail at everything else, become a cook i say.
  13. lets's see, there are many things i desire let will obviously never own. 1. legolas 2. Boy i like 3. a computer with editing software Thats what i would really love, but i will take number two any day. Yummy, yummy sorry legolas.
  14. I have a problem with the flow of words. I usually decide if a poem rhymes in the beginning or not. With yours i wasn't sure if it was suppossed to or not. Some pieces sounded like you were trying to rhyme while others just went at their own pace. So yeah......flow. A bit of grammer too. Nice though.
  15. Haven shot an implicit look at the Captain. "Is that everyone?"she snarled. These introductions were wearing her down, she was sleepy and over worked.
  16. Leaning on her chair Haven found herself sizing up each member of the team. She was in the process of figuring out Tex when another female bumbled in. She snorted, she hated when people were unattractively late. She'd been in the shower when the pad on her wall had beeped. Her wet hair hung limply against her shoulders. Introductions had been going around and her turn would be after the bumbler composed herself. Angelos, nice name and incompetent face, typical medic. She turned her attention to Hope, Vincent Hope. Security seemed a bit more interesting with this man. --------------silence--------------- They were looking at her. -------------an upward glance--------- "Haven, Brooke Haven, Terrain Consultant and Scientist. I plan out areas for missions and try to predict the unpredictable. I kill people for pleasure, and thats about it" Hope slowly turned his head at this obvious jab and snickered. "Would you mind getting up, Haven?',Captain Chibbs. Jerking her head, Haven kicked her legs off the table and stood. Trying to convey a sense of nonchalance and superiority, Haven glared at the Captain. "Nice to meet you Haven, Angelos began, I'm sure we- "The pleasures all mine, Medic." Came Haven's curt reply. She often had a habit of addressing people people by their ranks and designations. "What do you say we get started Captain?,Haven quipped. "When the full team is assembled we will", snapped the Captain. "And Haven", he continued. Haven looked up in his direction. "You're not my secretary."
  17. Stasis Pods. Brooke enjoyed nothing about them. Experts say you dream every night, just not everyone remembers. Bullshit,Brooke remembered every tortured second in chryosleep. The cold dark gel holding you in suspension as you are hurtled through space in a blind ship. It was a like adrenaline in reverse, those who had never experienced the pleasure longed for it. It probably sounded like a roller coaster ride,hell, she'd been curious. She had managed to avoid the pleasure of a stasis pod until now. But she knew it would become inevitable eventually. ----------------Air-------------- Haven was hurled upon the rubber topped steel grating as her hatch flew open without a warning. Her muscular blue tinted body landed with a rolling thud. Not used to landing on anything but her feet, Haven stood quickly. She shot a look upward daring a comment, to an empty room. Haven enjoyed being fashionably late consciously but doing so unconsciously made her grin in sordid satisfaction. There was a clean towel lying nearby. With blood on it. The drastically deepening tint seemed to morph before her eyes. After a few dramatic blinks, she realized it was just spots over her eyes. Chalk up another effect to stasis chambers. She snatched up the towel as a personal victory and commenced to rub herself off. Scrub was more like it, she showed her skin no mercy as she removed as much slime as possible. Haven gritted her teeth as she felt the vibration of someones footsteps. ----------------------prescence---------------------- "How's our early riser?", came a dry attempt at sarcasm. "Off to take a shower.", came the curt reply "What's your designation?", rang out in the hall as Haven continued on her way. "Bitch", was the only thought on Captain Chubbs mind. At that moment anyway.
  18. Well if the own creator stops showing up then thats a whole diffrent problem. But i doubt that is the case every time, that probably only happens with crappy rpgs. I can't think of any reason why a creator would stop frequenting an rpg he or she put considerable thought into. If you join a well thought out rpg thats usually pretty good insurance it won't happen at all. But if the creator stops, well just wait awhile. Maybe they could implement a time limit, few creators would want to see their creation deleted.
  19. I think when theotaku.com gets a section on the anime itself, there will be a good chance it gets a quiz. That being said, i think you have to just wait and see. Unless you make one yourself and submit it.
  20. I agree, most people well classify you depending on your post quality. There are a few who will judge you on your post number, but they are usually not worth socializing with anyway. I remember when i was a wee spammer, it takes some getting used to.
  21. Just kick them off when they cease to show up. Or just continue without them by getting a replacement, that'll teach 'em.
  22. I know it only goes for creative writing, thats what i was refering to. Thats what i was refering to, lifted was too strong a word. I guess changed would work better. I wasn't trying to say you have given members free reign James. I have always admired how you enforced your rules. I just meant the changes, i was curious how some people felt about the slight change.
  23. What do you think about the lifting of censorship around here? No real reason, just thought i would see how the rest of you felt. Personally it bothers me, but thats just me. I guess i am just not used to seeing cursing used on OB.
  24. I wish some of you could hear yourselves. "He should have stayed black" "He's a ***" I fail to see how a nose shape or color affects anything. If he did it he did it. If he didn't, well he didn't. I don't question whether he did molest that kid or not. The real thing you should be asking is why parents continue to send their kids to him if they are so scared for their children. It's all an elaborate trap for poor Michael. They send their kids so they get to hang out with a rich guy. These parents are greedy worms.
  25. Love bites, i have a habit of falling hard. I can never have a mere crush or like someone. I loves this one guy for nearly 4 years and he never ever returned it at all. Now he tries to be around me and i hate to be near him. It hurts way too much. Love is funny like that, it can ruin friendships and you can never have enough of it. It just doesn't make much sense. Yet it is the most bittersweet feeling in the world. I would die for it.
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