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Everything posted by vegeta rocker
Name: Brooke Haven Age:30 Gender: F Assignment: Terrain Consultant/Scientist Personality: Tough to handle personally and physically, Haven hates nothing more than letting a GUY handle a job. She has a chip on her shoulder for all males and prefers to refrain from socializing. Hates cocky people. Ace in hand to hand combat and secretive about all aspects of her life. Appearance: 5' 7 Brown eyes and dirty brown hair. Enjoys dressing in army pants and tank tops with combat boots, even on vacation. That is, if she ever took one. Tan skin from being stationed in Panama for undisclosed reasons. She also acquired a scar on her neck there. Cause, also, undisclosed. Bio: Brooke grew up like any army brat, barbies and machine guns. When she was 12 her father, a pilot, dissappeared over Bermuda and that changed Brooke forever. His loss and sent her straight to the military. She hated not knowing just what happened. Secretly searching for her father has led her everywhere. She takes any mission with mysterious circumstances. In the back of her mind she may be searching for the truth. So when Event Horizon came up, she didn't think twice.
I enjoy random acts of kindness, they fell alll nice and fuzzy. My happiest moments are usually spent with certain people, one in particular. Moments that seem all too fleeting.
I have read better work of yours. I rather like the pretty language you use in your other work. You always come off making a harsh statement whilst writing elegantly. The elegance is gone, that was the part i most enjoyed.
I guess i would, i have no positive connection to my last name. I have never liked it, and if i ever got married it would be to escape what i live with now. Thus if that would be my intention, i would definetly change my name.
I heard on the radio that he said that he was dating a black girl at the time and then they broke up. He was in high school come on man.
The world would be a better place if we had more gay marriages, don't ask me why. This reminds me of a debate a while back about a same sex marriage sitcom. The show was suppossed to air on nickelodeon but never aired. Seems like a bit much to get riled up about, they love each other hey what the hell? I think marriage is pretty puch jacked up anyway, i mean, people get married just to stay in the country nowadays.
Seems ridiculous to do something like this just to attract boys. You are only fifteen? Your body is still growing and you won't be able to get them until you are fully grown. No respectable doctor would even think of putting them in until you are at least 18. Besides they sound kind of disgusting, i can't think of many guys who are into sea water. Though you never know. Though that does sound rather too squishy.
hn, many replies, perhaps it is a big deal after all............... Well, i am grateful for the suggestions about martial arts and writing. I still haven't cut since i made the promise and i actually don't feel the urge that much. I think i have pinpointed what set it off so there is something else to focus my mind on. As for all the controversy over wether it is a disorder or not, i am becoming more and more convinced that it is. I don't think mine stretches that far though. Since stopping feels a bit easier i think i am over the hump. To whoever asked if i did it for the pain of it, truth is i think i do. I feel like i have to punish myself for being stupid and thinking the way i do. I really think i have done something wrong when usually i haven't. The scars on my left arm are fading, though i think these particular ones will be permanant. That might be a good thing, it will remind me of my decision.
Anime really messed up freaky looking anime I found.
vegeta rocker replied to Seta-Mcdougal!'s topic in Otaku Central
The most provocative manga has an orange woman? That is just too yucky and fruity looking to be at all enticing. -
Yeah, Mitch, I did. That was near Christmas. But i wasn't asking how to stop, just how people felt about it. I actually didn't cut myself then. Eerie. hahaha i remember either James or some Mod closed it because it put a damper on the Christmas mood. Bah! Enough negativity. I will probably do just fine, but if anyone has any suggestions.......feel free.
I mentioned in a poem i posted a few days agao that I used to mutilate myself. Well a friend made me promise to stop and I am having a rather hard time keeping the promise. I can't very well get rid of everything sharp, i go to an art school and constantly use x-acto knives and scissors. So thats out of the question. My question is, if anyone here has done this in the past, how did you stop? And do you really think this is such a big deal? I didn't think so but my friend convinced me it was, i still don't think so. I don't have a disorder, it's just something to do when i get really emotional or angry. So help me out.
Sorry, i have just heard of it and seen some screen shots. But i definetly want to see it. I think it might be showing nearby.
