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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. The main thing i think they should do is apologize, but the marriage for both parties has ended in divorce so maybe that makes it harder. Well like with certain offenders and hackers the court rules they are not allowed on the internet; maybe that would be a good punishment.
  2. I don't know if any of you have heard of this but i figured since this is an online forum that this would be the ideal place to discuss it. The internet exposes us all to many different people and cultures, I have met many people on here who I try to consider friends. Sure we have no real life contact but I feel like we have a common ground. Now what if someone you talked to and trusted on the internet suddenly turned on you and made you feel bad about yourself? That was the case with a thirteen year old girl who was suffering from depression and hanged herself because of it. The sad thing is the person she believed to be a friend was a former friend's parent posing as a young boy. She said some hurtful things to the young girl and while not outwardly threatening and bashing her; she drove her to kill herself. The article i am linking to doesn't talk about all the things said back and forth but i chose this particular one since it gives a broad idea of the entire matter and supplies a video clip of the news story. At one point the adult posing as the young boy called the girl and slut and even was reported saying the world would be better off without her. So my question is, do you think what the mother did was a crime? Do you think she should be held responsible for the girls death, and has cyberbullying ever happened to you? I personally think that she shares some of the responsibility and while she can't be directly linked to it, she knew of the girls struggle with depression and crossed the line. Should she go to jail? I don't think so, but I think she should have some punishment. Maybe paying for the girls funeral, a public apology something that shows she is sorry for the events she set into motion. [URL="http://www.abcnews.go.com/WN/Story?id=3903188&page=2"]Click here for article[/URL]
  3. I for one am glad she is protesting, this rant is directed more at the Chinese than the Japanese though. First of all last year, on December 13 the Chinese Dolphin was declared extinct. Thats ironically my dads birthday. The Chinese dolphin lived in ONE area in the world and China did squat to protect it. In fact they didn't even declare it extinct, America did. They just don't care. They also continue to hunt whales, for research they say. Then of course there is shark fin soup. Baiting sharks, chopping their fins off then throwing them back in the water is cruel and wasteful. China needs to start taking a pivotal role in how they treat the environment. Because when they eventually screw up their ecosystem with no dolphins they will have a much heavier price to pay.
  4. I dont think the amount was overkill, he bankrupted them so they can't do this to someone else. Besides what money he does get was for charity, the only way he could afford to take them to church was to ask for donations to make them pay for their disrespect. As for the ramifications for other protesting, i think it may end up having a negative influence on protests but in the long run if the next family can bury their son in peace it is worth it.
  5. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Honestly, Rach is right, try doing a search on the web about this to get a little more information. The police used a taser since he refused to quit resisting and simply leave. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] He tried to leave peacefully but they didn't let him, he said "I'll walk out of here" but they said that wasn't an option. As for reading him his rights, i agree they didn't have to read them but you have the right as soon as you are arrested to know the charges. He asked repeatedly what the charges were, they should have informed him of the charges. Thats from "A pocket sized guide to the Law" so i did look it up. I am not saying he wasn't trying to get attention, but he was mistreated regardless.
  6. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I caught the footage on youtube and on CNN. Also the activities director at the nursing home made it part of the current event discussion. The kid was being obnoxious and asking dumb questions. Then when they cut his mike he got billigerant and started getting aggressive. He resisted arrest and was fighting with the cops. So really he wasn't behaving in a civilized manner and broke the law. Yeah, maybe they shouldn't have tasered the guy, but he was being obnoxious[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Just because he was being obnoxious they really should not have arrested him. He should have been escorted out. He started really resisting when they put their hands on him. They had NO RIGHT, they didn't ask him to leave and they didn't ask him to stop. They just went up and grabbed him, thats wrong and they were the ones who should have had better judgment. So after six people pin him down they still felt the need to taser him? And that one idiot cop, "stop resisting". They grabbed him with no warning or reason. They didn't say what he was being charged with, they gave no explanation. They treated him like a criminal and hes not. He agreed to leave peacefully, but he wasn't allowed to. They were in the wrong for it and shouldn't even be on paid leave. I will say to Kerry's credit, that he did say to let him go. Kerry was full and ready to answer the guys question. So i don't really think he deserves too much blame for it. And cops wonder why they have trouble enforcing authority? Stunts like this make it hard to for anyone to respect them.
  7. Thanks for all the ideas guys, i will try them out!
  8. Christian Bale ate a can of tuna and an apple a day. lol I mainly gain my weight from stress, i take in about 1500 calories a day but i stress in college alot. I have access to a 24hr gym so hopefully i can start soon, its just that i am at school from 9am to 12pm this week so it may have to start next week.
  9. I was a sophomore in high school when it happened. I saw it happen when i was in journalism class, we just sat and watched it in class and i remember some dumb *** jock making jokes about it, but he probably works in a grocery store now so there is some justice. I was shocked about the towers and everything, but the stuff that really got me was the the footage of the people jumping out of the tower. Some of them held hands as they jumped from the towers, when the camera zoomed out all you could see were these little specks falling. I will never forget that.
