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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. How can anyone see any point in arguing over someone who died so long ago. If you want to voice your opinion on M.M. then voice it. I don't see what noodleboy means so accomplish by asking for opinions then bashing them with his/her version of the bible. I say his/her version because the bible can be interpreted many ways. That was a low shot rttocs77. I guess whatever religion you beleive in is squeaky clean. Which is no religion by the way. If Jesus existed i am sure he loved her in the purest way. The same way he loved all mankind.
  2. I agree with your observation, almost like making love. i have since quit, but i have not forgotten the feeling of control and euphoria.
  3. OMG someone else remembers hello world!!!!!!!! Hello world, this is me! Hello world! Man she had cool hair. I definetly remember her. she came out around the same time as Venga Boys. The Venga bus is comin and everybodys jumpin' or My heart goes sha la la la la. sha la la in the morning. sha la la la la. sha la la just for you. I listen to some pretty heavy stuff, so it freaks some people out i like some pop and dance music. The walls on my room used to be divided, one side for the backstreet boys, one side for coal chamber and death and goth music. I have always liked them, i also like kylie minogue a bit. I also just adore savage garden, i hate people who say they only like a certain type of music. They lie more than likely. That doesn't leave this forum! I repeat, this doesn't leave this forum. I have just risked all of my board credability, i wouldn't be surprised if this post got me banned.
  4. This is one about self mutilation. I am open to any tips and thoughts on it. I haven't thought of a name yet. i love the way you feel a scar upon my skin raised up angry welts tickling my lips how can a feeling so divine be so tender to the touch i never knew i could love you so very much the older we become the more i yearn to see just how many times i can make you bleed even as i raise you to my lips to say good bye i still know that you will never leave my side
  5. Seems a little beyond me why anyone would even think about it. Honestly, don't people have enough trouble with identity already? If you are a guy who wants to become a girl what if you change your mind? The fact this has been described as a fad is even weirder. Do what makes you happy.
  6. The manga is just too crazy for me to keep up with! The anime is just enough zany fun for me to handle. But the manga is just Bam Bam!
  7. This looks pretty interesting. Might check it out. I gotta say though, the movie was totally a waste. I like the series though.
  8. Deal with it Man! I know some people who can't function so they go to parties to chill out and then they are more stressed than before. They put off dealing with it. That can only make it worse. Don't go have fun to relax, do the work then chill out. It's like stressing over homework while being too lazy to do it. Pointless.
  9. The girl annoys the bejesus out of me. Like when they were reviewing that xbox game *can't remember title* it was an online game. She repearedly said, no on is playing the game. Over and over!!!!! I think the show is ok except for that.
  10. I never said i made their relationship end. I said maybe just because i wished it would i brought bad upon myself. If i had the power to end the relationship i wouldn't feel bad at all. Okay vegeta rocker think posistive thoughts......... this would be much easier if i didn't see him every day. bleh.
  11. My greatest achievment was realizing that many of my achievments were worth crap to me. I got them for other peoples amusement. The only achievment i hold as personal is passing my first Film school skills test. Man, that sticker makes me mighty proud every now and then.
  12. I think luck and fate go hand in hand. Maybe it is your fate to have good or bad luck in your lifetime. Or really what we see as luck is just the product of our own choices. Like my roommate, she failed some classes. That wasn't bad luck, she didn't pay enough attention to school. It was the inevitable result. What is happening with me is not like that. I haven't altered my behavior in the least and yet these things continue to happen.
  13. thanks animangademon, yeah it totally bites. But now my bad luck seems to be letting up a bit. I actually hope they get back together since it seemed so devastating to him. Long as he's happy, doesn't mean i have to like it though. Maybe it is just me, i will try and think more positively from now on. By the way, i just dropped a can of very heavy dog food on my toes.
  14. Do you believe in bad luck/karma? I have been having bad luck for awhile and keep cutting and bruising myself. My roommate thinks it's because of this guy i liked. See there was this guy (isn't it always a guy to bring bad luck) and i really really liked him. Well i found out that he was engaged and i felt horrible. I liked him that much. I couldn't think about much else. I had never seen her so my roommate came to the conclusion she looked like jabba the hut. Well nearly every day after that i told her he wasn't going to get married, i just knew he wasn't. Well he later asked me to help him with a project, which i did, and he came to me the next day we would work on it and said he and his girlfriend had broken up. That very day i hurt my foot while on the project. The next week i got a NERV anime pin through my finger. He asked me if i had an eraser and when i reached in my bag to get it it stabbed me! Then just a few weeks ago i cracked my thumbnail halfway down and had to pull most of it off. Now he acts sarcastic and arrogant with me, even more than usual since he is kind of a jerk anyway. So is this bad luck brought on by wishing them to break up constantly? Or is it just a coincidence? Keep in mind i wished it every day for about 2 months, and i meant it.