Police Raid for Drugs at a High School
vegeta rocker replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]"I would find out exactly what happened and i would be angry that something like this happened. But THEN i would find out what events put this into play. I would be angry at the fact it happened but i would wonder what kids could be doing to grab this kind of attention. I would be concerned that my kid had a gun at him/her." Comparing that to: "I disagree however with the severity of the raid being the first thing parents think of, rather then just what their kids are doing." There are definite conflicting ideas here.[/B][/QUOTE] I don't see the conflicting ideas. I said before my first thought would be how stupid this raid was. It was too severe. I said that i would think about the drug situation after being pissed at the raid. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] You previously said that you disagree that parents' initial focus be on severity of the raid, and you implied that parents should ask why it happened first. However, now you seem to be changing your mind and admitting that you would be in shock first (thus having a reaction to in the initial experience), THEN you would seek out why it happened. Which is it? Do you disagree that parents' first concern should be the situation and then why the situation happened? Or are you agreeing that being worried about the situation comes first? [/B][/QUOTE] I'm saying that I would be pissed but then find out the reason it happened. What I am saying parents will do is they will get pissed off just like i did. BUT they won't move on to wondering to what the drug situation is. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] "Where is the question?" You misquoted, and chopped out an entire few paragraphs. You omitted the question. [/B][/QUOTE] Well apparantly i was in a hurry, but if the question is, if i would be more worried about my kids being into drugs or having a gun pointed at them. I would be worried about the gun obviously. Since i have never agreed with this raid. --- [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] "Though i don't see how it relates to the current topic, i was in shock. But thats a stretch comparison and you know it." Stretch? Nah. 9/11 was trauma. This was trauma. The definition is the same no matter what the circumstance. And if you think about it, it relates very well. I asked you what your reaction was on 9/11, a very traumatic day. You replied with shock. Shock. You didn't mention anything about asking why it happened. You were concerned with the moment, with the initial experience, which is precisely what we're talking about: initial reaction to initial stimulus versus the inquisitive reaction to initial stimulus. Based on your own admittance, you reacted to stimulus before thinking about the stimulus. [/B][/QUOTE] I agreed that i would be pissed about the raid a number of times. I just added that i would move on to other reactions and emotions. Something I'm sure the parents will not do. And I still don't agree with the whole trauma thing. I don't believe trauma is trauma no matter what the circumctances. A terrorist attack with people jumping out of buildings and planes crashing doesn't remind me much of a raid. And just so I'm clear, I will say it again. The raid was stupid,sure it will make some people think about what is going on in their school, but it was stupid. I would rather it never have happened. -
What's the best love song that you've heard?
vegeta rocker replied to Demonic Angel's topic in Noosphere
I hate country but George Strait is a genius...... Whats going on in your world X japan of course forever love Taproot Mine Smile Empty Soul for you hmmmm her ghost in the fog.......i should check that out. -
Hands down the best toon ever!!!!!!!! I loved the movie as well. I used to have a pillow and i nearly bought a rainbow brite candle. But it was 10 bucks......Hot Topic has cool Rainbow Brite stuff.
Police Raid for Drugs at a High School
vegeta rocker replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] If you're the parent of a "druggie" high school student, but don't know for certain that your child is into drugs...and hear that this kind of raid happened at your child's school, you would be more concerned with the drug use than your child in the sights of a gun?? [/B][/QUOTE] I would find out exactly what happened and i would be angry that something like this happened. But THEN i would find out what events put this into play. I would be angry at the fact it happened but i would wonder what kids could be doing to grab this kind of attention. I would be concerned that my kid had a gun at him/her. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] "I however disagree with all the crap about emotional scarring. Maybe that is what they needed." Many here know that I hold very harsh views on capital punishment and punishment in general. If given the option, I would choose a very suitable sentence for a convicted cop killer. I realize that druggie high schoolers are far from cop killers, but [i]nobody[/i] needs a raid like that in any school. No high schooler deserves that, no matter how many lines of coke they're doing, no matter how many joints they've sucked cold, no matter how much of their parents' liquor cabinets is replaced with water. I certainly think it's foolhardy to just write off the notion of emotional trauma here, simply because it may be overused elsewhere in this country. ? [/B][/QUOTE] Where is the question? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] This is a case of the end not justifying the means. One last question. On 9/11, when you first saw those planes collide into the WTC, did you think of the [i]reasons[/i] why that happened? Were you thinking of a terrorist organization plotting and executing that raid and mused over what their ideologies were? Or were you thinking what the rest of America was thinking in the first news of it: "Oh my God...the horror! That's so terrible. Oh my God...oh my God...oh Jesus! Those buildings...those people...oh my God..." ? [/B][/QUOTE] Though i don't see how it relates to the current topic, i was in shock. But thats a stretch comparison and you know it. -
Dear God, am i the only one who despises this anime? I fail to see the greatness of it. Yeah sure, it has an interesting story, but i just cannot enjoy that style of animation. I can barely stand kikaider.