  10. So heres the deal, I am going to start trying to lose weight but I was wondering if you guys had any ideas/success stories. I mostly want to lose weight so i figure cardio will make up most of my routine, but i want to know what you guys have tried. I want to lose a massive amount of weight, ideally I want to lose 100 pounds. I know it seems like alot and i know it will take some time, but i am willing to try and commit. Most people guess me to weight around 150 but i am heavier than i look, i know i have some muscle but i still know 250 is too much for my height. So i figure i do an hour of cardio a day three days a week? I have a very busy schedule but i want to make it work.
  11. I love Bath and Body Works and I have so much stuff from there its kind of sad. Japanese Cherry Blossom and Midnight Pomegranate are my favorite.
  12. [quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"][B]AFI; "Of Greetings and Goodbyes"[/B] This is one of my favorite songs off Art of Drowning. [B]Mindless Self Indulgence; "Clarissa"[/B] Haha. I love several MSI songs, but this one in particular because one of my favorite shows is Sabrina the Teenage Witch, starring Melissa Joan Hart who was Clarissa. My favorite part of the song goes "If you're so smart, explain this Clarissa, POW! Explain this, Clarissa, Clarissa, pow pow pow." It's so much fun. :] [B] AFI; "Kiss and Control"[/B] Another of my favorites. I think this one in particular really stuck out the first time I listened to Decemberunderground, and though I've taken the time to fall in love with all the other songs, I still hold this one higher than most of them. (I think Endlessly, She Said is tied with it, though). [/FONT][/QUOTE] Have you listened to Black Audio? It's Havocs side project and it rules. Thats what i am listening to right now.
  13. silpheedpilot I love your BioShock avatar and banner! And on another note about Persona 3, i do find one thing annoying, either one of the two chicks popping in constantly telling me whats going on during a battle. Its cool every now and then but i don't need her gasping every damn time i take a turn.
  14. Here is a picture of his arm now four days later. What people do for money huh?
  15. [quote name='Charles']Oh man, you didn't tell me there was an OtakuBoards thread about this, Semjaza. I don't know now; the game just suddenly became far too mainstream to be cool. It's probably all of the "samas" and "sans" that are attracting attention. I swear to God if I see one "^_^" smilie in this game, I'm going on a rampage.[/QUOTE] I love the game and i am also not accustomed to a SMT game getting so much attention. Persona 3 is soooo addicting, i actually just bought Persona 1 for my bf. ^_^
  16. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought the trailer looked atrocious. It made it look like a BBC television movie honestly, but i am looking forward to it none the less.
  17. About Tool sounding angry, Maynard and the rest of Tool can sound angry with their lyrics and not have to scream and jump around like they are having seizures. Its intense and emotional and a deeper feeling than anything Slipknot ever did.
  18. LOL Heroic and Inspiring? God he will love that. He keeps saying he is going to Email or write Atlus and tell them what he went through to get the game. He says he will ask for a free copy of Nocturne...
  19. I once forgot my train pass on the train and was charged 75 dollars for riding without it. They said if i didnt pay it i would have to go to court and blah blah. So the next week sent a check in the mail, the check went through and i went on with my life. 9 months later i am at work and i get a call from the Dallas Constables Office, they say they have had a warrant out for my arrest for about 6 months... They apparently never got the check (it was cashed though) and sent me a summons to court (which i never got) and set me up a court date that i obviously missed. Keep in mind i gave them three phone numbers and two addresses, never once got a call or letter in these 9 months. Then when i contest the fact that its not my fault, they say i should have taken care of it since it was my civic duty. How am i supposed to take care of something i dont know exists? Either way we faxed them evidence the check went through and they did an investigation and never found the money. hilarious.
  20. I work too, i just wish it was enough on its own to pay for everything. I figure as long as i keep my blood sugar up i can donate once a week. The max you can donate is twice a week. Thats 35 the first time in the week than 30 the second time. So thats 65 dollars a week meaning thats an extra 260 a month. Its not hard but its annoying to sit in a place for 6 hours twice a week. I wish there was more of a stop and go place for plasma, like 7-11 for donations. lol
  21. Today my boyfriend and I went to a plasma donation clinic since we need the cash and it is 40 dollars your first two times and a little less depending on your body weight the times after. Well we got screened and stuff and then had to wait like 5 hours. During this five hours my boyfriends blood sugar dropped since we couldnt leave to eat. When they hooked him up he had a small seizure after about 15 minutes on the machine. Since they had screened him so early in the day they didnt know he was too weak for it. I did fine but he got sick, threw up and he is not allowed to ever donate again. He used the money to buy Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 and he says it was worth a possible trip to the emergency room since he wouldnt have been able to afford it otherwise. So you guys got any?
  22. Its technically not a manga since it is an American graphic novel by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess.
  23. I would consider Puscifer a band since they are planning to release an actual album in October. As for how long the current project lasts with Maynard I have no idea. I honestly am not too fond of the music.
  24. I really HATE the Princess Bride but I love Neil Gaiman and I am looking forward to seeing Stardust. It looks kinda quirky and fun so I really can't wait.
  25. Have you ever seen a really bad show and wondered how they rationalized doing it? Well i caught Victoria Beckham: Coming to America on tv and must say, that was the biggest waste of my entire life. It was an hour long pompous load of fluff. I thought they would touch on the challenges and issues they would face coming to our country. What did i see? Victoria decorating, shopping and chatting. I guess i shouldn't be surprised, but i was. So anybody else catch this, or something just as dumb?
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