  15. man it's been awhile since i posted anything. Had writers block, well actually i still kinda do. This is a first draft of a totally free hand non rhyming poem. I would really appreciate some bashing criticizing replies. I have never posted a poem at such an early stage in it's development so it definetly needs to be ripped apart. So please, spare no expense. I have a thick skin. Never Enough Sometimes my sadness digs so deep i choke on it and nearly spit it up then it latches on once again never enough no it's never enough i can feel it as it retreats inside of me once more merging with my blood and reproducing with my tainted cells like a parasite fixed to my soul sometimes my sadness runs so deep i choke on it and nearly spit it up always nearly never enough it's never enough
  16. Dear God they make you cringe sometimes! Ha thats weird, i was going to post about them after checking them out. It's a funny story actually, i was working on a com and some nearby tutors had the sound all the way up. I had to see the mayhem myself
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hiei Jagashi [/i] [B]All i know aboght this anime was that it was not very long.I also have heard it is exelent.I persenoly think it looks realy cool and whould realy like to see it but i cant aford to buy the series. [/B][/QUOTE] Not very long? It's 26 episodes like most animes. Unless you are thinking of the original which i have no idea about it length.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] [B]All students are to wear their picture ID's at ALL times or you have to buy a temporary one. If you eventually reach five days of no ID you get a detention and a call home. [/B][/QUOTE] This one does seem a little ridiculous, but they have to know who belongs on campus or not so it's understandable. My school requires that as well. But i almost never wear it anyway. ^-^ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] We're not allowed to wear big pants or wigs. [/B][/QUOTE] Why would you not be allowed to wear wigs? This is one of those rules that if it was pushed, would cause a big stir. Say, for example, someone was going through radiation therapy will attending school. The school not allowing them to wear a wig could cause mental anguish. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] You cannot wear open toe or backless shoes, unless it has some sort of heel. [/B][/QUOTE] This one comes from the flip flop rule. It's a safety violation to wear them since you could trip or fall on stairs or in hallways. If it's open toe and has a heel someone can't step on the back and trip you. The rule i find ridiculous is the cell phone rule. We are in high school old enough for cars, relationships and can't have a damn cell? But someone always messes it up and thats how rules get made. The boys who can't spike their hair did it too high so they pushed it. And the dumb preppie kids couldn't turn off the cell in high school. What the hell! I had me cell for two years before they made the rule and my phone NEVER rang in class. I had sense to turn it off. What could possibly be so important they had to have it on? It's called voicemail.
  19. They are horrible now. The last musical straw was when they did music for XXX. After not hearing some of them for awhile (excluding links) i threw in the towel.
  20. How's this for dumb? A few pals and i were bored last night so we got some liquid lubricant (don't ask what kind) and spread it all on the kitchen floor. We then proceeded to run and slide and fall for hours. There was even some wrestling and we couldn't even stand! Then one of them got a running start from the living room and slide so hard his leg got stuck under the dishwasher! He was in agony trying to yank it out. Then i got a running start and fell so hard my glasses flew off my head. We got the whole thing on tape. One of the funniest parts is the fact that i left FF7 on in the living room so we actually had some theme music. Imagine slidng and running to the game over theme. It gave the whole tape a nostalgic quality. The kitchen is still slippery though, when i walked in an hour later around 4 in the morning i almost flew into the oven door. I hope we remember to clean it up before they inspect. Got any totally cool moments to share?
  21. Am I the only one who enjoys the lyrics? Well maybe it's just because Prissi is singing.......lol If you want a terrible song, how about the one Prissi is singing in like episode 2? Or 3? It's the one when Rina finds her. It goes something like we look to the west and stuff like that. Japanese should have been used for that song. It just burns your ears in english. As for the actual series, i think it is awesome and that is why it is one of my personal favorites. I have only seen a bit of the original bubblegum crisis but i hear that all of the politics were replaced with the sex appeal of 2040. Prissi is my alter ego.
  22. *snickers at clever placement of ad* okay it wasn't really me ^-^ but, that is pretty interesting. Now i feel like a part of history. If it had come on in the middle of a show like reign i probably would have killed myself. Hey,it was only a matter of time. This is hands down the best anime forum on the net.
  23. This case will go just as far as the fat man suing mcdonalds. They show a disclaimer so what else can they do? If you let your kids watch tv that late than odds are they are watching way worse stuff. No wonder parents are never taken seriously by their kids anymore. kid: Mommy what are you doing? mom: mommy's calling your cartoon channel so they won't show wrong things past an appropriate hour. Now go to a sex party like every bored suburban kid. this makes me sick. Parents have control over their kids, all they have to do is take away the remote. Why do people try to change the world when all they have to do is change themselves? Queen Asuka, i agree with you on some points. But my main beef is not with the fact kids watch it or even that they show the cartoon. My problem is that i am fed up with parents not taking responsability for their kids. This goes past cartoon network.
  24. Is there an anime that you can watch over and over again and still find things about it funny? I recently saw Nadesico again I still laughed my head off. There were so many things that i missed the first time. Little snickers and jokes and jabs at things that you can't catch when you are into the plot for the first time. So is there any series that never gets old?
  25. If you were going to kill yourself how would you do it? I don't aim this at suicidal people, it's just a question. Like if you could save the world by killing yourself how would you do it? When you are really sad you can think of any way and not care about the pain. But if you had to do it when you weren't depressed how would it go? If I was depressed i would stab myself in the stomach,thought about that a few times. With a big pair of scissors. But if i had to when i had no choice, i guess i would have someoen else do it. Like stab me in the heart or something.
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