Police Raid for Drugs at a High School
vegeta rocker replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
I posted earlier that i did not agree with the excessive force used by the authorities in the raid. They did not need to use that particular kind of force. I however disagree with all the crap about emotional scarring. Maybe that is what they needed. Yeah, im no saint. I've gotten messed up before. But i never let it drift over in high school. Im one of the people that think marijuana should be legalized, but that's a whole other debate. What I'm getting at is that the accusation of emotional scarring comes up every time a kid is either questioned or punished. Yeah so let me repeat myself, they used excessive force in this instance that was totally uncalled for. I disagree however with the severity of the raid being the first thing parents think of, rather then just what their kids are doing. -
Police Raid for Drugs at a High School
vegeta rocker replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
I fail to see how middle america can bicker over civil rights and emotional scarring when kids are getting high in a haven like school. How can parents be expected to feel their children are safe? Yeah the raid was a bit extreme, but so is selling drugs in school. We are just so used to it that we don't see the magnitude of the situation. To us its everyday news. Oh another kid got busted....no big deal. we never stop and think what is happening to us. -
I agree with pretty much everything everyone has said, but it's up to you. Don't spend so much time deciding what to do. Just chill out Azure_Skies, you seem like a great person. Either destroy them or ignore them. i guess you could sink to their level and throw insults back. catch my drift? or you could do what i do, get revenge later. Rat them out for something they do or pull some prank that embarrasses the bejesus out of them. Just make sure it can't be traced back to you. But then again i am a bit of a troublemaker so maybe you shouldn't listen to me.
This is actually kind of funny..........whats the big deal? I must say i have never been told my mom has it "going on". ^-^ But if i had to give advice i would say either ignore it or talk "smack" back. Azure_Skies: My mom has it going on! (proceeds to hurl duel monsters cards) Azure_Skies: Die!!!!!! I am a supreme being who happens to have an attractive mother! Stupid_Classmate: Dear God! Possessed! Yu Gi Oh is possessed! Hurry to the prep mobile! We must consult our God, Justin Timberlake!!!!!! ^-^ Don't let it bother you. But if you do what i just outlined they should leave you alone. Funny thing about bullies though, you have to go extreme with whatever you do. Example, if you want to try and ignore them that means you have to go totally cold and ignore ever word from their mouth. (very hard to do and near impossible) Or, you freak out on them and scare them so they leave you alone. Best of luck.
I'm sure there is better but i am just addicted to Mars. I'm not a very mushy sappy girl so i have no idea why this appeals to me. I just love the series. i have 1-14 and can't wait for the final one. Maybe i'm a hopless romantic inside after all. I have also read Blade of the Immortal, very impressive. I love the art work and how you can tell when something is about to happen. The art gets more shaded and fluid when important events take place.
Police Raid for Drugs at a High School
vegeta rocker replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
I can understand the raid and everything but why make the kids lie down and point guns at them. I'm all for drug control but this seems a little weird. It doesn't matter if it's just for weed, bust the idiots, but why this way? What will end up hapening is the suburban mothers will cry out in ignorance and eventually raids won't be allowed at all. This will work against the police. I really believe an action like this causes more harm than good. No one will remember,or care, what drugs they found. But everyone will quote the students on how terrified they were and how awful something like this happens in America. They should bring back spanking! I don't care if it's high school or college. -
Symbols? Could you elaborate further on those? Unless you mentioned them earlier and i just missed them, that tends to happen. Symbols can often be taken and interpreted the wrong way. Not saying that they are but it's a possibility. I really want to know more about what you are talking about. As for your typing, i assume you are a quick typer and see no relevance as to bringing that up Justin. I don't think noodleboy means to come off as arrogant as he seems. I still think he is being unfair in a few areas, but that's all. Back to the topic, ELABORATE! Let's get back to Mary. Actually, forget Mary. I want some info on these symbols, since i have never noticed any.
I have no objection to that, i don't see why you want to use my thread but it's fine with me.