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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. It is so obvious he is lying. His story has way too many holes. Besides when i talk about my boyfriend skippy people know im telling the truth. It doesn't matter no one has ever really seen him or the fact that he chooses to be invisible all the time. ^_^ come on everybody lies and the people who claim not to lie are lying to themselves.
  2. The first forum i ever joined was a heavy music forum. Everyone had names like DeathToaLL and the such. I failed to think of a cool name that would make me seem mean and unfeeling. After many attempts i just put together something i liked. I was REALLY into Vegeta back then and I was in love with rock music so thats how i chose it. it's actually pretty corny and makes me sound like a dorky newbie but oh well. I can't change it because i get so easily attached to things and it is my first forum name so i don't want to lose it.........besides, what could i change it to? Vegeta Punker? Vegeta Socker? Hey Vegeta Socker? I could be on to something.
  3. Yeah yeah i know the classic gaming area failed. But this is a nintendo forum so it won't kill anyone to remember the game. I have just started playing it and does it scare the hell outta me! The arrow moving thing is dumb but you forget about it after awhile. My point is it is so freaky to be weirded out by such an old game. So anyone ever been scared of a game with such old graphics?
  4. mmmmmm so many choices i will have to choose more than one though,sorry bulma, since she is vegeta's wife kurama since he is hiei's wife ^-^ kira because she is Rei's girlfriend (mars) well those choices are pretty one sided huh? As for myself and having nothing to do with marriage i would have to go with being....well damn, i can't decide. hmm i would say perhaps some who hangs out alone perhaps. maybe a vampire. Nah, i wanna be Ryoko! (nadesico)
  5. yeah sure for a few years about 3 i got picked on. But then the way i dress became cool and i was an idol. No matter what counselors and school teachers say don't ignore them. Then they just keep at it until they get to you. Least he's gone, for now.................... If he had done that to me i would have calmly asked why he enjoys going through his mommy's things. I would also imply that he buys teddys.
  6. it's back huh? Well it was only a matter of time. Bebop is still pretty popular no matter how many times it runs. now if only they would bring back pilot candidate we would be on to something.
  7. Well, no matter what work i have to do on the com i always check out OB. I don't even sign in, i just run around and read posts. I'm such a dork. As for ANNOYING habits I always have to press the f2 button or something just to hear it beep. I can do that for hours. In fact, im doing it now.
  8. I remember watching the first episode. I was over at someones house and right after the episode Sakura Wars started up and we couldn't watch it. In fact the only thing we could watch was Vampire Hunter D. And that was UPLIFTING. I liked it though, the animation was just dripping with sepia and neutral colors.
  9. The dub wasn't THAT horrible. It was not well done but it was still entertaining. But that shows you how great the show is, if it can still come out of a horrible dub looking cool, it must do something right. I highly reccomend it. It has humor,action and drama. The music is also excellent. Both the opening and both ending themes.
  10. I just heard bottom of a bottle. They kind of remind me of a grainier version of Breaking Benjamin. Like if you combined seether with Breaking Benjamin thats what you would get.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Blood Reign was a was a two OAV sereis i saw on the action channel that was pretty disturbing. [/B][/QUOTE] Thats my favorite anime of all time. *remembers when was a newbie and spoke of it often* The most disturbing thing i can think of is those two short films on the animatrix. The second Renaissance 1&2. That is very disturbing. Or in Argentosoma, when Ryu is cowering in his room wrapped in a blanket. He is such a cool quiet type that when he does that it just catches you off gaurd. You're like,whoa! he has emotions after all.
  12. I had a close friend in jr high who died. She died like 2 years after we were friends. She had moved back home so that was why we didn't hang out. It's weird, she was the cousin of my now best friend. She was murdered suppossedly i didn't know her family too well but that was what my mother said happened. Her cousin was vague with details as well. It's weird not knowing why or how someone died, it's like they kind of just disappear.
  13. depends on the price. If it is like 25 or something. I like Blue Submarine No.6 but its a set of OVAs and there are like 3 and there is only one part per 30 dollar dvd.
  14. I only brought up turok because it came out on N64 when i played it. I only brought up DBZ because they put out Legacy of Goku II and they didn't even mes with it's worse flaw, the battle system. Every system has bad games, except Dreamcast of course. *remembers Sonic Shuffle* Nevermind
  15. I would never actually go for the PSX, i just want a pS3.....as for them being hit and miss you are probably right. That was my first time buying one. (Game informer Diehard) so i am not very aware of their reputation. As for the PSX just being a huge hunk of media, i couldn't agree more. bleh, i wonder what the psp will look like? *envisions a pair of wings gracing a screen* The whole psp thing must have Nintendos panties in a twist. But they pretty much rule that market so they probably have nothing to worry about. *remembers the Dolphin* Well maybe not MUCH to worry about. *remembers Turok for N64* As long as they don't put out any more crappy GBA games. *legacy of Goku battle system* And gamers may weep.
  16. Hey well i figured since it was in Electronic Gaming Monthly it was a pretty reliable picture. The other rumor about FF7 i also read in EGM.
  17. it was popular where i live but only the mainstream ones. Over here in dallas where i go to college now everybody likes it.
  18. What do you think about the PSP (playstation portable) it sounds interesting. Im not sure when it's released. it looks like a gameboy sp a bit except with the signature ps buttons. Its rumored that final fantasy 7's sequel will be available for it. what do you think of the psx. I've seen pictures of it and it looks sweet. It is suppossed to work as a version of tiVo as well. You can lay it on any side you want, its a perfect square. I'll rummage around for some pics.
  19. Depends on the music.there is some terrible techno and trance out there that makes you want to burn the clubs down.
  20. i have been waiting for this game since like January. Sieg looks like an interesting character *glances at photo above bed* and it has been referred to as a "gothic opera". I saw some of it on X play and the moves kind of reminded me of Dante but not that much.
  21. Zelda Wind walker? Still watching too much Star Wars evidently. And bite me, you know i hate xbox. You really consider it a serious fighting game? A serious fighting game is Soul Blade or Alpha Fighter. DOA is just alot of attractive buttton mashing.
  22. First of all, Everquest has some of the ugliest characters ever created. I mean who would you rather be, an attractive long haired model or a green monster? As for paying monthly i couldn't agree more. I don't like online games anyway.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]Heh, there has only been one movie that has ever made me all out cry. It is this movie my mom rented once called [i]Fluke[/i]. [/B][/QUOTE] aghghhgh i love that movie! Its so sad. I got pretty choked up. The ending was kind of uplifting though, you felt things never end.
  24. I'm sure there are some Splinter Cell fans around here, so i thought i would ask something. The next Splinter Cell (pandora something) is slated to be online. I was wondering if you thought this was a good thing or a bad thing. As for the other game i want to bring up............. Resident Evil Outbreak. This will be online as well. If memory serves, you get about 4 characters at once. You can have your friends be the other 3 or the computer can assume their roles. And Final Fantasy XI is slateds to hit american shores soon, its out in japan, and from the screencaps i have seen it looks like happy hunting. Spill.
  25. *intends to shoot self afterward for posting in Xbox area* What are your thoughts on Dead or Alive online? Come on i know you've heard of it. Personally i can't seem to get away from hearing it. Online this, online that. Well they are using the first two (which came out on Sega Saturn, Score one for Sega!!!) and vamping them up. Could be interesting, but i wonder how the game will fare. So give your thoughts.
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